Combined with this person when he heard him mention the business, there was a flash of panic in his heart, Ye Fei had already understood something in his heart, “You are not a business person, this empty step and Void Palm, you learned it by some means!” Then, for Seventh Elder, Ye Fei didn’t look at it, letting his Void Palm fall, and Ye Fei’s eyes were still looking towards Dan. Ling’er, asked: “Vice Sect Master, should this person be killed or should he stay?”


Dan Ling’er felt Ye Fei’s shock, she His heart was calmed down somehow.

“As you wish!”

Ye Fei nodded, no longer speak, but suddenly turned around. On his body, the sword energy is mighty, like raging waves, like mountains and rivers.

The Taiji Sixiang Sword suddenly cut out, in the sky, and suddenly a terrifying Taiji Sword array appeared. In the middle of the sword array, there was a bright Taiji. Tai Chi’s Quartet suppressed Azure Dragon Divine Sword, White Tiger Divine Sword, Vermilion Bird Divine Sword, and Black Tortoise Divine Sword.

Just listen to a loud explosion sound!

Tai Chi’s rays of light flooded the ring. The four-phase Divine Sword was cut out at the same time. This world suddenly became the killing field of sword light. There was a strong death crisis. Elder suddenly complexion greatly changed, even the empty palm has no time to display.

Seventh Elder roared fiercely, trying to escape into the void, using the speed of the void step to avoid Ye Fei, the terrifying god sword light.

Unfortunately, at the moment Seventh Elder escaped into the void, Ye Fei’s entire body, also at this time, escaped into the void, one step more, and he walked in front of Seventh Elder, and then, the bright Tai Chi, With the four-phase Divine Sword, he penetrated Seventh Elder’s body and Primordial Spirit together.

“You are…” Seventh Elder stared wide-eyed in shock and fear.

“No, I am not, like you, my Void Technique is also secretly learned, but I learned it more complete than you.” Ye Fei sound transmission in a deep voice, lifting his hand, The sword light dissipated, and the broken body of Seventh Elder fell off the ring: “Who else, fight with me!”

No. 1 on the 1647 star list

Ye Fei’s sword, Clean and neat.

Even though Seventh Elder has a complete set of Demi-God Artifact for protection, it is easily penetrated by the Tai Chi Sixiang Sword, but this is Ye Fei refining land pill, which improves the Tai Chi domain and Azure Dragon domain. In the field of Earth Grade, he is now also in the field of comprehended Vermilion Bird!

The improvement of martial arts formidable power in the field is very obvious. The stronger the field, the greater the improvement in martial arts, even if Seventh Elder wears a set of Demi-God Artifact, as long as the battle strength is not as good as Ye Fei would still be killed by a single sword, and Ye Fei would also seize Seventh Elder’s space belt.

Regardless of whether he was still in the ring at this time, he began to look back. It was really that he was too curious about how Seventh Elder learned the Void Technique.

And Ye Fei’s actions fell in the eyes of the martial artist, and it caused a huge shock. Dan Yuanzi, the Vice Sect Master, was already incoherent with excitement, “My Dan Yuan faction won That’s it! In this battle of Danding, my Danyuan faction won!”

“Long live Sect Master!”

“Long live Dongfang Young Master!”

“Pill Yuan faction, long live!”

The sky spear old man and other guests cheered with excitement. Once the Pill Yuan faction wins, once again master the barren veins and refine the heavenly desolate pill, then they These guest official have a chance, one day in the future, breakthrough Heaven Grade Zhundi, how can this not make them very excited.

Dan Ling’er looked at Ye Fei with scorching eyes. She admitted that she had looked away before, but there is still a chance to make up. Dan Ling’er has already decided, even if it is Yong Qiang must also keep Ye Fei in the Danyuan faction and stay by her side.

Thinking of this, Dan Ling’er’s face was inexplicably shy looking towards Ye Fei, but when he saw Ye Fei only looking at the space belt in his hand, Dan Ling’er was suddenly extremely depressed and doubted himself. Has it become ugly? Is her charm no better than the charm of a space belt?

