Show me! “

hong long long!

A strange wave suddenly came from the void. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a torrent of treasures. Numerous treasures formed a torrent of treasure in it, forming a special treasure river. The ground formation said: “This is the treasure house of my ground formation sect. You should have seen it. There are millions of treasures in it, from Martial Sovereign to Martial God! It’s the greatest treasure of our sect. Now, I intercept 10,000 treasures among them. Now, you show the ability of your abandoned treasures. From these 10,000 random treasures, grab the ground.

Lingzhu, I will make an exception to open a Divine Formation for you! “

Treasure of 10,000 pieces, grab the Earth Spirit Orb!

Ye Fei gasped for ten breaths. This is a 1/10000th chance, but he can’t hold back. I can’t retreat. The ground has already said that this is his last chance. Whether he can seize this opportunity, breakthrough Martial Sovereign, depends on whether he has the ability to grab the Earth Spirit Orb inside.

” Dare to ask Senior, what is the Earth Spirit Orb like? “Ye Fei asked.

“You have decided, are you afraid? “The ground said.

“Why do I want it, fate is destined, but the opportunity is in my hands!” “Ye Fei is very confident, at worst let Xiaocao take the shot, anyway, the ground is already dead for a while, even if you find Xiaocao, it should not hurt Xiaocao.

Ye Fei secretly plot against.

He stopped talking. In his hand, a streak of divine light, a condense earth spirit orb appeared. Ye Fei raised his eyes to see the earth spirit orb, and his eyes almost stared out. It’s actually the Earth Spirit Orb!

His complexion suddenly became extremely weird, and he glanced at the beast mark space subconsciously.

“Why didn’t you catch it? “Qianzi asked.


Ye Fei’s complexion could not help becoming even more weird, but under the urging of the situation, he still gritted his teeth and took advantage of the grass. I was sleeping, and suddenly took the spirit orb out of the beast seal space, “Senior, don’t catch it, the earth spirit orb, I have already caught it. “Ye Fei’s hand took out the Earth Spirit Orb. Seeing that Spirit Orb, the five big and three thick spiritual eyes glared, and suddenly it fell downside down and fell into the void.

Chapter 1590 Wujie And the emperor

“You…Where did you get the Earth Spirit Orb? “The tone of the ground is no longer calm, and the gaze faintly looked towards Ye Fei, still a little surprised.

“From this treasure river, through the first test, when I choose treasure, I just Grab this pearl. “Ye Fei’s face is full of innocence. Looking at the pearl, it is Martial God around the world, and I just stayed for a while. You know, he asked Ye Fei to randomly grab the Earth Spirit Orb from 10,000 treasures. Regarding the face of the deceased and younger sister, I was determined to let go of the water. Even so, I still didn’t believe that Ye Fei really had that heaven-defying miracle. I could catch the Earth Spirit Orb just once.

But Ye Fei, without his release, had already grabbed the only earth spirit orb from the hundred Myriad Treasures. Although the earth has existed for 100,000 years, he experienced After countless years, I have seen countless geniuses who are ten times stronger than Ye Fei and a hundred times stronger than Ye Fei. His face twitched fiercely, and then said with a smile very loudly: “Is this God’s will? The abilities of you people who are abandoned by heaven are really terrifying. I am convinced for a while. Come with me. “Ye Fei was not given a chance to ask more. The ground was dark, and with a big hand wave, the entire ground formation, the hidden several millions Formation, all roared at this moment. It is no longer the ocean of Formation, but it is clearly a world of Formation. At this time, Ye Fei is standing above this world, looking down at the infinite array of


What’s more terrifying is that these Formations have an array of spirits. A line of spirits is extremely powerful, and it is even more of a Martial Emperor Realm.

