Lu Qing was so angry that he suddenly had the urge to perish with Ye Fei.

“Da Hei, you go to carry her.” Ye Fei naturally found Lu Qing’s weakness, he thought about it, and simply released Dragon Tortoise and let Lu Qing sit on Dragon Tortoise’s back.

“It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, Lu Qing, do you have a place to go, or follow me to Danding City?” Ye Fei solemnly asked. Although Zhao Yu was not chased down this time, Ye Fei was still a little worried. Since Limitless Sect can attack Lu Qing, he will definitely let Zhao Yu go.

In the starry sky, he is alone, it is difficult to find out where Zhao Yu is, Ye Fei decided to return to Danding City as soon as possible. I hope to use the old money to continue to inquire about Zhao Yu’s whereabouts.

“Limitless Sect is chasing you everywhere, and people related to you, where else can I go? I’ll leave it with you.” Lu Qing feels very innocent, but she does The injury was serious again, and at this time she had no other choice but to be with Ye Fei. “Okay, then let’s go back quickly.” Ye Fei was a little worried. The Knife Tomb is not a long-term place. Fortunately, there are many Starry Sky Transmission Arrays outside the Knife Tomb. The two found the nearest one and quickly melted. As a starlight, it disappeared outside the sword mound. When it reappeared, Ye Fei had already returned to Danding City.

It’s just that the current Danding City is no longer as lively as before. Although the Great Ding faction is destroyed, it is due to the power of Limitless Sect. The Danyuan faction that won in the end, not at all seized the opportunity to master the Danding City, but began to clean up the details, ready to evacuate at any time. Only under the suppression of a large number of Tyrant Dragons, no one dared to leave casually until Ye Fei returned. Dan Yuanzi, Dan Ling’er and the others, who had received the news long ago, have been waiting here. When he saw that Ye Fei was not returning alone and Lu Qing was still with him, Dan Ling’er’s expression changed obviously. Complex

Miscellaneous, the expression in his eyes also became sad.

“Hello, you must be Young Master Ye’s soulmate. You are really happy. For you, he would rather give up his handy position and desperately save you.” Dan Linger walks Stepping forward, a smile barely appeared on his face.

Lu Qing’s whole mind is a bit stunned. She faintly feels that something is wrong, but something is wrong, she can’t tell. After all, Ye Fei is in the tomb of the knife. To save her, dash on The desperate posture of bravely with no thought of personal safety reminded Lu Qing at this time that his heart was still full of strong shock.

So, Goddess’s expression is more complicated, and his eyes look towards Ye Fei unconsciously. But Ye Fei has no time to explain this to Lu Qing at this time. The first thing he did when he returned to Danding City, he used divine sense to look for the silhouette of the old money.

Then Ye Fei’s body flashed, reappeared in Danyuan Inn, and soon appeared in Lao Qian’s room. Lao Qian had not left yet. He was in the room at this time, refining Ye Fei gave him Demi-God Artifact. Seeing Ye Fei’s sudden appearance, Old Qian was shocked, but he quickly reacted.

“Young Master Ye, if you come back so soon, have you saved your soulmate?” Old Qian respectfully said. “You are ashamed to say, you didn’t mean that Zhao Yu was chased down. I was inside, and rescued a Lu Qing. What is going on?” Ye Fei had a black face, if it weren’t for the old money’s respectful attitude Sincerely, it’s not like deliberately lie to him. He wants to beat people. It’s really this oolong, which makes him very embarrassed.

Old Qian was also stunned, “Young Master Ye, you may have misunderstood, I just heard that Limitless Sect is arresting Zhao Yu and Lu Qing, but I don’t know that Sword Tomb was chased. Which one did you kill? In the end, I didn’t finish talking, so you hurriedly killed it. I can’t help it…”

Ye Fei was speechless. Only then did I realize that I heard Zhao Yu Maybe something went wrong. He was really too excited. He didn’t even hear the old Qian finish the information, so he ran to the Tombstone. This was the reason for this misunderstanding.

Actually, this is his own fault. It’s nothing to do with the old money. Ye Fei quickly coughed and revealed the topic: “Old money, I remember you said that you are Sky Spirit Sect’s peripheral spies, I wonder if you can find a way to help me listen to Zhao Yu’s whereabouts from Sky Spirit Sect?”

Seeing that in order to capture Lu Qing, Limitless Sect actually dispatched five or six standards. Emperor expert, Ye Fei couldn’t help worrying about Zhao Yu’s side even more.

As the overlord of the Starry Sky, with the power of Limitless Sect, if you can find Lu Qing, you can definitely find Zhao Yu. Now Ye Fei just hopes that he can find Zhao Yu before Limitless Sect. As an intelligence spy, the old Qian is best at observing words and colors. Knowing Zhao Yu, he may be the person Ye Fei cares about most. The old money is very happy nodded and said: “Young Master Ye, don’t worry, you will not only give me the Spirit Stone, but also the Demi-God Artifact

Demi-God Artifact For this kindness, my old money will definitely repay you. Sky Spirit Sect has a branch in Danding City, so I will contact the branch Elder.”

The old money took out a sound transmission. The mirror, in front of Ye Fei, began to contact Elder, the branch of Sky Spirit Sect. In the sound transmission mirror, the other party’s anger quickly came: “Old money, what are you doing, who allows you peripheral spies to talk to the old man without authorization? Contact!”

