
Taking advantage of Dongfang Yu’s speech, Ye Fei has awakened the indestructible Sword Soul, releasing a large amount of Thunder Tribulation fluid, quickly replenishing his lost vitality.

Finally, this vitality is formed into a blood flame. On Ye Fei’s body, the bloodline armor, once again bloomed with dazzling brilliance.

“I’m going!”

Under the incredible gaze of Dongfang Yu, Breaking the Army and the others, Ye Fei stepped forward violently, and instantly went from Small World to the starry sky again .

This scene also shocked the hearts of Dongfang Yu and the others.

“He went!”

“With the protection of the Martial Emperor, he could not go out. He, is this for us? In order to make Heavenly Martial Continent, no more Suppressed by others?”

“No matter who or what Ye Fei is for, it is Ye Fei, courageous and righteous enough! We must all be grateful to him!” At this moment, Ye Fei’s actions It undoubtedly won the favor and gratitude of many people. Whether Ye Fei is for himself or for helping everyone, but Ye Fei is not afraid of safety, fearing power, and striding out, Ye Fei’s figure is in these young people The martial artist’s heart has been deeply rooted.

Many when they secretly admire Ye Fei, they gradually admire Ye Fei.

The faces of Po Jun and Xue Yue are full of complexities. Di Fan’s expressions have also become serious for the first time. He looked at the back of Ye Fei press forward as if he saw a handful of it would rather The sharp sword of break but cannot be bend inevitably produced an illusion in my heart.

“At this moment, it is his brilliance alone! Ye Fei is no longer my stepping stone. He has grown into my true opponent. I have to chase and surpass. Goal!” In Di Fan’s heart, he has already developed a deep agreement with Ye Fei.

“He even dared to come out?”

Xue Qianqiu was still worried, what price should he promise to trick Ye Fei out of death, but Ye Fei didn’t say anything. , It took only 30 minutes to get in, and then rushed out again.

“Boy, courting death!” The Five Elders of the Blood River didn’t know, Ye Fei entered Small World just to ease his breath, make good use of the immortal Sword Soul, and supplement the consumed life force.

They thought Ye Fei couldn’t keep going, and wanted to give up other people and run for their lives. Wu Lao Xuehe suddenly became excited.

Almost the moment Ye Fei rushed out of Small World, the Five Elders of the Blood River already roared, and then the five were one and fiercely killed Ye Fei.

“hmph, act recklessly, want to escape, don’t think about it, quickly arrange the Three Talent Array, and ban this starry sky with me!” Xue Qianqiu did not step forward, but with the other two Heaven Grade standards. Emperor together.

The three people occupy three special angles of the starry sky. The three Heaven Grade quasi-emperor’s Primordial Spirit Domain are linked together, and the starry sky is completely banned instantly, and Ye Fei cannot enter the void again. . Ye Fei’s expression could not help becoming a little dignified, but instead of backing up, he continued to stride forward, and at the fastest speed, he killed the Heaven Grade quasi-emperor, the weakest of the Three Talent Array. The Heaven Grade quasi-di complexion greatly changed, but he saw with his own eyes that Ye Fei beheaded three of his senior and junior brothers in a row. At this time, it is inevitable to panic.

“Sect Master!” The man asked for help. “Don’t panic, continue to maintain the Three Talent Array! The bloodline god armor also has a limit. No matter how strong his bloodline is, he will reach the limit with up to 20 breaths. The blood river five elders, must block his 21 breaths!” /p>

Chapter 1616 Forces the Retreat of the Blood River

The words of “Xue Qianqiu” will refresh the spirits of the Five Elders of the Blood River.

Because the gravity of the starry sky is dozens of times greater than that of the land, the movement speed of the martial artist is dozens of times slower in the starry sky than on the land. Twenty breaths. On the land, Ye Fei can rush over in the blink of an eye and kill the opponent, but in the starry sky, he cannot use the big Void Technique, and is blocked by the blood river five elders. Normally, Ye Fei is absolutely unable to rush to kill a Heaven Grade quasi-emperor within twenty breaths.

The Five Elders of the Blood River also spotted this point. They attacked harder. I was even more desperate. Not only did the five self-destructed Heaven Grade fields that were just restored, but they also burned their own bloodline instantly.

Behind the five people, a terrifying Demon God appeared at the same time, roar towards the sky, roaring down the stars, and then they were completely integrated with their own Demon God.

In front of Ye Fei, there were five more powerful Great Demonic Gods of Human Demon unity. They rushed into the sky, and the roaring sea of ​​blood, some formed Blood Sword, some formed Blood Sword, some Form a huge bloody handprint, some form a huge bloody planet.

The howling blood glow is just two breaths, completely submerging the starry sky where Ye Fei is, the explosion of the domain, and completely erasing this space, forming a terrifying Nihility Zone , Such an attack is enough to make any Heaven Grade quasi-emperor, the dead scum is not left.

But Ye Fei’s expression remained unchanged from beginning to end. He allowed the five Heaven Grade domains to explode on his body. The huge formidable power exploded the starry sky. Going down, five terrifying black holes appeared, but on the edge of this black hole, Ye Fei’s pace was firm.

He was holding the Black Sword in his hand, actually ignoring the explosion of the surrounding starry sky, moving on, and rushing towards the selected target.

Sword, press forward!

Sword, never flinch!

“Dead!” The Five Elders of the Blood River were furious collectively. They were like five terrifying Demon Gods, stepping on the Star Fragmentation, and then slaying at Ye Fei.

In this scene, the peerless genius of Emperor Fan who are watching are all face pale, knowing that in the face of such five Demon God-like Heaven Grade quasi-emperors, they can’t even resist and they will be instantly cut off. kill. And seeing the culled blood river five elders, Ye Fei’s face was smiling.

“bully the weak, I am really not ashamed, but unfortunately, you still can’t break my bloodline armor!” Ye Fei shook his head coldly.



The answer to him was the coldly snorted of the bloody elders who were continuously furious, “We are just temporarily taking you The way, when your bloodline is exhausted and you lose the protection of God Armor, we will let you know that it will be the worst decision in your life to offend my Blood River Sect!”

“There are still ten breaths , Must stop him!”


Blood River Fifth Elders, the killing is even crazier, I just want to break Ye Fei’s armor right now, and then Break Ye Fei into pieces.

At this time, Ye Fei was still smiling, but what he showed was a sneer, a mockery.

He allowed the Five Elders of the Blood River to attack him frantically. In the end, Ye Fei completely ignored these five people.

In his eyes, only the target he selected is the weakest link in the Three Talent Array. As long as his sword can break this link, the Three Talent Array of the Blood River Sect will be broken, and the void will be lifted. Banned, then he can launch the Big Void Technique again and return to Martial God Small World.

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