The demon prince was angry and scared, and he could hardly believe it. He used the Mad Demon Pill, and the full power he inspired could not break the terrifying composition of Ye Fei’s blood flame. God armor. ,

The intense anger and jealousy made the demon prince no longer dared to fight alone with Ye Fei, but retreated violently and quickly retreated to Gan Sanyuan’s side.

“Everyone listened to the order, kill this Sect Master, the Ye Devil will not die, I am Limitless Sect, and there will be no peace!” Qian Sanyuan was also furious, and the power of Ye Fei made the whole of Limitless Sect accurate Emperor, all felt terrified. Qian Wuji can no longer tolerate the existence of Ye Fei.

All the quasi-emperors of Limitless Sect couldn’t bear Ye Fei’s destruction of Limitless Sect. At the same time as the demon prince retreated, hundreds of quasi-emperors showed endless killing at the same time. The intent, and the endless rays of light, crashed down, preparing to completely siege Ye Fei. ‘

“Be careful!” Seeing this scene, Zhao Yu’s heart trembled, and then she suddenly rushed out from behind Ye Fei and stood with Ye Fei; “Since this battle, it is destined If you want to die, let us die together.”

After speaking, Zhao Yu suddenly stood on tiptoe and kissed Ye Fei.

“Emperor Ji! Ye Fei, you are courting death, this prince wants to punish your nine races, ah, all stop me, no one can hurt Emperor Ji!” Spurt a terrifying magic flame.

Ye Fei was shocked and unbelievable about Zhao Yu’s amazing act, but soon he felt the unusualness of Zhao Yu’s kiss. ,

Because when Zhao Yu kissed him, there was an amazing force on Zhao Yu’s body, flowing into Ye Fei’s body along her lips.


At this moment, Ye Fei’s flesh and blood roared, and the boiling blood turned into a dragon, turning the entire Promise City into the color of Purple Gold, and then , Is the terrifying dragon roar, burst out from within the body of Ye Fei.

Blood Dragon, Ice Dragon, Fire Dragon, Thunder Dragon, Azure Dragon!

The dragon and domain that had been destroyed by Self-destruction were reunited. Even the broken Taiji Sword map and the incomplete Yin-Yang Fish on it seemed to come to life in an instant.

“This is…” Ye Fei looked at Zhao Yu in shock.

“Supreme Indifference, once there is a weak spot, this weak spot can plunder all my true energy and potential, and use it to enhance your strength and restore your potential!” Zhao Yu’s breath is weak, There was a bright smile on his face.

Seeing the smile that I have never seen before, the eyes of the demon prince have completely turned into black demon flames: “Kill, kill me! Even if you hurt Emperor Ji, this prince” Also must kill this untouchable!” The devil prince was completely mad. Originally, he was still hesitating whether he should risk hurting Zhao Yu and kill Ye Fei, but when he saw Zhao Yu’s kiss, he smiled In an instant, the demon prince was angry and burned with demon flames, and the whole person was angry to the realm of demon. Suddenly I don’t even care about doing this anymore.

It might hurt Ye Fei. At this time, the demon prince only has a single thought in his heart, that is, kill Ye Fei and thwart Ye Fei!

Chapter 1676 Fighting intent is like fire


The Qian Sanyuan and Qian Wuji had long been anxious to kill Ye Fei, but they always hindered The demon prince did not dare to make a move rashly, taking advantage of the demon prince’s anger.

Hundreds of quasi emperors never hesitated anymore. They roared, hundreds of terrifying martial arts rays of light, forming an incomparably bright meteor, Smashing Starry Sky, shook the entire Promise City.

At this moment, I don’t know how many people are here. In the magnificent battlefield, shiver coldly and scared witless, but there are also people who become passionate and fighting intent high.

“The devil prince, also only this! If you want to fight, I will fight! Octopus Tianlong!” Ye Fei fighting intent boiled, like a torch, like a burning star, bloodline god armor, and horror broke out again The blood-colored rays of light, resisting the sky full of martial rays of light, forcibly rushed into the crowd.