Compared to the cheers of the Danyuan faction, the heavy tripod faction, from the horse iron to the numerous guest official, looks ugly.

It is important to know that Dao Pill’s war of Kanae is two wins in three rounds. Now the battle has just begun. Ye Fei instantly killed two great experts from Zhongding and achieved two victories.

“Unexpectedly, this is Dongfang Yu’s terrestrial martial artist. Not only his fleshy body is comparable to Demi-God Artifact, his martial arts is also so scary.”

“Two The Earth Grade domain, a king-level domain, and the terrifying sword array can’t even resist the armor of Demi-God Artifact. In our guest official, who else can fight, and who else dares to fight?”

“Unexpectedly, in this Danding battle, the Danyuan faction will win so easily, and the heavy tripod faction will lose so miserably!”

Ma Tie looked at Ye Fei in fear. , And looked at the cheering Danyuan sect guest official, his eyes were red, and he shouted unwillingly: “How can I lose the Great Ding Sect! We will never lose!” “Son, that’s good, I Sing Ding The faction will never be defeated! Even if we fail, we have to turn defeat into victory! Old man believes that I will be a great faction, and will definitely win the final victory!” Prince Ma complexion ashen, but at this time, he still did not lose confidence, but Stand up again, drum

Dancing people’s hearts.

Following his voice, the rare Fourth Elder with low battle strength also stood up very confidently at this time, opening the mouth and said gloomily: “Dan Yuan faction, don’t be too proud, The Danding battle is not over yet, you guys have not yet won the final victory!”

The cheers of the Danyuan sect guest official were all cheers, Danyuanzi’s face became very ugly on the spot, angrily said: “Heavy Tripod faction, what do you mean, can you not afford to lose and want to deny it?”

” Denial? You Dan Yuanzi is better than pill concocting, you are a fart, even a Sect Master No, you can only be the Vice Sect Master with your daughter. What qualifications do you have to talk to the old man!” Prince Ma also gave up, hearing this coldly pointing at the ring, and facing the surrounding hundreds of thousands martial artist.

“Fathers, you are optimistic, the battle of Danding is two wins in three rounds. Even if the Danyuan faction wins two games, as long as the last one, we can turn over and win three in a row. In the field, I have a heavy tripod faction. Even if it violates the rules, the winner of this Danding battle will be ours!”

“Yes, it belongs to us!”


Among the crowd, some martial artists who support the Chong Ding School also shouted for help.

I was even more angry at this pill Yuanzi, but thinking of Ye Fei’s mighty strength, Dan Yuanzi immediately coldly snorted and said: “You will fight! Which guest official do you have, dare to go up and die!”

The complexion of the guest official of the Chong Ding faction changed drastically at the same time, and many timid could not help taking a step back. Although Ye Fei did nothing, he killed the white-haired ancestor and Seventh Elder instantly. , It is enough to make all the guest official of the Chongding faction take their breath away.

The power of one person will shock the heroes! Staring at Ye Fei, Prince Ma’s ginger face became slightly distorted. Then, he breathes deeply and returned to normal. He suddenly took a step back and respectfully bowed his hand to a mysterious man with a hat in the guest official: ” I also invite Young Master to take action to wash away my shame from the Great Ding faction! From then on

I, the Great Ding faction, would like to follow the orders of the Young Master!” “Wait a minute, Prince Ma, the battle of Danding is mine. In the internal dispute between the two factions, you openly let outsiders intervene in this way, showing that you are breaking the rules set by Old Ancestor!” Although Dan Yuanzi was obsessed with pill concocting and rarely involved in common affairs, he saw Prince Ma’s respectful gesture. I also instinctively felt that it was not

right, so I immediately stopped it. Upon hearing this, Prince Ma disdainfully moved towards and spit out on the ground, and said in a deep voice: “Patient, Old Ancestor is dead, how many years, even the whole sect has been split. His thing counts 10,000 years. The rules set ago, now there is a fart, we Ancient Starry Sky Road, all the strength speaks, as long as I have the strength, the Chongding faction has the strength, what if you destroy the Danyuan faction, or you I thought that by drawing in a terrestrial genius, I could fight Limitless Sect and Promise Young Master?”

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