“I allow it! Sky Spirit Sect, listening to the news has always possessed great magical power. I want you to help me find Zhao Yu’s specific whereabouts within a day and whether he is chased by Limitless Sect Kill, maybe you can do it?” Ye Fei took the sound transmission mirror and personally negotiated with this branch Elder. This also shocked the branch Elder. He was silent for a dozen breaths in a row. It seemed to be analyzing the content of Ye Fei’s words. Then, there was a loud laughter: “It turned out to be Young Master Ye, you said. That’s right, our Sky Spirit Sect is best at inquiring about intelligence, and it happens that we have a piece of information that is important to you. I wonder if Young Master Ye is interested?”

“What do you want?” Ye Fei solemnly asked. “A spirit vein, we provide Zhao Yu, and all the information of the demon prince, including a birthday invitation to Limitless Sect. Young Master Ye is interested?” In the sound transmission mirror, suddenly the branch came. Elder’s cold voice.

Chapter 1668 Emperor Ji’s reincarnation

“Yes, that spirit vein, I will give it to the old money!” Ye Fei did not blink his eyes. Since the other party dared to open such a big mouth, this information must be very important. The most important thing is that he can find Zhao Yu through this information. “Young Master Ye is really happy, the old man is not hiding anymore, just received the news, the demon prince personally shot Zhao Yu, but also Zhao Yu, please return to the Limitless Sect, only waiting to finish the Limitless Sect On the birthday of the old Sword God, the demon prince will set off and return to the continent of heavenly demon.” Tianling Elder Shen


Then, the sound transmission mirror in Ye Fei’s hand, what came out was not sound anymore, but a vague image. It was a starry sky and a scene of a battle between two figures. A young man wearing a black royal robe with boiling demonic energy filled the entire starry sky.

Another silhouette, the veil is wonderful, the endless ice and fire, burning stars, freezing the void, don’t need to look at it, just feel the power of Ice and Fire, in Ye Fei’s heart , It just trembled inexplicably, it was indeed Zhao Yu’s silhouette.

I haven’t seen it for a while, Zhao Yu has become stronger and more indifferent. She not only breakthrough Martial Sovereign, but also exudes a powerful Heavenly Dao atmosphere anytime and anywhere. “Supreme Indifference, Zhao Yu has been cultivated to the limit. Only one step away, Zhao Yu will be able to break through the Martial Emperor and completely integrate into Heavenly Dao. From then on, it will enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven, and conquer the heavens, and punish him! Who is the devil prince, he actually suppressed Zhao Yu with his bare hands…” Looking at the blurry picture in the sound transmission mirror

, Ye Fei’s heart was full of shock.

As soon as the demon prince shot, it was actually suppressed. No matter how powerful Zhao Yu was, he couldn’t stop this person. He was captured. As for the next screen, sound transmission is in the mirror, not at all appear.

Ye Fei’s heart suddenly appeared an inexplicable rage, shouted: “The picture behind, why not?”

The picture disappeared, and the sound transmission mirrored again. Elder’s indifferent voice: “In order to obtain such a picture, I, Sky Spirit Sect, killed seven top spies in a row, and barely broke through the horrible demonic energy of the demon prince. There is no more.”

Understanding that these pictures may be the limit of Sky Spirit Sect, Ye Fei’s face is cold and he is not asking. Now Zhao Yu has stopped the demon prince from taking him away. His top priority now is to find a way to save Zhao Yu. Come out. “Just now you said that this person came from the continent of heavenly demon?” “Yes, the demon prince is from the continent of heavenly demon, the prince of a certain empire, and has a deep relationship with Limitless Sect. You have also seen his strength, really The half-step evildoer! Not weaker than you, the most terrifying thing is behind him, there is Limitless Sect, and a powerful empire, supporting him! With such strength, there is no starry sky. People can contend! Knowing such news, you still have the confidence to dare to challenge Limitless Sect, to challenge the demon prince?”

The voice of Elder of the Celestial Spirit became more and more indifferent.

After listening to the demon prince’s information, Ye Fei’s heart was also fiercely shocked. The half-step enchantment is terrifying, as can be seen from his body.

“Unexpectedly, in this Ancient Starry Sky Road, besides me, there is a second half-step evildoer, but since he dares to hurt Zhao Yu, he must do well and endure me Prepare to be angry!”


Ye Fei’s body suddenly showed a shocking fighting intent, and then turned into a raging anger, making the temperature of the entire Danyuan Inn become At this moment, it became extremely hot. ,

As the old money of the quasi-emperor, at this time, I feel that my breathing is about to stagnate. I can’t stay in this room at all. I can only leave the Inn quickly with the other people in the Inn. Did not say Ye Fei’s terrifying fighting intent influence.

“Okay, okay, it deserves to be the Land Number One Person! The name is not in vain, since you have decided, then we will send you the invitation to the Limitless Sect.” Tianling Elder also has a tone There was a slight fluctuation, like didn’t expect. Knowing that the front is dragon’s pool and tiger’s den, Ye Fei dared to jump in.

“hmph, if you do this, aren’t you afraid to offend Limitless Sect?” Ye Fei asked coldly. He felt that this Sky Spirit Sect was too kind.

Elder’s tone became cold again, indifferently said: “Our Sky Spirit Sect rules, as long as we can afford the price, we dare to provide any information you need, the invitation has been sent, this time The transaction is over here.”

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