Ye Fei’s heart suddenly remembered the song Human Demon sang when he was fighting with Human Demon. He didn’t understand him before, but he saw the underground world. After seeing the coffins of the countless Martial Emperor Martial God, Ye Fei suddenly understood something in his heart.

What’s even more bizarre is that after hearing Ye Fei’s singing and the frantically besieging his bones around him, they were strangely quiet at this time, and many of them were listening, as if they were listening. Ye Fei just sang Out of singing.


That Martial God formed the boneless king, and at this time he also roared silently. Suddenly he extended the hand, a huge palm of white bone, stretched out to the sky, like With infinite paleness and infinite despair.

“Bone bones…the stranger of the king…” In the sky, there was a vaguely husky and desolate voice of sadness. That kind of voice, if not really heard, seemed to be in the ear.

After that, the white bones all over the sky have disappeared, and countless indestructible bones have sunk into the ground again, and the entire White Bone Star Chen, from the extreme violent, began to become extremely quiet.

There was a gust of wind around, Dragon Tortoise ran out for ten days and nights in one breath, until the running mouth foamed, then he stopped with lingering fears and prepared to take a breath.

“The bones are not yet behind.” Ye Fei suddenly said.

Dragon Tortoise ran after shrinking his tail without saying anything. The speed was a bit faster than at first. Ye Fei and Xiaocao were shocked when they watched.

In the end, Xiaocao couldn’t bear it, and secretly lay down in Dragon Tortoise’s ears and told it that all the boneless bones were gone, and Dragon Tortoise woke up and fell into the evil of Ye Fei. This was so dark, he went into the beast seal space, planning to eat the Spirit Stone.

But soon, Dragon Tortoise came out again angrily, telling Ye Fei that the Spirit Stone in the beast seal space had been eaten, and Ye Fei’s face suddenly turned dark. You know, in the Beast Seal Space, he stored enough Dragon Tortoise and Xiaocao to eat the Spirit Stone for three years. As a result, within a year, the Dragon Tortoise was all eaten. Ye Fei suddenly regretted it and shouldn’t let Dragon Tortoise break through. Martial Sovereign, obviously, with the breakthrough of the realm, Dragon Tortoise’s appetite seems to have a surprise

human breakthrough.

Fortunately, he still carries the Spirit Gathering Pagoda, and there are many Spirit Stones brought back from the starry sky inside. After reluctantly throwing out a bunch of Spirit Stones and letting Dragon Tortoise spoil them, Ye Fei Finally came to the end of White Bone Star Chen.

Here, he found a huge Transmission Array hundreds of times larger than the Starry Sky Transmission Array. And there are signs that someone has started it recently. “Since it can be used, it seems that I am not too far away from the Human Race battlefield. I just don’t know if this Transmission Array can directly teleport me to the Human Race battlefield!” Ye Fei thought secretly, even more so. Reluctantly, he took out a lot of Spirit Stone, and then it was teleported to an ancient city in an incomparable gigantic starry sky


This ancient city is extremely glorious. It is a thousand times bigger than the Promise City under the stars. Almost an ancient city is a shrinking land.

Seeing this magnificent ancient city, Ye Fei completely believed that the Ancient Starry Sky Road of Heavenly Martial Continent was really built by the ancient Martial Gods, imitating the Human Race battlefield.

At the highest point of the ancient city, Ye Fei also saw a huge spaceship, dragging the blazing sun, moving around the ancient city and the distant starry sky.


Xiao Cao pointed to the huge sun boat, his eyes widened, and he seemed to want to sit on it, but Ye Fei was all over It was a cold sweat, because Ye Fei could vaguely feel the breath of Martial God from above when the sun boat passed by.

This is not the dead Martial God, but is a real, living Martial God! This must also be the Human Race battlefield, and the ancient city in front is the city of trials recorded by the Heavenly Thunder Holy Sect.

Facing such a super ancient city where Martial Emperors gather and Martial God sits in town, Ye Fei dare not let the grass be exposed casually, and quickly let the grass and Dragon Tortoise return to the beast seal space. Ye Fei is just finishing his clothes, moving towards the city of trials and flew over.

Along the way, there are also martial artists with the same purpose as Ye Fei, teleported from different stars, and rushed to the city of trials, but most of them did not enter the city of trials. It just stopped at the edge of the city gate.

