“hmph! such insignificant ability, you underestimate my Limitless Sect!” Gan Sanyuan sent out coldly snorted, and a layer of peculiar bronze armor quickly appeared on his body, with formation on it Mark appeared, and actually bounced Ye Fei’s sword of reality instantly.

Touch! Then there was a shocking explosion, the sword of the domain of Dry Promise, which was also slashed firmly on Ye Fei’s body at this time. At the same time, there were dozens of Heaven Grade quasi-emperor sword light, slashing in anger. Then, in the face of such an attack, even if the bloodline divine armor is powerful, it finally can’t resist



Ye Fei God armor is broken, spurting blood, eyes full of anger, and unwillingness, “If you are alone, I will kill you like a dog!”

“hmph It’s a pity that you are not dealing with one, but hundreds, my Heaven Grade of Limitless Sect! It’s stupid to want to fight the Main Sect gate of the starry sky by yourself!” Gan Sanyuan’s eyes were cold. mango.

“Devil Ye, your bloodline armor has been destroyed, and your death is imminent. You don’t have to quickly kneel down and hand over Emperor Ji. Maybe this prince can give you a complete corpse!” The demon prince looked cold and arrogant, and his body was like a sea of ​​demon flames.

“hahaha, Ye Fei, I don’t think you have today, so what if you are a half-step evildoer, now, you are not going to die, when you die, I will help you take good care of True Martial Saint Court, of course , And your relatives in the Northern Territory, hahaha……”

Qian Wuji smirked, with an incomparable gigantic murderous intention appearing on his body.

roar! The answer is Ye Fei’s angry roar, and dragon roar, Zhao Yu also gave a long roar, she tightly grasped Ye Fei’s hand, knowing that maybe she and Ye Fei At the last moment, Zhao Yu also burned her own bloodline without the slightest hesitation. Her body burst out with an astonishing chill, but her hair was burning like a flame.

In the starry sky, suddenly there was a loud Phoenix name, Bingfeng and Fire Phoenix, and they rushed out of Zhao Yu’s within the body at the same time, “If you want to die, I will die with him, and we will die. Don’t compromise.”

“Yes, don’t compromise, don’t let go. These are my sons and daughters of the Northern Territory, and this is the spirit of my Heavenly Martial Continent! We can die, but we will never give in. Demon prince, dry Wuji, come here, our last battle!” Ye Fei carried the Wuji sword, soaring sword energy to form a terrifying sword fire, and swayed towards the two strongest geniuses in the starry sky, Demon Prince and Qian Wuji.

Chapter 1677 genius gathering

“hmph, what is my identity with the demon prince. What identity are you? You a lowly land untouchable, what qualifications do you have, and me The demon prince fight! “Seeing that Ye Fei has no bloodline armor, Gan Wuji finally recovered his confidence as the number one on the star list.

And the demon prince stood in the distance without saying a word. On his body, only boiling demonic energy emerged. Soon, this demonic energy turned into a boiling killing intent. .

“Hands, follow this prince, kill this person!”

The devil prince speaks indifferently, his words show his attitude, he is impossible, and then fight alone with Ye Fei That is irrational and unnecessary. Now the devil prince’s heart only has a single thought, which is to kill Ye Fei and retake Emperor Ji. For this, he will at all costs.

While speaking, the demon prince was the first one to kill Ye Fei, then do Sanyuan, do Wuji, all Heaven Grade quasi emperors of Limitless Sect, densely packed, and once again from all directions, Siege over.

This is a lore, or a bloody killing at all costs!

With the approval of the demon prince, these Limitless Sect quasi-emperors and Elders will never worry about hurting Zhao Yu by accident and be tied up. Once they shot, it was a large torrent of martial arts rays of rain and meteor. Light, at this moment, shattered the starry sky and this world.

In such a Martial Dao vortex, even though the expressions of Ye Fei and Zhao Yu were already holding a certain death mind, there was still a grave expression flashing, and the two looked at each other. Zhao Yu didn’t say anything, but just raised his hand to play a terrifying ice storm. The storm was so cold that it actually sealed the bodies of many quasi emperors instantly. But the devil prince and the others were not affected at all. The devil prince punched out and smashed all the ice winds.

Qian Wuji also showed the strong battle strength that is the number one on the star list. He directly swung the Divine Sword, the brilliant sword light, to cut the space into two straight lines.

The sword energy skyrocketed to the sky.

Kill! At the same time that Zhao Yu took the shot, the purple-golden flame on Ye Fei’s body, like a blazing sun, was burning blazingly. He also smashed out with a sword anger, the brilliant sword light, and the formation of layers of Tai Chi, protecting him and Zhao Yu at the same time, temporarily blocked the full blow of dozens of Zhun emperors.

