There is no chance to ask Ye Fei too much. An invitation suddenly turned into a streamer, from the void in the distance, it directly shattered the Defensive Array of Inn, and then entered the room where Ye Fei was. Obviously, Sky Spirit Sect is not only mysterious, but also extremely powerful. It can not fear the threat of Limitless Sect. This makes Ye Fei’s body suddenly burst out with extremely fierce magical golden light, golden-bright and dazzling palm, and put the invitation card Grab firmly. Open it and look at it. The above is the Limitless Sect. The Sect Master of the Star Sect

, Zhundi, is invited to the Limitless Sect to participate in the Sword God birthday invitation.

“Young Master Ye, Inn, what happened here, how come you have a Sword God post of Limitless Sect in your hands?”

The movement here has caused many people Attention, Dan Yuanzi, the old man Tianqiang came first, Dan Linger and Lu Qing also flew over from a distance, and even King Tyrant Dragon took many Tyrant Dragons, The earth shook and the mountain quivered running. When I came over, I was so excited that there was a fish that escaped the net from the Chongding School.

Ye Fei didn’t say anything, didn’t explain anything, he just looked solemn, and he held the Sword God post in his hand very tightly, very hard.

In this post, he not only saw the names of Limitless Sect Sect Master, Gan Sanyuan and Gan Wuji, but he also saw the name of the demon prince. What makes Ye Fei feel the most upset is On this Sword God post, there is Zhao Yu’s name, and before Zhao Yu’s name, there are two more characters.

“Emperor Ji!”

Ye Fei uttered these two words, these two words, exhausted all his strength, and let him In my mind, a huge question arose.

Zhao Yu, why suddenly became Emperor Ji again? Was it because she had forgotten him, what happened to her astonishing change, or, in this, is there anything he didn’t know about it?

“Emperor Ji? Could it be that Zhao Yu was caught by Limitless Sect?” Lu Qing’s expression became a bit solemn when he heard the words Emperor Ji.

Ye Fei suddenly turned his head and looked at Lu Qing: “You know Zhao Yu, why became Emperor Ji?”

“I don’t know, but those Limitless Sect Elders When they hunted me down, they mentioned that the devil prince seemed to think that Zhao Yu was the reincarnation of Emperor Ji. For this reason, more than 90% of the experts of Limitless Sect ran to capture Zhao Yu, which allowed me to escape.” Lu Qing was a little surprised.

“Emperor Ji reincarnation?” Ye Fei’s heart also shook fiercely, but soon, his heart became calm again.

He doesn’t care what Emperor Ji Zhao Yu is. He only knows that no matter who Zhao Yu is, he must save Zhao Yu! “Two Vice Sect Masters, do you know, what is the origin of this Sword God’s birthday?” Ye Fei continued to ask with a calm face.

Chapter 1669 The birthday of Sword God

“The birthday of Sword God is a very grand ceremony in Limitless Sect, in order to commemorate Ancient Era, the fallen Demi- of Limitless Sect. God powerhouse. And it will be held once every 100 years, but this time it hasn’t been a century yet, how could Limitless Sect suddenly hold such a grand meeting?” Dan Yuanzi was a little puzzled

. The old man of Sky Spear is coldly snorted, disdainfully said: “What a hundred years of life is just an excuse for Limitless Sect to show off one’s military strength. Since Limitless Sect can take action against us, Danding City, this is enough to show that Limitless Sect has already dominated the whole city. The ambition of the Ancient Starry Sky Road is now. It should be just an excuse to hold a birthday.

The real purpose is to take the opportunity to test the attitude of our Starry Sky Sect.”

Ye Fei nodded , Also recognized the words of the sky spear old man. This Sword God birthday is probably just a cover. The purpose of Limitless Sect is nothing more than two points.

First, use the celebration to test the starry sky sect’s reaction to Limitless Sect’s dominance of the starry sky. Second, use this method to force him to show up.

Through the information disclosed by Qian Wuji, Ye Fei already knew that the reason why Limitless Sect was arresting him everywhere, and people related to him, the purpose is to regain the Wuji sword, this star sword. Embryo.

“But no matter which kind, this Sword God birthday, I must go! Two Vice Sect Masters, many thanks for the care during this time, as for the heavenly pill you owe me , You can give it to Lu Qing. Lu Qing, Tyrant Dragon King, Sky Spear Senior, Dan Yuanzi Senior, Dan Linger, leave.”

I learned that Zhao Yu has been arrested in Limitless Sect. , Ye Fei didn’t want to stay for a moment. He arched his hands at the crowd, turned around and left, and directly killed Wuji City. Although Fa Dongxuan destroyed the Starry Transmission Array of Chongding Sect to the Promise City when he fled, but as a heroic city that was able to compete with Limitless Sect, Danding City’s Starry Transmission Array to the Promise City was not only There is only one. At this time, Ye Fei intends to use this Transmission Array to rush to Promise

Zong and rescue Zhao Yu.

For this, Dan Yuanzi and the old man Tianqiang were shocked and appalled. Dan Ling’er also paled with fright. She didn’t expect Ye Fei to be so crazy that she hadn’t enough to drive away Wuji. She actually had to kill someone else to kill Wuji City controlled by the Star Overlord.

