When you go to the Six Ways Sacred Palace, you have to go to Quicksand City. Once here, Ye Fei and the wizard candle sheep fought a battle in the desert. Now the scene is still vivid Things have remained the same, but people have changed, and there is neither quicksand nor sand bandits. For several years, thanks to the efforts of many martial artists, most of the desert around Quicksand City has disappeared. At this time, countless oases have been opened up. At this time, there is still a period of time before the opening of the Heavenly Abandoned Land. In these oasis, many new generation martial artists of the Northern Territory have gradually gathered.

On the head of the city of Quicksand, there is a woman wearing a red robe windbreaker, standing on the head of the city gracefully, looking forward, “Why didn’t you come back?”

“Shanshan younger sister, it’s coming soon, let’s wait, or else, wait for the big brother’s time, I will take you to Quicksand City for a stroll!” Xia Jun stood by Ye Shanshan Not far away, tempted to coax Ye Shanshan with sweets to go shopping with him.

After all, shopping is a woman’s blessing. Ye Shanshan’s eyes suddenly lit up, but she soon said anxiously: “What if my brother happens to come over while we are shopping?”

“It doesn’t matter, Luo Xing is still here, let’s go shopping, let Luo Xing wait here!” Xia Jun glanced at Luo Xing again.

Luo Xing’s face turned green on the spot, and helpless, he just lost the guessing box to Xia Jun. At this time, he could only swallow his teeth in his belly.

“So, do you all agree to go shopping?” Ye Shanshan blinked suddenly and said, “Then you two, why don’t you go together? I just stay and wait for my brother!”

“What, let’s be together!” Now not only Luo Xing’s face turned green, but Xia Jun’s face also turned blue.

The words of helplessness have been spoken. In order to avoid being discovered by Ye Shanshan about their private selfish calculations, Xia Jun and Luo Xing could only clasp each other’s shoulders very hard, and gnashing teeth with each other with heavy steps. , Started shopping for two men.

For this, Ye Shanshan naturally showed a playful look, and then her eyes brightened. She has seen a young man wearing a black Purple Gold robe, flying fast from the sky in the distance Come. Behind the young man, a huge black turtle followed.

On the turtle’s back, there is also a comatose martial artist. The most weird thing is that there is a large bluestone on the head of that person, and he is chattering all the way, “I said the black, you Why are you stinking your face on the road, come, let me laugh first…”

Because of carrying Fu Renjie, Dragon Tortoise was inconvenient to go crazy on the spot, but calmly took out the black wooden token and placed it on it. I remember a lot of densely packed ones, and plan to settle accounts after autumn.

Dragon Tortoise is very vengeful.

And knowing that Dragon Tortoise can’t speak, Da Qingshi couldn’t help but feel even more triumphant, and said triumphantly: “Da Hei, do you want to speak now, uncle, I’m Dao Comprehension Stone, maybe I can order Turn you up.”


Dragon Tortoise finally couldn’t bear it, and the black mouth twisted over like lightning, and he would give this big bluestone as a Spirit Stone. Swallowing it, just before Dragon Tortoise did something, three excited voices suddenly rushed out of Quicksand City.


“Brother Fei!”

“Big brother!”

Although the names are different, they are all sent From the bottom of my heart, the voice was even louder, which shocked both Dragon Tortoise and Daqing Shi. Seeing those three silhouettes, Ye Fei’s face couldn’t help showing a smile from the heart.

Of course, Ye Shanshan is the fastest runner. After a few years, Ye Shanshan has become slim and a big beauty, but she still can’t fix her childhood problems. See Ye Fei, Ye Shanshan habitually threw in Ye Fei’s arms.

When Luo Xing and Xia Jun saw this, they turned their eyes and yelled at the same time. They opened their arms and came to hug each other. Even the two of them forced out two tears. Of course, these two tears are clearly crocodile tears, uneasy and kind. If they were really allowed to succeed, that would be a big advantage. Ye Fei’s face was instantly dark, and he moved over in a big void. While hugging the younger sister, he kicked Xia Jun and Luo Xing by the way. , “Stop this set in front of me, hurry up and take me to see the guardian Elder, I have

urgent business!”

The reunion is certainly gratifying, but Fu Renjie’s safety is even greater. important. Luo Xing and Xia Jun only noticed Fu Renjie who was unconscious on Dragon Tortoise. They were all taken aback. When they saw a large bluestone squatting on Fu Renjie’s head, Ye Shanshan’s eyes went wide.

