Ye Fei stood among the infinite white hair and punched fiercely. The punch was a fight of life and death, but the power he urged was not Power of Yin-Yang, but The more terrifying force of despair, such a force, can fan Star Fragmentation and destroy myriad things. Fighting the frightening fleshy body of the war demonic path, the powerful Primordial Spirit of the War God Dao, when these two forces are combined, the bursting power instantly destroys the surrounding white hair, and then people see an extremely bright purple -golden fists, as bright as stars, stung their eyes and

shocked their hearts.

“No, what kind of power is that, it actually…” The white-haired ancestor did not finish his words, and his entire hair-wrapped head suddenly exploded. The Primordial Spirit that escaped from it, his face Shang was even more desperate and fearful, but struggled hard for an extra second.

Immediately afterwards, the Primordial Spirit of the white-haired ancestor also burst into pieces, shattered into a terrifying streamer, patter, that was the last white hair of the white-haired ancestor, scattered like heavy iron stones , One by one fell to the ground, and then shattered into a piece of silver streamer.

And in the sky above the infinite white hair, Ye Fei slowly retracted his fist. On his body, the dazzling purple-gold rays of light have disappeared. Ye Fei is still the same, an ordinary suit The black Purple Gold gown looks ordinary, which makes people feel no power and pressure.

But at this time, Ye Fei is standing on the ring as ordinary. In the eyes of many martial artists, Ye Fei’s silhouette at this time has also become extremely tall and extremely stalwart.

“He actually punched the white-haired ancestor to death…” Ma Tie fiercely swallowed his saliva, even if he wanted to eat Dragon Tortoise again, Ma Tie could feel it, Ye Behind Fei’s plainness, there is a huge terror hidden.

“This kid, where is he a pretty boy raised by a woman? He is clearly a hidden super tiger! Dan Yuanzi’s face is hot, uplifting, and ashamed. He is at first ashamed. I am also worried that Ye Fei is not strong enough, even if he goes up to die, it is very likely to shake the military spirit and make the Danyuan faction lose face. But at this time, Danyuanzi’s heart is proud and proud, and his tone is rare. Encouragement: “Ling’er. This young man is very good, very good

, the old man will not object to your matter, hurry up and get married next month! “


Dan Ling’er did not respond. It was not that she didn’t want to respond, but Ye Fei showed battle strength at this time, which shocked her deeply. , I can’t recover for a long time.

The old man of Sky Spear lost all his fishing rods to the ground.

He was quiet for more than a dozen breaths, and then, The crazy cheers of the Danyuan faction guest official who reacted, and the air-conditioned voice of the heavy tripod guest official.

“Unexpectedly, this demon named Dongfang Yu is so terrifying in strength. With a single punch, the white-haired ancestor was killed. No wonder Dan Linger fell in love with him! “

“Oh my god, such a character is definitely not an unknown person. With his strength, it is possible to enter the starry sky battle list. Why is there no his name on it?” “

“Maybe this person hides too deeply. “No matter how deep it is, this time, his strength is undoubtedly exposed, Earth Grade quasi-emperor, fleshy body is comparable to Demi-God Artifact, this person is invincible in Earth Grade quasi-emperor! “

Chapter 1646 is endless

Earth Grade Zhundi!

Compared to the Fleshy body of Demi-God Artifact!

Many martial artists have commented on the battle strength revealed by Ye Fei. Although such battle strength cannot reach the top five in the star battle list, there is no doubt that Ye Fei’s strength is very close to the star battle list.

If these people know that what Ye Fei is showing at this time is not true strength, they will definitely be more shocked.

But that’s it, Ye Fei’s performance can also be amazing. Described, at this time, he is standing there, so dazzling, so hard to ignore.

After that, there was the angry roar of Sect Master and Prince Ma from the Sect Master. , “Dan Yuanzi, it turns out that you have been acting just now! You actually hide such young experts! “

“hahaha, if the old man doesn’t act, how can you be fooled?” To tell you the truth, old man has long been attracted to Dongfang Xiaoyou, but most people don’t know it. “Dan Yuanzi is also a human spirit. After seeing Ye Fei’s strength, he immediately changed his attitude and began to win Ye Fei.