For convenience, many people even moved in many huge meteorites without knowing where they came from. Ye Fei also saw that on those meteorites, many people often gather, or talk about Martial Dao, or mutual communication.

The most surprising thing for Ye Fei is that this city of trials not only has Human Race, Ye Fei also saw many other races, such as the Winged Human Race with wings and a short stature. There is also the Beastman Race with human face and animal body.

Ye Fei was surprised, so he deliberately fell to a crowd to gather meteorites, deliberately said loudly: “Strange, isn’t this the Human Race battlefield, why are there foreigners coming in and out?” Usually these questions are asked, They are all newbies, Ye Fei deliberately said so loudly that he knew that someone would be tempted to answer his questions.

Chapter 1743 is expert first class

Sure enough, after hearing Ye Fei’s words, most of the martial artists discussing with each other around them laughed wantonly, and some even directly used contempt. His eyes looked towards Ye Fei.

They are not afraid that doing so will make Ye Fei angry. After all, those who can come to the battlefield of Human Race are the powerhouses of the cream of the crop of their respective continents.

But Ye Fei’s words have also successfully attracted the attention of many people. Gradually, some martial artists began to look at Ye Fei, but when they saw Ye Fei’s clothes, they did not belong to them. In mainland China, most martial artists have consciously taken back the divine sense and stopped paying attention to Ye Fei.

But there is also enthusiasm. For example, on a meteorite not far away, there is a middle-aged man at this time. After looking at Ye Fei for a few times, he suddenly walked over and said enthusiastically: “brother, you are Heavenly Martial Continent is here, right?”

Ye Fei was a little surprised to look at the man who came over. In the Human Race battlefield, is there someone from Heavenly Martial Continent?

“Are you also from Heavenly Martial Continent?” “Hehe, I am not from Heavenly Martial Continent, I am from Heavenly Spirit Continent, but I once had a friend who also came from Heavenly Martial Continent. Unfortunately, ten Years ago, he unfortunately died in battle, so when I saw you, I felt very kind, and I felt like my biological brother.” A trace of sadness appeared on the middle-aged man’s face.

Ye Fei can only politely and comforted: “Senior Brother, people can’t come back from the dead, please Senior Brother to be sorry!”

Ye Fei’s heart is sneered. Heavenly Martial Continent has been around for tens of thousands of years. No one has come to the Human Race battlefield. This person actually said that ten years ago, an old friend of Heavenly Martial Continent died in battle. This person did not deliberately get close, and 80% just wanted something ulterior. . Ye Fei is very depressed. He pretends to be a rookie and just wants to get information, and

not to attract a liar.

“But that’s all. Since this person dares to cheat on the Human Race battlefield, he should be a well-informed person. I might as well gather more information through this person.” Thinking of this, Ye Fei’s face Can’t help but show a simple smile peculiar to honest people.

This kind of smile is very contagious.

At least, Zhou Qiang, who is still “remembering” his old friend, was involuntarily infected. He thought to himself: “This rookie smiles very honestly. He is really an honest person. It’s a bully, and I should make a small fortune by Zhou Qiang.”

Thinking of this, Zhou Qiang also smiled. He couldn’t help but become more enthusiastic towards Ye Fei, entrusting the relationship with that old friend who died in battle. Keep asking Ye Fei various questions.

Ye Fei is also very honest. Not only did he explain his own realm, but he just broke through Heaven Grade Zhundi, he also told Zhou Qiang directly that his strongest martial arts is a family heirloom. The Martial Emperor is unique.

This Zhou Qiang was naturally taken aback. He couldn’t believe that Ye Fei was so weak, and he dared to come to the Human Race battlefield to experience, but Ye Fei said that he happened to pick up a summoning order. After coming to the Human Race battlefield, Zhou Qiang suddenly became more enthusiastic. “Hahaha, brother Ye, I saw that you are very much like my old friend who died. If you don’t mind, you can live in my residence for the time being. Just in the near future, the assessment of the Human Race battlefield will begin, when the time comes, let’s fight together!” Zhou Qiang patted Ye Fei on the shoulder very loyally, as if he had already treated Ye Fei as a little brother.

In this regard, Ye Fei naturally returned to his honest and honest smile again, and happily agreed to return to his residence with Zhou Qiang.

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