“Brother, is this person involved in witchcraft?”

“Hey, isn’t this Fu Renjie, Brother Fei, after hearing the news from Ye Family, Fu Renjie has not become Martial Emperor, how could he become like this?”

Luo Xing also knew Fu Renjie, so when he saw Fu Renjie entangled with demonic energy and unconscious, he was most shocked.

“It’s a long story. Let’s talk as we walk.” Ye Fei sighed. This is simply what happened in Zhong Prefecture. Simply tell them. Ye Shanshan has nothing to do. After all, she has been in Holy Sect cultivation and hasn’t gone out to experience terrifying. She doesn’t know about the terrifying of Human Demon, but Xia Jun and Luo Xing both pale, and they don’t dare to joke right away. Knowing that the matter was urgent, the two hurriedly took out the sound transmission talisman and passed the sound to Liudao Holy Sect.

In this way, Ye Fei doesn’t have to go through the long desert. He just stayed patiently on the Quicksand City for a few minutes. Above the sky, a peculiar Domain Portal has appeared. Passing through this Domain Portal, Ye Fei also In an instant, it appeared inside the six Holy Sect.

Moreover, it is directly where the Evil Palace is located.

Moreover, what appeared in front of Ye Fei was not the illusory shadow that guarded Elder, but directly guarded Elder’s body, which made Ye Fei startled, “Guard Elder, your body…” “old man’s The body doesn’t get in the way, and he can’t die anyway… It’s the fact that this Fu Renjie was actually trained as a demon-born child by Human Demon. This is really troublesome!” Guarding Elder’s expression is so solemn, he is the evil Devil Palace Master. The Great Grandmaster of the cultivation demons cultivation technique is itself the Martial Emperor. Although Ye Fei does not

to say more, the guardian Elder has also seen the situation of Fu Renjie almost.

This also made Ye Fei’s heart suddenly happy, and hurriedly asked: “Guard Elder. You are the strongest demon of Heavenly Martial Continent. I don’t know if you have a way to save Fu Renjie and get him out of it. The control of Human Demon?” “Difficult, if he was not forcibly promoted to Martial Emperor by Human Demon, the old man would save him, with no difficulty, but unfortunately, he has now broken through the Martial Emperor, his demon-born baby, It’s not his own Heavenly God fetus, but Human Demon’s Heart Demon fetus! Ye Fei, can you hear that the heart is hell?”

Chapter 1732 Holy Lord assessment

“Never heard.” Ye Fei shook his head.

“Asshole, you call yourself a demon saint, you don’t even know the heart of our demons in hell, and I am ashamed to say that you are the devil! Sin, how can the old man forget, the old man is actually a good person “Guardian Elder shook his head quickly.

In addition to re-emphasizing that he, the evil demon Great Grandmaster, is a good man, he started to explain in detail the origin of the hell of the heart.

It turns out that the heart is a hell, and it turns out to be a very profound realm in the demonic path. Just like Ye Fei, I learned from the sword dao that Sword-Heart Illumination is the same principle. This is the foundation of a Martial Dao. The demonic path is also Tao, and the Profound Realm of this Tao is the hell of the heart.

With my heart, fall into infinite hell, thousands hammers, hundred refinements, until hell can’t be polished, Heart Demon can’t invade, heart becomes hell, called evil demon, so that we can truly enter the road of evil demon.

Human Demon is ruthless. He cultivated Fu Renjie into a demon-born child, taught various powerful martial arts, but never told Fu Renjie the truth that the heart is hell. After experiencing hell training, Fu Renjie was forced to break through the Martial Emperor, and his soul fell to hell.

“Now you understand why Fu Renjie is unconscious. His mind has completely fallen into darkness. It is not easy to pull it out.” Guardian Elder couldn’t help sighed .

Ye Fei’s heart sank even more, and his face suddenly became ugly. Although the guardian Elder said euphemistically, he still heard that since Fu Renjie’s mind has been Hell Devouring. What Fu Renjie left now was just the body of a demon-born child.

Human Demon Palace, who has worked so hard to cultivate Fu Renjie, is only to get this body. As for Fu Renjie, they simply don’t need it! Ye Shanshan was sad to see Ye Fei. She rolled her eyes and suddenly ran over to hold Elder’s arm and began to shake, “Guard Elder, don’t scare my brother, you just say it’s not easy, not that no Way, I know, you must have a way to save people, right? By the way, you

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