This Sword God was extremely angry and even more intolerable. If it’s normal, as a powerful Demi-God, he will not care, he can carry Heavenly Tribulation and kill Ye Fei and the others all, but this time is different. This is a more terrifying Martial than Martial Sovereign. Emperor Tribulation, and because of Ye Fei’s hacking move, the scope of this Martial Emperor Tribulation is so huge that it has

covered the entire Promise City, so that no matter where Sword God goes, it will become Heavenly Tribulation’s priority attack. The goal.

This is also the place where Sword God feels aggrieved. Ye Fei is the one who caused the trouble, Ye Fei is the one who killed the sky, and the one who disrespects Heavenly Dao is Ye Fei, just because he is Demi-God, that’s it. At this time, Heavenly Dao undoubtedly blasted 70% of the power of Heavenly Tribulation on his head.

Ye Fei made the evil, but he wanted him, the Sword God, to carry the scapegoat. Sword God’s angry body was burning, and the hairs came out one after another black smoke, which made Sword What God felt aggrieved was that, facing this Heavenly Dao Tribulation, he still couldn’t avoid it like everyone else.

Because, his soul body is sleeping under the square of this Promise City, and he has not fully awakened. Once he has a slight dodge action, let Heavenly Tribulation hit his soul body, even if He is Demi-God and can fly ash annihilation in an instant.

So, seeing Ye Fei fleeing with injuries, Sword God not only couldn’t catch up and shattered Ye Fei into pieces, but also forbeared his anger. In order to protect his soul, he had to fight with Heavenly. Tribulation is desperate, but also because of Sword God’s desperate actions.

The thunderbolt giant that appeared in Heavenly Tribulation, just glanced at Ye Fei. In the end, the giant’s eyes were still staring at the Sword God. No doubt, the thunderbolt giant at this time, in simple consciousness, I have regarded the strongest Sword God as the person who angered Heavenly Dao and shot the sword against the sky.


Without words, the giant god is the incarnation of Heavenly Dao. It carries the wrath of Heavenly Dao and also represents the mighty power of Heavenly Dao. The anger of heaven is unstoppable, but Heavenly Might is unstoppable. Commit!

The giant god stepped out of the ocean of thunderbolt, flashing a fist of thunder and lightning, and rushed to Sword God mercilessly. On the spot, half of Sword God’s body became charred.

Sword God’s angry whole person went crazy, “God damned honest boy, I swear in the name of Sword God, I will not crush you in this life, and destroy you, Asura Palace, these madmen inheritance , I swear not to be human!”

“Fuck the Sanyuan, the devil prince, what are you people waiting for? Quickly gather around me, we will join hands to kill this giant god, and then I will lead You guys, calm the starry sky, break through the Heavenly Martial Continent, and grab the surnamed Ye kid with a sword! aaaaaah……”

The more Sword God speaks, the more angry he hates, and finally, There was no anger on him, only endless hatred, endless hatred, and his hatred enveloped the entire Promise City. The entire starry sky resounded through the angry, mad, ruthless, and bloody voice of Sword God.

Then, the howling sword light engulfed the entire Wuji city. At this time, anyone who had not escaped, below the Emperor Zhun, was continuously beheaded by the sword light of Sword God, making Wuji The city has completely turned into a blood city of bones, and it is on the top of that bone.

Sword God is like blood and eyes like a sword! His body turned into a god and demon, and formed a terrifying matchless vortex, which even absorbed all the Essence, Qi, and Spirit of all martial artists killed and transformed it into a special bloody essence, which is the ultimate essence of killing.

As long as Sword God kills more, his sword dao and formidable power will be larger, and its breakthrough limit will be. This is the infinite sword dao, to kill, the breakthrough limit!

In order to survive this Martial Emperor’s robbery, the Promise Sword God will slaughter all enemies and below, and forcibly use tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of bones, to form a layer of slaughter. The barrier, and the thunderbolt giant who walked out of Heavenly Tribulation, fight together.

At the side of Sword God, it is Qian Sanyuan, the demon prince and the others who survived the quasi emperor. Many of them have miserable faces on their faces. You must know that among the crowd slaughtered by Sword God Many of them are the disciplines of Limitless Sect. At this time, they were all slaughtered by the crazy Sword God.

The old tears of dry Sanyuan’s anger on the spot, he did not dare to blame Sword God, the Old Ancestor, but vented his endless resentment and hatred on Ye Fei.

“The Ye Devil who killed Thousand Blades, if it were not for you, my Limitless Sect, how could I have suffered such a catastrophe! Old man hates him, why didn’t he lead the team to kill this man? Ah!”

“There will be this opportunity. As long as Lord Sword God passes this tribulation and the soul is fully awakened, he will surely lead us across the stars and Heavenly Martial Continent!”

“When the time comes, the old man must enter the Northern Territory and kill all the surnamed Ye!”

“There is also the black turtle. It must also be killed, fiercely!”

