Silentlessly, a gloomy illusory shadow has quickly arrived behind Di Fan, all around the space, suddenly a tragic Death Aura appeared.

“Killing the Gods!”

The Black Hell Holy Son’s tone was low and deep, and he displayed a secret technique of killing and cutting that Ye Fei had never seen before. His silhouette was bright and dark, as if A ghost actually penetrated the void, and the spear glow turned into a black afterimage, causing countless cracks to appear in Emperor Fan’s purple armor.

“courting death, the fury of War God!”


Di Fan suddenly roared, seeing the battle armor that was about to break, at this moment , Became solid again, and at the same time, Di Fan’s strength suddenly doubled at this time, entering a certain state of madness, and then punched back and hit the black prison Holy Son again.

Wow! The black prison Holy Son screamed. The entire chest was punched with a deep blood hole by Emperor Fan’s fist, and he was severely injured again, but because Emperor Fan also launched this move, his entire breath became sluggish, and immediately He didn’t dare to continue fighting with Ye Fei, but suddenly retreated in anger

, and took out a lot of medicine pill on the spot, hoping to recover from his injury as soon as possible.

And then Holy Son in the black prison was seriously injured, and Emperor Fan was at a great consumption and temporarily withdrew from the battle. Only Ye Fei, Xue Yue, and the broken army were left.

Ye Fei didn’t mean to be happy, and his heart sank to the bottom in an instant. He knew that with the serious injury of Holy Son in the black prison, he would be alone, facing Xue Yue and Pojun. attack! Xue Yue and Po Jun also immediately discovered this unusually beneficial situation, Xue Yue fell into ecstasy, “haha, Ye Fei, can’t you think of it, your death date has come, Po Jun, we will join forces and kill him! Heaven and Earth! One knife!”

Chapter 1598 Shocking Explosion

Ye Fei’s eyes rolled, and suddenly, before Xue Yue and Pojun joined forces, he suddenly said to Emperor Fan who retreated behind: “Di Fan, I know that you still have battle strength. It’s better to join forces and solve them first, and you and I will fight one last time!” Without waiting for Di Fan’s consent, Ye Fei had already violently Tearing the Void when Xue Yue came over. Appearing in front of Difan, it seems that Ye Fei retreats, giving up the opportunity to compete for treasure, but Xue Yue and the broken army are not monolithic. Once Ye Fei retreats, the remaining two, either

Infighting, either is to continue to unite, chase after him, and face the common attack from him and Emperor Fan.

All the wise people present at the scene naturally saw Ye Fei’s sinister intentions. Xue Yue and Po Jun were immediately disgusted.

But when Ye Fei and Difan still have battle strength, since they dare not fight inwardly, let alone rush to the altar to take the Martial God treasure, leaving their backs unsuspectingly enemy.

What the two of them can do at this time is to resist the nausea. Ye Fei and Difan, who fought first, completely lose the ability to fight, and then compete with each other. So while Ye Fei retreated, even if they knew that this was the best opportunity to seize treasure, they had to endure the fire and continue to join forces to pursue Ye Fei. Because of his anger at Ye Fei, Xue Yue now broke through the limits of the sword path, and he used the ancient heavenly powers that he hadn’t mastered.

“Sky Cross Slash!”

The blade of light swept across the sky and tore the earth. With the appearance of Xue Yue, two overlapping rays of light appeared in the void, which also caused Xue Yue’s battle strength has doubled at this moment.

“Kill, the eighth-level dragon!” Ye Fei did not flinch. At the moment when Xue Yue took the shot, he also launched his own ancient power.

Eight dragons, coming from smashing void, centered on Ye Fei, forming eight peculiar portals. Each portal is guarded by a powerful dragon. When the eight dragons gather, the whole The emptiness has been suppressed and has instant solidification.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, eight dragons spouted the golden sun at the same time, the blood dragon suppressed the hell, the Ice Dragon garrisoned the cold water, and the Azure Dragon suppressed the Celestial Court. The three heavenly dragons, echoing each other, seem to contain a certain Heaven and Earth Rule, colliding with the Cross Slash that Xue Yue killed.

