The demon prince screamed in pain. He didn’t expect in his dreams. As a half-step evildoer, he not only lost to Ye Fei in the field, but also in martial arts. On the top, also lost to Ye Fei.

The most terrifying thing is that Ye Fei didn’t know what method to use, and actually touched the Promise Sword. At this moment, the Divine Item sword embryo burst out of the Supreme power hidden in the sword embryo. When this power was inspired by the Immortal Sword Soul, it was completely released.

In full view, the powerful Demon God body of the demon prince was suddenly blown up, all split up and in pieces exploded, and the flesh was bloody.

But soon, these exploded flesh and blood, from all directions, quickly gathered together, forming a new, demon prince’s body.

“Ye Fei, this prince swears, must kill you, and only by killing you can I wash away my humiliation at this time!”

The dignified prince, unexpectedly came out of a declining continent The defeat of the untouchables was still almost crushed in the same realm, and the demon prince could not tolerate it completely.

At the moment of performing magic skills and reorganizing his body, the demon prince’s whole person has already issued an angry roar. On his body, the demonic energy is boiling again, and he must recondensing the Domain and fight Ye Fei to the end.

Seeing this, Ye Fei just sneered: “What bullshit prince, it’s you, who caught Zhao Yu, it’s you, you want to force Zhao Yu to be Emperor Ji? My woman, you dare to move, devil Prince, you don’t need to be a prince, just be a dead man! Sword of Reality!” Ye Fei shouted again, and suddenly the golden vortex appeared on the center of his eyebrows, which was his spiritual nebula, and then, the majestic spirit strength From Ye Fei’s mind, a golden Divine Sword of incomparable gigantic is formed, tearing the starry sky, penetrating the body of the demon prince, and slashing directly to the soul source of the demon prince


“You still have the spirit of a wizard, Divine Sea…” The demon prince’s face turned green in fright. Others don’t know what the vortex of Ye Fei’s eyebrows means, but he is from the heavenly demon continent. But I know that it is the hallmark of the wizard, the mysterious and powerful wizard Divine Sea. A human martial artist has actually cultivated into the Divine Sea and embarked on the road of wizards. This is absolutely a shocking thing. However, the devil prince is also a half-step evildoer. At the same time he was amazed, suddenly the whole soul released a peculiar spiritual ripple. This ripple instantly reshaped into a peculiar god armor, turning him His entire soul is protected.

“Heart Demon God!”

The demon prince roared.

In response to Spirit Attack, martial artists have also thought of many ways to deal with it. For example, Qian Wuji once used a weakened version of Demon God Armor. Ye Fei is also early There will be corresponding preparations.

“I don’t believe it, if you call Heart Demon, you can resist my spiritual impact comparable to a wizard, kill! The sword of continuous truth!”

Ye Fei’s eyes widened, With the eruption of the spiritual nebula, his eyes and hair became the color of gold, the mighty mental ability, like an abyss, like the sea, like a mountain, like a waterfall…the boiling spirit of Divine Sea , Enveloped the entire Promise City!

This is the first time that Ye Fei has completely released his spirit strength. Finally, when this power broke out completely, Ye Fei’s whole body’s skin turned into gold at this moment. General color.

Ye Fei at this moment, as if returning to Shang Jiu’s memory, incarnation became a golden witch with crazy vengeance. His gestures can arouse the power of heaven and earth. His eye is a terrifying golden witch. sword light, one, ten, twenty, thirty!


When thirty consecutive swords of truth penetrate the body of the demon prince, and slash towards his soul, even if it is a half-step evildoer, use the secret technique to call out With Heart Demon for defense, Ye Fei’s sword of truth also completely wiped out the Demon God armor of the demon prince’s heart at this moment.

The pain of a tearing soul made the demon prince howl like a madman. Then, there was another terrifying black sword light, Tearing the Void, heavy and fierce, facing the demon. The prince’s body fell.

bang! The heavy Promise Sword smashed the space and exploded, and the body of the demon prince was again smashed in half by Ye Fei from the middle. But even so, the demon prince was still alive, and before Ye Fei smashed out the second sword, a hideous flash suddenly flashed across the demon prince’s face, roaring, and the whole body was self-destruction.

