All martial artists , even Martial God, are in awe of Heavenly Dao, cautious, lest they offend, and Ye Fei dares to fight against the sky in the realm of the emperor, Crusade against Heavenly Dao and despise Heavenly Might. Even Half God Realm was almost scared to death by Ye Fei’s actions. Suddenly, a sword light that was terrifying to the limit suddenly turned, and furiously slashed towards Ye Fei. A terrifying cloud of death suddenly appeared in Ye Fei’s heart, but he did not look back, just suddenly, took out from the space belt More than 20 Demi-God Artifacts slammed into Self-destruction and blocked the attack of Sword God


Then, with all eyes in sight, Ye Fei raised his sword to cut the sky, sword light fiercely rushed into the robbery cloud, and tore the robbery cloud into a huge crack.

bang! Heavenly Dao was completely furious, in the sky, and there was a roaring thunderbolt faintly. This thunderbolt seemed to have broken the barrier of time and space and descended on the heavens, and also brought Ye Fei and Sword God, and everyone in Promise City, are all over!

Chapter 1685 The Great Tribulation of Life and Death

Under the power of Heavenly Dao, no matter whether it is the Emperor Zhun or Demi-God, they are all so small. Heavenly Might is inviolable, against the sky. With the sword, even if it is compelled by circumstances, Ye Fei’s actions undoubtedly angered Heavenly Dao, making the cloud that was about to dissipate and become clear again, like a thunderbolt Wang

in an instant , Shrouded the entire starry sky, including the entire Promise City.

Finally, this horrible thunderbolt formed a lightning world. The thick thunder and lightning formed several dozen meters and several hundred meters. The terrifying lightning of varying thickness, such as heavy rain, such as meteors, descended from Heavenly Tribulation. Come down.

As the strongest Demi-God, Sword God was the first to bear the brunt of the cruel crusade by Heavenly Dao.

bang! I only saw a thunderbolt beam of several hundred meters thick and thin. It seemed to have fallen from nine days, with an aura of destruction, and crashed on the body of Sword God. Sword God roared. He didn’t care about hunting down Ye Fei at all. All he could do was to do his best to wave the Blood Sword in his hand, slash to the void, and

slash to the terrifying thunderbolt that has come to Heavenly Tribulation.

But before Sword God broke the thunderbolt, suddenly not far away, there was the sound of mournful scream of the blood spirit son. As a real person who saves the catastrophe, the blood spirit son is undoubtedly bad luck. The body not only made the Martial Sovereign of the blood spirit child become a Martial Emperor.

What’s more terrifying is that Ye Fei’s slashing of the sky undoubtedly aroused the wrath of the sky, which caused the ordinary Martial Emperor calamity, the formidable power and range, to increase again, the terrifying thunderbolt , Is no longer what the blood spirit child of the half-emperor realm can resist.

Only seeing the thunderbolt fall, the blood spirit son was electrocuted into blue smoke, with resentment and aggrieved, died with hatred, until death, the blood spirit son did not understand. He was a good Martial Sovereign, how could he become a Martial Emperor?

Because of the influence of the blood spirit, the dozens of Limitless Sect quasi emperors who first rushed to the blood spirit were all destroyed by the aftermath of the crazy thunderbolt, exploded to pieces, and violent death.

This scene also made Ye Fei’s scalp numb. Although his attack on the sky was to solve the threat posed by Sword God, it also made Heavenly Dao noticed again. He, when the thunderbolt killed the blood spirit, the thunderbolt, which was 3rd several hundred meters thick, crashed down to Ye Fei.

But Ye Fei is also a Heaven Grade quasi-emperor in the end, and even a half-step evildoer. When he saw the thunderbolt fall, Ye Fei quickly used all the defense methods. Azure Dragon’s fury, war Demon gold body, Purple Gold Tai Chi, Tai Chi four-phase sword… Countless martial arts rays of light make Ye Fei like a purple-golden War God, standing proudly in the starry sky, fighting this thunderbolt alone, and at the same time, his within The body, the immortal Sword Soul, formed a terrifying destruction vortex, and issued a silent roar and desire. At this moment, it began to absorb the Heavenly Tribulation power contained in the thunderbolt.

But this time, the Heavenly Tribulation formidable power is too strong.

Despite the immortal Sword Soul absorbing the Force of Tribulation, the Sword Soul in the seal is not as good as the breath of Sword Soul that Sword God has realized.

bang! The incomparable gigantic’s thunderbolt beam blasted Ye Fei like a thunder mountain, and all martial arts defenses were in vain. Even Ye Fei was comparable to the fleshy body of Demi-God Artifact At this moment, it became black as charcoal, the muscles and veins were all seriously damaged, the whole person was like coke, Ye Fei fell into the sky.

