The Sect Master of the Star Sect has a sad face. At the same time, there was a faint anger in their hearts, but this anger, they did not dare to attack the Limitless Sect, it was natural that they transferred the anger to the martial artist on the land again.

“Damn terrestrial martial artists, if it weren’t for them to cause so many things in the starry sky, how could Limitless Sect force us to become the cannon fodder for them to dominate the starry sky…”

“Untouchables are untouchables, Now Heavenly Martial Continent, isn’t there a lot of peerless genius, Difan, Pojun, Xue Yue, and Ye Fei, what are they doing, Limitless Sect wantonly slaughter the martial artists on the land, why didn’t they show up!” The Sect Masters of the Star Sect were unwilling. Instead of becoming the cannon fodder of the Limitless Sect, they hoped that Limitless Sect, like the Blood River Sect and Fierce Sun Sect, had a big somersault in front of the peerless genius on the land. When these overlords have fallen, it is possible for other sects to take their place.

At this time, I saw a large number of terrestrial martial artists who were slaughtered. Neither the demon Ye Fei nor the born Saint Difan appeared. While these Sect Masters were disappointed, more It’s anger, it’s swearing in secret. , “Hmph, don’t expect the strength of those peerless genius and Limitless Sect, which is not comparable to the Fierce Sun Sect and the Blood River Sect. This is the Main Sect faction that gave birth to Demi-God, let alone slaughter the martial artist on the land. Invading Heavenly Martial Continent, these so-called peerless genius, it is estimated that they can only run away like a dog

“Especially that Ye Fei, his woman was I caught it and forced so many people to die. Where is the head of the Demon Ye? Isn’t it like Coward, hiding and not showing up?”

“Hey, it seems that Heavenly Martial Continent is completely complete Decline, no matter how many peerless genius they have, they have already lost the blood and glory of the ancients!”

“The shit peerless genius, just a group of greedy and fearful rice buckets, especially Ye Fei , Thanks to this Sect Master, I still have expectations of him. After doing it for a long time, it is nothing but a greed of life and fear of death…”


These Sect Masters are secretly angry. Before the curse was finished, suddenly, the entire Defensive Array of Limitless Sect trembled violently.

The Promise City is also different from Danding City. The entire Promise City is covered by a huge Defensive Array. At this time, this Formation is even more fully operational.

Obviously, the executives of Limitless Sect also thought that their wantonly slaughter martial artist’s actions might cause some people to make trouble. Therefore, Qian Sanyuan specially ordered people to open the Defensive Array while killing, so that they would not disturb this killing.

At the same time, around the Promise City, there are a large number of Limitless Sect disciple and Elder who are responsible for defense, but what makes the ternary didn’t expect is that even so, there are still people who dare to be in Limitless. When Sect was holding Sword God’s birthday, he came to make trouble, and Qian Sanyuan was furious.

“What’s the matter, this Sect Master is not instructed. During the birthday of Sword God, no martial artist on the land shall approach the Promise City for half a step. What do the discipline and Elder outside do for food?”



No one answered the question of Qian Sanyuan, all eyes were just shocked and horrified looking at a purple-golden war-devil-like silhouette outside Promise City. Lifting the star-like Black Sword, again and again, smashing the terrifying Defensive Great Array in Promise City madly.

Beside this war-devil-like youth, there are countless Limitless Sect disciples, the silhouettes of Elder’s frantic siege, they are like ants, frantically besieging the youth, all kinds of martial arts rays of light, The stars shattered, making the world tremble. But what is shocking is that all these attacks have no effect. Behind the demon-like youth, there are eight terrifying dragons roaring, and they open their mouths at the same time, spitting out terrifying beams of despair. When each beam of light falls, there must be a Limitless Sect Elder or discipline, shattered and exploded.

Into blood mist.

“Ye Fei!” Gan Wuji recognized the Octopus Dragon at a glance. Once, he was defeated under this Heavenly Venerate cultivation technique. This was his shame and his anger. “What, Ye Fei, he is Ye Fei, the remnant from the Asura Sacred Palace, the untouchable holding my Zong Wuji Sword!” Gan Sanyuan was suddenly furious. Especially when he saw the dazzling star Black Sword in Ye Fei’s hand, there was a surge of anger on his body, which turned into a sword

light, and wanted to tear the sky apart.

“It’s him, it’s him! He is Ye Fei, and he is Ye Fei!”

