
level field has definitely exploded.


Affected by the cold iron knife Self-destruction, this vast array of void suddenly shattered, endless void power, surging from all directions, like a black giant beast, opened Big mouth burst out even more terrifying void power than Heaven Grade Quasi-Emperor.

“How could this be?” Xue Yue was frightened and silly. His original intention was to destroy the treasure on the steps. Fiercely disgusted all the people present. How would he think of it on the steps? , There will be Martial God’s prohibition, at this time, he is even more attracted to attack them in turn.

“Xue Yue, you have a pig in your mind!” Di Fan, who was fighting against the broken army, roared fiercely, and then broke the army, the black prison Holy Son, and Ye Fei, simultaneously roared, I really want to drag Xue Yue over and kill him directly. Almost at the moment when the black giant beast was formed, several people all lost their Demi-God Artifact and lost the void black hole, and then immediately detonated.

Chapter 1599 Stepping on the Face

“Xue Yue, that idiot, he ruined the Heaven Grade field that I aspired to not enough, he also forcibly ruined me a Demi-God Artifact!”

Ye Fei looked at the Demi-God Artifact that was suddenly exploded by Swallowing Void. His heart was dripping blood, but he was not alone.

The Holy Son in the black prison also destroyed the god-killing blade, and the bronze lance that broke the army exploded. Emperor Fan was forced to take out an ancient remnant and throw it into the void. Slightly block the steps of the giant beast that Martial God restrained from swallowing.

At this time, the emperor went to Xue Yue desperately. You must know that the old remnant, but his emperor’s Old Ancestor has been a token of his life, but unfortunately it is such a token, plus Ye Fei’s Demi-God Artifacts were all self-destruction, but they failed to completely eliminate the giant beast of the void.

The four of Ye Fei suddenly turned red and stared at Xue Yue. Xue Yue is even more face deathly pale, but he also knows that he was really impulsive this time and caused a terrible disaster, “If I can’t stop that Martial God’s ban, we are all going to die!”

“Go away, use you to say, Octopus Tianlong, explode for me!” Ye Fei red eyes, suddenly eight whistling Tianlong flew out behind him , These heavenly dragons, all rushed forward, together with the domain, crashed into Self-destruction. “Ah, I don’t want to die, we must block it!” Xue Yue has already started to spread, where is the suave and chic of the once small sword god. He went into madness. Under the stimulation of life and death, his Sky Cross Slash changed from double attack to triple attack, which scared Emperor Fan and the others.


But at this juncture of life and death, no one dared to have other ideas. Emperor Fan Purple Qi was vertical and horizontal, among the clouds and acres above his head, he suddenly walked out of the three Saints, walked in front together, and started Self-destruction. .

The subsequent Black Prison Holy Son, Guardian descendants broke into the army, they all did not dare to have the slightest reservation, and launched their strongest attacks, blasting into the mouth of the black giant beast, everyone’s joint action, finally Let the size of giant beast no longer be huge.

But the continuous strikes of the five peerless geniuses prevented the complete formation of the black giant beast, but a large number of Demi-God Artifacts and the explosion of Taikoo Tiangong still made this void creak and twist. Transformation, Formation and Void are completely broken. Following this, the majestic pressure restrained by Martial God, like a terrifying world, crushed down, facing such a force, even peerless genius, there is no resistance at all. Ye Fei suddenly felt that his entire chest cavity was squeezed and deformed under this terrifying pressure.

Especially Martial God forbids that peculiar pulling force, and suddenly Ye Fei’s body becomes inflated like a balloon, and instantly becomes a Big Fatty, if not for Ye Fei’s fleshy The body has long been Great Accomplishment, and this pressure alone can cause his body to burst and violent death.

Then he looked towards others and found that Di Fan’s entire body was twisted and elongated like noodles, from white clothed War God to white clothed noodles.

The bronze armor that broke the army has already been all split up and in pieces, and his body began to collide, turning into a Big Fatty, and his skin was cracked, obviously on the fleshy body. The army can’t compare to him.

The worst thing is the black prison Holy Son. He was not good at frontal combat. He was first severely injured by Emperor Fan, and now he was pulled and twisted by the huge pressure of Martial God. This made the black prison Holy Son The whole body is like a shadow, twisted and elongated, as if to be broken at any time. The worst luck was Xue Yue. He was the closest to Martial God’s ban, and he was also under the greatest pressure. The body fluids, blood, and urine all over his body formed water droplets at this time, like a sponge, being squeezed a little bit. Outside of the body, if it weren’t for the Martial Sovereign that he had breakthrough, such a squeeze,

would be enough to cause Xue Yue to die on the spot.


