It is also these energies that make this white White Bone Star give birth to countless bone demons and powerful non-melting bones. Even when this underground world falls, in the In the sky, two gloomy pupil lights appeared, staring at Ye Fei’s every move with indifference and fear.


Many of the nearby coffins have become begin to stir under the influence of this pupil light. It seems that what lies in the coffin is not bones, but some kind of terrifying fear.

In the sky, there is a dark and cold wind blowing. It is not an ordinary wind, but a yin wind, Death Power from Yin Sector. When receiving this force, Xiaocao has already unconsciously grasped Ye Fei, Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise with his little hands. At the same time, he has the feeling of have one’s hair stand on end. You know, the coffins and cemeteries here can be counted less. Wan, in other words, at least has tens of thousands of Martial Emperor Martial Gods, once buried here, and the corpses and grievances he formed after their deaths were enough to make their corpses, all Revive and become a terrifying matchless bone king. ,

At this time, Ye Fei hastily entered this underground world, which is actually a very dangerous thing. If he were not too curious about the tomb of Human Sovereign, he would not venture in. .

“Dragon Tortoise, protect Xiaocao, if Xiaocao is scared, I will deduct your food for three months!” Ye Fei told Dragon Tortoise very severely.

When I heard that it was going to be deducted for three months, Dragon Tortoise was so scared that his black mouth turned white, and he quickly let Xiaocao sit on his turtle’s back, and at the same time, the moiré patterns flickered on it, and a starry sky appeared faintly. The peculiar sight, like a mask, protects the grass.

Even Ye Fei was surprised at this. He felt that Dragon Tortoise seemed a bit unusual since the breakthrough Martial Sovereign, but he didn’t have the time to ask more about what was unusual.

At this time, under the gaze of in the sky, he walked directly to the coffin of Human Sovereign. The dark eyes immediately burst into a strong cold light, as if warning Ye Fei, don’t be aggressive.

In this regard, Ye Fei just sneered, “Even if you are Martial God in front of you, after death, it is nothing more than an empty, conscious, unrefined bone. I will not mess with you, and you will not mess with me. !”

He must also figure out the secret of the life and death of Human Sovereign!

After all, the beast seal space that Wang Bai gave him is actually the Human Sovereign Seal. This is the real reason why Ye Fei must figure out this Human Sovereign coffin.

So, after also warned of the indestructible bone that was secretly monitoring him, Ye Fei finally mustered up the courage and suddenly pushed the coffin away.

roar! His actions undoubtedly completely angered the incomparable bones in the dark. The entire underground world, accompanied by a roar of incomparable gigantic, all nearby coffins were opened almost at the same time, and then one after another. Either waking up, or still evolving, the boneless bones have been killed to Ye Fei from all directions.

“No bones, these Martial Emperor Martial God’s bones have all turned into boneless bones!” Ye Fei’s face was shocked for the first time. You know, despite many powerful martial artists, After death, the corpse may produce spiritual wisdom, but that is only a very isolated phenomenon.

Like this, the corpses in the entire cemetery are all turned into boneless. This is absolutely impossible. It is very likely that this is man-made!

“No matter who made these boneless people, this person must be the one that the evil should kill!” Ye Fei suddenly felt angry.

The Martial Emperor Martial God that can be buried here are all the ancestors who fought bloody battles in the Human Race. They were brilliant before they were alive, but after their death, some people turned them into boneless. This It is definitely the greatest blasphemy against these ancestors!

Not to mention, here, there is Human Sovereign!

“roar roar!”

Seeing that Ye Fei was still thinking, Dragon Tortoise hurriedly roared. At this time, they were surrounded by countless people. Surrounded, if you don’t leave, you really can only die here.

In the end, these inferior bones were either Martial Emperor or Martial God. At this time, tens of thousands of inferior bones rushed over together, let alone Ye Fei has not broken through the Martial Emperor, even if it is a breakthrough Martial Emperor, Ye Fei is also impossible to deal with so much at the same time.