“Devil, untouchable! You are so brave, you are actually alone , Dare to come to our Limitless Sect!”

“Don’t talk nonsense with him, kill this untouchable, retake the Promise Sword, we have to wash away the shame of the year for Lord Sword God!”


A group of Supreme Elders who are more angry than Qian Sanyuan, they are all very old, some have lived for thousands of years, they are all disciples of Sword God, or direct descendants, Therefore, they also hate Ye Fei and the Asura Palace.

Not to mention, Ye Fei’s singlehanded move to kill Limitless Sect at this time was even more public, hitting Limitless Sect in the face, which is also a provocation that Limitless Sect Elder and disciplines absolutely cannot tolerate.

Seeing that ordinary discipline and Elder can’t stop Ye Fei’s destruction of the Defensive Array, there are five Heaven Grade quasi-di, roaring, violently tearing the Defensive Array, charge ahead, and prepare Combine Ye Fei to kill instantly. Ye Fei wanted this kind of effect. It was very difficult to break the Defensive Array of Promise City from the outside. After all, this was the first city built by Ancient Era and Martial God Martial Emperors. But if the people in the city take the initiative to come out, then this Defensive Array will have a gap, which is also the key to his breaking the formation.

“Limitless Sect, don’t you want this star sword embryo? I will return it to you now. By the way, I will give this Ye birthday gift!”


Great Void Step, Octopus Dragon!

Ye Fei fighting intent boiled, and at the moment when those Heaven Grade quasi emperors rushed out, he had already used a large void step and suddenly appeared in front of these five Heaven Grade quasi emperors. Then, It is the terrifying dragon roaring, shaking the world, and roaring down the stars.

The angry Tianlong, winding and circling, forming eight Heaven and Earth Sect households, like eight different worlds, almost at the same time, blasting on the five Heaven Grade quasi-di, and they rushed out into an array Above the gap, in everyone’s ears, they just heard the huge dragon roar that opened up like heaven and earth.

Touch! Over the Promise City, five terrifying blood blossoms have burst out in succession. The entire Limitless Sect Defensive Array, even at this time, was fiercely struck by an incomparable gigantic black hole.

Chapter 1672 is all enemies.

“Oh my god, this impossible, he alone broke the defense of Promise City, and even broke the gate of Limitless Sect!”

“It’s more than a mountain gate… You didn’t see that those five Heaven Grade quasi-dimen were killed instantly by Ye Fei!”

Can participate in the birthday of Sword God People, either the Sect Master of the Star Sect, or the geniuses of the Stars, a rising star, just now, many of them also angered Ye Fei and abused Ye Fei for being greedy for life and fear of death, and even their own women dare not come to save them. coward.

But now, when I saw Ye Fei appear with my own eyes, when I saw it with my own eyes, in the Limitless Sect five Heaven Grade, Zhundi was instantly killed by Ye Fei, and it broke Limitless with absolute power. Behind Sect’s mountain gate, these people’s hearts were suddenly filled with deep fear.

As for the senior leaders of Limitless Sect, such as Qian Sanyuan and Qian Wuji, the anger of incomparable gigantic emerged at the same time. You know, this birthday is the best time to force these star sects to stand in line. Originally, Limitless Sect had already used absolute strength to frighten these starry sky sects and did not dare to resist.

But Ye Fei singlehanded and smashed the Limitless Sect mountain gate. It was undoubtedly fiercely slapped Limitless Sect in the face, but Ye Fei felt that such a face slap was not painful enough, and not cruel enough.

When he saw Zhao Yu, like a puppet, controlled by the demon prince, Ye Fei’s heart blasted like a volcano, erupting on the spot.

“Limitless Sect, are you trying to catch my woman and want my Promise Sword? This Ye will perfect you, kill! Sword Dao!” Ye Fei roared, the sky dragon disappeared, he Suddenly, a majestic sword light appeared on his body, Tearing the Void, shaking the starry sky. Finally, these sword lights converged into a terrifying river of swords, across the starry sky, and cut towards the middle of the giant Grand Plaza. , The incomparable gigantic statue of Sword God of Promise. Everyone just heard a huge roar in their ears. The golden Sword God head was suddenly energized by Ye Fei’s sword dao. It was cut with a sword and fell into the sky, but it was not waiting for the Sword God head. It really fell, Ye Fei was another Dao Void step, and suddenly appeared on the huge skull face

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