No, the black prison also wants to taste extinguish sect! “

You must know that Ye Fei’s most resounding name today is not the title of the demon saint, but the evil name of the extinguish sect demon. Unless the black prison has a long life, I dare to continue to tease him and not see the black prison Holy Son In order to avoid Ye Fei’s edge, I went to other continents and continued to stir foul wind and bloody rain.

After chatting with Qi Chuchu and Lin Sen for a long time, Ye Fei also inquired more Many old news, such as Liu Ruyan and Liu Morning Sun, have returned to the Northern Territory, ready to go to Liudao Holy Sect to participate in the new round of assessment.

After all, they are on the Zhong Prefecture Heaven and Earth Supreme List. Before the start, the six Holy Sects in the Northern Territory will be opened in advance to hone everyone and select more powerhouses to go to Zhong Prefecture to participate in the challenge of the Supreme Ranking.

With Ye Fei and Fu Renjie Lin Heaven’s Chosen and the others became famous in Zhong Prefecture, and a large number of northern martial artists went out of the northern region to go to Zhong Prefecture. In the entire northern region, there is no longer a lack of Spirit Stone. Relatively, a lot of great power, Heavenspan Great Saints have continued to emerge. What surprised Ye Fei most was that from Qi Chuchu’s mouth, he also heard the news of Chen Mengyao, this was once one of the top five Heaven’s Chosen in the Northern Territory. Although it was a bit unbearable, Chen Mengyao is indeed extremely kind. Zuanying, she actually didn’t know what to do to join the black prison, and she also had a very strong Shadow Warrior bloodline.

Chapter 1730 Years are like a knife

“Chen Mengyao is indeed a very difficult to deal with little slut, she entered the Northern Territory, and she wanted to use her identity as a black prison killer to stir up the storm in the Northern Territory, and even wanted to establish a black slut branch in the Northern Territory, but she was not lucky Well, I met Lin Heaven’s Chosen who also came back, as well as your little brother Xia Jun and

Great Ape King. They were beaten to the ground. In the end, even the Chen Family was abandoned and had to escape again. Domain, I suspect, the thing about your Senior Brother cultivation Shadow Warrior bloodline is this little slut Go! Little brother, next time I see her, you must slap her on the sister-in-law and fiercely slap her.”

Qi Chuchu is as aggressive as ever, but Ye Fei is also a few dozen years old anyway. Known as the little brother, the big bluestone fell on the ground with a smile on the spot, Ye Fei’s face was black, and apart from being speechless, he was depressed, but who called Qi Chuchu’s generation was there.

Then Ye Fei asked again. Qi Chuchu told him what happened to the Great Ape King. The Great Ape King was actually Little Fatty Pompeii. It is said that Pompeii had a fortuitous encounter in the open sea, and discovered a Monster Race ruins, which was completely repaired into a monster body. I was so angry that I couldn’t even beat Lin Heaven’s Chosen. Qi Chuchu was amazed when he mentioned this matter. Ye Fei felt that this was normal. After all, Little Fatty’s talent is unusual, and Monster God personally teaches the Fa. Speaking of talent, Little Fatty is no longer under the emperor. I believe that waiting for Fatty to experience it again, and later become a peerless evildoer like him

, and it is not impossible. As usual, part of the spirit vein is left in Taixuan Holy Land. , And visited Divine Fist Sect again. Ye Fei was leaving the chaotic sea. At this time, the Northern Territory was the season of winter, and every household was lit up with lights and firecrackers. Ye Fei was so fierce. I realized, unconsciously, it’s time for the Chinese New Year


“When I was in Blackstone City before, every time I celebrated, it was the happiest time for the younger sister. At that time, we I always bring firecrackers to play everywhere, dazzling, the years are merciless, but the scenery remains the same! “Ye Fei put away the warship and went all the way. Along the way, he saw bare-bottomed kids chasing each other with firecrackers. He saw girls with croissants riding on bamboo horses laughing and playing. He saw the banquets full of banquets, scrambling. The country gentry celebrating the New Year, he also saw the wild hunters who sang proudly and returned from the beasts.

He also saw that fresh clothes and angry horses swaggered the wealth of the city. The royal family, he saw the martial artist silhouette who carried the bow and the sword generously.

He saw groups of ominous beasts attacking the small towns along the way, and he also saw the howling army, He set up his shield, rushed into the herd with flesh and blood, and defended the safety of one party with blood and life.

He saw many old generals, all covered in bruises, still fighting hard and fighting, shouting and fighting, He also saw countless young soldiers who were seriously injured and fell on the ground, moaning in pain.

He saw the prosperity of the Northern Territory and the suffering behind the Northern Territory. He saw the martial artist’s Glory, and see the dangers behind it.

This way, Ye Fei’s heart is calm, as still as water and as still as a mountain. At this moment when the mountain and water are compatible, suddenly, Ye Fei’s heart bursts. Touched, a new field emerged from him. It was the last of the four phases of True Martial, the Black Tortoise phase!

Ye Fei was delighted, but did not have the time to improve Black Tortoise. The level of the domain, not far away, Ye Family’s castle has arrived.

