Ye Fei turned the flesh into a magical black hole, and ruthlessly swallowed the spirit of the knife that rushed into him within the body. He wanted this way to scare these weird swordsmen and let them know their difficulties. And retreat. It’s a pity that his act of devouring the spirit of the sword even angered the soldiers wandering in the tomb of the sword. One group of sword soldiers was swallowed, and another group of sword soldiers was immediately attracted. From all over the knife graveyard, they surged crazily. Later, Ye Fei’s body was all around, and it was infinite Demi-God Artifact, Divine Item. The swordsmen were completely surrounded, and they screamed in anger, like the entire race, irritated by

Ye Fei’s actions. Between the breath, the vast Blade Qi shook the universe and dazzled all directions. At this moment, a terrifying sword force was formed. It was discovered that a single blade spirit could not assimilate Ye Fei, but was swallowed by Ye Fei’s magical vortex. The sword soldiers who rushed to suddenly gathered into a torrent of thousands of sword spirits absolutely, and rushed into Ye Fei within the body even more violently.

Ye Fei’s complexion suddenly became extremely ugly. No matter how strong his battle demonic path is, there is a limit to devouring the sword spirit. Once this limit is exceeded, it is not that he devours the sword spirit, but vice versa. The spirit will swallow his consciousness and turn him into a member of the sword spirit.

And once he becomes a sword spirit, he can’t imagine what terrifying murder weapon he will become. “But even if it becomes a cold blooded and emotionless murder weapon, I want to save her. Hurry up…”

Fighting against the impact of the body possession of the infinite blade spirit, Ye Fei spoke with difficulty. At least, he could still let Zhao Yu escape from this terrifying cemetery.

“No, I will not go, I will walk together, I will die together!” Seeing Ye Fei, in order to save her, he didn’t even want his life, Lu Qing’s expression became more complicated, although she would not be because of it. I fell in love with Ye Fei, but her soul was undoubtedly greatly shocked.


Ye Fei spewed out a mouthful of old blood, he turned his head with difficulty, looked towards the woman behind him, it was not Zhao Yu, but Lu Qing! Lu Qing has nothing to do with him at all!

Suddenly, Ye Fei seemed to see countless wild beasts roaring past his eyes. There is even the urge to go back immediately and drag the old money out to kill 10,000 times.

“Damn old money, didn’t he say that Zhao Yu was chased by Limitless Sect and escaped into the tomb of the sword? How come it would be Lu Qing who had escaped here… if he had known that he was besieged by swordsmen It’s Lu Qing, why should I dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety, why not stop the swordsmen so desperately……”

Ye Fei was depressed, but at this time, the impact of countless sword spirits Next, his speech became extremely difficult.

Lu Qing was also shocked by the scene where he spurted blood. With her knowledge, of course, she knew what a huge threat Ye Fei was experiencing at this time. But she was already seriously injured. At this time, facing the siege of the infinite sword spirit, Lu Qing was willing, and could not help too much.

In the end, Lu Qing could only think of a way that was not a solution. She clenched the teeth, took out a Spiritual Qi amazing Spiritual Pill from her body, and suddenly rushed towards Ye Fei.


The surrounding swordsmen were even more angry. Suddenly, a round moon turned into a scimitar and slashed towards Lu Qing. At this time, Lu Qing’s body was suddenly surrounded by lightning, like a lightning electric mother. The body of the heavy wound fiercely bounced the sword soldier formed by the round moon god soldier.

Lu Qing also took this opportunity and finally rushed to Ye Fei’s side, “Ye Fei, eat this, maybe we still have hope…”

White catkins Unfolded, what Lu Qing took out was actually an extremely precious natural pill.

She killed a Limitless Sect Elder who was chasing her. Lu Qing obtained it by accident. Lu Qing used it as a Supreme Treasure and kept it personally, and planned to bring it back to his grandfather. Also, the heavenly punishment of the emperor Zhun, has never been able to break through the Heaven Grade of the emperor’s wish.

But after seeing Ye Fei dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety in order to save her, she can’t even kill her. Lu Qing still decided to give this wild pill to Ye Fei. “As long as you take this Heavenly Desolate Pill, you will be able to break through Heaven Grade Zhundi, and perhaps get rid of the entanglement of these swordsmen.” Lu Qing did not wait for Ye Fei’s refusal, already, and stuffed the Heavenly Desolate Pill into Ye Fei’s mouth. , But completely ignored. Several swordsmen had already ruthlessly cut through her thunderbolt, and even more

several long wounds appeared on her body.

The blood dyed reddened the ground, and the whole Tsing Yi turned into a blood suit. But Lu Qing didn’t seem to notice. In order to make Ye Fei smoothly refining the pill, Lu Qing burned his bloodline again. Suddenly, the infinite thunderbolt formed a terrifying thunder and lightning, and the sword soldiers around Zhen kept retreating.

