“What, lord…what the hell did this Sword God do so that his brain is abnormal, he recognized that fiend in human form as lord, he is also Demi-God anyway… …” The big bluestone shook all over, and suddenly fell off the head of the Supreme Master.

“No way, Shang Jing…I asked you to hold me, not let you hold me…” When I heard the acknowledge allegiance Ye Fei, it was a Demi-God, and I went around the Supreme Court Chang forcefully calmed down. At this time, his body was shaking and there were signs of instability in his standing.

Many of True Martial Saint Court’s disciplines, even the countless quasi emperor, Martial Sovereign, slumped on the ground with a fright.

Xi Yingqing, Vermilion Bird and White Tiger deans were opened wide together in shock.

As for the quasi-emperors of the Human Demon Palace who fled, at the moment Sword God appeared, they were no longer scared, but many were scared and weakened on the spot.

Faced with these quasi-emperors, Ye Fei didn’t even bother to shoot. His opponent was Human Demon, not the small shrimps released by these Human Demon.

“The battle on the ground, hand it to you, the battle in the sky, hand it to me, Human Demon, I know you are in the vicinity, get out, you and I fight to the death!”

Ye Fei stepped into the sky. Since Human Demon can control Fu Renjie’s body, it must also be able to control the bodies of other quasi emperors in the Human Demon Hall. Sure enough, when Ye Fei’s voice fell, suddenly, a quasi emperor who had escaped a long distance, his horrified eyes suddenly became pitch black like hell, and at this moment, he did not retreat but moved forward, suddenly killing at a speed comparable to light. To Ye Fei, Human Demon’s angry roar came from his mouth: “Ye Fei, don’t think

If you become a peerless evildoer, you can fight against the deity, if it’s not on Wang Bai’s face , You don’t even have the right to talk to the deity!”


Before Human Demon could speak, Ye Fei suddenly stepped on a void step and rushed directly to the target controlled by Human Demon. In front of the emperor, without saying anything, a loud slap was slapped on the opponent’s face, “Noisy, if you want to fight, then just and honourable roll over, don’t be like a rat, let me down!”


Without waiting for Human Demon to speak, Ye Fei punched directly and blasted the quasi emperor into a ball of blood mist.

His actions completely frightened the remnant quasi-emperor in the Human Demon Hall, and even many High Rank corpses were shiver coldly at this time.

You should know that although it was not a visit by Human Demon just now, it was also an Avatar with a divine sense of Human Demon, and Ye Fei directly slapped the Avatar.

As the culprit of the ancient catastrophe, Human Demon, known as the closest to the earth, was actually slapped in the face by a junior, fiercely. Although Ye Fei only hit the divine sense Avatar of Human Demon, this action is undoubtedly It is shocking and shocking to the world.

Not only was the dean and the others too scared, but the face turned white. The other forces in Zhong Prefecture who were secretly concerned about this battle, including many Aristocratic Family and Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family who came after hearing the news. , Are all shocked to see.

In Senluodian, at the moment when Ye Fei slapped the face and destroyed the divine sense Avatar, Human Demon who was about to force the Senluodian down, his entire face turned purple. At the same time, a burst of demonic energy caused the entire dragon head realm to shake violently.

“Ye Fei, hello, hello is very good, if the deity does not kill you, it is really intolerable! Nameless, the deity gives you ten days, within ten days, if it does not fall, then Ye Fei’s death is the end of your Senluo Temple!”

roar! Human Demon directly controls Fu Renjie’s body, transforming into a huge dragon claw, and grabs the Supreme Treasure of Senluo Temple. The tower, then the dragon tail swings, has turned into a horrible magic light, tearing the space seal of the dragon head on the spot, rushing back to Zhong Prefecture, and rushing to the True Martial Saint Court again.


At this moment, all martial artists in the entire Zhong Prefecture seem to feel a terrifying magic power, to tear the world apart and sink all the land.

I don’t even know how many Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family Patriarch, at this moment, he is full of horror and trembling soul.

