“It’s okay , a group of ants, occasionally popping out a few ants, can’t make waves. As for you…” Martial God’s pupil light finally noticed Ye Fei.

Ye Fei is very depressed about this. He has been standing there for a long time, and this Martial God is considered to have not been seen. If he can, he really wants to curse at this time.

At the same time, Martial God looked towards Ye Fei’s pupil light, and hesitated a little. After much consideration, he continued: “Your performance is remarkable! Kill the beasts, you are the most. Protecting the villagers is also the hardest effort. In the end, you can kill the Beastmaster and resolve the villagers’ crisis. You have also contributed a lot, but it is a pity…”

“What a pity?” Ye Fei’s heart was tight.

Martial God sighed: “It’s a pity that you are a man abandoned by the sky! Your identity is too special, otherwise, you are the most suitable candidate to become the Guardian.”

bang ! The words of Martial God made Ye Fei’s face pale. Then, he thought of something, and quickly said: “No, Senior, you are discrimination! I was in the Human Formation Sect and met the Fairy elder sister. She clearly said that even if I am a person who is abandoned by the sky, I can Become a Guardian! You can’t be a guardian!

Speaking is nothing, right?”

“Bold boy, how dare you be disrespectful against the sect!” The five big and three rough spirits suddenly fiercely fiercely Staring at Ye Fei, just waiting for Sect Master to order, so that Ye Fei can be thrown out.

Ye Fei’s vest came out of cold sweat, and only then discovered that he was too excited and accidentally offended Martial God, but soon he thought again, what about offending, this Martial God is obviously There is a prejudice against people who are abandoned in the sky. If you don’t work hard now, then you will lose money.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei no longer had any scruples, and immediately went back out of anger and said, “It’s you who should shut up. Fairy elder sister promised me that as long as I come Jinzong, then you can definitely become a Guardian. Could Fairy elder sister actually lie to me?”

“You, don’t want to have sex with you!” This spirit looks like five big and three rough, but the mind is very delicate. At a glance, it was obvious that Ye Fei’s mouthful of Fairy elder sisters was a bad intention. “Senior, I didn’t scream, in fact, I also want to call Jin’s Fairy elder sister Senior. Unfortunately, Jin’s Fairy elder sister is very upset. She said that the most regrettable thing about her is that she didn’t have a younger brother before she was alive, and she looked like me when she saw me. Seeing the same as the younger brother, he ordered me to call her a Fairy elder sister. “Ye Fei

He has a simple face and a hint of grievance in his tone.

“You, such a lie, also want to deceive Sect Master!” The eyes of the five big and three thick array spirits are already obviously with a trace of contempt.

Ye Fei immediately took out the key of the Human Formation Sect and said: “I didn’t lie, don’t believe me, this is the token given to me by the elder sister, and said that I brought this token. Come to the Earth Formation Sect. , Sect Master will definitely give her face and take care of me. Is the elder sister really lying to me?”

Ye Fei’s expression was disappointing.

“My younger sister, will not deceive, this, I can guarantee it!” Martial God’s pupil light, with seriousness.

“I have seen the big brother of Di Zhen Zi.” Ye Fei saluted the Di Zhen Zi very honestly, and when he heard his name, the five big and three thick spirits were no longer despised, but mocked. Even Ji Chan himself was taken aback.

“What do you call me?”

“The big brother, I am the younger brother recognized by Fairy elder sister, her brother is my brother, can it , I’m not right to call that…” Ye Fei suddenly became worried.


The ground gave Ye Fei a deep look. With his wisdom, of course, he saw Ye Fei’s purpose. He originally refused, but he was watching After Ye Fei took out the key, his cold eyes still couldn’t help flashing a soft light. “You are right. Even if we have different ideas, she is still my younger sister in the end. Since she is willing to give you this key, it proves that she values ​​you. If I reject you directly, it would be too much. Unfeeling, looking at her sister’s face, I will make an exception and allow you to pass this assessment

. Jinling, you take it into the gate.” Di Jinzi instructed.

“God’s decree!” The five big and three thick array spirits are very depressed, like didn’t expect, Ye Fei can pass the assessment of the ground formation sect. Then Ye Fei’s next words made the spirit of the array tremble again, admiring Ye Fei’s spirit of not afraid of death.