“Does this mean that if these spirits become humans, they will be several millions of Martial Emperor experts! “Ye Fei’s face couldn’t help showing a touch of astonishment. On the dark face of the ground, with a faint pride, pointed at the formation spirits and said: “These million formation spirits are the core of my Divine Formation Sect. The key to Formation is the concept of our formation. The whole world is a big formation. Heavenly Dao is the spirit of this formation! I can’t

to understand its god, but I can imitate its shape to form another world, Divine Formation! Ye Fei, now you enter this Divine Formation, start your Martial Sovereign robbery! “

Ye Fei was suddenly depressed: “Senior, I don’t seem to have reached the sign of Martial Sovereign…”

The ground trembled, said solemnly: “Swallow Go to the Earth Spirit Orb, you can immediately break the barrier and attract Martial Sovereign Heavenly Tribulation! “

“so that’s how it is, I just swallowed the Earth Spirit Orb, Xiaocao is probably going to be emotional again, hey…” But in order to break through Martial Sovereign as soon as possible, Ye Fei does not have other methods, he He quickly swallowed the Earth Spirit Orb. Suddenly, he felt a special energy that was more amazing than Spiritual Qi, flooding his within the body.

In a crash, his unbreakable Martial Dao barrier, unexpectedly at this moment, an instant breakthrough, Ye Fei’s realm has also entered the Martial Sovereign Realm from the Half-Emperor Realm.

hong long long! A breath of robbery, suddenly from Ye Fei’s body radiated towards endless void. At the end of the void, Heavenly Dao’s anger suddenly came, but what Heavenly Dao radiated was no longer a robbery cloud. It was a thunderbolt arm. The arm was as big as a star and exuded even more. The Martial God who shares the ground

The breath, and the breath of horror.

Ye Fei’s face turned pale, this, is it his Martial Sovereign robbery! That came , It was actually a thunderbolt arm comparable to Martial God.

At this time, he finally understood why anyone who was abandoned by the sky could not survive the Martial Sovereign calamity. This is where the calamity is, it is simply death. Ah. Don’t say he couldn’t get through the little Martial Sovereign, it’s the Martial Emperor coming, facing this thunderbolt arm comparable to Martial God, he will be instantly explodes into waste! “What the hell did this kid do? It actually attracted a blow from Martial God! “Even though Heavenly Dao condensed this Martial God incomplete, the brows of the ground formation quickly condensed into a ball, and then coldly snorted: “My ground formation, the ultimate goal I pursue is to kill the ground god, not to mention just a zone /p>

A Martial God arm in the area, even if Heavenly Dao is condensed into a complete Martial God, I can’t kill it! “



Kill! A huge formation flag emerged in the hands of the ground front, and shook it violently to the sky. Suddenly, the entire sky, They all shook violently. In an instant, the starry sky surging, the sun and the moon shattered. A world of Divine Formation, rising from the ground, in this brief moment, the world was squeezed out by the Divine Formation, several millions Martial Emperor array spirits

At this time, it was condensed into a golden fist.

Then the fist screamed, like a piece of heaven and earth, crushing to another. The thunderbolt arm has been shocked. The god fist completely destroyed.

The entire starry sky, at this time, there was the roar of Heavenly Dao’s anger, in the sky, Ye Fei even saw a vortex composed of thunderbolt, forming Heavenly Eye, emerging from the void, A cold and merciless glance at World’s All Living Things, everything in the Universe Starry Sky.

Divine Formation proudly said: “Don’t worry, enter the Divine Formation of Heaven and Earth. You are already not in Heavenly Dao where Heavenly Dao is located. Heavenly Dao can’t find it. You cannot kill you. “

hong long! Void sky, there are terrifying thunderbolt everywhere, each one is enough to instantly destroy Ye Fei into fly ashes, but just like the divine formation said, the heaven and earth Divine Formation covers Next, Heavenly Eye in the void, after watching for a long time, I still couldn’t find Ye Fei’s true body. Finally, with Ye Fei’s body

, the last trace of disaster disappeared.

Heavenly Eye at the end of the void gradually dissipated very unwillingly.

Ye Fei also suddenly felt that his within the body, a majestic force, burst out from his within the body, and at the same time The eight Primordial Spirits that existed in him within the body, suddenly at this time, the Iori Return to Origin, merged into one, like a god in an imperial robe sitting in his Purple Mansion.

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