At this moment, no one dared to question the power of Ye Fei anymore. The starry sky, the army of tens of thousands of martial artists from the starry sky, completely collapsed, everywhere, everyone bowed in terror. martial artist silhouette.

Some of these silhouettes are Sect Masters of the Star Sect, and some are famous geniuses in the stars. They used to look down on Ye Fei, and even treated the martial artists of Heavenly Martial Continent as untouchables and wantonly insulted. But at this moment, their hearts are only trembling. . Under Ye Fei’s endless emperor, shiver coldly.

Chapter 1703 Sky Martial City

Above the ancient city, Ye Fei is not angry with himself. He is holding the Promise Sword and looking at the tens of thousands of martial artists in the starry sky with indifferent eyes. As his gaze fell, these once aloof and remote star Sect Masters, star geniuses, their hearts were shaking, and their faces were full of deep fear. “Three requirements, one, from now on, the entire Ancient Starry Sky Road, return to Heavenly Martial Continent, you can survive in the starry sky, but you can no longer dominate the resources of the starry sky for any reason! Second, from now on, any starry sky Sects must not discriminate against terrestrial martial artists. Everyone is born flat

whether he is a terrestrial martial artist or a starry martial artist!”

“Three, any sect, Don’t occupy the ancient city of the starry sky! From now on, when the starry sky is on the road, Lieyang City will be renamed True Martial City! On the road of the starry sky, Blood River City will be renamed Zhenzong! Under the starry sky, Promise City will be renamed Sky Martial City. “Ye Fei is not a murderer. In the end, the first evil Limitless Sect has been basically eliminated. Most of the remaining star sects are threatened by the Promise Sword God and have to obey it. Moreover, killing all these people will easily make the martial artist of the starry sky and the martial artist of the land form a death feud, which is not conducive to the future martial artist of the land. Entering the starry experience, he will not bother to pursue it.

He just looked towards the bottom, looked towards the kneeling tens of thousands of martial artists in the starry sky, with an indifferent gaze, these martial artists include Martial Saint, and more are Martial Sovereign, Zhundi, many of them It is a side powerhouse, but in front of Ye Fei, no one dares to raise his head, no one dares to resist. When they heard Ye Fei’s condition, these people swear quickly: “Young Master Ye, we swear, we will obey your orders. We can guarantee with our lives that we will never embarrass the martial artist, our ancestors. , Also from Heavenly Martial Continent, we are all forced by Limitless Sect and Sword God

Sword God!” When talking about the Sword God, Zhao Yu suddenly thought of something. Suddenly from the ancient city, Step to Ye Fei’s side, “Ye Fei, you can’t take it lightly. What you just killed was the Remnant Soul of Promise Sword God. His body soul is still hidden in Promise City. Once his body is awakened,

The Demi-God cultivation base has been restored again. Even if you are a peerless evildoer, it is difficult to resist.” Ye Fei nodded, said solemnly: “Don’t worry, since I have a way to destroy the Avatar of Wuji Sword God, Then there must be a way to destroy the Divine Soul of Promise Sword God! Guardian Array Spirit, I remember you said that those who hold the Zhenxing card cannot refuse the request of the other party. Now, the Zhenxing card is with me. /p>

In my hands, can I ask the formation to activate Formation and immediately send me to Promise City? I want to completely cut weeds and eliminate the roots of Promise God!”

In this remark, Ye Fei spoke directly in front of everyone, and heard that Ye Fei not only killed the Sword God Avatar, but also wanted to kill the Sword God body.

Tens of thousands of starry martial artists, their faces are full of extreme shock and fear. “Oh my God, what realm is this Ye Demon? Just kill the Avatar of the Martial Emperor Level’s sword body. He still wants to kill the Half-God Level’s Sword God body! Too terrifying, too enchanting, Heavenly Martial Continent Appear like this evildoer, and there are so many peerless genius, our starry sky, what else do we take to fight against

Heavenly Martial Continent, to fight against evildoers such as Ye Fei and Emperor Fan?” For a time, many starry sky The Sect Master of the sect, the pupil light have become complicated. Hearing Ye Fei’s domineering words, the guardian spirit of the ancient city of Tianjin laughed with relief, “Okay, okay, this is what Guardian should have. Looks like… My Sky Formation Sect also has all the formations leading to the three ancient cities



The guardian formation spirit waved, In the ancient city, a huge transmission array of stars has emerged. This Formation is more subtle and complicated than the star formations of all sects at this stage.


“Ah, mortal, I killed my Demi-God Avatar! Unforgivable, intolerable, even if I can’t be promoted to Martial God Must kill him!”

While Ye Fei was beheading the Avatar of Wuji Sword God, a huge blood coffin suddenly appeared in the square of the Promise City, in the infinite blood pool, and then, The coffin split open, and a Divine Soul exuding an astonishing imperial prestige, was struggling to get out of the blood coffin, little by little.

This is the body of Promise Sword God!