Ye Fei was also speechless for a while, but he couldn’t say much. After all, he I don’t have a deep relationship with the Danyuan faction. The reason why I came to participate in the battle of Danding is just to get the natural pill.

“Next, who will come! “

Ye Fei did not step off the ring, he decided to go all out to help the Danyuan faction win, and then he can get the Tianhuang Dan.

If it is placed at first, Ye Fei Dare to do this, not to mention Dan Yuanzi will be angry on the spot, even the other guest official of the Dan Yuan faction must also be dissatisfied. Ye Fei feels too arrogant and too supercilious.

But at this time When I heard Ye Fei’s words, I felt the powerful aura of Ye Fei. In addition to appreciation, Dan Yuanzi’s eyes were appreciating.

Many Dan Yuan sect guest official, including the old man, They are all convincing, whether Martial Dao world or powerhouse is respected, Ye Fei’s performance is strong enough, then he can win enough respect from others.

“Dongfang Young Master, come on! “

“The Danyuan faction will win! “

Many guest official shouted with excitement. Compared with the excitement of Danyuan faction, many of the guest official who belonged to Chongding faction were ashen-faced. Prince Ma’s face was very ugly, but very Soon he thought of something again, and a cold grin appeared on his face: “hmph, I really think that Fleshy body is comparable to Demi-God Artifact. Are you invincible? I’m the Supreme Sect. The most indispensable thing is Demi-God Artifact. ! Dan Yuanzi, this is what you forced me to come here,

Take out the Demi-God armor, Seventh Elder, this battle still depends on you. “

“It is easy to say that since the old man has become the official guest official of the heavy trip, he takes the role of the Sect Master. This kid not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, I will help Sect Master and kill him personally! “

Among the crowd, a gloomy and thin old man walked out of the crowd. His body was now wearing a special armor. This armor flashed with peculiar cold light and exuded Demi. -God Artifact’s unique depressive aura.

Dan Ling’er woke up abruptly at this time, and then immediately sounded transmission to Ye Fei: “Dongfang Young Master, be careful, that Seventh Elder is a heavy tripod. To send the strongest guest official, his steps are very strange. Back then, my grandfather was severely injured and killed by his sneak attack. “Seeing that Prince Ma sent out the strongest guest official, and specially asked Seventh Elder to wear Demi-God Artifact armor, Tanmotoko’s face became very ugly. After all, in his opinion, the strongest Ye Fei is Fleshy body. At this time, Seventh Elder is wearing a set of Demi-God Artifact to play, showing that it is prepared for Ye Fei fleshy body.


At the same time, Tanmotoko was angry, but immediately Throw out an amazing Spiritual Qi medicine pill and give it to Ye Fei: “Little friend Dongfang, take this medicine pill quickly. It can double your battle strength in a short time! “With a brush, one silhouette caught the medicine pill. But it was not Ye Fei, but the Seventh Elder, silently, Tearing the Void, and suddenly caught the medicine pill first and swallowed it in one bite. “Hahaha, I have long heard of the magic of the Divine Pill bursting with Danyuan Pie. Today, the old man is welcome, try it first

“While speaking, Seventh Elder took a few breaths, and completely refined Divine Pill. His imposing manner was also doubled at this moment, and then he didn’t wait for Dan Yuanzi to react and lost his imposing manner. Give Ye Fei the second Divine Pill. Suddenly Seventh Elder disappears into the void again and suddenly reappears.

Behind Ye Fei is less than three meters away.

Dan Yuan Zi’s ​​face suddenly became more ugly. Obviously he didn’t expect. He would be snatched away by Seventh Elder halfway after he threw out the medicine pill. He also strengthened his strength again. Dan Ling’er’s heart also tightened immediately, very nervous Looking at Ye Fei on the ring.

For Seventh Elder’s sudden move into the void, Ye Fei’s expression also flashed a little surprise, “You performed an incomplete void step, you are a business , Or from Chamber of Commerce? “

“You actually know the business, then you deserve to die! “Hearing Ye Fei mentioning the business, Seventh Elder’s face flashed with shock and panic, but soon his expression became more hideous. The moment he appeared behind Ye Fei, Seventh Elder’s body suddenly appeared. The oppression of the void.

That is the big void palm that Shangluo once used, but compared to Shangluo’s void palm, this Seventh Elder’s void palm is simply fur.


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