Elder has already noticed that Ye Fei was seriously injured by Heavenly Tribulation, and Zhao Yu and Lu Qing joined forces. They may not be able to bring Ye Fei out of the range of Heavenly Tribulation. The speed of that black turtle is too fast. Soon, if you don’t pay attention, the shadows will run out of sight. This also makes the prospective emperors of Limitless Sect. I missed the last chance to leave Ye Fei. As for Emperor Fan and the others, as early as when Ye Fei was fighting against the sky, he had already rushed out of Promise City in advance and escaped the envelope of Heavenly Tribulation. This is definitely Limitless. Since the establishment of Sect, the biggest fiasco has been

incomparably frustrated.

“Damn it, if my Promise Sword is still there, kill you Heavenly Tribulation puppet, it’s as easy as blowing off dust!” While being fisted by the giant god, Promise Sword God again It was an angry roar. During this period, he had tried countless times to call the Promise Sword, out of the control of Ye Fei, but the Sword Spirit hidden in the Promise Sword, as if it did not exist, never responded to him, Sword God It’s qi

The soul is in pain.

Sitting on the dragon turtle’s back, Ye Fei also clearly felt that the Promise Sword trembled violently several times in a row, and wanted to escape his grasp. Fortunately, it absorbed the immortal Sword of Force of Tribulation. Soul, formidable power has also been enhanced a lot, and it can always suppress the summon of Sword God.

“Unfortunately, the immortal Sword Soul is sealed in the end. If the energy released by the immortal Sword Soul is not ten 1/10000th, but 1/10000th, even Sword God has realized a trace of Sword Soul breath. , I am absolutely sure to behead this person!” On Turtle’s back, Ye Fei’s eyes flashed unwillingly.

Similarly, in the eyes of Emperor Fan, Pojun and the others, there was a strong unwillingness. In the end, they are all peerless genius. As a result, everyone teamed up and couldn’t even resist a move of Sword God Remnant Soul. I have to say that this is a huge frustration! “One day, my Difan, must kill this Sword God!” A terrifying fighting intent suddenly burst out of Di Fan’s body.

Chapter 1687 Heavenly Formation Sect

“Don’t wait until later, as long as we can enter the Heavenly Formation Sect and take the last step of Guardian, we will soon be able to kill Sword God. It is not a problem even to destroy Limitless Sect.” The army broke out from a distance, his body was bathed in blood, and his eyes were red.

In Ancient Era, Limitless Sect slaughtered a large number of Guardians of Ancient Starry Sky Road when Guardian was weak. As the descendants of Guardian, Breaking Army and Limitless Sect undoubtedly have blood feuds. His words are undoubtedly Also reminded Emperor Fan and the others. The reason why these peerless geniuses will unite and come to Limitless Sect to challenge, apart from Limitless Sect’s wanton arrest of people related to Ye Fei, their new Guardians have also become the target of Limitless Sect’s eradication and have to join forces to resist . The more important thing is that Emperor Fan and the others want to enter

to a stronger Celestial Formation Sect and get better opportunities for experience.

At the same time, Ye Fei’s opportunity to transform from a top genius to a half-step evildoer from a top genius to a half-step evil is also stimulating them.

“Ye Fei, just now we have something, we can’t say much, now it’s safe, we might as well just say, I’ll help you to enter the Celestial Formation Sect, and only you, may open the Celestial Formation Sect Mountain Gate!” Holy Son walked out of the shadows.

As for the black prison Holy Son, everyone is very vigilant. In the end, this person is neither an enemy nor a friend. He can help them now, but at any time, he may turn back.

This is the killer. For the sake of profit, they can be desperate. The secular morality cannot restrain the Holy Son in the black prison. Hearing this, Ye Fei’s expression also changed a few times. Although he had promised to bring Fairy’s key of fate to the Heavenly Formation Sect, he still had great worries about entering the Heavenly Formation Sect. After all, the Earth Array has said that this Sect Master of the Heaven Array Sect has made himself a lunatic who has become an array spirit

. Crazy enough that Martial God felt scared and unwilling to face it.

It is undoubtedly a very dangerous thing to venture into the Heavenly Formation Sect at this time, but this time without the help of Holy Son, the broken army and the others, even if he rescued Zhao Yu, it would be impossible. Escape.

He had to pay back this favor.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but feel a little tangled. At this moment, a huge dragon head suddenly came over from a distance, and Dan Yuanzi and Dan Linger’s anxious voices came from above, “Young Master Ye, young Masters, it is not time to speak, then Sword God too Stronger, he is now slaughtering the creatures of Promise City and fighting against Heavenly Tribulation. We are afraid,

Relying on Martial Emperor, we can’t kill Demi-God like Sword God!”

Everyone was horrified. Just now they were patronizing the escape from Promise City, and no one had time to pay attention to the situation in Promise City. It was not until Dan Linger reminded that Ye Fei violently let Dragon Tortoise vacate again, and then opened the eyes of thunder punishment. , Looked towards Promise City again.

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