Qian Wuji is coldly snorted, not even looking at Xue Lingzi, and hurriedly followed behind the devil prince, ran to the palace not far away, and prepared to say hello to Emperor Ji. Also expressing the kindness of Limitless Sect, only Xue Lingzi is left, with a bitter face covering his red and swollen face.

He is also the third on the star list, the famous peerless genius in the starry sky. At this time, he just said the wrong thing, and was actually slapped in front of countless guests by Qian Wuji. This shame made Xue Lingzi’s heart mad. . “What Emperor Ji, then Zhao Yu, it is clearly Ye Fei’s woman, Zhao Yu and Wuji Sword’s information, or our Blood River Sect provided to you, as a result, you are falling out to become hostile, forget it, you dare to blood me Lingzi is a dog! Sure enough, without strength, everything is empty talk. Now I will break through Martial Sovereign. One day, Qian Wuji, Ye Fei, Difan, Xue Yue, you so-called peerless genius, all my blood spirit Step on your feet!”

Chapter 1670 Deadly Admonition

Under the starry sky geniuses and strange eyes watching, the blood spirit son turned and left with resentment.

On the steps of the palace, the demon prince did not look back, but he seemed to be able to feel the emotional changes of the blood spirit. He coldly shook his head and said: “This blood spirit still has some talents. This time he beat him in public, it is estimated that the blood spirit will break through Martial Sovereign and wait for the opportunity to find you to settle the account.”

Qian Wuji said indifferently: “He won’t have this opportunity anymore, our Limitless Sect is officially Decided to unify the Ancient Starry Sky Road, even if the blood spirit child breaks through Martial Sovereign at this time, either he swears to be a dog by my side, or he, a peerless genius, can only fall.”

With an indifferent expression and no interest in the starry sky, he walked into the palace first, and his eyes instantly looked towards a beautiful back in a palace dress.

“Emperor Ji, are you satisfied with the layout here?” The devil prince looked at the carved beams and columns of the palace. This is the best palace of Limitless Sect. It was originally prepared for the devil prince. At this time, he was willing to give up this palace to Zhao Yu. Seeing the appearance of the demon prince, Zhao Yu’s icy eyes, at this moment, seemed to be burning with a raging flame, waterfall-like black hair, and the roots of hair, burning like flames, but Zhao Yu didn’t at all shoot, no She doesn’t want to take action, but her cultivation base and Primordial Spirit have all been imprisoned by the devil


At this time, Zhao Yu is the most ordinary woman, but even in ordinary, her imposing manner is still indifferent like an iceberg, and like a flame, full of danger.

“The devil prince, I said, you are not allowed to call me Emperor Ji, I am not an Emperor Ji, I am the martial artist of Heavenly Martial Continent, Heavenly Dao Saint Court Saintess, I am absolutely impossible in your mouth The Emperor Ji reincarnated!” Zhao Yu’s eyes were cold. Even if it was just an ordinary look, the palace was filled with air-conditioning, and it was the first time for Qian Wuji to see such a beautiful strange woman. He was originally watching Zhao Yu’s beautiful face, but after feeling Zhao Yu’s sacred imposing manner, it was the Young Master who is a Limitless Sect.

I am used to seeing all kinds of beauties. I also felt a tremendous pressure. This kind of oppression has nothing to do with the cultivation base, it is completely the innate imposing manner, feeling Zhao Yu’s imposing manner, the devil prince’s cold face, can’t help emitting a soft smile, “You are Emperor Ji! Now you can deny it, but soon, you will admit it, Emperor Ji, please, please.

The birthday of Sword God has begun. As guests, we must not lose our courtesy.”

“I’m not going.” Zhao Yu’s expression was indifferent.

“hmph, Emperor Ji, then forgive the prince for being rude.” After being rejected repeatedly, the devil prince’s heart inevitably also produced a trace of anger, and these angers actually formed countless demonic energy The silk thread entangled Zhao Yu instantly. Zhao Yu, who was sealed with the cultivation base and Primordial Spirit, simply couldn’t struggle. She could only look at these black threads angrily and control her body like a puppet. She walked out of the palace and came to a huge building in Promise City. The square, this square, is large enough to hold several millions of people and it is not too crowded. In the middle of the square, there is a tall man statue. ,

This statue is the former Demi-God of Limitless Sect. Even though this Demi-God has fallen tens of thousands of years, Limitless Sect, but whenever Sword God celebrates its centenary, Limitless Sect will Celebrate.

At this time, the entire Innate Body Sect faction on the lower road of the starry sky, and even many starry geniuses on the middle and upper roads, also rushed to participate in this grand event.

