In front, the legs are like Divine Dragon, kick hard.


The broken Sword God head suddenly resembled a golden Star Fragmentation, with howling and amazing firelight, it crashed towards Qian Wuji, and Qian Sanyuan smashed it together.

“Ye Fei, you are courting death!”

Qian Sanyuan was furious, he didn’t expect, one of his oversights, Ye Fei not only broke openly The mountain gate of Limitless Sect cut off the golden head of Sword God in front of countless people.

In a hurry, Qian Sanyuan didn’t even care that this was Sword God’s head. He shouted furiously, and a terrifying sword light appeared on his body. This sword light can cut off the Star River. It shattered the head in an instant and slashed at Ye Fei again. At this moment, I can’t wait to tear Ye Fei to pieces, so as to wash away his shame of being defeated by Ye Fei. His body, sword energy grandiose, covers the range of several ten thousand meters around him. Then, Sword Domain , Slaughter Domain, God’s Domain, and the three Heaven Grade domains broke out at the same time.

Form three terrifying swords of the field, Ye Fei must be killed instantly.

“Kill! Dare to destroy the Sword God statue. This is a Limitless Sect, an unforgivable insult to me!”

“The evil barrier, the devil, you came out of the Asura Palace Two hundred and five!”

“The only person who dared to come to my Limitless Sect to make trouble is to die! Not only he will die, but all those related to him will die!”

Ye Fei destroyed in public The scene of dropping the Sword God sculpture undoubtedly irritated all the Elders, disciplines, and disciplines of Limitless Sect. Many Sect Masters of the star sect, as well as those star geniuses who came to participate in the birthday, trembled deeply at this moment. .

“Crazy, this Ye Fei is really crazy, who doesn’t know, Sword God is the spiritual symbol of Limitless Sect, he cut off the statue of Sword God, the entire Limitless Sect will not let him go!”

“hmph, after all, is too young and too impulsive. I don’t know the truth of enduring humiliation and drag out an ignoble existence!”

“This person is just the courage of a man…the world There are many women. If the old man has the talent of this person, let alone the woman being arrested, even if his wife and daughter face to face humiliation, the whole family is dead, the old man will definitely not be able to bear assisted cultivation, waiting for the future breakthrough Martial Emperor, Martial God, It’s not too late to come out for revenge!”

“Unfortunately, Ye Motou is so amazing, and in the end it is still futile…What getting angry for a woman is really stupid and ridiculous!”

Many geniuses of the Star Sect are shaking their heads, facing the siege of Limitless Sect, hundreds of Heaven Grade quasi emperors, thousands of quasi emperors Elder, and hundreds of thousands disciple. Ye Fei is ten times stronger and destined to be only Can fall.

When she saw Ye Fei surrounded by countless Limitless Sect’s Heaven Grade quasi-emperors, Zhao Yu was forgetful, and her heart also caused countless waves.

“Why, why are you so stupid…I forget you again and again, I hurt you again and again, why do you want to save me, why do you take such a risk!” Zhao Yu’s voice was hoarse, and drops of ice tears fell from her face.

Seeing Zhao Yu’s tears, Ye Fei’s heart suddenly felt fiercely tingling. He roared and pushed the battle demonic path to the limit. He fought wildly, blood-stained the sky, and countless The Heaven Grade quasi-emperor who rushed forward, and Qian Sanyuan, and Qian Wuji launched the most tragic battle.

The infinite rays of light completely submerged Ye Fei’s silhouette and blocked his vision. He could no longer see Zhao Yu’s silhouette, but Ye Fei’s eyes were at this moment , Became softer than ever before, and his tone was like a madman, but his tone revealed unprecedented firmness.

“You forget me again and again, and I will let you think of me again and again! Thinking of our past, thinking of our joys, angers, sorrows, and joys, last time, I lost you, this time, I will never Allow to lose again, or I will take you away, or I will die here!”

“I want to kill, I want to fight! Octopus Dragon, kill me!”,

roar roar roar!

The terrifying dragon roar shocked the world and shook the Star River. Ye Fei was covered in blood. It is hard to tell whether it is his blood or the blood of the enemy. Under the siege of hundreds of Heaven Grade quasi-emperors , He keeps advancing, and wherever he goes, there are bones all over the ground, a bloody path to horrible to see.

The eight dragons are now more like the Divine Sword.

thunderbolt, ice, fire, Azure Dragon, blood demon!

Five different domains, the five powerful Heaven Grade domains, have become Ye Fei’s greatest support. In this domain, there is no Heaven Grade quasi-emperor who dares to approach him and do At this moment, Wu Ji’s face couldn’t help but flashed with a deep fear.

“He actually has five Heaven Grade fields, he is actually a half-step evildoer, this is impossible, this is absolutely impossible!” Qian Wuji was shocked by his heart, and was stunned by it.

Gan Sanyuan and hundreds of Limitless Sect’s Heaven Grade Elder, all were shocked, “The Grand Era hasn’t started yet, Heavenly Martial Continent, there has been a half-step evil, below the Martial Emperor , He is invincible!”

“Invincible? Just rely on him? Emperor Ji, if the prince guessed right, this person should be the last weak spot of your soul. Wait a moment, I will Kill him, and eliminate your side, the last hidden danger!”

bang! The demon prince burned all over his body, making him suddenly like a terrifying Demon God at this time. , Rushing to the sky, together with many Limitless Sect experts, siege Ye Fei!

Chapter 1673 Follow me


With the demon prince’s move, the entire sky has become a world of demonic energy, just like a Demon God walked out of hell, and it was the light of the howling demonic energy that had formed a network of terrifying demonic energy, which would envelop Ye Fei.

The demon prince’s shot immediately made Qian Wuji and the others more confident.

“Kill, there is a demon prince who will take action, and we have so many Heaven Grade quasi emperors, even if he is a monster, Ye Fei must die here today!”

The sword light whizzed. Behind him was a terrifying Divine Sword that was bigger than a mountain. Then, he raised this Divine Sword, the howling sword light, to smash the sky, and also smashed Ye Fei’s three Heavenspan dragons. ,

Kill! Seeing Sect Master’s action, the surrounding Heaven Grade quasi-emperors have once again increased their confidence. They unite with each other, the rolling imposing manner, shaking the starry sky, and even making the entire Promise City sway. At this moment, I don’t know how much. The Sect Master of the Starry Sect, his face turned pale. At this moment, I don’t know how many starry geniuses, their heart trembled violently.

At this moment, Ye Fei’s heart also has endless crises and fears. In the end, he is just a person. No matter how strong he is, he is also impossible to face hundreds of quasi-emperors at the same time.

It was a wise choice to retreat at this time, but through the gaps in the crowd, seeing the ice tears rolling down Zhao Yu’s cheeks, Ye Fei’s heart suddenly burned with anger. Then, these flames formed a terrifying blood flame.

“Bloodline God Armor!” Ye Fei was finally no longer hiding, angry, making him within the body of the blood, in this brief moment completely boiling.


The eighth-level Tianlong was played again. Behind Ye Fei, eight terrifying worlds appeared again. Then these eight worlds rotated to form eight terrifying beams of light, together moved towards The demon prince blasted over. Strong as the demon prince, his face also became extremely dignified at this moment.

“Unexpectedly, the starry sky has a genius like you, but it is a pity that you should not be against me, you should not have a relationship with Emperor Ji, Renhe, so you must die!”

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