Before Ye Fei arrived, he not only beheaded the Fire Dragon, True Martial Saint Court’s number one traitor, but also prepared to tie up the old lady and give it to Ye Fei. Disposal.

At just this time, the old lady was eating. When she heard Martial Sovereign coming, she was about to tie her up to Ye Fei. The old lady picked up the chopsticks and pierced the bottom of the bowl. Dare to do so! The goddamn Ye Devil, he is dead, don’t even think about harming my granddaughter!”

The more you talk, the more you get angry, the more you work harder, the old lady not only failed to eat, He also poke a big hole in the bottom of the bowl. It can be seen how much the old empress hates Ye Fei. It is also due to the attitude of Old Yu, the head of Dao Academy, that she is more determined to hand her over. determination.

So when Ye Fei rushed to Heavenly Dao Saint Court, he saw not only a few Martial Sovereign heads, but also the former Queen Mother Zhao, who was actually tied back and kneeled on the ground.

“Young Master Ye, we would like to kill the traitors of True Martial Saint Court like Shenwu Saint Court, and donate 20 spirit veins to make up for the damage done to True Martial Saint Court before. For the sake of Jade Saintess, you can let us go Heavenly Dao Saint Court!”

Heavenly Dao Saint Court reluctantly bowed to Ye Fei. I secretly regretted it. I knew Ye Fei had what it is today. What they said back then, they wanted to snatch Ye Fei to Heavenly Dao Saint Court. Unfortunately, it is too late to regret it now.

“Lord Tian Dao Academy, get up, count, I also have a connection with Heavenly Dao Saint Court. Back then, I studied part of the Heavenly Dao Sword Manual. On the face, I will not blame the past, 20 spirit vein, you send it to the True Martial Saint Court!”

After that, Ye Fei turned around and left. His original intention was to shock the three. Great Saint Court, by the way, clean up those traitors who betrayed True Martial Saint Court. Since both Shenwu Saint Court and Heavenly Dao Saint Court have handled these traitors in advance, he has no reason to continue to attack them. Besides, 20 spirit veins are not a small number in Zhong Prefecture. Losing so many spirit veins, both Shenwu Saint Court and Heavenly Dao Saint Court have already strengthened great injury, and the True Martial Saint Court that gained these spirit veins will only get more and more Strong, even if he doesn’t make a move, these three Saint Courts in the future will be impossible to pose to True Martial Saint Court


As for the tied old lady, although Ye Fei is full of anger, this old lady is Zhao Qianjun’s mother and Zhao Yu’s grandma. You can’t kill it. It’s not appropriate, Ye Fei simply what the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over, completely treat the old lady as air.

At this time, I didn’t say anything. I turned around and left, leaving only a group of quasi-emperors from Heavenly Dao Saint Court, standing in awkward position, feeling that it’s not appropriate to let the old lady go, so tied , It does not seem appropriate. The old lady also thought about how Ye Fei would ridicule and ridicule her when she saw her, but the only thing she didn’t expect was that Ye Fei completely ignored her and treated her as air. This made the self-proclaimed, resourceful and imperial queen, her body trembled with anger

She couldn’t help it on the spot, and she cursed like a shrew, “smelly brat, what a look! The old lady is in control! Temple, when planning strategies, you still rolled on the ground and played in the mud! It was really a poor man who came out of the poor, and the evil water out of the people! I was so angry and mourned for my family!”

Since then, there have been more old ladies and queens. It’s a habit, except when eating, you have to poke the bottom of the bowl three times and scold Ye Fei for a meal before you can eat. When sleeping, the old lady must also curse Ye Fei, otherwise you will be annoyed to sleep. Sleep well. But Ye Fei does not know this. After leaving Heavenly Dao Saint Court, he soon came to Heavenly Dao Saint Court. Like Heavenly Dao Saint Court Saint Court, the Dean of Heavenly Dao Saint Court who received the news not only brought all the quasi emperors, but also Martial Sovereign greeted them. I directly took out 20 spirit vein and dedicated it to True Martial Saint Court


Ye Fei didn’t say much, except to tell Dongfang Yu some information, in the end, he came to a valley with infinite thunder and lightning. This valley, named Fenglei Valley, was The ancient Holy Sect, where the mountain gate of the Holy Sect is located,

Later, the heavenly punishment Zhundi obtained the inheritance of the Holy Sect from the Heavenly Thunder, and turned it into the foundation of the Lú Family. At this time, Fenglei At the entrance of the valley, there is a middle-aged silhouette full of thunderbolt, sitting on top of the thunder, sipping tea in peace, behind him, there are countless Lú Family disciple scared silhouettes, “Patriarch, that The head of Ye Devil has appeared in Fenglei City outside!”

