The sword of the domain and the Octopus Celestial Dragon, like two huge stars, collide with each other, the Octopus Celestial Dragon, there are three Heavenspan Dragons on the spot, completely destroyed.

Ye Fei also spouted three a mouthful of blood instantly, and his spirit became a lot weaker, but he did not stop, but at the moment when the three Heavenspan dragons were destroyed, he exhausted all his power and controlled the rest again The five dragons, like five worlds, fiercely crashed forward.

hong long long! Under the pressure of Tianlong, this world collapsed and completely turned into a Nihility Zone. On Qian Wuji’s face, a touch of shock and fear suddenly flashed. He looked at his strongest sword in disbelief. , Actually only smashed three ordinary Heavenspan dragons, that powerful domain sword containing Tao

unexpectedly, under the impact of the remaining five Heavenspan dragons, numerous cracks appeared. “Damn it, this is what a great ancient art, it actually resisted me and contained Dao Rhyme’s Divine Sword!” Qian Wuji was full of horror. At the moment when the sword light was crushed by the dragon, he was already bloodied, covering the three major areas. At the same time, it shattered, and the whole person fell into the sky like rags, and fell in front of everyone


The scene was deadly quiet, only countless martial artists, stared wide-eyed, looked at the powerful black-clothed youth in the sky in shock and fear.

It was him who defeated the number one on the star list, and it was him who defeated Qian Wuji!

Then someone came back to his senses a little bit.

“Oh my God, Qian Wuji has actually failed, and Wuji Young Master has also failed. This Oriental Demon is so powerful?”

“No way, this terrestrial martial artist It’s too strong, the three Heaven Grade fields, the two Earth Grade fields, and the ancient Heavenly Art that can fuse all fields together. Who can stop the entire starry sky, and who can face this person undefeated!”

“The end of the old genius and the birth of a new genius. This is his era, and it also belongs to the glorious era of terrestrial martial artist.”

“With this person, in the future, who Dare to underestimate the terrestrial martial artist?”

“Not only him, but the unnamed Dongfang Yu, who is a trifling, are so powerful. Those terrestrial peerless geniuses on the star list, such as Emperor Fan, such as Broken Army, And Ye Fei of Ranked 3rd. How terrifying is their strength?”

This battle not only made many martial artists feel the power of Ye Fei, but also more people. I felt the rise of Heavenly Martial Continent and the hidden potential of these peerless genius. “It’s lost, even Qian Wuji, who is the number one on the star list, has lost…” Prince Ma was shaking all over. He was angry and angry, afraid and hated. You know, for this victory, the Chongding faction is even The ancestors are all sold. I thought that the number one expert of Gan Wuji, the star ranking number one expert, will help out. The Chongding faction will definitely win the victory. How do I know that it is better than Gan Wuji, in front of Ye Fei. It was a complete failure.

pu! Prince Ma was irritated by this result on the spot, exhaling blood. Ma Tie’s legs were even weaker. Only then did he know how lucky he was not to be killed by Ye Fei’s punch. If it weren’t for Ye Fei, he didn’t have time to deal with him. As long as he turned his head back and made a punch, he would be dead. Completely


Ma Tie was even more afraid that facing such a terrifying powerhouse, he not only offended the opponent, but also repeatedly targeted Ye Fei and wanted to eat Ye Fei’s Dragon Tortoise.

“Father, save me…” Ma Tie was so frightened that he almost didn’t cry on the spot. However, before Prince Ma could speak, the injured Qian Wuji suddenly rushed to the sky again with endless anger and murderous intention, and shouted angrily: “I finally know who you are. You are not Dongfang Yu! You are. The Ye Fei who destroyed Lieyang

and slaughtered the blood river sect, Ye Fei! What am I right?” When talking, Qian Wuji was even more dead. Staring at Ye Fei, he couldn’t accept it. He lost to a terrestrial martial artist. Even if he wants to lose, he will lose to peerless genius who is also on the star list!

Otherwise, once the news of his loss to a nameless junior is spread, the feeling of shame is enough to make Qian Wuji die on the spot. In this regard, Ye Fei can also vaguely experience the mood of Qian Wuji, but to experience it does not mean that he will be soft.

Chapter 1653 Identity Revealed

Seeing that Qian Wuji just guessed his identity, it is not yet certain. Ye Fei’s eyes turned and decided to attack this person further. It would be better to let Qian Wuji die on the spot. So Ye Fei seriously denied: “Sorry, I’m not Ye Fei, but I’ve heard of this person, only War Star empty, killed Fierce Sun Sect, Blood River Sect became terror-stricken at the news, this A true hero, a true hero, compared to Ye Fei, my Dongfang Yu is not a little bit worse. If you face me, you can still have a chance to fight back. If you face Ye Fei, you might even have one If you can’t do anything, you’ll die completely.”

Ye Fei ruthless’s strike is the No. 1 on the Promise star list. By the way, fiercely puts gold on her face. If it’s normal, use Promise intellect. You will find the weak spot in Ye Fei’s words soon. Since Dongfang Yu doesn’t know Ye Fei, how can he be so sure of Ye Fei’s true strength?