Zhao Yu’s heart trembled fiercely, and suddenly, ignoring the sky full of thunderbolt, grabbed one of Ye Fei’s hands at the fastest speed.

“Ye Fei, you can’t die!” Another anxious shout came into Ye Fei’s ears, and it turned out to be Lu Qing, like a thunderbolt electric mother, also rushed over and grabbed him With the other hand, he left and right with Zhao Yu, holding Ye Fei and trying to retreat. Ye Fei was so depressed that he almost vomited blood, and felt that the whole person was going to be pulled in half. Unfortunately, the Heavenly Dao Tribulation gave him an electric numb, and he couldn’t even speak. In desperation, Ye Fei was just Able to use consciousness, roar at Dragon Tortoise in the beast seal space: “Da Hei, come out and help, while Sword God is entangled by Heavenly Tribulation, you can run as fast as you can.”

“roar roar.”

When seeing the Martial Emperor robbery of the raging heaven falls and earth rends outside, Dragon Tortoise’s scared black mouth became a little white, nothing else Said, taking a bite of Ye Fei and already escaped into the void, the fast Lu Qing and Zhao Yu didn’t react. Dragon Tortoise had already taken Ye Fei and ran out of several hundred li.

Zhao Yu was stunned. Lu Qing also stared wide-eyed, shocking Dragon Tortoise’s escape speed.

After that, the whole world resounded through Heavenly Dao’s immense anger. Obviously, in the face of Ye Fei’s slashing of the sky, Heavenly Dao had regarded the entire Promise City as the target of crusade, countless The thunderbolt, like a torrential rain, like a meteor, with an extinct scene, falls continuously.

One of the disciplines of Limitless Sect, Elder, facing this terrifying Martial Emperor’s robbery, they didn’t even have a chance to react, and they had been blasted into ashes.

The body of the demon prince was hit by a thunderbolt of several dozen meters thick, and the flesh and blood flew across it, and the entire fleshy body almost collapsed again.

Qian Wuji brought dozens of Limitless Sect disciples and joined forces to fight against the terrifying thunderbolt overhead. As a result, dozens of Martial Sovereign disciples were wiped out. Qian Wuji itself was turned into coke by electricity, making a painful scream. At this time, all the Sect Masters of the Star Sect in the Promise City, the geniuses, have also encountered the attack of Heavenly Dao. The infinite thunderbolt, such as the electric chain, is densely packed, covering every inch of the Promise City’s land, and can move forward. Most of the people who come to participate in the birthday of Sword God are friends with Limitless Sect

Zongmen, and will be the main force to attack Heavenly Martial Continent in the future.

Gan Sanyuan gathered these Sect Masters together to form an army to conquer the starry sky and attack Heavenly Martial Continent, but at this time, the Sect Masters and geniuses of these starry sky sects are all different Screamed in horror. Dead death, wounded wound, fleeing, frightened.

The mouth is even more crazy.

“Devil Ye, you can’t die! You shoot your sword to the sky, and even if you kill yourself, you still hold us to fight together!”

“Dirty, shameless, Devil Ye, we will curse you when we are ghosts!”

“Ah, I hate… Devil Ye, we hate you…”

bang! In the anger and resentment of the people, within the Heavenly Tribulation, a terrifying thunderbolt giant suddenly appeared. This Deity, opened its indifferent eyes, and the pupil light scanned all living beings. It also swept through the hearts of Ye Fei and Ye Fei. Kind of terror. The giant god formed by this thunderbolt is absolutely true

A positive Martial Emperor!

“It’s miserable, if this Martial Emperor is staring at me, I will have the immortal Sword Soul, and I will definitely not be able to suck him!” Ye Fei suddenly had an urge to cry. Sword, the consequences were so serious, at that time, he thought of other ways to deal with Sword God.

But now it’s too late to say anything. Martial Emperor formed after the robbery. Because of Ye Fei’s slashing of the sky, Heavenly Dao was offended. At this time, Heavenly Dao even treated the entire Promise City as a degree. The goal of the robbery. All martial artists who stayed in the city suffered life and death catastrophes, and as Demi-God of Limitless Sect, Sword God was especially so.

Chapter 1686 Hatred

Faced with the anger of Heavenly Dao and the eruption of the Martial Emperor catastrophe, everyone can escape. As long as they escape from the Promise City, nothing will happen. After all, as the blood soul child of the main body of the Tribulation, he was immediately smashed to death, and Ye Fei, who caused the sky wrath, was of low strength. According to the law of Heavenly Tribulation, he would give priority to the person of the Tribulation and the person with the highest realm under Heavenly Tribulation. , Heavenly Tribulation will not pursue Ye Fei until it destroys the powerhouse under Heavenly Tribulation, Sword God.

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