That power, suppressing the heavens, can make millions and millions of creatures tremble from the soul. That is Heavenly Might and Heavenly Tribulation!

At this critical moment, Heavenly Tribulation broke out in Promise City!

Moreover, this is not ordinary Heavenly Tribulation. When this Heavenly Tribulation appeared, Sword God, Gan Sanyuan, all Elders and disciplines of Limitless Sect, including Ye Fei, Emperor Fan and the others, All from the depths of the soul, there was a great fear.

bang! The heaven and the earth are shaking violently at this moment, and then, a group of terrifying cloud aura quickly formed above the Promise City. When this Heavenly Tribulation formed, all People, all being oppressed by the power of Heavenly Dao, fell into the sky. Below the Emperor Zhun, they could only lie on the ground

, with half of their fingers unable to move even a little bit. Strong as Sword God, huge shock and fear also appeared on his face at this moment. He didn’t even have time to kill Ye Fei, the whole person, looked towards Wuji City in a certain direction, “How is it possible, there are people, dare In my Promise City, martial Emperor! Do you know that this will cause me what a terrifying disaster it will cause to me. Who, don’t get out, get out of Promise City!”

Boom ka! Sword God cuts towards the sword light of Ye Fei and the others, then suddenly turned, moved towards the Promise City somewhere and cut the past, I saw that sword light was in the past, many Sects of the Star Sect The Master, the discipline, and even the Limitless Sect disciple, which was too late to dodge, were all slashed by the sword of Sword God, and blood flowing into a river. Even the Primordial Spirit and soul were absorbed by the sword light and turned into Sword God. Part.

Chapter 1684 Fighting against the sky

“Sword God is crazy!”

This sword makes Limitless Sect Elders shiver coldly, Sword God With a single sword, he accidentally killed thousands of Limitless Sect disciplines, as well as many Sect Masters of the Star Sect, genius.

“hmph, who is a major event, does not stick to the trivial! As long as you can kill all the land geniuses headed by Ye Fei, let alone kill tens of thousands of people by mistake, what about it?” Gan San Yuan and Qian Wuji are both indifferent. Then, everyone’s eyes looked towards the place where Sword God was slashed, and saw the end of the sword light, a palace where there was no Limitless Sect to entertain outsiders. At this time, the palace had been disintegrated by the sword light, and there was only one young man in blood. , Sitting on the ground blankly, his body exudes a terrifying atmosphere of robbery. “Blood Lingzi! Damn it, how could it be him, he is only a half-emperor, how could he trigger the Heavenly Tribulation that the Martial Emperor can attract!” The devil prince, Qian Wuji, looked in a daze. Especially Qian Wuji, in his heart, he has been planning to take the Blood Spirit Child as a dog next to him


But now, when this dog is in the Half-Emperor Realm, it has attracted the Heavenly Tribulation that Martial Emperor could trigger?

“What the hell is going on, blood spirit child, you damn dog, who made you survive in our Promise City, it was Martial Emperor’s Heavenly Tribulation!” Dry Promise Eyes It’s all red.

Qian Sanyuan was even more angry and vomited blood on the spot. If he knew that the blood spirit would choose to save the robbery at this time, he should not leave the blood spirit in Wuji City, but should expel it in advance Like a dog, drive the blood spirit out.

Even Sword God, when seeing the Martial Emperor’s robbery, is not a powerful quasi emperor, but only a half emperor, Sword God also has an extremely incredible feeling. How could a half-emperor attract Heavenly Tribulation that Martial Emperor had?

But looking at the people outside, and hearing Qian Wuji’s questioning, even if the blood spirit child was not killed by the sword light of Sword God, he would be stupid on the spot.

“What, Martial Emperor robbery? My blood spirit, I just want to break through Martial Sovereign. What did I do? Why did Martial Emperor robbery happen? Heavenly Dao must have made a mistake. It’s impossible, it’s absolutely impossible. I’m half the emperor. How could I experience such terrifying Heavenly Tribulation!”

Blood soul scared urine on the spot, and the whole person was under the pressure of Heavenly Tribulation Shiver coldly, his face was full of unwillingness, despair, and aggrieved.

It is estimated that the whole starry sky, in the half-emperor realm, can trigger Martial Emperor Heavenly Tribulation, and that is the blood spirit child.

“Blood Lingzi, this is the blood mold, half-emperor realm, actually attracted the Martial Emperor Heavenly Tribulation, this is too exaggerated, too incredible.”

” Even the heinous wicked, when breaking through Martial Sovereign, it is impossible to experience such terrifying Heavenly Tribulation!”