But the Demon Prince controls Zhao Yu, and there are times when Qian Wuji appears together. On the square, tens of thousands of representatives of various sects, hundreds of thousands of geniuses from all over the starry sky, looked towards the demon prince and Zhao Yu walking in the sky with shock and awe.

What surprised them was that Gan Wuji, as the Limitless Sect Young Master, actually walked at the end, like a follower, following behind the devil prince.

The demon prince seemed to be a step behind deliberately to highlight Zhao Yu’s status.

This makes many Sect Masters of the Star School very puzzled.

But Gan Sanyuan and other senior leaders of Limitless Sect seemed to have known all this. They quickly walked over and knelt down to the demon prince and Zhao Yu on one knee and said: “pay respects to demon prince , Pay respects to Emperor Ji!”

“Get up, my mother and concubine are members of Limitless Sect. You are all my relatives, not courtiers.”

The demon prince’s tone was gentle, which made Gan Sanyuan and the others very satisfied. They made this gesture to tell the starry sky sect present, Limitless Sect, that it has received the support of the heavenly demon mainland, which is also the dominance of Limitless Sect. The official start of the Ancient Starry Sky Road.

“I’m not Emperor Ji, you kneeled to the wrong person.” Zhao Yu’s tone was unwilling and helpless. Her body was completely controlled by the demon prince’s demonic energy thread. In addition to speaking, she even I can’t even shake my head to deny.

But her words still made many Sect Masters of the Star Sect cast a lot of puzzled and stunned eyes. These eyes made the Demon Prince’s face very ugly, but he didn’t say anything, just looked indifferently Take a look at the dry three yuan.

I had prepared for Sanyuan, suddenly nodded, and waved his hand again, said solemnly: “Come on, bring those people up!”

“Yes, Sect Master!”

Several Limitless Sect Elders stepped back. Soon, in their own hands, they grabbed a martial artist with a disturbed breath, landed on the ground, lined them up, and forced them to kneel on the ground.

These are the Heavenly Grade disciple of Heavenly Dao Saint Court. Like Zhao Yu, they entered the starry sky experience, but at this time, they were all caught here, kneeling on the ground more humiliatingly. On their heads, there is a wooden token inserted, like a prisoner about to be beheaded.

Seeing this scene, it was Zhao Yu’s heart, calm and composed, and there was a slight wave in her heart. Her eyes became colder, and her breath was like a fire. Angrily burned, “Devil Prince, what are you going to do?”

“It’s very simple, I want you to stop resisting the identity of Emperor Ji, I want you to accept the recognition Master of this Divine Item ring !” The devil prince took out a quaint ring and approached Zhao Yu. The ring suddenly burst out with a dazzling black light and seemed to be attracted. He wanted to be impatient and recognized Zhao Yu as the master.

But in Zhao Yu’s consciousness, Ma posted a resisting idea, and actually bounced the ring that flew toward her again. At this time, Zhao Yu’s eyes were burning like flames.” This is Emperor Ji’s token, not my token. I will never accept it.”

The devil prince smiled nodded, and his smile suddenly became gloomy after Zhao Yu refused again. “Very well, you don’t admit it, it doesn’t matter, then let them beg Emperor Ji to change your mind and kill!”


Limitless Sect Elder When the knife fell, in an instant, the heads of a dozen Heavenly Grade disciple were beheaded, before Zhao Yu came back to his senses. The devil prince raised his hand again.

Soon, another batch of Heavenly Dao Saint Court’s disciplines was brought up. But these are all female disciple. When they saw the senior and junior brothers dead on the ground, many female disciples, they couldn’t help shaking in shock, but they simply couldn’t resist. A dozen Heaven Grade quasi-emperors firmly controlled them and forced them to speak. Line up and stand in front of Zhao Yu.

Chapter 1671 Breaking the Gate of the Mountain

The bloody scene shocked Zhao Yu’s heart and the hearts of all the star sects present. The actions of Limitless Sect seemed to force Zhao Yu, admit that she is the reincarnation of the so-called Emperor Ji, but in fact it is not killing the chicken to warn the monkey. Limitless Sect is using these Heavenly Dao Saint Court disciple heads to warn him

of his sect.

submit to me and prosper, oppose me and perish.

At the same time of shock, many Sect Master’s hearts couldn’t help but produce a feeling of fear at this time.

“Limitless Sect publicly kills martial artists on land like this, it seems that they really intend to completely tear their faces with Heavenly Martial Continent.”

“It’s a matter of time to tear your face. Fear or be afraid, Limitless Sect will force us to gather us just like Ancient Era massacred Guardian, and once again become the cannon fodder of Limitless Sect to attack Heavenly Martial Continent…”

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