“It’s time to come, finally, open the forbidden law and let him in!” Heavenly punishment Zhundi sighed with tea in his hand , Drank it all.

His words also made all the surrounding Lú Family disciple eclipsed. If the prohibition is turned on, they can still resist it, then let go of the prohibition, and the entire Lú Family is basically undefended. .

“Patriarch. Ye Mo is coming fiercely. We are like this, isn’t it good?” Lú Family Elder said carefully.

“What’s wrong? Even Human Demon, this Demon Head can be blown up on the spot. Do you think that this forbidden law can withstand how many blows he hits?” Heavenly punishment Zhundi Eyes Stare, the surrounding Lú Family children didn’t dare to neglect, and only then trembling with fear released the prohibition. The divine sense in the distance suddenly discovered the changes in Lú Family. Ye Fei was a little surprised. He thought that if he came by himself, Lú Family would definitely be like a big enemy. Didn’t expect, heavenly punishment, the emperor did not defend himself. Invited him in.

Chapter 1725 Human Race Battlefield

“Interesting! Heavenly punishment Zhundi, you deserve to be by the strength of oneself, the true Martial Saint Court that almost fell, you It is indeed a personal thing!”

Ye Fei stepped into the void in one step, and in the next step, he has come to heavenly punishment. He has come to sit cross-legged opposite the emperor Zhun, and a sense of killing suddenly appeared on his body, making Lú Many Elders of Family are face deathly pale pieces. Only the heavenly punishment of the emperor, who is not surprised, did not seem to feel Ye Fei’s killing intent, still indifferent, handed a cup of freshly brewed tea: “Strictly speaking, you and I are also senior and junior brothers. We have all won. The inheritance of the True Martial Divine Emperor, what I got is heavenly punishment, but what you got is True Martial! The blessing of life

, this is not the case, Junior Brother, please!”

Ye Fei did not receive the tea, but coldly looked at the heavenly punishment Zhundi, “give me a reason not to kill you!”

“The affection of the senior and junior brothers, Lu Qing and you At the turn of the adversity. Also, the way to go to the Human Race battlefield is not enough to resolve the grievances between you and me?” Heavenly punishment Zhundi smiled indifferently, but his smile was full of helplessness. As a powerful quasi emperor who once pressed the True Martial Saint Court to decline by the strength of oneself, the quasi emperor of heavenly punishment is undoubtedly proud. This kind of pride, more often than not, makes the emperor quasi never treat Ye Fei put it in his eyes. This also caused Ye Fei to be as proud of him as he was fully grown up, and had to bow to the juniors who had been dismissive.

At this moment, the mood of heavenly punishment Zhundi is actually very depressed. His bowing was even more of a disguised begging for mercy. This makes many Elders of Lú Family look sad but helpless.

When I heard the words of the heavenly punishment Zhundi, Ye Fei was the whole person, and almost jumped up in shock, “What did you say, do you have a way to go to the Human Race battlefield?”

Ye Fei still remember that before Human Demon died, he said that Zhao Yu and Lu Qing were teleported to the Human Race battlefield, but he didn’t know where the Human Race battlefield was.

“Yes, I know the specific way to go to the Human Race battlefield, the entire Heavenly Martial Continent, no one except me can help you enter the Human Race battlefield. Do you know why this is?” heavenly punishment The Emperor Zhun asked, but before Ye Fei asked, he explained in a deep voice: “Because the Human Race battlefield is a battlefield that only the Martial Emperor can enter! Why did the ancient Martial Gods expend so much effort to build the Ancient Starry Sky Road? , Resisting the invasion of the Witch clan is only second. Their real purpose is actually to cultivate absolute elites who can enter the battlefield of Human Race!”

