Neither spiritual object nor Heavenly Dao tree! 、

Finally, Ye Fei searched the entire Martial God space through divine sense, but still did not find any silhouette of the spiritual object.

“What’s the matter? How could all the spiritual objects here disappear, Xiaocao, do you know what’s going on?” Ye Fei asked Xiaocao.


Then, Xiaocao suddenly remembered something, she ran to a rock wall, that rock wall was originally another peculiar space, and there are many spiritual objects in it, but at this time, these spiritual objects The object actually disappeared, and the entire stone wall became empty.

Xiaocao was immediately lost. Ye Fei is also stared wide-eyed. What Xiaocao pays attention to is only the spiritual object friend living in the stone wall, but what Ye Fei notices is the few lines of small characters carved on the stone wall. “The spirit leads the birth, the spirit Lord falls, the great calamity appears, Heavenly Dao hides!”

Chapter 1723 invincible in the whole world

“What do these words mean? Was it left by the Heavenly Dao tree?” Ye Fei felt very strange, he began to surround the rock wall and examine it carefully.

As a result, he really found a lot of clues. Around the stone wall, Ye Fei found obvious scorching traces in many places. These traces seemed to be hacked by Thunder Tribulation. “Could it be that the Heavenly Dao tree was robbed? There is no sign of damage. Could it be that after Heavenly Dao tree buckled, he took other spiritual objects and left the Martial God space? Don’t worry, Xiaocao, Heavenly Dao tree and your little buddies are fine. They just left the burial ground after the catastrophe. As long as there is a chance later, you will definitely meet again.”

Seeing Xiaocao crying so sad, Ye Fei can only comfort Xiaocao like this, but what he said is not without basis. After all, there is no trace of death of spiritual object here, which means that the Heavenly Dao tree is very likely. It has been successful.

I just don’t know why, so that the Heavenly Dao tree feels here, it’s not very safe anymore. This will bring all the spiritual objects and leave suddenly.

Hearing this, Xiaocao put away his tears and became happy again. In the end, spiritual object cultivation is difficult, and it is even more difficult to save the calamity. The Heavenly Dao tree can successfully survive the calamity, which is worth it. Happy things.

The only thing that made Xiaocao unhappy was that the Heavenly Dao tree suddenly left without saying anything. Ye Fei was also very depressed about this. He still wanted to find the Heavenly Dao tree. The specific life experience of the grass, as a result, Heavenly Dao tree left, he even had no chance.

As for the words left by the Heavenly Dao tree, Ye Fei simply didn’t understand what was going on, so I could only keep it in my heart. I planned to find some Old Senior to find out if the spirit emperor is a who thing. .

I don’t want Xiaocao to stay here and feel hurt. Ye Fei quickly said: “Xiaocao, let’s go. Go back and work hard on cultivation, I believe we will still see the Heavenly Dao tree, and Your little friends!”

“Eh!” Xiaocao was also very serious this time, nodded very hard, saying that after going back, she would try to eat Spirit Stone and sleep, listening to Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise , The face was black on the spot.

But thinking that Xiaocao looks like sleeping is also a kind of cultivation, Ye Fei quickly became speechless, and can only quickly leave this sad place with Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise.

When Ye Fei came out of the burial ground, countless martial artists gathered outside. They were agitated and worried, but when Ye Fei came out so quickly, many People are full of astonishment again.

The Dean Taishang and Shang Jing rushed to Ye Fei’s side, until they saw that Ye Fei was not in serious trouble. Even the injuries he suffered from fighting with Human Demon were also in the Thunder Tribulation solution. After restoration, they are as good as before, and the two talents are completely relaxed.

Then Shang Jing began to complain: “Ye Fei, you are really too impulsive this time. Is Human Demon so easy to kill? Maybe he just wants to irritate you like this and let you in To help him destroy the seal of the God Burial Ground.” Shang Jing’s words made Ye Fei feel a bit scared. Since Human Demon can use Fu Renjie as a pawn for him to escape, he may not use him as his The breakthrough seal chess piece, after all, in his state of anger just now, if there is no grass to stop him, it is really possible that he will lose his mind to attack those Martial God seals. Thinking of this, Ye Fei was in a cold sweat, but she also quickly apologized to Shang Jing and Dean Taishang with guilt: “Chief Alliance Leader, Dean Taishang, it was my fault just now. I was too impulsive. , But I have calmed down now, the seal of the burial ground, I have not moved, no matter where Zhao Yu and Lu Qing are sent to, I will definitely find them and make up for my fault!”

Ye Fei’s expression is full of determination. Then, his eyes looked towards the Wuji Sword God who came, instructed “

Wuji Sword God, there is nothing wrong with you here, you protect everyone, first return to True Martial Saint Court!”


“Ye Fei, won’t you come with us?” Xi Yingqing asked in confusion. “I won’t go. Zhao Yu and Lu Qing are bothered by me. I deserve to go to Heavenly Dao Saint Court, and Lú Family to go one after another. Besides, our True Martial Saint Court has been in decline for so long. It’s time for everyone to officially recognize my status as True Martial Saint Court!” Ye Fei suddenly broke out with a terrifying fighting intent, despite the explosion of Human Demon and temporarily restraining Human. Demon’s escape plan.