However, Lu Qing’s breath weakened rapidly, Ye Fei’s heart also trembled, knowing that Lu Qing was originally a seriously injured body, and burning bloodline at this time was the source of self-damaging, and it was difficult to resist For too long, besides, Tianhuang Dan has been fed into his mouth by Lu Qing.

Under the influence of the war demonic path, at this time, he himself is a terrifying black hole that absorbs everything. Almost Lu Qing’s Tianhuang Dan has just been stuffed into his mouth. Ye Fei’s flesh and blood has formed a vortex, Instantly absorb all the medicinal power of Tianhuang Dan.

Ye Fei suddenly gave a wry smile, knowing that under such circumstances, he has no choice but to sigh and then cheer up. The medicinal power was suddenly transformed into a raging force, and it crazily poured into the field of Vermilion Bird.

Under the stimulation of Huangli, the field of Vermilion Bird quickly began to transform, from the field of Earth Grade to the field of Heaven Grade. What surprised Ye Fei even more was that because he had already used the experience of using the Heavenly Desolation Pill to improve the field, this transformation was completed in just a dozen breaths.

This also makes Ye Fei’s Heaven Grade field from four to five!

With the support of five Heaven Grade domains, Ye Fei’s strength has undoubtedly become more terrifying. His battle demonic path is running crazier, and the devouring strength that will reach its limit is here. Time became more powerful. Finally, Ye Fei released all the Heaven Grade fields.

Suddenly at this time, the Octopus Tianlong was released. With five complete Heaven Grade octopole dragons, the formidable power is more terrifying. While condensing the new Fire Dragon, Ye Fei uses the rest of the dragons to suddenly dive down and rush into the endless swordsmen.

“Dragon, domain, explode for me!”

Ye Fei roared, at the moment of crisis, he didn’t keep any hands. Not only did he personally detonate the seven dragons, it also detonated except The four major areas of Vermilion Bird. The terrifying explosive force formed a terrifying shock wave of true essence, spreading to all directions instantly.

In the end, even the entire knife tomb was shaken violently under this shock wave, feeling the horror of the explosion of this domain, and Ye Fei’s heart was also shocked, “Eight-pole Tianlong cooperates with the domain My Self-destruction is so terrifying? It seems that I have another hole card!”

Seeing the scattered swordsmen and spirits all around, Ye Fei did not hesitate. While rushing to disperse them, he picked up Lu Qing who was already on the verge of collapse, and moved towards the outside, rushing out of the tomb of the sword.


Behind him are countless swordsmen, roaring in anger. They chased after him, and tried to surround Ye Fei from all directions. But the speed of the Great Void Step is too fast. To be honest, if it weren’t for rushing too fast, fighting too hard, and underestimating the formidable power of the knife-soldier unity, Ye Fei simply wouldn’t get hurt or be surrounded by swordsmen

In the battle between body possession and anti-body possession. Fortunately, Lu Qing’s Heavenly Desolate Pill successfully changed Ye Fei’s Heaven Grade domain from four to five, and it also triggered a double self-destruction between Tianlong and the domain, which made him a successful soldier. Escaped in the siege.

Chapter 1667 Snooping News

Countless swordsmen gathered to form a terrifying torrent of swords.

This is the terrifying of the tomb of the sword, not to mention the ordinary Heaven Grade quasi-di, that is, Ye Fei. The moment he rushes out, there is also a feeling of escape alive. It is really the terrifying of these swordsmen.

A single sword soldier, without terrifying, the sword soldiers gathered together, even the Martial Emperor, is estimated to be difficult to resist. It is no wonder that without any power, they would be willing to occupy this Blade World. Lu Qing looked at the torrent of swordsmen chasing behind him with a complex expression.

But when he saw Ye Fei holding her, this Goddess still couldn’t help flashing a blush and shame on his face. Lu Qing commanded coldly, “Let me down “

“Okay, that, this time, many thanks.” Ye Fei is also a bit embarrassed. After all, he is not very familiar with Lu Qing. It is really not appropriate to hold a girl in this way, let alone he It was also a blunder, refining Lu Qing’s Tianhuang Dan.

Ye Fei quickly let go and put Lu Qing down. But Lu Qing did not stand on the ground. She was already seriously injured and burned the bloodline again, and she is still weak.

Suddenly standing alone at this time, with a severely overdrawn body, Lu Qing’s body became soft, and he couldn’t help but screamed and fell to the ground. Ye Fei subconsciously wanted to catch it, but thinking of Lu Qing’s just now, He could only watch, the girl slapped loudly, lying down in front of him.


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