Is it approved by our Danyuan faction? No, this battle is not counted! My Danyuan faction will never admit it! Dan Yuanzi also rushed to the ring in anger. He was originally dissatisfied with Ye Fei, and now he cannot tolerate it even more. Ye Fei is adept at fighting. It is really the Dan Ding battle is too important for the Dan Yuan faction. Ye Fei lost one game as soon as he went up and was also beheaded. It would definitely cause a very serious blow to the morale of the Danyuan faction.

So in Ye Fei and the white-haired ancestor Before doing it, Tanmotoko was unceremonious and burst out his Heaven Grade imposing manner, and shook Ye Fei fiercely, hoping to shake Ye Fei out of the ring and also end this undesirable farce.

Prince Ma suddenly laughed heartily. It was at this time that the same Heaven Grade cultivation base erupted, but it was not the movement towards Ye Fei, but fiercely’s moved towards Dan Yuanzi back shocked.

hong long!

The imposing manner of the two Heaven Grade quasi-emperors, immediately before the battle between Ye Fei and the white-haired ancestor, collided with each other. Originally Heaven Grade The battle of the quasi emperor is very terrifying, but neither Prince Ma nor Dan Yuanzi is a quasi emperor who is good at fighting.

The imposing manner of the two of them, despite the collision, is only in the void, setting off one The layer is slightly rippled, but Prince Ma’s doing this is enough.

The moment he blocked Dan Yuanzi, Prince Ma said solemnly: “After entering the ring, the battle of Dan Ding has begun, Dan Yuan Son, could it be that you want to break the rules! “

“No, this Dongfang Yu, the origin is unknown, the strength is unknown, as long as the old man is not nodded, he is not counted as the official guest official of my Danyuan faction, and he can’t replace my Danyuan faction in the battle! “

Dan Yuanzi was full of anger and saw Prince Ma blocking him. He immediately turned his head and shouted to Dan Linger: “Girl, if you don’t let him down, do you really want to see us Dan Yuan Send Wannian Foundation to the hands of this pretty boy you raised? “

“Me, pretty boy? “

Ye Fei hearing this, his face was dark, and he suddenly glanced at Dan Linger.

The moment he turned his head, the white-haired ancestor’s eyes suddenly exploded. Tuan Fierce Light immediately seized Ye Fei’s chance to be distracted. His white hair suddenly grew like grass and trees.

“White hair is 30,000 feet, the gods and the devil are heartbroken! “

The sky is flying with white hair, like silver threads, like a white waterfall, piercing the void and strangling everything. This is a white-haired magic technique, and it is also a kind of evil technique. The cultivation to the Profound Realm, except for the head, The whole body will become white hair.

These hairs can kill, defend, plunder, infinite, endlessly killing, and slashing endlessly. It depends on this too. The white-haired ancestor was in Danding City for more than 70 years, and he rarely met an opponent.

When Dan Linger saw such a terrifying evil cultivation technique, Ye Fei actually returned When she was distracted and talked to her, Dan Linger’s face became extremely ugly on the spot, and she couldn’t help but exclaimed, “Beware! “

“Little things! Good people don’t cultivate, but cultivation success is a monster that is neither human nor ghost, white-haired ancestor, to be honest, you disappoint me very much. “Ye Fei didn’t look back, nor did he look at the endless white hair that was entangled, his throat let out a low growl, the whole body was already star-like, the golden rays of light blooming. Not only did it block the white hair from approaching, but even The magical power of the golden light makes the white-haired ancestors of the same cultivation magic work feel like a panic.

“What kind of body refinement magic work is that, he is actually light With fleshy body, it blocked my gray hair by 30,000 feet! “The white-haired ancestor had an inexplicable atmosphere of fear in his heart. You must know that his white hair is cultivated to the degree of hard as steel and soft as cotton. The infinite white hair combined together is a meteorite. It can be easily crushed, but it cannot pierce the golden body of Ye Fei. The white-haired ancestor suddenly became frightened, and then became even more furious

. Ye Fei’s expression is still Faintly, he didn’t even turn his head, looked towards the white-haired ancestor, but still looked beyond the ring and looked at Dan Linger, he said with a smile: “Vice Sect Master, you haven’t answered my question yet , You still admit that I am the guest official of the Danyuan faction? What do you want me to do with this white-haired ancestor? “

Chapter 1645 Become famous

I don’t know why, when I saw Ye Fei face the crazy attack of the white-haired ancestor, he could still calm and serene talk to her, Dan Ling’er’s heartbeat speeded up a lot, and her beautiful face also showed a hint of blush, but the blush was only a moment.