Chapter 1589 Divine Formation of Heaven and Earth

Ye Fei directly shouted: “Divine Big Brother, please wait a minute, Fairy elder sister also told me that as long as I pass the test , Di Zhen Zong, can help me breakthrough Martial Sovereign, I don’t know if this is true?”

The pupil light of Di Zhen Zong is shocked again, said solemnly: “She also told What are you?”

“Fairy elder sister also said that Divine Formation has a Divine Formation, which allows me to survive the Martial Sovereign. This is also the purpose of my visit to the Divine Sovereign. “Ye Fei also said solemnly.

He had to say this, because, breakthrough Martial Sovereign, but it was related to his life. Since it was so hard to come into contact with Martial God like the ground formation, Ye Fei of course had to ask immediately. Will rest assured.

When I heard Ye Fei’s question, the five big and three thick array spirits almost fainted on the spot, “How could it be, how could Young Lady reveal such important information. This is my top secret array.” .”

“No matter how big the secret is, there will be a day when it will expire. Now that we are all dead, we still keep the secret. What’s the use? Besides, he is a man abandoned by the sky, and the younger sister, she, again She firmly believes in that legend, of course she could, but she can tell him the secret.” The ground is not very surprised.

Ye Fei also keenly grasped an important piece of information from this remark, that the Geographical Sect is indeed capable of helping him through the most difficult Martial Sovereign Heavenly Tribulation.

His heart suddenly shaken, and he is no longer gagging and arrogant as before. Instead, he solemnly handed over to the ground, “Senior, I am here. In order to survive the Martial Sovereign robbery, I don’t know what to do before Senior can promise to help me?”

“You won’t call me big brother?” The expression on the ground, faint smile. Ye Fei shook his head flatly and said: “If I can, of course I would like to call it that way. Who doesn’t want to have a Martial God big brother as a backer. I was in a hurry just now. If I don’t engage in relationships like that, I would use Senior to treat us abandoned people. His prejudice will surely drive me away immediately, and I won’t listen to so many words.”

Nodded and said: “Little Brat is clever, no wonder My proud younger sister will choose you. You are right. Without your gag, I would never have listened to you so much, but in the same way, your hard work is nothing more than that!” For a while, a flash of pride flashed across her body, said solemnly: “Since my sister is willing to tell you Divine Formation, she should have also told you that the reason for our split in Ancient Formation, in the final analysis, our family is too We are proud. Not only do we have different ideas, but also the same beliefs. For example, the sister-in-law, she believes in the abilities of those who have been abandoned by nature, but I don’t believe it!”

“Then what should I do to convince Senior!” Ye Fei was not discouraged, but immediately asked, whether he can use the Divine Formation and breakthrough Martial Sovereign of heaven and earth is very important to him.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, he is impossible to give up.

“Your temperament is good! Knowing that I have rejected you, you still refuse to give up?” Suddenly, Ye Fei became a little curious about it.

He has seen too many things. After being rejected by him, the so-called genius of weeping bitter tears, but Ye Fei’s calmness, surprised him a bit.

Ye Fei calmly said, “Why should I give up? What I can’t get is that I didn’t work hard enough. What I got is that I worked hard enough. The matter is not over yet, why am I Want to give up?” “Well said, the war is not over yet, why, that many people wanted to give up! Little Brat, from your body, I felt a strong spirit strength. Originally, I thought you were a People who seize every opportunity, but now I know that you are actually a temperament outside the circle and inside.

From your body, I seem to see the silhouette of an old person.”

“Old man, who?” Ye Fei was curious. A strange touch appeared on the face of the ground, said solemnly: “That is an extremely casual, extremely narcissistic person, the kind of person who promises to let you meet once, and you want to fight once… Of course, although he is casual, he insists Principle, although he is narcissistic, he never backs down. In my own heart, when I see him, I want to beat him. In justice, I admire him very much. Everyone is desperate. He There is no despair, everyone gave up, he did not give up, everyone is afraid, he still has the courage!”

“This person described by the ground, how do I feel familiar…” Ye Fei In my heart, unfathomable mystery has a familiar feeling. After taking a deep look at Ye Fei, he stared at him for a while and said: “Your persistence and your hard work have moved me. You can’t let me take the risk to open up the Divine Formation for you. However, I can give you one last chance. , If you who are abandoned by heaven really have that ability, then you will show it

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