“All the quasi-emperors in Danding City listen, whoever participated in the siege of Ye Fei will each reward Demi-God Artifact, kill Ye Fei, and each will reward Tianhuang Danyi Qian!” Qian Wuji is still very clever, knowing that contacting the Chongding faction is not enough, he immediately throws a huge profit at this time.

When I heard about the siege of Ye Fei, there was a Demi-God Artifact to take, and jointly kill Ye Fei, and each person could get a natural pill. Suddenly, hundreds of quasi-emperors on the scene were all a sensation. When they got up, even many Elders of the Danyuan faction had a lot of commotion.

Fa Dongxuan roared in ecstasy: “Ye Fei, your time for death has finally come, and the time for my legalists to take revenge has finally come!”

“God opens his eyes Ah, this leaf demon has done all the bad things, and finally suffered this retribution. I have pity on the more than 30 spirit veins of my legal school. I knew that we were throwing out to feed the dogs at the beginning, and we would not leave this demon with the law. A sea of ​​thief spoiled!”

A group of legalists Elder, all of them crying and cheering.

The many quasi emperors in Danding City were all red-eyed. At the moment they heard the promise of Qian Wuji, there were already more than fifty Earth Grade quasi emperors roaring and rushing towards Ye Fei. , And then Prince Ma, with many experts from the Chongding faction, also joined the battle.

Dan Ling’er’s face suddenly became pale, and she trembled: “How could this be? He is actually Ye Fei, the third on the star list. He also defeated Qian Wuji, and he became All the enemies of Zhundi, father, what should we do?”

For the first time, Dan Ling’er felt so confused in his mind.

Dan Yuanzi gave a wry smile and sighed: “What else can we do? We are no longer able to intervene in this matter. The Dan Yuan faction can only remain neutral! I think this Young Master Ye , Will understand our difficulties!”

“Don’t worry about the two Vice Sect Masters. I will not blame you for how the Danyuan faction chooses, but I need to borrow the Vice Sect Master for the time being. , Within ten days, it will be returned!” Just when Dan Yuanzi was discussing, suddenly the void between them split, Ye Fei was burning with blood flames all over his body, grabbing Dan Linger’s shoulder, he had already done it again Escape into the void.

Chapter 1654 Dominates the starry sky

“Devil Ye, leave, and return the spirit vein of my legal school. You have harmed my legal school too badly. The owner of this family is just a ghost. I also want to pull out your skin and twitch your muscles!” Fa Dongxuan was angry, and behind him, Elder, a practitioner, was full of resentment.

Stimulated by Tianhuang Dan and Demi-God Artifact, the other quasi-emperors in Danding City are also crazy. All warriors like fierce and unafraid of death must stop Ye Fei, and then Torn to shatter.

But the speed of the big Void Technique is too fast. When I found that the situation was not good, I had already suffered from the loss of the Emperor Zhun’s ban on the void. Ye Fei did not have any love for battle, used the void step, and grabbed the pill. Just leave.

As for why Dan Ling’er was taken away, it was Dan Ling’er of course. There was also a natural pill. Ye Fei had no time to ask for it in a hurry, so he could only take the Dan Ling’er. The abduction together, this scene also immediately caused all the true essence of Everlasting Qi to fall into a runaway.

It wasn’t until this time that Qian Wuji remembered that he should lead the Heaven Grade Zhundi of the Great Tripod Sect in advance to seal this void and prevent Ye Fei from escaping. Unfortunately, his combat experience is better than With Ye Fei’s swift reaction, Gan Wuji was still a little tender.

“Ah, damn Dragon Tortoise, how could it also be Void Technique, how can it run faster than the Demon Leaf!”

It’s angry roar again, from Ma Tie He said that he wanted to take advantage of Ye Fei’s siege and had no time to worry about Dragon Tortoise. He took the first shot and grabbed Dragon Tortoise.

Dragon Tortoise reacts faster than Ye Fei. Seeing that the situation is not good, it immediately runs faster than the thief. Ye Fei is still under siege. It has already displayed the same big Void Technique and escaped ahead of time. Void also escaped Ma Tie’s long-planned arrest.

Ma Tie almost blew his belly out of breath, and many Guest Elders of the Chong Ding faction were also angry. Then naturally, everyone suddenly looked angry at Dan Yuanzi and the others who were still in the city. “The Danyuan faction. Colluding with the Demon Ye and opposing the Limitless Sect. This is a heinous sin. The man and god are angry. Promise Young Master. Please also give an order to eradicate the Danyuan faction and return my Dandingcheng to the land!” Prince Ma looked savagely, anyway he Even if the ancestors are sold, I don’t care about taking this opportunity to completely eradicate the Danyuan faction, so that even without the support of Limitless Sect, the Heavy Ding faction can dominate Danding City. The sky spear old man and Dan Yuanzi quickly understood Prince Ma’s sinister intentions. Dan Yuanzi’s face changed. He was obsessed with pill concocting and dealing with crises. He was not good at dealing with crises. Fortunately, there was a sky spear old man beside him. Seeing the wind and waves, I think of Ye Fei’s move to grab Dan Ling’er suddenly before he left, and the old man suddenly woke up.

“Wou-ki Young Master, please listen to us explain that this demon not only incarnation Dongfang Yu, but also deceived our Danyuan faction. He also captured the Vice Sect Master of Dan Linger just now. Actually we Dan Yuan Pai is also a victim!” Taking advantage of the opportunity to speak, the old man Tianqiang stepped forward and stepped on Dan Yuanzi’s foot.