Lu Qingqi’s fiercely glared at Ye Fei, and finally couldn’t help but stop him: “Ye Fei, you are crazy, challenge a small sect alone, are you Martial Emperor or Martial God, you Do you know that if you do this, you are going to die?”

“What about sending him to death, Limitless Sect took Zhao Yu, obviously it was for me, one person doing things, one person, besides, Zhao Yu was caught Captured, I can only watch, but there is nothing I can do. Then what kind of martial arts and Dao do I practice! Even if it is you, I will do it!”

Ye Fei’s eyes A flash of firmness, knowing that there are mountains and tigers, go deep into the mountains, this is the responsibility that a man should have, and this is the courage that a martial artist should have!

“Even if I lose, I will fight him Heaven and Earth turning upside down, and shed the last drop of blood on this body. I am worthy of my life, death, not terrifying, drag out an ignoble existence To live, that is the martial artist, the shame of a lifetime! Da Hei, let’s go!”

Ye Fei didn’t say any more, he knew that doing this by himself would be stupid at all, but he shrank, drag out an ignoble existence. It’s definitely not what he wants, and he can’t even more, watching his own woman helplessly, falling into the enemy’s hands and being indifferent.

“The Promise Sword, this storm is caused by you, then let me use you to end it completely.” Ye Fei held the Star Sword Embryo in his hand tightly, and everyone was puzzled. Fear, awe, and other complicated gazes, they moved to the Teleportation Formation Platform again.

This time, his goal is surprisingly the gate of Limitless Sect, Promise City! Promise City is said to be a city, but here is actually an amazing ancient star with infinite Spiritual Qi. Here, it was once the residence of the Guardian family. Here, countless young Guardian descendants walked out of the ancient star and entered the land. Array of experience, in order to transform into a new Guardian, more powerful

Guardian, throughout his life, in the starry sky, fight with the powerful and violent wild beasts, bloody battle, with life, with generations of Guardian The flesh and blood protects a large number of life stars from the ravages of wild beasts.

But when the glory of the ancient times is not there, when the ancestors of Limitless Sect, the Guardian who slaughtered this ancient star, the entire Ancient Starry Sky Road has undergone a huge transformation.

Countless stars of life are either destroyed by Limitless Sect or occupied by wild beasts. Except for a small number of stars of life and guarded by the star sect, Limitless Sect simply won’t care about the rest of the weak stars. The life and death of those mortals.

On the contrary, the Pill Masters of Limitless Sect, also wish these mortals all become food for the wild beasts, so that the stronger the wild beasts, the more profitable they will get after hunting the wild beasts . And the birthday of Sword God every 100 years is a scene where Limitless Sect shows its centenary harvest.

At this time, a large number of Tianhuang Dan and Dihuang Dan will be placed, and various powerful beast skeletons, Emperor Artifacts made of leather armor, and Demi-God Artifacts will be placed. come out. Let the star sects who come to participate in the birthday banquet choose, of course, the price is extremely expensive. A single natural pill can ruin many Earth Grade quasi-emperors, and the savings of hundreds of years and thousands of years will be lost. Of course, there is also a way to get a natural pill without spending money. That is to participate in the Sword God assessment of Limitless Sect once every 100 years. By passing the assessment, this person can become a member of Limitless Sect

and get Tian Huang Dan, Earth Huang Dan, transformed into a member of the powerful quasi emperor. Of course, these two ways to obtain the Heavenly Desolation Pill are limited to the Starry Sect. As for the terrestrial martial artist, even if it is as powerful as a heavenly punishment quasi emperor, if you donate the entire Lú Family’s spirit vein with your hands, you can never expect to get a Limitless Sect half a heavenly desolation. Dan. Also under the suppression of Limitless Sect, the terrestrial martial artists

under the stars are getting weaker and weaker, while the geniuses of those star sects are getting stronger and stronger.

It’s not a Heaven Grade quasi-emperor, but can have the Heaven Grade field. Elder is everywhere, and many of these Elder talents are only super genius, but relying on the strength of the field, they can easily Kill the land’s top geniuses and dominate the stars. Xue Lingzi is such a person. For the terrestrial martial artist, he has deep contempt and disdain from beginning to end, but after seeing the power of Ye Fei, Emperor Fan and the others, his heart is actually Always concealing deep fear, this complex emotion made the blood soul child know that Zhao Yu was arrested immediately, so he volunteered to ask Qian Wuji and the Demon Prince for his life.

“Wuji Young Master, His Highness the Crown Prince, my blood river sect, and Ye Fei have a bloody vengeance. I heard that you have captured his woman. Please give this woman to me, I must Fiercely tortured her…” the blood spirit said fiercely.

In exchange, it was the demon prince’s indifferent eyes, “Do Wuji, take care of your dog! Emperor Ji’s identity is extremely noble. Anyone who blasphemes her is with my demon prince. Enemy!” Qian Wuji’s face changed suddenly, not even think, and suddenly he slapped the blood Lingzi, vomiting blood backwards, “Blood Lingzi, what kind of shit you put on, remember, we invited back, Emperor Ji , And it has nothing to do with the Ye Demon. If you dare to go out and say something nonsense, not just you, then you, Blood River Sect, wait to extinguish sect together!”


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