The powerful divine sense allows Ye Fei to see the dark crowd outside the castle, Ye Jian, Ye out of the ordinary, Ye Amano, Zhuang Ling’er, Bai Ling, and many Ye Family juniors.

Among them, Ye Fei also saw the silhouettes of Bei Gongchun and Zhu Zhen, as well as the Lord of Beihuang and Beichuan. The silhouette of the lord of the country.

Years are like a knife.

Not seen for more than ten years, many deceased people are old Yang Xiao, who originally liked to laugh, also has a trace of it on his forehead. Wrinkles.

This makes Ye Fei lament the ruthlessness of the years, but his heart is full of gratefulness. Fortunately, before leaving Heavenly Martial Continent, he can still see so many old people and so many friends.

“Ye Family, I am back, Beiyu, I am back! “

“Welcome to the Holy King and return to the Northern Territory! “

For many years, the title of the Holy King Ye Fei has not changed. This is recognized by the Northern Territory, and it is unsurpassed. Even this title is more precious than Ye Fei breakthrough Martial Sovereign.


Of course, this is not to say that Ye Fei Martial Sovereign Realm doesn’t work. Especially, the Northern Territory has not only produced a real Martial Sovereign, but also Fu Renjie has become a real Martial Emperor. It also made the entire Northern Region tremble.

“Martial Emperor, Fu Renjie actually broke through the Martial Emperor! “

“Oh my God, we have suffered tens of thousands of years in the Northern Territory. Finally, we are going from a barren land to a place of prosperity for martial artists! “

“Come on, let us toast to the king and Fu Renjie! There are Lin Heaven’s Chosen, Demon Sword Emperor Zhao Qianjun, and Chen Feng Chen Banhuang! “

With the return of Ye Fei, Leaf City immediately plunged into a sea of ​​joy. Hundreds of thousands and several millions of martial artists came from everywhere, some of them were Martial King, some were Martial Lord, and He is truly powerful, and Heavenspan Great Saint. The most surprising thing is Chen Feng.

This unremarkable a nobody, even the bottom of the northern martial artist who went to sea with Ye Fei , He has no talent, no chance, just silent cultivation and silent improvement. Finally, the once a nobody has transformed into the great character now.

Chen Feng standing in front of Ye Fei is still ordinary, He has no special physique and no special bloodline. However, he has walked out the most ordinary path with the most ordinary posture. He became a half emperor. Even Ye Fei believes that Chen Feng has a great possibility of breaking through Martial Sovereign. !

Compared with Chen Feng, Yang Xiao is much bleak. Most of his current experience is on the development of Taixuan Holy Land. Martial Dao cultivation is no longer Yang Xiao’s pursuit.

“So, Elder the sword idiot has not returned, and no one knows where the sword idiot Elder has gone? “Ye Fei’s face is full of regrets. When he returns to the Northern Territory, what he most wants to see is actually the sword idiot Elder, but this old man is too stubborn and too persistent. He loves the sword and lives for the sword.

Now that several years have passed, there is no news. This makes Ye Fei very sad and faintly worried, but soon he cheered up again, “I shouldn’t worry about the old sword, he has never held a sword in his life. Jianding will not bear him, I believe that one day, we will meet the old man again! “On this day, Ye Fei and Yang Xiao were both drunk, and even Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise, they also secretly drank a lot of alcohol. Dragon Tortoise was already drunk in the animal print space, and Xiaocao blushed. After holding the big bluestone and refusing to spread it, I always wear the small tiger tooth. The scared big bluestone is terrified.

I always worry that Xiaocao mistakenly regards it as a steamed bun and bites again. After a few days, Ye Fei finally took care of the Ye Family’s affairs. He left the refining master plan, Huangmai, and the Pill Recipe of Danding Daoist to Ye Family. Finally, Ye Fei decided to save the sky. The evil spirits stay here to shelter Ye Family, and secondly, they can also help Ye Jian and Ye out of the ordinary. These elders of Ye Family can improve their realm and even break through Martial Sovereign to gain more Long lifespan.

Finally, Ye Fei left a hundred spirit veins to completely build Ye Family into a solid foundation, so that even if he leaves Heavenly Martial Continent in the future, there is no need to worry about someone threatening Ye. Family, Ye Fei chose a quiet night and left quietly.

“Little Young Master, go well, Little Young Master, you can guarantee that I will protect Ye Family for 500 years and you will give If I change my name, I still have to be free! “Tiansha Formation Spirit is not very relieved, but also deliberately came forward to tell Yin Yin.

“Okay, if you really don’t like the name Erhei, 500 years later, you will call it Erbai! “Ye Fei’s answer this time is also very happy. Anyway, he changed his name. What he is best at is to change his name. When he heard this name, the charcoal face of the Celestial Array was completely white on the spot. Followed by a Flood Dragon named Xiaohei, “gu gu” is called Huan.

Chapter 1731 Heart is Hell

Leaving Ye Family, Ye Fei immediately, is in a coma Fu Renjie, who is not awake, went to the six Holy Sects. The big bluestone finally found a just and honorable reason to squat on Fu Renjie’s head. After all, only the big bluestone can live in the town. Human Demon. Heart left on Fu Renjie’s body. Demon.

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