Dan Yuanzi has completely recovered from the panic just now. He immediately made a decision and hurriedly took a group of Elders and knelt down to Qian Wuji on one knee and said: “Please also Wuji Young Master rescued the little girl, our Danyuan faction, we are willing to obey the Young Master’s orders!”

Prince Ma suddenly appeared incomparable gigantic anger, shouted: “Danyuanzi, old to have no shame! Your daughter Hook up that leaf demon, no one in Danding City knows what you have now, take refuge in the Promise Young Master and join me in the Limitless Sect!” “Pill Recipe! Many of the Pill Recipe of my Danyuan Sect are unique to the stars. Please also Promise Young Master to give us ten days of grace. After ten days, we must sort out all the Pill Recipe and dedicate them to Limitless Sect.” Dan Yuanzi is not stupid. Ye Fei said the ten-day deadline before leaving is obvious. It is to imply that he was delayed for ten days. Although it is not clear how much wind and waves can be brought up in these ten days, Dan Yuanzi knows that this may be him and the last chance of Dan Yuan faction. Dan Yuanzi simply confided and threw out a temptation that no sect could refuse.

And when he heard this, Qian Wuji’s eyes were full of murderous intention, but he suddenly became a lot softer. In the end, his purpose in coming to Danding City was to surrender the Chongding faction and Dan Yuan. Send to prepare for the future Limitless Sect dominates the entire Ancient Starry Sky Road, and even attack Heavenly Martial Continent.

Obviously, with the emergence of a large number of peerless geniuses in Heavenly Martial Continent, ordinary martial artists don’t know what this means, but Big Sect like Limitless Sect is very clear. Possibly, it is a sign of the arrival of Grand Era.

And once the martial artists of Heavenly Martial Continent show up a large number of Martial Emperors and Martial Gods, this is a huge threat to the Limitless Sect and the entire star sect. If you want to eliminate this threat, Limitless Sect can only act first, unify the entire Ancient Starry Sky Road, and then seize the opportunity to capture the entire Heavenly Martial Continent.

Only when Limitless Sect becomes the new owner of Ancient Starry Sky Road and even the entire Heavenly Martial Continent, not only will they not be threatened, they will also be able to enjoy the endless benefits of Grand Era.

Spirit vein recovers, Martial Emperor emerges, Martial God can be expected!

Marital Dao Path will win even more brilliance than the past!


“Should I call you Dongfang Young Master or Ye Demon?” Outside Danding City, Dan Linger’s face was full of complex emotions. She hates Ye Fei for influencing Danyuan faction, but she knows in her heart that even if there is no Ye Fei thing, Limitless Sect, she will definitely not let Danyuan faction.

With Danyuanzi’s temperament and Pill Cauldron Sect’s ancestral motto, the Danyuan faction would rather be destroyed than to give in to the Limitless Sect, so what awaits the Danyuan faction is complete destruction. , This is also the reason why Dan Ling’er feels complicated.

On the one hand, she is grateful to Ye Fei for saving her from the vortex destroyed by the Danyuan Sect, but on the other hand, she can’t see Danyuanzi and the old man from Sky Spear, and can’t bear the Limitless Sect. His anger was destroyed along with the Danyuan faction. “Vice Sect Master, don’t worry, I’ll be responsible for things that started because of me. I will solve them to the end. Besides, the old man of Sky Spear is a wise man, and he is also an old man. He will definitely understand my intention to take you away. I dare not say, delay ten days, I think if your father is not an idiot, he will definitely be able to do it!” Ye Fei can understand Dan Linger’s feelings, even though this time The Danyuan faction’s crisis was not entirely due to him, but it was more or less affected by him, which also made it impossible for him to leave as usual.

So Ye Fei made a guarantee.

“Within ten days, I will definitely find a way to help you Danyuan faction through the crisis.” Ye Fei said solemnly. “I don’t expect you to help our Danyuan faction solve the crisis. The Limitless Sect is too strong. Unless you are the Martial Emperor and can completely eliminate the Limitless Sect, you will not be able to solve our crisis. I only hope that these ten God, you can save my father and Tianlao, if they die, you

will take revenge on them for me!” Dan Ling’er’s eyes were firm, and she once again restored her qualities as a strong woman . Ye Fei also gave a secret compliment, feeling that Dan Ling’er may not have strong battle strength, but when it comes to managing the sect, this woman is really a rare talent. In exchange for ordinary people, having encountered such a change, absolutely cannot be as calm as Dan Linger.

Chapter 1655 is improved again

Ye Fei also solemnly nodded and said: “Your conditions, I will try my best! I am still the guest official of the Danyuan faction.” “Yes. With your words, I’m relieved. By the way, this is the Tianhuang Pill given to you by Qian Wuji. I have checked it and there is no problem. You can take it with confidence.” Dan Ling’er is very smart and knows Ye Fei will save her. , Impossible is that she is so simple, mainly or for the natural pill in her hands


Ye Fei did not deny this either. If it weren’t for Tianhuang Dan, he would not participate in the battle of Danding, and would fight against Qian Wu.

You must know that a desolate pill can enable quasi emperors who are not peerless genius to have the Heaven Grade field, and it can also allow peerless genius to save a lot of time and produce more cultivation In the Heaven Grade field, this temptation is enough to drive any quasi emperor crazy.

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