Undoubtedly, Ye Fei’s actions to capture the blood spirits and even cut the blood river sect Heaven Grade quasi emperor are no different from beating their old faces with their hands.

Under the anger, Xue Qianqiu still brought the five elders of the blood river, together, ready to enter the gate of the earth formation sect, “Ye Fei, this Sect Master is fighting with you today!”


The eight Heaven Grade quasi emperors came together desperately. The powerful and depressing aura made Dongfang Yu’s top geniuses stagnant breathing and sweating.

“Ye Fei, they won’t really rush in, will they?” Di Fan asked solemnly.

“It’s okay, they have to dare to come in, come in and die one by one, three blacks, and still not come out!” Ye Fei retrieved the formation flag from Dongfang Yu and only shouted.

Xiaoming was pinched by Ye Fei in the hand of the Tiansha Array Spirit, with a dark face, and appeared extremely reluctantly and shouted: “Little Young Master, can you change your name, I It was originally black, but if you call it like this, it will be even more black.”

“Okay, if you can kill all the people outside, my name, you can change it as you like, what do you think? “Ye Fei’s eyes are a little eager. When Sanhei heard it, he suddenly cried and said, “Little Young Master, don’t even think about it. Sect Master has fallen asleep. In fact, when you go out, the gate of the Earth Formation Sect should be closed. The flag came in forcibly, this is Martial God Small World, I should immediately

close it. Of course, if they are really stupid and rush in, I can help kill them by the way.”

The appearance of the spirit of the evil spirits is a big black man with five big and three thick, and he has a very aggressive personality.

While speaking, the body of the Tiansha array spirit burst out with a strong baleful qi breath, oppressing Ye Fei on the spot, and everyone present, all of their bodies stiff, impossible to move even a little bit.

The blood Qianqiu and the others who were originally about to bring people rushed in were directly affected by the oppressive vomiting blood of the Heavenly Devil Emperor’s might, and the whole soul couldn’t help trembling. The impulse of Tiansha Array Spirit to bow down.

Xue Qianqiu’s face suddenly revealed a thick touch of astonishment: “Emperor Prestige, the power of that big black man is actually the real Martial Emperor’s power!”

“What, Martial Emperor, there is an array spirit comparable to the Martial Emperor in the gate of the Earth Formation Sect!”


The shock came too suddenly, Blood River Five The old heart, which was originally furious, was instantly obliterated by this terrifying imperial prestige.

In the end, Heaven Grade Zhundi is already infinitely close to the Martial Emperor. For example, the bodies of the Five Elders of the Blood River also have a trace of imperial prestige.

But this kind of power, compared with the Heavenly Evil Array Spirit, is the difference between the stream and the sea. At this time, no matter how angry and stupid they are, they will not be so stupid that they really rush in. Bring about one’s own destruction.

“Sect Master, what should we do, you can make up your mind.” The Five Elders of the Blood River simply backed away and dumped the mess to Xue Qianqiu.

Blood Qianqiu complexion ashen is a piece, he didn’t expect to kill him, Ye Fei not only won the Martial God treasure, but also a Martial Emperor array spirit presented by the ground, then rushed in, that is To die, to leave like this, it would be embarrassing again and would only become a laughingstock for others.

Thinking of this, Xue Qianqiu was even more angry, and the blue veins on his angry face jumped up. He stepped forward and shouted: “Ye Fei, there is ability, so don’t hide, get out , You and I are dignified, fight to the death!”

“Blood River Sect Master, I’m really sorry, I don’t have much abilities. If you have a seed, if you are still a man, then you Come in, let’s play one-on-one!” When Ye Fei spoke, there was a simple smile on his face, which made people particularly relieved.