Martial Emperor cultivation to the limit is Demi-God. This is an ancient powerhouse whose half-foot has entered the Martial God Realm. Even if it is hit hard, the fleshy body is destroyed, but the Divine of Promise Sword God Soul is still strong.

Now, he will use this powerful Divine Soul to go to the battlefield again to forcefully behead Ye Fei, and wash away his shame as a Demi-God.

It’s just that before Wuji Sword God really walks over, a young man wearing a black Purple Gold robe suddenly appeared in the sky above Wuji. This young man is holding a Wuji sword and exuding amazing sword power. The grandiose, like a blazing sun, illuminates all directions and envelopes the entire Promise City.

The Divine Soul of Wuji Sword God suddenly roared to the limit: “Ye Fei, facing my body Divine Soul, you dare to come and die!”

“Sword God, I think you are the one who sent you to death! Xiaocao, Divine Beating Whip, give me fiercely beat!” Ye Fei coldly shouted.

Demi-God’s Divine Soul is terrifying, but more terrifying is Xiaocao’s Divine Beating Whip. After hearing Ye Fei’s words, Xiaocao rode Dragon Tortoise under the mighty sword power. , Carrying the vine whip, rushed out of the beast seal space.

Waiting for the Wuji Sword God did not react to what is going on, the whistling vine whip, already carrying a colorful spiritual wind, fiercely drawn on the Sword God, Sword God froze for a moment, but did not shout.

“Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) The grass must have been hit too lightly!

The second time, Xiaocao simply condensed a dozen vine whips into a twist. Pumped in bundles to Sword God.

“Ah! Who the hell is she, how could she possibly hurt my Divine Soul, my God…” Wuji Sword God suddenly screamed in horror.

Sword God’s Divine Soul was whipped twice in this way. Sword God’s Divine Soul showed signs of collapse. This also immediately frightened Sword God the soul flew away and scattered. You know, Demi- The most important thing about God is Divine Soul. Once Divine Soul is gone, then Sword God will really die. So after getting two lashes, just now I was so hard-headed that he threatened to kill Ye Fei’s revenge Sword God. Soon after a few consecutive lashes in Xiaocao, the fighting will completely collapsed, and he was drawn to doubt life on the spot, even more so. Immediately softened to Ye Fei: “Please, stop fighting, I surrender

, I am willing to surrender!”

“Surrender?” Ye Fei and Xiaocao were both scared For a jump, even Dragon Tortoise cast contemptuous eyes at Sword God, and after a long time, the body of Sword God suddenly became so soft? Feeling the contempt of Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise, Sword God’s face flushed, and his heart was full of humiliation and regret, but he finally cultivation to Demi-God. With his aptitude, it may be possible in the future in Grand Era. , Transformed into a real Martial God, at this time, the Promise Sword God, how could he die willingly like this

, or suffocated by a little girl who was beaten to death with a whip. Therefore, under the threat of life and death, Wuji Sword God could only endure the shame, and suddenly knelt down to Ye Fei on one knee, “I swear by Divine Soul, forever, allegiance to the lord, and ask the lord to spare my life! “

Chapter 1704 Primordial Magic Power

Divine Soul swears.

That is a more terrifying oath than the Heavenly Dao blood oath. After all, the Heavenly Dao blood oath is only binding under the Martial Emperor, while the Divine Soul oath is extremely strong against Martial God. Binding force.

It is no exaggeration to say that once the Divine Soul oath is issued, even the life and death of Martial God, Ye Fei can control it at will. Once the opponent resists, he can even a single thought and destroy the opponent Divine Soul, let the other party thoroughly fly ash annihilation.

So, Ye Fei was fiercely shocked when he heard that Wuji Sword God actually swears with Divine Soul, “As Demi-God, you actually surrendered to me, Wuji Sword God, you What is the purpose:” “My purpose is to wait until Grand Era, a good breakthrough Martial God, for this, I am willing to at all costs! It is shameful to surrender to your junior, but it is better to die than to live, I still have a chance Entering the Grand Era breakthrough Martial God, I don’t want to die so soon!” The Promise Sword God also gave up,

At the same time, in front of Xiaocao’s Divine Beating Whip, only Divine Soul is left, without the fleshy body. , Simply unable to resist.

Of course, if Ye Fei comes a few days late, so that Wuji Sword God can find the body possession of the body and restore the Demi-God cultivation base, even if Xiaocao has Divine Beating Whip, it will not be hurt. Demi-God.

“Sorry, I still can’t completely trust you.” Ye Fei shook his head in a deep voice. He had seen the viciousness of Wuji Sword God with his own eyes, and even if this person gave the Divine Soul oath, he still couldn’t easily believe it. Seeing this, while Sword God was secretly angry, he couldn’t help but grimaced and continued to plead, “I surrender to you, just want to survive, fight for the last chance, breakthrough Martial God, and kill me, yes. You are not good, and the magic dynasty of the heavenly demon continent also intends to occupy this Ancient Starry Sky Road.

Leave me, I can swear, forever will help you guard the starry sky and resist other Demi-Gods!”

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