Chapter 1675 Prince Crazy

No one didn’t expect, the demon prince from heavenly demon mainland, a powerful half-step evildoer, will be so miserably defeated in front of Ye Fei , Especially the attack power erupted by Ye Fei and the demon prince, that is no longer what Zhun Emperor can have, it is infinitely close to the attack of Martial Emperor, under such an attack

, any Heaven Grade The quasi emperors were unable to intervene. Once they intervened, they could be completely destroyed by the terrorist forces erupting on both sides.

Everyone can only watch, Ye Fei raised the Promise Sword and smashed the body of the demon prince into two pieces. This scene shocked everyone and made San Yuanhe Qian Wuji’s face changed horribly, but he didn’t wait for them to react.

a loud explosion sound.

With the demon prince as the center, a terrifying explosion occurred in the entire Promise City. Ye Fei’s face also showed horror for the first time. He didn’t expect that the demon prince was even more than him. Ruthless, he is only a self-destructed realm, the devil prince, but his whole body is self-destructed.

And a half-step evil self-destruction, formidable power is extremely terrifying, when the explosion, even with the Fleshy body defense of Demi-God Artifact, Ye Fei had to vomit blood crazily , Stepped back, suffered a heavy injury, he quickly stepped back, wanting to heal.

At this moment, in the middle of the explosion, the smashed flesh and blood exploded by the demon prince suddenly gathered from all directions again to form a new body, but the fleshy body was continuously reorganized. The demon prince’s strength and great injury, even the half-step imposing manner, have become a lot weaker.

This is definitely the worst and most humiliating failure that the Demon Prince has encountered since he set foot on the stars. The strong humiliation made the Demon Prince mad. At the moment when the Fleshy body was reorganized, a blood pill emitting infinite blood energy appeared in the hands of the demon prince. After swallowing this blood pill.


The entire body of the demon prince suddenly burst into light of blood energy that is more maddening and terrifying than demonic energy, “Mad Demon Pill, mad Demon Pill, help me set foot Peak!”

roar! The demon prince roar, relying on the powerful medicinal power of Mad Demon Pill, he not only recovered all his injuries in an instant, but five Dark Worlds suddenly appeared behind him. At this moment , The Demon Prince unexpectedly restored the domain instantly. On the other hand, Ye Fei was not only hit hard in the Self-destruction of the Demon Prince. The most frustrating thing for Ye Fei is that his domain is before the Self-destruction of the Demon Prince, and he has no magic. The Prince’s Mad Demon Pill can instantly restore the domain.

Suddenly, the strength of this battle has already formed an absolute reversal.

“Five realms have fallen, Ye Fei, this prince wants your life!” The demon prince’s eyes were filled with madness, and the five realms were like five dark stars. Whistling, hit Ye Fei head on.

Ye Fei’s body, also at this time, burst out amazing bloody rays of light, bloodline god armor, burning to the limit, immortal Sword Soul, also at this moment, released a large amount of non-Death Power , Poured into his body.

Ye Fei’s injury recovered quickly at the speed visible to naked eye. His eyes were full of fighting intents, and the Promise Sword in his hands was full of brilliant starlight.

bang! Finally Ye Fei raised the Promise Sword angrily and collided with the terrifying five realms of the demon prince. One of the Darkness Domains was smashed to pieces by Ye Fei and turned into darkness. Gloom, but the remaining four Darkness Domains, like four huge black stars, hit Ye Fei’s body in a continuous


Such power is enough to destroy a star. The devil prince of the madness is confident that with this blow, if he wants to, he can destroy half of the Promise City. It’s a pity that Ye Fei’s bloodline god armor is too powerful. This is the blood-burning Martial Emperor. It is a Supreme genius created specifically for younger generations. If you are not a Martial Emperor, you can fully utilize the formidable power of the Martial Emperor’s genius, even though the demon prince The five worlds sinking attack power is very terrifying, in the end, his attack is just infinitely close

near the Martial Emperor, and has not reached the Martial Emperor.

Ye Fei also caught this point. On his body, the golden light skyrocketed, and the terrifying Spiritual Fluctuation shocked this world. Everyone only saw a piece of terrifying star sword light. At this moment, unexpectedly Shattered the five worlds and fell, and once again attacked the demon prince with a strong force.

“Damn it, get on with me, get on together! Kill him and smash this man into pieces aaaaaah…”

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