Then, behind him, there was another terrifying dragon roar, but this was not the roar of the Tianlong, but the roaring sound of the Tyrant Dragons. At the moment when the Ye Fei bloodline armor was broken and surrounded by countless quasi-emperors, Promise In the starry sky outside the city, there suddenly appeared countless mountain-sized Tyrant Dragons, like streams of stars, fiercely smashing on the Defensive Array of Promise City. Suddenly, the Defensive Array of Promise City became thousands. The sores are completely crushed.

“Tyrant Dragon, this group of damn Tyrant Dragons, what benefits did Ye Demon give you, let you work for him like this!”

Gan Wuji roared, back then It was this group of Tyrant Dragons, who forced him to be number one on the dignified star list.

“No, you are wrong, Gan Wuji. This time it was not Ye Fei who gave them benefits, but our Danding City gave them benefits!”

Suddenly, this group Countless silhouettes appeared on Tyrant Dragon. Those are the Heaven Grade Zhundi and Elder, Dan Ling’er, Dan Yuanzi, and the old man of Tianqiang, all standing on the back of Tyrant Dragon. Suddenly there was another terrifying thunderbolt in the sky. Lu Qing was wrapped around the thunderbolt, like an angry thunderbolt electric mother, step by step, stepping out of the starry sky, and behind Lu Qing was a young man carrying a heavy giant war knife with a cold expression. shouted: “There are still us! Limitless Sect, really I am Tianwu

Mainland, is there no one?”

“Xue Yue, he is the knife god Xue Yue! And Lu Qing, Dan Ling’er, Dan Yuanzi, the old sky spear, why are you all here… “Ye Fei looked at your familiar silhouettes in shock.

What made him most unbelievable was that the King Tyrant Dragon came with all the Tyrant Dragons. This scene also deeply shocked the hearts of many quasi emperors in Limitless Sect.

“It’s the Danyuan faction! And the Tyrant Dragon entrenched outside the city, how can humans and wild beasts unite?” The appearance of the Danyuan faction and Tyrant Dragon has made many star sects feel in their hearts Also set off a stormy sea.

Qian Sanyuan immediately stopped attacking Ye Fei in anger, and immediately led a large group of quasi emperors, rushed to Dan Yuanzi, and asked angrily: “Dan Yuanzi, you group of pill concocting The waste Zhundi, dare to fight against my Limitless Sect?” This remark undoubtedly made Dan Yuanzi angry. He pointed to the rushing Qian Sanyuan, and his anger looked towards all around Elder and said: “Everyone, senior and junior brothers, As you can see, in the eyes of Limitless Sect, we are trash. If we don’t resist now and wait for Ye Fei to die in battle, next, it may be our turn!”

” Elders, since Limitless Sect doesn’t give us a way to survive, then we will stand up and fight with Limitless Sect!” Dan Linger also roared. Compared with Dan Yuanzi, Dan Ling’er is undoubtedly more decisive. When Ye Fei came to Limitless Sect, Dan Linger and the others also immediately passed Sky Spirit Sect to keep an eye on the battle here. When I heard that Ye Fei had resisted hundreds of Heaven Grade quasi-emperors by himself, Dan Ling

er immediately discovered that this might be the Dan Yuan faction’s last chance to get rid of the threat of Limitless Sect. .

So Dan Ling’er, without the slightest hesitation, brought many Elders from the Dan Yuan faction, and Tyrant Dragon group to help. Of course, Dan Ling’er can really make up his mind, except for Ye Fei Amazing battle strength, as well as a few silhouettes standing in front of the Tyrant Dragon group at this time.

They are in a thunderbolt, like the Goddess Lu Qing who was born in the world of the electric mother, carrying a giant war knife, which is like a small knife god Xue Yue with a sheath. There is also a white clothed Emperor Fan, and a broken army wearing a bronze armor. Behind them, followed by a large number of top geniuses from the Four Saint Courts, Quasi-Emperor Aristocratic Family and Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family. Undoubtedly, Limitless Sect arrested terrestrial martial artists everywhere and the actions of Saint Court disciple, completely angered. Everyone


When Heavenly Martial Continent was in decline, no one dared to oppose a starry sky overlord like Limitless Sect, but with the advent of Grand Era, a peerless genius emerged, the martial artist of Heavenly Martial Continent, Finally had the confidence and strength to fight Limitless Sect.

Seeing the appearance of these familiar people, Ye Fei was finally in despair. He saw hope. He and Zhao Yu looked at each other without saying a word, but both could understand each other’s inner thoughts.

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