Once you discover the amazing battle strength hidden by Ye Fei, she is a strong woman On the one hand, Dan Ling’er was still stern and spit out a word coldly.

“Kill! “

“As you wish, Vice Sect Master! “

Ye Fei solemnly nodded, and even performed a guest official courtesy to Dan Linger. In this way, when he wins the battle of Danding, he should belong to his Tianhuang Dan. , Danyuan faction can’t rely on it.

Of course, since Dan Ling’er still admits that he is a guest official, then it’s time for him to work hard.

“Eastern demon, die, die, die, die…” The white-haired ancestor yelled frantically. He seized Ye Fei’s opportunity to talk to Dan Linger and attacked desperately, regardless of the cost. In order to make his attack more terrifying, he directly took out various powerful medicine pills and swallowed them in one bite.


When the medical power of these medicine pills flowed into the Primordial Spirit, In this battle, the white-haired ancestor actually miraculously turned his entire body into a strange white-haired magic ball. In the middle of the magic ball is the hideous face of the white-haired ancestor, and the magic ball is surrounded by infinity. Endless white hair.

These white hairs, like steel needles, like rainstorms, like a piece of terrifying white hair needle thread, pierce the void, thread needles and lead, the magic power of white hair at this time is not white hair 30,000 Feet, but directly reached the thirty thousand zhang. As you can see, the entire ring is surrounded by white hair.

“It’s over! “The Dan Yuanzi was originally confronted by Prince Ma. When he saw the endless white hair surrounding the ring and completely submerging Ye Fei, Dan Yuanzi’s eyes went black and almost fainted. “Dan Yuan faction, it is completely The ruin is in the hands of this kid. When he dies, other guest official will be hit and pressured.

For the next two battles, my Danyuan faction can only win, not defeat. ! “

“How could it be like this…”

At this time, Dan Ling’er also had a momentary loss of consciousness. She didn’t expect. A moment ago, Ye Fei talked to her. , Next moment, Ye Fei was completely overwhelmed by endless white hair. She suddenly felt a little lost and sentimental, “God, can you save him now? “I’m afraid it’s too late. The white-haired ancestor hid a hand. His current attack power has already broken through the limit of Earth Grade. I am afraid it is comparable to the ordinary Heaven Grade quasi-di, the old man. At this time, he can only avoid it. He was so sharp that he didn’t dare to fight head-on, so I said that the Body Refining Cultivation Art of Dongfang Xiaoyou is very rare.

But I am afraid…”

bang! The whole ring suddenly shakes violently. Get up. Originally, the entire ring turned into a ball of white hair, but at this moment, in the gap of the hair ball, strands of golden light suddenly burst out, and then, these golden rays of The light, fiercely turned into golden flames, and the bears burned up between the hairs. The white-haired ancestor’s entire body composed of white hair trembled violently at this time , He suddenly went crazy, not only swallowing a large amount of medicine pill again, but also burning a trace of magic blood within the body, making his entire white hair, at this moment, a layer of silver rays of light erupted, which quickly changed Formed into a ball

The terrifying silver ball of light constantly compresses and squeezes towards the ring.

The terrifying pressure, the constantly oppressing meteorite ring, makes an overwhelming crunch. Many guest official faces of Danyuan Sect and Chongding Sect have become extremely ugly and fearful.

The pressure of horror, the white-haired magic skill with no opportunity, even the Earth Grade Zhundi, Surrounded by these gray hairs, there is only one dead end.

And now, the terrestrial martial artist, the oriental demon, he can not only resist, at this time, he is a little bit more, from that Surrounded by endless white hair, such as the Golden Demon God, step by step, came out.

“White hair magic power, just this! Don’t say you train your body into white hair, even if you train Primordial Spirit into white hair, you can’t stop your footsteps. After all, yours is only a crooked way, mine is the dignified martial arts, take me a punch! ”

Boom ka!

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