At this moment, the army of martial artists in the starry sky began to shake, and there was a huge chaos. They looked at the starry sky, the ancient city of the sky array, and the ancient city. Above, that purple-golden god-like silhouette. Even the hearts of many quasi emperors were trembling at this time.

But then, it was anger, roar, desperation and struggle like wild beast, dry Sanyuan eyes were red, when he saw Sword God was killed, he first did not believe, then trembled, and finally It became madness under despair.

“Kill, Sword God only died of Remnant Soul. When Sword God’s soul awakens and regains strength, he is still Demi-God, and is still a starry invincible existence! We are going to do it now Yes, before Sword God awakens and besieged Ye Fei, we must not let this evil barrier run away again!”

I have to say that doing Sanyuan is very tempting, and he is also successful and stable. After seeing this scene, Ye Fei said nothing. He threw down the head of Sword God, and suddenly, with a brilliant sword light, he slammed into Gan Sanyuan.


The sword energy soars into the sky and slashes the starry sky. This sword is almost reaching its limit, and it is also terrifying to its limit. The Promise Sword carries the starlight and the infinite The fire of despair, instantly, tore through the magnificent army formed by tens of thousands of Martial Saints and Martial Sovereigns.

Many quasi emperors of Limitless Sect are roaring, Qian Sanyuan is also roaring, they roar, they are not reconciled to fail, and they absolutely do not believe that Ye Fei has the battle strength of Martial Emperor Level, Limitless Sect All Heaven Grade Zhundi rushed up, trying to join forces to resist Ye Fei’s sword.

Boom ka!

Heaven and earth tore, Star River shook, Ye Fei held the Promise Sword, and rushed into these quasi emperors expressionlessly, and he began to wave the Divine Sword in his hand.


A dozen Heaven Grade quasi-emperors were instantly beheaded by Ye Fei.

Before the remaining quasi emperors could react, Ye Fei roared again, and violently moved the Promise Sword as a star wheel. That huge force caused the stars to burst, causing The world is trembling.

Also let the martial artist around him see an extremely shocking scene. I saw Ye Fei sword light passing by, and a piece of Heaven Grade Zhundi, like a piece of paper, was covered by a Promise Sword. The stars rays of light, swallowed mercilessly.

Suddenly, this starry sky, there was a terrifying rain of blood, and countless Heaven Grade quasi-emperor’s blood and bones dyed the starry sky red.

And above the starry sky, the only one standing is a young Sword God burning Purple Gold flames and holding an invincible Divine Sword.

Yes, Ye Fei at this time, in the eyes of these star sects, is already equivalent to Sword God, the same invincible and the same brilliant.

“The old Sword God has fallen, but the new Sword God is blooming with dazzling rays of light.”

“The invincible Divine Sword, the battle strength of the monstrous talent level, Now that even Sword God is dead, our star sect, what other background, dare to counterattack Heavenly Martial Continent, dare to challenge Ye Fei?”

“Starry Sword God, who is the deadly death? Ye Fei thoroughly He is invincible. Not only is he invincible in the Quasi-Emperor Realm, he is also the Martial Emperor, and he may not be Ye Fei’s opponent!”

“He is a god, he is the new Sword God!”


Along with the exclaims of these martial artists in the starry sky, it is another first class, soaring into the sky. Upon closer inspection, it is a head of shock and fear.

In this scene, the fear of Qian Wuji was also screamed on the spot. This star ranking number one, known as the strongest genius in the starry sky, actually abandoned everyone again at this moment and fled. , Desperately rushing, Ye Fei’s pupil light also immediately locked Qian Wuji.

There are no extra words.

It is a sword light again, erupting from Ye Fei’s hands, and then violently carrying Ye Fei together, fleeing into the void, and instantly appearing behind Gan Wuji.

“Ye Fei, I’m just a ghost…” Qian Wuji turned his head back in horror, the pupil light before his death, with deep resentment and hideousness.

But not waiting for him to finish.


The sword light shines and the blood splashes! A hideous human head has already rolled off the stars!

Ye Fei held a sword with one hand, and grasped the head of the person who was frightened by Qian Wuji. Indifferently said: “Sorry, you are not qualified to be a ghost. You who committed the crime of Heavenly Martial Continent, no matter how far away you are you will certainly be punished! Kill!” After killing Qian Wuji, Ye Fei’s silhouette suddenly appeared in the starry sky where Emperor Fan was fighting with the Demon Prince. At this time, the Demon Prince had already relied on Mad Demon Pill and completely suppressed this He was a white clothed War God, but when the Demon Prince was secretly proud and was about to forcefully kill Emperor Fan, he saw a horror scene that he would never forget for the rest of his life


The once powerful Sword God was ruthlessly beheaded by Ye Fei with absolute power. The once powerful Limitless Sect, hundreds of Heaven Grade quasi-emperors, including Sect Master, were killed, including The leader of the star list, Wuji, was all beheaded by Ye Fei.

At this time, hundreds of bloody heads, floating in the starry sky, were also presented before the eyes of the demon prince. The proud face of the devil prince instantly turned into a deep fear. When he saw Ye Fei rushing over with the sword light, the devil prince already uttered a desperate roar, “Ye Fei, you can’t kill me, I am Prince Mochao, if you kill me, you are against my Mochao. Let me go and I can leave.

I can swear that I will never step into the Ancient Starry Sky Road forever.” “Leave you alone. , When you arrested Zhao Yu, you thought about letting her go. When you ordered Limitless Sect to arrest the martial artist of Heavenly Martial Continent and slaughter wantonly, have you ever thought about letting them go, the devil prince? , One person does things and the other person, you do evil, even if you go to hell, I will not forgive! Kill


Between words, the Promise Sword has already carried Smashing Starry Sky Power, once again slashed to the devil prince, and the devil prince also fell into the most maddening madness. He howled, impressively pushing the Five Realms to the limit, and at the same time stepped back crazily, trying to resist the light of Ye Fei’s terrifying Divine Sword.

But Ye Fei’s sword light is too strong!

The Promise Sword is even more dazzling like a star, shattering the entire starry sky, and likewise, it completely shattered the body of the demon prince.


The demon prince was completely blown up again, but this time, he could no longer reorganize his body, everyone just saw that a dazzling star shattered the piece The starry sky also completely shattered the body of the demon prince together with the Primordial Spirit

At this time, not to mention the Mad Demon Pill, it is the mad Divine Pill, it will not save the life of the demon prince.


In the starry sky, I don’t know who it is. Suddenly my knees weakened and he bowed down to Ye Fei. The army of martial artists composed of tens of thousands of Martial Saint and Martial Sovereign collapsed in an instant, and then countless. A silhouette of a man, throwing away his weapon, kneeling in horror.

“Martial Emperor, Ye Martial Emperor!”

“Master Martial Emperor, please bear with me, we are willing to surrender, we are all willing to surrender!”

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