“Ye Devil, die!” A Limitless Sect genius Zhundi, first approached Ye Fei, he burst out with all his power, wielding a sword light, to kill Ye Fei.

But at this moment, a brighter radiance than his sword light illuminates the sky and pierced the person’s throat.

“Sword dao to the gods!”

Ye Fei’s hair is flying, he embraces Zhao Yu with one hand, and burns the bloodline with the other, spurring the rays of light of the Promise Sword, howling sword energy, like a river of swords across the starry sky, instantly kills these people in all sorts of situations, making them uncomfortable.

“Ye Fei, die for me!”

Kan Wuji with anger on his face, killed from a distance, his body, Slaughter Domain, God’s Domain, Sword Domain, impressively Turned into infinite sword rays of light, it suddenly tore Ye Fei’s sword river, and wanted to kill Ye Fei. Ye Fei just laughed outright about this. “The defeated general, he is brave enough, receive my move, the eight-pole dragon!” Behind Ye Fei, the group of dragons roared, sending out a terrifying dragon roar of the beginning of the world. This dragon roar alone vomited blood crazily and retreated from the quasi-emperor who was close. A look of despair and fear flashed across Qian Wuji’s face.


“He is too strong, even if we are quasi-emperor join forces, we simply dare not attack him because of Zhao Yu’s side! Damn it!” Qian Wuji issued a wild beast. The ordinary roar, everyone’s eyes are full of gaze, he is number one on the star list, and at this time he doesn’t even have the courage to fight Ye Fei.

Under the stunned gaze of countless starry sky geniuses, Qian Wuji flees again without a fight, but leaves a dozen ordinary Heaven Grade quasi emperors in front, and is instantly slaughtered by Ye Fei’s Octopus Dragon .

After that, Ye Fei no longer chased Qian Wuji, but moved in his heart. The eight dragons that rushed out suddenly reversed, fell over the dragon’s head and opened the dragon’s mouth, and at the same time sprayed eight golden rays of the sun.

At this time, it happened that the demon prince came in and wanted to take advantage of the critical moment when Ye Fei fought against the heroes and captured Zhao Yu in advance. Originally, he had quietly walked around behind Ye Fei. He thought that he knew nothing about it, but didn’t know that his actions had long been seen clearly by Xiaocao. ,

Suddenly, Ye Fei’s back is as if it has eyes, without divine sense, he directly moved towards the space behind him and hit it hard.

Boom ka!

The void was completely shattered by the Octopus Heavenly Dragon. It also revealed the silhouette of the demon prince angered and embarrassed, as well as an angry roar: “Wuji, you Why don’t you get around him and buy time for this prince!” The demon prince is furious, if Qian Wuji can entangle Ye Fei and cannot be distracted, he has absolute certainty, from Ye Fei’s hands, Taking Zhao Yu away, and once Zhao Yu is gone, the Limitless Sect quasi-emperors who vacate their hands can completely ignore Ye Fei and directly bombard Ye Fei.

Unfortunately, under the inspiration of Xiaocao’s Spiritual Qi, the demon prince’s plan failed. This also made the demon prince spit blood, but under the attack of the Octopus Tianlong, he could only be embarrassed. Backed up and quickly avoided the Tianlong attack.

“The devil prince, die!”

Ye Fei didn’t want to let this person go. He could see that the devil’s position in Limitless Sect was very special. People, maybe, he and Zhao Yu still have a chance to escape.

“Death! The sword of the domain!” Suddenly Ye Fei’s side, there was a cold voice of Qiansan Primordial Yin. He has been forbearing and never made a move. This time, he finally caught Ye Fei at the same time. Against the two young geniuses of Qian Wuji and Demon Prince, the exposed weak spot and the howling sword of the domain came head-on, ignoring Zhao Yu’s life and death, and shrouded her and Ye Fei together.

“old dog, you dare!”

Ye Fei was furious. At this time, he could only give up chasing and killing the demon prince, and quickly protected Zhao Yu behind him. Then, he The blood light burst all over, facing this sword, and at the same time, the whistling spirit strength at the center of the eyebrows, once again turned into a golden Divine Sword, directly attacking Qian Sanyuan’s most vulnerable soul.

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