During the battle, Ye Fei didn’t ask Difan’s opinion, and didn’t care whether Difan would unite with him, but he believed that Difan was a wise man and would definitely make the wisest choice. . Di Fan’s expression has also undergone a major change at this moment. “This Ye Fei is actually a cunning. He actually used me as a saint being used as a tool, but what he said is reasonable. Ye Fei is defeated and I will face two Personal attacks, if the black prison Holy Son takes the opportunity to recover, I will face the attack of the three. It’s better to take advantage of the black prison Holy Son is still healing, first solve Xue Yue and the broken army, and finally , I will fight Ye Fei again! The wrath of War God!”


Difan’s originally weak body, supplemented by a large number of medicine pills, is fighting again He didn’t hesitate about Ye Fei’s strength. At the same time that Ye Fei was resisting Xue Yue, Emperor Fan also roared, once again incarnation purple War God, rushed towards the broken army.

“Ye Fei, I remember you when I broke the army!”

The broken army roared angrily. I was really disgusting by Ye Fei’s dirty means, but faced Emperor Fan’s powerful offensive, he no longer dared to support Xue Yue casually and attack Ye Fei, he could only make bronze lance burst out with the strongest rays of light, resisting Emperor Fan’s terrifying anger of War God.

“War-God Records!”

Di Fan didn’t mean to be entangled with the broken army. The moment he rushed to Xiang Pojun, he had already burst out his strongest battle strength, as a natural Saint, the Emperor’s family itself is a branch of War God, and the attack of Emperor Fan is undoubtedly the most terrifying among the people.

His purple magic fist, only three swings, has already smashed and bent the bronze lance that broke the army, making a metal twisting sound.

But as a descendant of Guardian, the strength of Breaking Army is also very strong. Although he is not against Emperor Fan, he still explodes all of his power with a spirit of seeing death as his home. Together with the Earth Grade field, they stab forward crazily.


On the other side, Ye Fei and Xue Yue’s battle was at its most intense. Xue Yue’s entire body turned into an invisible knife, and he raised his hands and feet. , Blade Qi is roaring, in the sky, flashing Cross Slash, cutting the void into pieces of terrifying tofu. And right in the middle of this tofu block, eight dragons, roaring wildly, Ye Fei Motionless As Mountains, holding the Black Sword in their hands, smashing forward like crazy, the Array Space that was smashed began to shake violently, golden rays of The light, like the scorching sun, makes Ye Fei suddenly look like a god and demon, becoming dazzling


Behind him, there are eight heavenly dragons, guarding the eight gods Secret Sect, and in front of him are the starlight emitted by the Black Sword and the howling sword glow that has been cut out. These sword lights, in the end, have been The mountains are formed, the forests are formed, and an ocean of swords and stars is formed.

“Impossible, he has just transformed into a peerless genius, he can actually have four king-level domains!”

Xue Yue vomited blood on the spot, and suddenly regretted it. He only cultivated one field, even though this field was Earth Grade, it was restrained by the weight of Black Sword. Although he still had Demi-God Artifact’s cold iron sword in his hand, he was matched by Ye Fei’s Blood Sword. Finally, Xue Yue made up his mind to expose the ancient skills he had learned, and Ye Fei immediately returned Revealing a stronger Taikoo Tiangong, or a terrifying Tiangong with four king-level domains

, colliding with his Cross Slash.

How to fight like this?

The domain was restrained, Demi-God Artifact was restrained, and now even Taikoo Tiangong was restrained, Xue Yueqi’s lungs were about to explode, even if it was peerless genius, a kind of birth Ye Fei, He Sheng, Xue Yue’s feeling of aggrieved feeling.


The two sides have another violent collision. This collision has allowed Ye Fei’s Black Sword to completely gain the upper hand. Ye Fei immediately seized this rare opportunity. It is necessary to behead Xue Yue forcefully. Xue Yue was also at this time and instantly felt the killing intent emitted by Ye Fei.

Xue Yue’s eyes suddenly became blood red, full of endless anger and suffocation, and roared: “What I can’t get, don’t even think about it, kill! The sky burst!”

bang! Suddenly a shocking explosion sounded from the entire void. Xue Yue, at this time, activated the forbidden knack of the Valley of the Sword God. Similarly, this is also a terrifying knack for perish together with the enemy. I saw Xue Yue using the secret technique and throwing the cold iron knife in his hand to the sky on the steps

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