“Stop, don’t kill!”

Ye Fei was taken aback, and hurriedly held Dragon Tortoise’s mouth, but when Ye Fei held Dragon Tortoise, hundreds of A powerful aptitude, already transformed into a Martial Sect, has already let out a ghostly howl, rushing towards Ye Fei, and is about to push him and Dragon Tortoise to the ground and bite.

Ye Fei was taken aback. Faced with these unkillable, more powerful formation spirits, not to mention that he is a quasi-emperor that feels tricky, but the real Heavenly Venerate comes in, and his scalp is also going hemp.

“Give up, no one can pass the assessment of this eternal formation. There is only one ending for you, and that is to integrate into eternity. Like the old man, become the spirit of this formation!” For a while, there was a magical laughter.

“old lunatic, put your shit, you are afraid of the witches and dare not face the reality, it does not mean that we descendants, just like you, Dragon Tortoise, give me a blow!”


Ye Fei suddenly appeared a huge anger, since these spirits can’t kill, they can’t kill, he simply, together with Dragon Tortoise, killed the Martial God in heaven!

Although this action is extremely risky, it is already Ye Fei’s last resort. For this, Tian Tian was also surprised, “Knowing that the old man is Martial God, do you dare Attacking the old man? Unfortunately, the old man has become an array spirit, and any of your martial arts are impossible to hurt the old man.”

For a while, he smiled indifferently and stood still, completely ignoring him. After Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise’s attacks, Ye Fei suddenly felt that his Octopus Heavenly Dragon was not hit by the body of Tiantian, but into another piece of time and space, disappear without a trace.

“It’s useless, but since you shot the old man, the old man has to do it to you!” Tian Tian looked indifferent, suddenly stretched out a finger, and pointed at Ye Fei and Dragon at the same time Tortoise. There was a big fear in Ye Fei’s heart. There was a feeling of being watched by Death God, but before Ye Fei could react, the danger of Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise was sensed in the beast seal space. Xiaocao couldn’t help it at last, and suddenly ran out panting with rage, and drew a whip for a while.

For a while, I was shocked, “You kid, you have a lot of things hidden in your body. You are a fierce monster, and a Heaven and Earth Spirit Object. Unfortunately, It’s still useless, the old man’s Divine Soul has already fuse together with the Eternal Array. Any attack will be useless to the old man……”


Between words, Xiaocao’s vine whip had already hit Tianzi’s body firmly, causing Tianzi’s finger to stop for an instant. Ye Fei was also shocked stared wide-eyed, and in his mind, he had an unbelievable idea.

“Could it be that Xiaocao’s vine whip, in addition to the ominous beast, can also play Martial God’s Divine Soul?”

As for whether it’s not, let Xiaocao beat it again Got it!

“Xiaocao, hit hard!” Ye Fei quickly yelled.


Xiao Cao is very angry and nodded.

Hearing Ye Fei’s words, Xiaocao immediately summoned his courage, exhausted all his strength, waved the vine whip in his hand, and brought a colorful spiritual wind fiercely on his body for a while.


Xiaocao’s whip made Tianzi’s entire body tremble, and Tianzi’s face was shocked to the extreme. Astonished: “No, Divine Beating Whip, how could you have Divine Beating Whip in your hands…”

“Divine Beating Whip? The grass whip is actually Divine Beating Whip?” For days, Ye Fei’s mind also had a huge shock, making everyone fear things for a while. This is definitely Supreme Treasure.

pa pa pa!

No matter whether it was a vine whip or a Divine Beating Whip, Xiaocao almost died seeing Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise.

Not enough cane whips were swung out, Xiaocao immediately conjured dozens of cane whips, and they flicked fiercely on him for a while.

For a while, the whole body trembled more violently, and at the same time, within the body, he suddenly heard a magical roar, “Damn Divine Beating Whip, I will kill them for this seat. That little girl, she is…ah!” Before the words were finished, the dozens of cane whips in Xiaocao had been twisted into a more terrifying big cane whip, and they were pumped toward the sky in bundles. This also immediately made the sky within the The devilish voice of the body makes a more miserable scream, faintly, Ye Fei even sees a layer of weird black energy, from within the body of the day, the poison comes out like a snake


roar! The devilish screams also caused all the spirits of the eternal formation to be distorted and changed. In Ye Fei’s eyes, they are no longer humans, but ghosts with faces looking sinister. , Howl, roar, desperately, rushed to the grass, as if wishing to tear the grass to pieces in an instant.

Chapter 1695 Sky Spirit Orb

Eight-pole Dragon!

Ye Fei dare not let these spirits rush up, he immediately exhausted all his strength, thunderbolt, ice, hell, Azure Dragon, Vermilion Bird, the five Heaven Grade domains, together with eight dragons, all Self-destruction. At this time, Ye Fei no longer cared about killing these spirits, which would further enhance the strength of the spirits. Seeing Ye Fei’s actions, Dragon Tortoise also grew bigger again, like a huge mountain, rolling all around. No matter how many of these spirits there are, they all suffered heavy casualties under the hellish tumbling of Dragon Tortoise

. ,

Soon, these spirits were slaughtered by Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise, and a vacuum zone of bone accumulation appeared.

However, when the spirits entangled Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise, Tian also launched a counterattack. After all, he is Martial God. Even if he is caught off guard, he is hit by Xiaocao’s Divine Beating Whip, but His realm, not at all, like the ominous beast of a small grass, the realm is also destroyed.

For a while, he is still a powerful and crazy Martial God. At this time, his mouth even emits a devilish roar, roaring, roaring, and even more terrifying magical. The hurricane rushed to the grass frantically.


Suddenly a violent roar appeared in Tianyi’s ear.

While repelling the surrounding spirits, Ye Fei suddenly displayed the big Void Technique, and instantly appeared in front of Tian Chen. Raising his hand was the bright sword light, forming the four phases of Tai Chi, preventing Tian Chen from approaching the grass. Around.

“Xiaocao, use all your strength, continue to fight!” Ye Fei instructed Xiaocao again. Only Xiaocao can really hurt him for a while.


Seeing that Ye Fei couldn’t beat that crazy Great Grandpa, Xiaocao’s eyes were wide and round, and suddenly his hands formed complicated handprints, making Xiaocao’s body blew a burst of colorful spiritual wind, but when these spiritual winds merged into the vine whip.

Suddenly, the vine whip of Xiaocao became more terrifying, faintly, forming an illusory shadow of magic whip, which was drawn fiercely on the body for a while.


Severe pain, it is not a human voice, but a devilish roar. At the same time, Ye Fei can see clearly Then, from the Divine Soul of the day, a group of dark and magical light was hit by the Divine Beating Whip, from the Divine Soul of the day.

“Heart Demon!”

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