When I saw Ye Fei’s simple smile, Xue Qianqiu and Xuehe Five Elders, I really wanted to rush in and beat Ye Fei’s smile to the ground on the spot. Xue Qianqiu was extremely angry and laughed, and suddenly bowed his head to Ye Fei and said: “Okay, Ye Fei, you have a seed, today I am Xue Qianqiu admit defeat! I’ve been stuck here, it’s not good for any of us, how shall we talk? “

Chapter 1615 His brilliance

“Okay, what do you want to talk about? Just say it here!” Ye Fei not at all fooled, in the mountain gate of the sect, He can also guarantee absolute safety. If he goes out, people like Xue Qianqiu will definitely take action against him. Now the bloodline he has consumed has not recovered. Going out will be a dead end.

“Sect Master, you can’t bow your head. This surnamed Ye demon killed us that many Heaven Grade and captured the blood spirit son. If we bow our heads, my blood river sect, and What face, standing in the starry sky?” The five elders of the blood river sounded transmission, although they feared the power of the heavenly evil spirit.

But they are more aware that the array spirits of the Earth Formation Sect simply cannot get out of this Martial God Small World. As long as they don’t take the initiative to approach, let alone Martial Emperor, even Martial God, they can’t hurt them either. At this time, how can the Five Elders of the Blood River bow their heads willingly? Xue Qianqiu was also indifferent and nodded, sound transmission said: “You are not reconciled, how can this Sect Master be reconciled, but the kid is hiding in it, protected by the Martial Emperor, we have nothing to do, the longer the time delays, The more unfavorable it is for us, we must find a way as soon as possible to trick this kid out, so that we can have a chance to kill him!”

“It turns out that it is, Sect Master is wise!”

“haha, this is a good way, isn’t he hiding in there and not coming out, we will pretend to lower our heads and trick him out.”

“hmph, a real man can bend and stretch, as long as he can kill With Ye Fei, it doesn’t matter if you are a little humiliated!”

The Five Elders of the Blood River all agreed. Secretly, he was ready to trap Ye Fei at any time, but he didn’t know that their actions had long been seen by Emperor Fan.

Emperor Fan was snered and suddenly walked towards Ye Fei and said: “Ye Fei, you have to be careful. The Blood River Sect pretends to lower your head at you, but actually wants to trick you out and kill you. I listen to their sound transmission. It’s here.”

Ye Fei hearing this startled said: “Difan, can you hear their sound transmission?”

You must know the sound transmission, that is only the two sides of the sound transmission , Can only be heard, outsiders simply cannot hear, Difan can actually hear sound transmission, which is too terrifying.

Di Fan said proudly with a smile: “So you didn’t know that we were born Saint and have a holy hearing, we can listen to the sounds of the world and sound transmission, what’s so strange.”

And when I heard this, not only did Ye Fei guard against Emperor Fan, break the army Xue Yue and the others, but also watched Emperor Fan vigilantly.

After reacting, he said with a cold face: “I won’t use the ability of the Holy Listening casually! Unless it is such a dangerous occasion!”

Ye Fei, this is relaxed. If the emperor does not move, use the Holy Listen, eavesdrop on other people’s sound transmission, then they don’t have any secrets.

“It seems that sound transmission is not absolutely safe. Unfortunately, I am not a Martial Emperor, otherwise I can divine sense sound transmission.”

But if it weren’t for Difan With his ability, he could not discover the murderous intention hidden in the Blood River Sect. Thinking of this, Ye Fei became angry again.

“This Blood River Sect, I really thought that I rushed in because I was afraid of them. It seems that I wouldn’t kill them a little bit. This Blood River Sect would not know how to be afraid!” Ye Fei’s body , Murderous intention emerged again. Feeling this murderous intention, Xue Yue and Dongfang Yu complexion changed. Facing the common enemy, the broken army gritted their teeth and reminded in a deep voice: “Ye Fei, the bloodline god armor is not invincible. If I read it correctly, Your bloodline power can only support the bloodline god armor that activates fifty breaths. Then

is the limit. If you exceed this limit, even if you do not die, your life force will be exhausted and your potential will be exhausted.”

Dongfang Yu complexion changed: “When Ye Fei rushed in, he was close to the limit of thirty breaths. That doesn’t mean that Ye Fei has reached the limit and there are twenty breaths…”

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