But at this time, Qian Wuji, who was just defeated by Ye Fei, was still defeated. Except for the sword dao, he could barely use the learned Sword God inheritance to suppress Ye Fei. In other respects, he was ranked No. One, the defeat is terrible. This also hit Qian Wuji’s belief in invincibility greatly, and almost collapsed his invincible will on the spot during several decades, especially when he heard that he might not be able to do anything in the face of the real Ye Fei. With this blow, Qian Wuji’s face was at a loss, and his face was full of no.

Gan, unbelief, and expression of pain and struggle. “Could it be that the terrestrial peerless genius is really so powerful. Unexpectedly, I can’t beat even an unknown person in Qian Wuji. Then I am number one on the star list. What use is there to come, haha, haha…” Gan Wuji Ye Fei made a sound like crying and laughing, and the whole spirit was shocked by Ye Fei.

But it’s no wonder, after all, as the Young Master of Limitless Sect, Qian Wuji is also a peerless genius. From the moment he set foot on Martial Dao, he has not been defeated, and he has experienced many treacherous battles, Ye Fei admits. In terms of talent, maybe even him is worse than Wuji, but in the experience of combat

, Ye Fei definitely got rid of Wuji. It is also for this reason that Ye Fei, who has been accustomed to the wind and waves in the face of failure, can face it calmly, and always smoothly, will be so gloomy when he fails for the first time or is completely defeated, Ye Fei Believe that as long as he works harder and fights Wuji a few more

sentences, even if he can’t ruin the number one on the star list, he will definitely let Wuji do it. For a long time, he will be helpless and delayed. cultivation.

The Heavenly Martial Continent and the Star Sect are the old enemies. The six Holy Sect and the Limitless Sect have their own grievances. For the enemy, Ye Fei will naturally not be soft, and immediately prepare to make persistent efforts to completely destroy the Qian Wuji Belief in invincibility.

At this time, suddenly behind the farthest crowd, a group of terrestrial martial artists rushed over. The first one pointed at Ye Fei and screamed like an injured wild beast. : “God slain Ye Devil, you turned to ashes, and we know you too!”

“Ye Fei, Ye Fei! You must die, you lose your conscience, you and Fa That dog thief in Yihai has done a terrible harm to our Legalists!” “Wuji Young Master, you must not fall into the evil of this demon. This person seems to be honest, but in fact the insidious is very insidious in my Legalists back then. He suffered from the real loss of Old Zhang’s face, so that he led a wolf into the house and his family was ruined. He is Ye Fei, the authentic Ye Fei, and the one wanted by your Limitless Sect

Ye Fei!”

This group of terrestrial martial artists who came here are not other people, they happen to be Fa Dongxuan, the master of the Fajia, and Elder Huang, a group of martial artists from the Fajia. Because the spirit vein of the legalist was looted by Ye Fei, the treasures of the legalist were taken away by Shangluo taking advantage of a crisis for personal gain. They lost their heritage and lost the family property. The Emperor Aristocratic Family, who was also caught by many enemies, took the opportunity to hit a person when he’s down. In the end, he couldn’t stay on land anymore. He could only escape into the stars and earn a living everywhere.

For this reason, Fa Dongxuan and Yi Gan Elder dreamed of gnashing teeth every day, cursing Ye Fei and Fa Yihai that the dog thief would not die. Recently, Fa Dongxuan happened to hear that the Chongding faction was recruiting a guest official, and then he brought a large group of Elders to Danding City to see if he could be a guest official, and ease the hardships of the Fajia at this time. Hyun good luck, when he arrived, he happened to hear that there was a battle of Danding. Fa Dongxuan immediately brought a group of Elders to watch the excitement. Where did he know that he actually saw the dream city? I want to kill Ye Fei directly.

Suddenly, the suffering master met, Fa Dongxuan and a group of legalists Elder, their eyes were red with blood. When they heard Ye Fei denying their identity, they immediately jumped out and exposed Ye Fei in public.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the legalists, Ye Fei is also angry at the complexion ashen. It is really unfavorable to curse secretly. This is the real enemies on a narrow road, which is too big.

Qian Wuji also immediately re-energized from the depression, he looked towards Ye Fei in amazement, and looked towards the Fa family members who were suffering and enmity. After all, peerless genius, who is also the number one on the star list, was furious on the spot while Qian Wuji regained his spirit.

“Damn, Ye Fei, you are the Ye Devil, you are so insidious, you almost lost my confidence, cultivation deviation, die, I want you to die!”

bang! On Qian Wuji’s body, an incomparable gigantic color appeared. Under the anger, he was not only the first one to rush to Ye Fei again, but also immediately angrily roared Prince Ma: “Sect Master, you are still waiting What? If you want to get the support of my Limitless Sect, you can mobilize all the quasi emperors in Danding City, and kill the Ye Devil!”

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