“Human Demon, Human Demon has really come out. The 13 Martial God’s seals are immortal to this Human Demon, and the man named Ye Fei, who is abandoned by the sky, he actually drew in public. He slapped the Human Demon Avatar. This little demon would die by himself. Why would he want to hold us to death!” “It’s over, Human Demon is furious, and the corpse is billions. Could it be the ancient Human Demon catastrophe, Is it because of Ye Demon’s impolite behavior to repeat it again?”

Chapter 1717 Human Demon Hate

Compared with other people’s fear of Human Demon, Ye Fei’s expression was full of indifference. He just sat cross-legged in the sky, constantly adjusting his state, and a battle with Human Demon was bound to be a bloody battle. Even though he had transformed into a peerless evildoer, he also had the Promise Sword. In hand, Ye Fei does not dare

to take it lightly.

At the same time, there is still a trace of worry in his heart, that is, Human Demon controls, but Fu Renjie’s body, he doesn’t know what kind of effect this control will have on Fu Renjie.

“But this is always a bad thing. If possible, I really don’t want to decide life and death with Brother Fu.” Ye Fei shook his head silently.

After that, he fell into silence, not caring about the things around him, just waiting for the arrival of Human Demon. The sky was completely calm, but the rainstorm was about to come.

On the earth, fight Zheng Nong, under the large number of starry quasi emperors brought by the Promise Sword God, and the pursuit and fight of King Tyrant Dragon, the remaining quasi emperors of the Human Demon Hall are all given the head and even surrounded The corpse puppet army of True Martial Saint Court was also cleaned up by many martial artists and was completely killed.

The battle is over.

Martial Sovereign looked at his broken arms tragically, and sat slumped on the ground. Xi Yingqing and White Tiger Vermilion Bird, the two directors, were seriously injured and dying. They had to hurry. Backed up, took out Thunder Tribulation solution again, and quickly replenish the consumed vitality.

These Thunder Tribulation fluids were all brought back by Ye Fei during the storm in Lieyang City. Please bring them back. It is also relying on these Thunder Tribulation fluids that the dean is too high to rejuvenate and support it with difficulty. Come to Ye Fei with reinforcements.

Finally, even the Nether Bone Ship that sank into the ground was carried by several Tyrant Dragons together with dragon claw. Just as the King of Tyrant Dragon was happy, he wanted to declare the ownership of this bone ship. At that time, the world suddenly trembled, followed by a terrifying dragon roar, shaking the world.

Under the dragon roar, as strong as the Tyrant Dragon king, they all felt a tremor of the soul. The other dragons became soft and knelt down on the ground one after another, huge dragon eyes. Full of shock and fear, such Dragon’s Might has surpassed the Beastmaster and reached the level of the Beastmaster.


dragon roar became more and more magnificent, and gradually, it was filled with a terrifying magical nature. In the distant sky, a huge black dragon appeared soon. When approaching this sky, the dragon body trembled and suddenly turned into a bright black haired youth in an imposing manner.

“Human Demon!”

In an instant, Ye Fei stood up from the sky, and on his body, the sword light was shining, and he was faintly with amazing murderous aura and anger.

“Ye Fei!”

Human Demon’s pupils are like an abyss, when he sees the corpse puppet army destroyed on the ground, and even the Nether bone ship is captured. , Human Demon’s body also showed the anger and murderous intention of incomparable gigantic.

Then, Human Demon’s murderous intention turned into a thick black magic cloud, whizzing, rushing towards Ye Fei, and even covering this world.


Ye Fei sword energy is like a river, forming a roaring sword river, tearing the world apart and destroying the magic cloud all split up and in pieces, “Human Demon, get out of Fu Renjie’s body , I can make you die faster!” “Impudent, you think you are talking, don’t say you are a monster, even if you breakthrough Martial God, in front of the deity, you are just an ant!” Human Demon furious, My heart was full of shock. Obviously, Human Demon didn’t expect. Ye Fei has been buried in just over 20 years.

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