Hearing Tiantian ’s purpose, Ye Fei’s whole body was erected, and then quickly backed away, wanting to quit this hall and stay away from Tiantianzi, the lunatic Martial God.

“What shit is eternal, this is just a cage for a group of losers. The so-called eternity is nothing but forever. Trapped here, being a prisoner who never dares to face reality, Young Master is still young and cannot be accompanied Let you go crazy together! Life and death fight!”

Ye Fei roared, bursting into the sky with dazzling purple-gold rays of light, and trying to rush out of this terrifying hall. Tian Tian was also furious, and a serious face suddenly flashed a madness: “Who said I was a lunatic, did you tell you that I was unfilial, he opposed me, that’s all, and he took away his younger sister? , Let Xian’er almost die outside, you are all sinners, unforgivable sins

people! Stop him and assimilate this sinner!”

bang! With the sky After a while, the entire hall completely disappeared, and Ye Fei also completely plunged into the terrifying eternal pure land to form a grand ancient city. At this time, in this ancient city, countless pedestrians, vendors, including children playing, looked in their eyes Suddenly, there was a terrifying fierce light, and it was as if it were in the same day that it was trapped in a madness.

“It is an outsider, he is not a person from our eternal pure land, he is an outsider!”

“Witch, he is a witch, he has the breath of a witch on his body, he is a witch , He is the source of sin!”

“Kill him, kill him, how many relatives died in that battle, how many creatures were destroyed in that battle, ten families and nine families were extinct, All these evil wizards have brought us disaster!”


Finally, all the shouts turned into endless resentments, and these hundreds of thousands of spirits trapped in the eternal pure land all roared.

Although these array spirits are just the most ordinary mortals, martial artists are very rare, but when a few hundred thousand array spirits, they all shout out more terrifying shouts than souls, that kind of majestic pressure, Still as angry as the sky was quake, Ye Fei’s body fell from the sky, and he couldn’t help but spurt a large mouthful of blood. He felt his soul tingling, and the entire spiritual nebula would be torn apart by the shouts of these hundreds of thousands. His face couldn’t help showing horror, and then angrily looked towards Tianjinzi, “Tianjinzi, you really want to do so absolutely, I am ordered by the big brother, and risk the destiny of Fairy

Key brought the Celestial Formation Sect. As a Martial God, you just requite kindness with enmity?” Tiantianzi looked indifferent, “If it weren’t for the key to the fate of the old man’s daughter, it’s not the hundreds of Thousands are hands-on, but the old man personally takes action, refining you into a spirit, and become a part of this eternal pure land. Although old man is crazy, but it is not unfeeling, he can kill from this hundreds of thousands of spirits

Go out, you can live, if you can’t kill, then you will be obediently and honestly assimilated by the spirits and become part of the eternal pure land! Now, tear his soul to pieces for the old man! And he That dirty wizard atmosphere!” Tiantian had a face full of disgust, and he had an unforgettable hatred for witches. The same was true for the array spirits all over the city. They were all descendants of the remaining discipline of the Tiantian sect. Experienced the bloody battle between the ancients and the Wu clan. Seeing Ye Fei at this time, they seemed to have gone back to the ancient times, back to the terrifying battle of


The eyes of hundreds of thousands of people are all red. Both men and women, young and old, all rush to Ye Fei madly, wishing to tear Ye Fei into pieces.

“courting death!”

Ye Fei was furious. Although he couldn’t bear it, these people wanted to kill him. He would never stand and wait for death.

The howling sword light is like a long river, like a mountain, like a thunderbolt, like a torrential rain, with endless Annihilation Light, killing everywhere, there is blood everywhere, and these spirits are everywhere, killed by Ye Fei Death smile.

They were killed without any fear. But it is still like a torrent, like a vicious pack of wolves, howling like ghosts, wanting to kill Ye Fei.

Gradually, Ye Fei’s sword light was completely suppressed by the surging crowd of hundreds of thousands, which forced Ye Fei to use killer moves.

“Eight Dragons!”