Just when Ye Fei and the others thought that they would be directly dragged to death due to Xue Yue’s stupid impulse and the tearing force banned by Martial God , The entire Martial God was banned, and the suffocating pressure disappeared quickly.

The bodies of Ye Fei and the others quickly returned to normal, but everyone lost the ability to fight, and they could only fall to the ground, struggling and kicking, and Xue Yue was even more angry. He kept vomiting blood, but no matter how severe the injury was, everyone’s eyes were still staring at the steps not far away.

I saw this void. Everything was destroyed by Martial God’s pressure to restrain the outbreak. Only on the steps, the Heaven Grade field and the porcelain bottle with Martial God blood essence were still intact. Lossless.

Suddenly, Ye Fei’s eyes lit up. Even through the porcelain bottle, he could feel the rich vitality of the drop of Martial God blood essence. Immediately Ye Fei wanted to subconsciously communicate with the indelible Sword Soul and recover from his injury, but soon, his nerves felt severe pain. The pressure just now not only damaged his Primordial Spirit, but also damaged his consciousness, not only He has lost all his strength. At this moment, let alone stand up and move his hands, he just moves.

The sharp pain makes Ye Fei want to scream.

In such a state, of course he can no longer awaken the Indestructible Sword Soul, but in the same way, the situation of Emperor Fan and the others is similar to him, which means that everyone now has no strength. If you want to get the treasure above, it’s not battle strength, but will!

Whoever has a strong will, who can bear the sharp pain and get close to the steps first, will finally hope to obtain the treasure above.

“I must get that Heaven Grade field!” Ye Fei’s eyes flashed a flash of madness. He suppressed the drama and wanted to grab Black Sword and stand up, but Black Sword was too heavy , Let alone grabbing, it is extremely difficult for him to move a finger now.

Ye Fei immediately gave up the Black Sword and shook it directly, resisting the pain and stood up from the ground. In the end, his fleshy body is strong, and the will and the fleshy body, he can still stand, and then, Ye Fei swayed, rushing to the stone platform crookedly.

Suddenly with both hands, but at this moment, he hugged Ye Fei’s footsteps tightly. Xue Yue fell to the ground. He didn’t even have the strength to stand, but he still stared at Ye Fei with hatred. “Don’t think about it, I can’t give you the treasure to anyone!”

“Xue Yue, you are courting death!” Seeing that Xue Yue was involved again, Ye Fei became angry from his heart and suddenly used another Just step on Xue Yue’s face directly.

“Don’t let it go!”

Dignified peerless genius was stepped on his face by Ye Fei. Xue Yue almost died on the spot, but soon he woke up again. Angrily yelled: “The pressure just now made my pants wet. Since I can pee in public, the humiliation of being trampled on my face in public, what’s the matter!” After that, Xue Yue held him tighter. Ye Fei’s angry face turned black, and he was about to give Xue Yue something more cruel. Suddenly, a shaky silhouette passed in front of him.

Chapter 1600 One Step Away

Ye Fei was suddenly shocked, and then not even think, the fiercely fiercely rushed forward, and hugged the opponent tightly, and directly Press down to the ground. Di Fan’s angry roar suddenly came from beneath him.

“Ye Fei, you are courting death!”

Difan’s face is deathly pale, but his eyes are covered with bloodshot eyes. As a born Saint, Difan is always Noble, sacred and inviolable, his name is Difan, he is really the emperor!

Like this embarrassment, not only was the battle strength lost, but Ye Fei was also pressed to the ground. Not to mention that Emperor Fan had not experienced it, and that I had never thought about it.

However, Martial God’s prohibition is too terrifying. Even if the prohibition is stopped midway due to inexplicable reasons, the formidable power that erupted before still caused Ye Fei and the others to suffer huge losses. As for a short time, he lost all his strength and completely became a mortal.

Of course, Ye Fei and Difan are still good, at least they can still move, and as the most injured black prison Holy Son, at this time, he has already lost the strength to move. The army’s situation is a little better, but it can only breathe on the ground.

Baojun saw that Ye Fei and Difan experienced the pressure of Martial God, and he was still able to stand up and walk. He was already desperate, thinking that Martial God’s treasure had nothing to do with him until he saw Ye Fei was dragged by Xue Yue, and Ye Fei held Di Fan again.

At this moment, the desperate look in the army’s desperate eyes suddenly burned with a strong hope. He didn’t have the strength to stand up. At this time, he actually got up on the ground, little by little, crawling not far away. Steps.

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