There is no way, Ye Fei can only retreat, take the Dragon Tortoise together, just escape into the void and use the big Void Technique to run away.

roar! When he escaped into the void, his eyes in the sky suddenly became extremely angry. It was a Martial God wearing a golden robe that didn’t melt, although The skeleton recovered after death has no Martial God’s power, but when it raises its arm and blasts forward, the entire void,

is like being grasped by a huge magic hand from the middle ,

Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise, also shocked from in the sky, were forcibly squeezed out. This is the first time that he used the Void Technique and failed to escape!

“Eight-pole Heavenly Dragon!”

Ye Fei was not discouraged. Since he dared to venture into this underground space, of course he had his own confidence. It was useless to see Void Technique at this time. He decisively used the strongest Octopus Heavenly Dragon.

Seven Heaven Grade fields broke out at the same time.

While performing the Octopus Heavenly Dragon, Ye Fei also incorporated the Asura Divine Fist and the Heavenly Sage Demon Art at the same time. Equivalent to his move, he played three Taikoo Heavenly Art, that powerful force, Let the entire underground world sway violently. In the end, Ye Fei condensed the eight heavenly dragons to form an incomparable gigantic heavenly dragon’s claw, grabbed to the sky, and also smashed the bone layer above, revealing an incomparable gigantic bone cavity. The side Dragon Tortoise immediately caught this Opportunity, hurrying to pack Ye Fei and Xiaocao, tighten his tail

Ba, just like a ball full of gas, bounced out. The amazing jumping power, and the speed of escape that even the thief would die of shame when they saw it, made the nearby non-Bones stay for a while, and then, there was an endless roar, from the underground world, following Ye The hole that Fei made has spread throughout White Bone Star Chen.

Chapter 1742 The City of Trials

“Fortunately, the coffin of Human Sovereign is it’s empty. In other words, Human Sovereign may not at all die, it is a fake tomb! “

In one breath, he rushed out of the underground world where countless Martial Emperors and Martial Gods were buried. I don’t know why, Ye Fei suddenly felt a relaxed feeling in his heart. At this moment, behind him and Dragon Tortoise, there are a large group of unsmelling bones, forming a terrifying hurricane of white bones, moving towards Ye Fei crazy pursuit, it seems that Ye Fei’s move to open the coffin has violated some kind of unsmelling bones. Taboo, in addition to a large number of non-melting bones, rush out from the ground, unfold one after another huge white bone

The magic hand, grab Ye Fei, on the ground of this White Bone Star ball, there are countless The Bone Demon, with an army of bones all over the mountains, tried to surround Ye Fei from all sides.

bang! Bone meal all over the sky, like snowflakes floating in the air, but soon, those floating snowflakes condense into a powerful and strange Bone Dragon. These Bone Dragons breathe dragon flames and stretch out. The large and rotten dragon wings, among them, the boneless king hidden in the sky is standing on an incomparable gigantic Bone Dragon, staring indifferently and angry. Ye Fei.

“Ultimate sword! Disperse it!”

The sword light rises to the sky, blooming with dazzling brilliance on this white death star. That brilliance makes the grass The eyes of Dragon Tortoise stared wide-eyed. Suddenly, there was the urge to bite the Promise Sword secretly. The rays of light blooming from the Promise Sword were so gorgeous.

This is definitely the top grade Divine Item, the light of Divine Sword that can bloom. Under this rays of light, there is no Bone Dragon that can withstand Ye Fei’s footsteps.

Wherever Ye Fei passed, heads of Bone Dragon were ruthlessly swallowed by the sword light, turned into bone meal all over the sky, and blasted into the sky.

At the end, the entire sky became a white piece of white. I don’t know, I thought it was a gorgeous snow scene. I knew it, and most of my hearts would sigh deeply.

“Bone bones, a stranger to a king, a thousand people killed, Myriad Slaughterer, where does the soul go? Anger! Anger! Anger!”

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