Among the crowd, Ye Fei roared like a heavenly dragon, and then eight heavenly dragons rushed out of his within the body and slew in all directions. Dragon’s Might shook the world and the entire eternal pure land. The eyes were crazy for a while, and at this moment, the pupils also shrank into a dark black spot, “What is the ancient art of heaven? No, what he used may be a complete Heavenly Venerate cultivation technique. It’s a pity, if so. The cultivation technique can appear in ancient times. Maybe Heavenly Martial Continent can give birth to another

Heavenly Venerate. It’s too late and too late to contend with the Wu clan, so he still has to die! He must Become a part of the Eternal Pure Land!”


It seems that I felt the anger of the sky for a while, and the surrounding spirits roared like ghosts, Ye Fei After killing one batch, another batch came immediately, fierce and unafraid of death.

No, to be more precise, these spirits, simply won’t die!

Ye Fei was shocked to see that all the mortal spirits killed by him were resurrected on the spot in a short period of time. Then, they roared again and pounced on Ye Fei again. . At this moment, even if Ye Fei is a half-step evildoer, facing the endless army of unkillable spirits, a trace of horror will inevitably develop in his heart, “If you can’t kill these spirits, then I won’t be able to pass the heavens. Zong’s assessment, then, in the end, I’m not going to be assimilated by these spirits, torn,

and refined into spirits? No, if I die, don’t become this inhuman Unghosted array spirits, big black, become bigger and crush them!”

“roar!” Dragon Tortoise roared and rushed out of the beast seal space, fiercely smashed forward, and instantly crushed them. Thousands of array spirits also severely injured tens of thousands of array spirits, but soon, Dragon Tortoise screamed. Those undead array spirits, at this time, surrounded Dragon Tortoise like ants, biting them with teeth, and smashing them with stones. , Seems to be forcibly, to kill Dragon Tortoise alive.

Chapter 1694 Divine Beating Whip

Dragon Tortoise is courageous, but it also has a tyrannical side. At this time, suddenly bitten by tens of thousands of mortal spirits, Dragon Tortoise suddenly fell into violent.

The infinite monster qi burst out from Dragon Tortoise’s body, forming a demon fire, burning all the nearby spirits to death.

“Vermilion Bird Divine Sword!”

Ye Fei was also ruthless in his heart. He suddenly released the Vermilion Bird domain, forming an endless fire sea, burning all around, and quickly moved the approaching array Spirit, all slaughtered. But what makes Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise feel that they have one’s hair stand on end is that they know that there is a fire sea in front of them, and the formations formed by these mortals still rush into the fire sea one after another. Then, these mortals who were burned to death, At the moment they were resurrected, Martial Dao breaths of varying strength and weakness broke out in their bodies.


“Give our lives back!”

These mortals who have died two or three times even carry weak rays of light. After crossing the fire sea, some even displayed martial arts to kill Ye Fei.

Ye Fei was startled and shocked: “How could it be possible that they were mortals before, but after being killed by Dragon Tortoise and I several times, they turned into martial artists!”


In order to confirm the speculation in his heart, Ye Fei went up again and killed the group of weak martial artists who had not even reached the Martial Master Realm. But soon, when these martial artists were resurrected, their realm Many of them have already broken through Martial Master Realm, and some of them have powerful aptitude, and even have Martial Sect’s cultivation base. Ye Fei suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air, “The spirits of this eternal array are getting stronger and stronger! Every time they die, their realm will increase by one level. If they continue to kill like this, soon, I will face Yes, it’s not a few hundred thousand mortals, but a few hundred thousand Martial Sect, Martial Venerable, Martial King, and even thorough

Earth Great Energy, Heavenspan Great Saint… There may even be Martial Sovereign, even Martial Emperor!” “Hehe, it seems that you have discovered that, yes, old man creates an eternal formation, the realm of the spirits can be infinitely improved, theoretically, it can kill Heavenly Venerate! Ye Fei, don’t resist. Now, become the spirit of the formation, you and I will join hands to create a real eternal world!” Tianzi’s eyes,

turned completely black, and even more devilish temptation.

After that, there were a large number of martial artists who screamed and pounced on Ye Fei, trying to tear and assimilate Ye Fei. With a roar of Dragon Tortoise, they burst into flames and killed all of them. Array spirit.

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