“So, Ancient Starry Sky Road, is the trial to the Human Race battlefield? How do you know these secrets, why I’ve never heard of it in True Martial Saint Court?” Ye Fei looked at the heavenly punishment quasi emperor very suspiciously. The murderous aura still slowly converges. heavenly punishment Nodded, said solemnly: “Of course you won’t hear about it, because only the Martial Emperor is qualified to know the secrets of the Human Race battlefield, and our Heavenly Martial Continent, since the ancient catastrophe, a large number of ancient records have been Lost, I was lucky, and I learned about the existence of the Human Race battlefield from Holy Sect’s Small World,

As for the specifics, you should see for yourself.”

heavenly punishment After the emperor Zhun finished speaking, he had already handed over a black book page. Ye Fei took a look and was surprised to find that this was actually a cultivation manual for the Human Race battlefield. In this manual, a detailed record of the specific method to the Human Race battlefield, as well as the origin of the Human Race battlefield.

Ye Fei only then learned that in Ancient Era, it was not only Heavenly Martial Continent that was attacked by the wizards. Other Human Race continents with the origin of Heavenly Venerate were also attacked by the wizards. In order to cope with the attacks of the Witch tribe, and also exempted the Human Race from being enslaved by the Witch tribe. At that time, the only five princes of the Human Race were united to establish the Human Race battlefield, which happened to block the Witch tribe’s most important entry route. Since then, the Human Race battlefield has become the frontline of the battle between Human Race and the Witch race. “So that’s how it is, it’s no wonder that the Witch tribe will attack Heavenly Martial Continent every tens of thousands of years. It turned out that it is the Witch tribe’s army and can only tens of thousands of years once to take advantage of the loopholes in the Human Race battlefield. Breakthrough came in, but Heavenly Martial Continent was relatively bad luck, and it happened to be the closest to the loophole in the line of defense. This led to the tragic battle between the ancients and the ancients.”

According to the classics, Ye Fei also took a deep breath, and only then knew how fierce the battlefield between Human Race and the Witch race was in order to compete for the origin of Heavenly Venerate. Even the Ancient Starry Sky Road built by the Ancient Martial gods is actually an extension of the Human Race battlefield. “If the Ancient Starry Sky Road is to train Martial Sovereign and Zhun Emperor, then the Human Race battlefield is to train Martial Emperor and Martial God! However, only Martial Emperor is eligible to enter the Human Race battlefield unconditionally. People who are not Martial Emperors want to enter unless they accidentally enter like Zhao Yu.

Otherwise, they must obtain a summoning order to be eligible to enter… No wonder the demon prince is so keen to let Zhao Yu becomes Emperor Ji, this person is very likely to want to pass Zhao Yu to get the qualification to enter the Human Race battlefield!” Ye Fei secretly speculated.

In the end, Martial Emperor and Martial God did not come from cultivation, but from battle!

The Human Race battlefield, happens to be a battle of Holy Land! It is also the Supreme treasure of breakthrough Martial Emperor and Martial God! If Ye Fei is the demon prince, he will definitely do everything possible to find a way to enter the Human Race battlefield when he learns that there is such a place!

Unfortunately, the summoning orders for the Martial Emperor and below in the Human Race battlefield are not only scarce, but they are only issued once every 500 years, and they are evenly distributed to all Human Race continents. It’s only about ten yuan. And you must have Martial God on this continent to get the summoning order from the Human Race battlefield. Since the ancient catastrophe, Heavenly Martial Continent has been tens of thousands of years, and no Martial God was born. Naturally, it is also impossible. Obtained an order to summon the Human Race battlefield. Over time, most of the martial artists of Heavenly Martial Continent

have even forgotten, and the existence of the Human Race battlefield. “Unexpectedly, the Human Race battlefield is actually such a thing. It’s just that we, Heavenly Martial Continent, have not obtained a summoning order for tens of thousands of years. Even if we know the Human Race battlefield, we can’t get in.” Ye Fei was very depressed. , Finally found a way, it turned out to be dead

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