But in Zhong Prefecture, the threat of True Martial Saint Court has not been lifted. The biggest threat is the three Saint Courts, as well as the heavenly punishment of the emperor! ,

So after leaving the burial ground, Ye Fei soon came to Shenwu Saint Court, this is currently the strongest Saint Court in Zhong Prefecture. Once, Shenwu Saint Court is planning to annex the other three The Great Saint Court, the only Saint Court in Zhong Prefecture was established. Until now, they are still alive.

But after hearing the news that Ye Fei came to Shenwu Saint Court, the entire Saint Court, all the Martial Sovereigns, and the quasi-di, all became a mess.

“What to do, the leaf demon head is in the starry sky, it is the famous extinguish sect household, now he comes to our Shenwu Saint Court, he must come to extinguish sect!”

“Talk nonsense, Goddess Lu Qing, he is also a member of our Shenwu Saint Court anyhow, no matter how ruthless Ye Demon head is, he won’t destroy his woman’s teacher!” There is a Zhun emperor pinning his hope on Lu Qing. As for Dean Shenwu, who knew the inside story, his face changed on the spot. Others didn’t know it, but he knew very well. The rumor between Lu Qing and Ye Fei was behind the joint planning of the Legalist school and the heavenly punishment Zhundi, in order to have enough The reason for Ye Fei and True Martial Saint Court, if Ye Fei has a good impression of Lu Qing

that’s all, if there is no good impression, Ye Demon is here, then Shenwu Saint Court, really There may be a sect-destroying disaster.

“President, what should we do?” In the end, almost all the Zhun emperors looked towards Shenwu Saint Court with horrified eyes. Dean Shenwu also closed his eyes in pain, and when he opened them again, his eyes were suddenly filled with very ruthless and indifferent, said solemnly: “What else can I do? Today’s Ye Motou is already invincible in the whole world. To get his forgiveness, our only way is to reconcile with Ye Demon and pass my order.

Order, all the Martial Sovereign of True Martial Saint Court who defected to our Shenwu Saint Court, Zhundi, all To kill, only with their heads can we prove our sincerity!” “Yes, kill! Anyway, they are just traitors to the True Martial Saint Court. Kill them, it is indeed possible to obtain the forgiveness of the Ye Devil!” Saint Court Elder, expressions all is a bright spot, although doing so may make the reputation of Shenwu Saint Court dropped a thousand zhang in one fall, but compared to sect-destroying disaster, it loses a bit of prestige

name, What’s the matter again! So before Ye Fei arrived, the entire Shenwu Saint Court had already erupted in a panic. All Martial Sovereign and Zhun emperors who had betrayed True Martial Saint Court and took refuge in Shenwu Saint Court were all cleansed. The head was personally held by the dean of Saint Court of Shenwu and dedicated to Ye Fei

. “Young Master Ye, these are your traitors to True Martial Saint Court. We have all killed them. Our Shenwu Saint Court is more willing to compensate 20 spirit veins to make up for the loss of True Martial Saint Court. Please also Young Master Ye to watch Goddess Lu On the blue face, let go of our Shenwu Saint Court!”

Chapter 1724 Recklessness

Looking at the heads full of people in front of you, Ye Fei sighed, he The original purpose was just to warn Shenwu Saint Court. How did you know that Shenwu Saint Court killed all the traitors of True Martial Saint Court in order to protect themselves. However, Shenwu Saint Court made such a move. If he continues to oppress Shenwu Saint Court, it is indeed somewhat inappropriate. In the end, Lu Qing is also from Shenwu Saint Court. Thinking of this, Ye Fei eased the expression, said solemnly: “20 spirit vein, send it to True Martial Saint Court now, otherwise,

Don’t blame this Ye vicious and merciless!”

After speaking, Ye Fei turned around and left, leaving only Shenwu The dean of Saint Court stood in place with a look of rejoicing, and without a word, quickly organized Martial Sovereign and sent the 20 spirit vein peak to True Martial Saint Court as quickly as possible.

Not long after, the news of Shenwu Saint Court’s compromise also spread through various channels to the entire Zhong Prefecture forces. While many people were surprised, they were inevitably shocked.

“Dean, can’t hesitate anymore. Now Shenwu Saint Court has compromised. We, Heavenly Dao Saint Court, don’t make a decision anymore. Once the Ye Devil comes, we, Heavenly Dao Saint Court, may be sect-destroying. disaster!”

Heavenly Dao Saint Court, many quasi emperors, Martial Sovereign, gathered together to discuss the Ye Fei affairs. In this regard, Tian Dao Academy sighed, but was deeply helpless .

“That’s all, we can only follow Shenwu Saint Court’s method to kill the traitors of True Martial Saint Court, and donate the spirit vein to avoid disasters, yes, and That old lady, also hand it over!” Shenwu Saint Court, Heavenly Dao Saint Court is also a very ruthless person.

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