“Where is this kind of catastrophe, it is clearly killing your life, what evil did the blood spirit do? , Drew Heavenly Dao directly to the Martial Emperor?” The geniuses of the surviving Star Sect were also dumbfounded. However, Emperor Fan, Breaking the Army and the others looked towards Ye Fei with fear. Others didn’t know why the blood spirit child was succumbed to the Martial Emperor, but they clearly remember that Ye Fei captured the blood spirit in the earth formation. When I was a child, there was a

Tianjin formation spirit named Erhei, who used to attack the blood spirit son, sent a heavenly fiend aura to the blood spirit son within the body, and threatened , Blood Spirit Breakthrough Martial Sovereign must die. At that time, no one took Erhei’s words seriously. Even Ye Fei didn’t pay much attention to the words of the Tiansha Array Spirit, just thinking that he was boasting. Up to this time, when I saw that the Martial Sovereign, who was very stable by the blood spirits, was forcibly promoted to the Martial Emperor and became ten deaths without life

, Ye Fei only sucked in a breath of cold air. It was such a horrible thing that it was so terrifying that it was ten times as bad as a person who was abandoned by the sky!

“Poor Xue Lingzi, who not to be trifled with, you go to provoke Ye Demon…” Xue Yue suddenly felt deep sympathy for Xue Lingzi in his heart.

Half the emperor went to fight against Martial Emperor Heavenly Tribulation. This is no longer courting death, but a simple death!

Looking at the end of the void, it was indeed the Martial Emperor that appeared, not the Martial Sovereign. After Lu Qing was shocked, a huge surprise suddenly appeared on his face, “Ye Fei, we have a way. Killed this Sword God…”

Ye Fei said nothing, suddenly moved towards Blood Lingzi rushed over, loudly shouted: “Blood Lingzi, come over to us, we Protect you from the robbery!”

“courting death!”

Understanding Ye Fei’s thoughts, Sword God’s face was calmly absent, but became a great fear, In the end, his real soul is still asleep at this time, and he can’t exert all the battle strength at all. Even so, he is still the strongest here.

Once this Martial Emperor Heavenly Tribulation arrives, apart from the person who saves the robbery, as the strongest person, Heavenly Tribulation will immediately take Sword God as the target of the robbery and kill!

This is definitely a catastrophe that Sword God cannot tolerate. Therefore, when Lu Qing and Ye Fei discovered this at the same time, Sword God was also furious and exhausted all their power. , Killed Xiangxue Lingzi, and at the same time, there were countless Limitless Sect quasi-emperors, Elder.

The demon prince and Qian Wuji have red eyes, like crazy beasts, rushing towards the blood spirit.

“no!” Xue Lingzi let out a scream of horror, and a deep regret in his heart, regretting that he should not be stimulated by the demon prince, risking breakthrough Martial Sovereign, he died, I can’t figure it out. He is obviously only a breakthrough Martial Sovereign, why did he attract it? Only the breakthrough Martial Emperor can attract the horror Heavenly Tribulation


In the end, he could only watch, a terrifying Sword God, and countless quasi emperors, at the same time, killed him, before he was killed.

“Damn it, Limitless Sect has too many experts, we can’t protect the blood spirit!” Xue Yue was full of horror. You know, using the Martial Emperor to block the Sword God is their last resort. If such a method is also lost, all of them will not be able to escape the slaughter of Sword God.

“No, must let this Martial Emperor take shape! Even if it is cutting the sky, I will not hesitate!” Thinking of the consequences of being unable to stop Sword God, not only is he going to die, Zhao Yu, Xiaocao, Dragon Tortoise , May die because of him, Ye Fei’s heart, fiercely’s trembling, and then, his eyes become crazy.

He no longer rushed to the blood spirit child, but his face was determined. Suddenly, his whole person rushed to the void and rushed to the Heavenly Tribulation. The bright starlight broke out again, and Ye Fei was exhausted. With all his strength, he swung the Promise Sword and blatantly slashed towards Heavenly Tribulation!


At this moment, Heavenly Dao was ruthless, and was completely angered by Ye Fei’s actions. At the end of endless void, Deity’s anger seemed to be heard, that anger, and Turned into a thunderbolt, Ye Fei’s soul was shattered, and it felt like it was about to collapse.

Ye Fei’s sword light is still non-stop. He still raises his sword, cutting the sky against the war, and the howling sword light is aimed at Jieyun and Heavenly Dao.

“Stop!” Sword God’s face is full of horror, full of fear and disbelief. It seems I can’t believe that Ye Fei would be so crazy, so bold,

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