The chess piece controlled by him in Divine Land has become a peerless evildoer comparable to the Martial Emperor. You know, when Human Demon passed to Ye Fei to fight the demonic path, it was actually uneasy and kind. He deliberately left his demonic energy on it, trying to lure Ye Fei into the darkness and become his stand-in piece, just entering the Martial God space. At the time, Ye Fei used his perseverance to break free from the control of Human Demon, and

recovered himself.

Finally, Human Demon chose Fu Renjie as his stand-in for getting out of trouble. At this time, seeing Ye Fei’s growth rate, that is, Human Demon, there was a certain degree of crisis in his heart, and then The tragic murderous intention erupted from Human Demon.

“The king is angry!”

Human Demon roared up to the sky, crazy like True Demon. Raising his hand is a bone Demon Sword, to slay all living beings and slaughter living beings. This sword shocked the Demi-God Wuji Sword God on the spot.

Not to mention the many quasi-emperors present, just seeing the sword light formed by the white bones, they have the illusion that flesh and blood melts and turns into white bones.

Ye Fei’s brows also jumped, but then an amazing fighting intent burst out of his body. In an instant, the Promise Sword in his hand was lit.

“sword dao Heavenspan!”

Ye Fei vigorously waved the Promise Sword in his hand. It seemed that he was not going to cut people, but to cut through the deep sky. Everyone just saw a bright sword light shining like a starry sky, Tearing the Void, cutting the world, and fiercely colliding with Human Demon’s bone sword.


When the Bone Sword collided with the Promise Sword, there were surprising cracks. The Promise Sword was too strong. Its strength was not because it was a Divine Item, but also because of its amazing weight.

When Ye Fei wields the Promise Sword and its power has completely exploded, this is no longer a sword, but a brilliant killing star. Not only did a sword smash the Bone Sword, but even more blatantly, he slashed back towards Human Demon.

“Damn, you not only turned into a monster, but you also have a Divine Item! No wonder you dare to fight against the deity… the wind and thunder are all things!”

Human Demon was shocked, while holding hands A whistling tower of wind and thunder quickly emerged, forming a terrifying matchless wind lightning pillar, and blasted towards Ye Fei ruthlessly and coldly.

Ye Fei immediately startled, recognizing that it was actually the Fenglei Tower of Senluo Temple, “Could it be that Senluo Temple also surrendered to Human Demon?” After all, Human Demon Temple and Senluo Temple were split from Life and Death Palace. There is a natural opportunity for the two to unite, and upon hearing this, Human Demon’s eyes were cold, said solemnly: “Ye Fei, the deity appreciates you. If you return now, the demon will not only accept you as a discipline, but also teach You and my Human Demon Hate

The way, you remember, only endless hatred can give you absolute power!”

“Fuck you shit! Hatred, That’s just an excuse for your failure!” Ye Fei was furious, and the Promise Sword suddenly flashed endless starlight, trying to kill Human Demon.

For this, Human Demon pupil light is even colder. He cursed in a deep voice: “Junior, silence the deity. Only hatred can bring endless power. The so-called hope is nothing but deep despair in the end! Since you are a stubborn, what is the use of the deity! Dark magic fist!”

Boom ka!

Human Demon urged the Wind Lei Tower with one hand to resist Ye Fei’s Promise Sword, and with the other hand, he suddenly punched a set of familiar and unfamiliar horror demon punches. It looks like a fight between life and death, but it is more powerful and full of magic than the fight between life and death.

Ye Fei’s heart moved, and suddenly at this time, he waved his other hand and struck out a life-and-death fist, but his life-and-death fist was different from before. Fist, he is completely stimulated with desperate force. And the power of despair, which had been fused seven times, suddenly burst out with an extremely terrifying power of despair.

Chapter 1718 The Ultimate Sword

bang! When these two forces collided, the sky where they stood was completely collapsed and turned into nothingness , And in this emptiness, Human Demon roared with rage, like the roar of the devil, he suddenly abandoned the wind and thunder tower, and waved his fists continuously, forming two black magic stars, blasting towards the front of the emptiness. They all become terrifying space fragments.


Ye Fei fighting intent is like fire, and at this time, he put away the Promise Sword, and only launched a life-and-death fist with all his strength. This fist technique was originally Martial Emperor’s unique knowledge, and Ye Fei’s realm at this time, It is not the Martial Emperor, but it has already surpassed the Martial Emperor, and the life-and-death fight is also in his hands, fully exerting the formidable power.

Especially under the support of the power of despair, this life-and-death fist has already surpassed the level of the Martial Emperor’s eerie knowledge, and it is not in the slightest under the dark magic fist of Human Demon.

bang bang bang! in the sky, Ye Fei’s fists are as fierce as two rounds of purple-golden suns, hanging from the starry sky, sweeping across the sky, and at this time they collide with the dark magic fists of Human Demon continuously Every time the two fists hit, they will inevitably destroy a space. The more they hit, the higher they hit, and the more they hit, the more they break away from the Tianwu continent.

Only in this way, this battle of Martial Emperor Level will not destroy the True Martial Saint Court and affect innocent creatures. This is the case. The aftermath of the battle between the two will also make the entire Zhong Prefecture, the world, the world and the countless martial artists change drastically. , I just saw two god-like silhouettes on the high sky, such as black demon

The star and the purple-golden scorching sun continue to collide with each other and fight fiercely.


Ye Fei’s body suddenly roared. It was Human Demon’s sudden change of moves. At this moment, he suddenly closed his fist and once again insidiously activated the power of the Divine Item of the Wind Lei Tower, blasting towards Ye Fei’s body.

“Bloodline God Armor, kill!” Ye Fei’s eyes flashed with an amazing cold glow, he insisted on the terrifying blow of this Divine Item, a fist of life and death, and slammed on Human Demon’s body.


Between Heaven and Earth, it resounded through the roar of Human Demon’s anger, Ye Fei this fist, almost knocked down half of Human Demon’s body He had to retreat quickly to recover from his injury.


Ye Fei is also blood-stained in the sky. Even the bloodline god armor failed to completely block Feng Leita’s Divine Item attack. Half of his body was also beaten. Bleeding holes, blood flowing like a fountain, and the sharp bones are clearly visible.


But Ye Fei didn’t seem to feel the pain. At this time, he launched a big void step, one step, and rushed to Human Demon, the Promise Sword in his hand, once again With a bright starlight, smashed forward.

“courting death!”

Human Demon was furious. While he was healing, he hurriedly activated the wind thunder tower again, bursting out endless wind thunder power, seeming to want this world to be destroyed.

But soon, a brilliant sword light pierced through the wind and thunder and cut the sky, Ye Fei waved the Promise Sword with one hand, and at this time it completely awakened the immortal Sword Soul within the body.

Sword Soul burns like a howling flame, completely igniting the Divine Item of the Promise Sword, and also turning the Promise Sword from the sword of stars into the sword of destruction, slashing forward, destroying Human Demon .

“Sword Soul, you have the breath of Sword Soul! Damn, this body is still too weak, but even so, my Human Demon is still undefeated, and Demon Soul is here!”


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