Chapter 1746 is strong

“courting death! Asura fist!”

Ye Fei was completely irritated by this tiger man’s provocation, he didn’t t expect, he was only cultivating in the temple, and didn’t cause any trouble, for no reason, the tiger man shot him.

For someone else, considering that foreigners are expert in the city of trials, they may submit to humiliation, but Ye Fei doesn’t care if these tigers are really expert. Since they dare to take action, Then you have to bear the consequences of the shot.


The tiger man who shot only felt that his Fierce Tiger Fist seemed to be trapped in a muddy swamp. The whole movement became extremely slow. Ye Fei opened the Asura fist afterwards, He screamed the tiger man and flew out.

“My God, what kind of strong medicine that kid took, he actually punched the tiger man who is famous for his strength!”

“This newcomer is so tough on which continent , Even the tiger people dare to fight!”

Looking at the tiger person who went out with the spit blood flying upside down, the martial artists around, all were shocked, but Zhou Qiang was the most shocked. “Isn’t brother Ye saying that he is just the most common Heaven Grade quasi-emperor? His most powerful is just a martial emperor. Brother Ye is an honest man. He shouldn’t be a lie…”

“What, the most common Heaven Grade quasi-di? The strongest is a Martial Emperor?” Zhou Qiang’s words shocked the martial artist present.

You need to know who can come to the battlefield of Human Race, which is not Heaven Grade quasi emperor, the difference is that the field of mastery is different from the strength of martial arts.

Zhou Qiang even said that Ye Fei used a Martial Emperor to beat the tiger’s expert, which is simply appalling.

Don’t say that the martial artist of Human Race is stunned, even the martial artist of the tiger tribe is shocked, and then they are furious.

“The kid is so courageous, I dare to take action against our tiger clan, don’t roll over and kneel down to death! roar!” Seeing his companion being beaten back by Ye Fei, seven or eight tiger people around are expert. Roaring, at the same time, he rushed towards Ye Fei.

“It’s over, brother Ye, you’re done, you are too honest, if someone beats you, you fight back, even if the tiger beat you, you fight back, don’t you give them an excuse to repair you!” Zhou Qiang He closed his eyes with horror and couldn’t bear to see the terrible scene of Ye Fei being beaten by the tiger man.

Seeing that these tigers actually had an inch, several people came to deal with him at the same time, and even after the heavy hand, Ye Fei’s heart couldn’t help but flashed a anger: “Since you are courting death, then Don’t blame me for being hot, get out of here! Asura extinguishing soul!”

Boom ka!

Ye Fei was so angry that he didn’t bother to hide his strength immediately. He was like a humanoid dragon. Beast, if you don’t make a move, it’s a move, it is heaven falls and earth rends, the whistling fist, accompanied by the power of destroying the stars, completely blows up the sky of the temple.

“No, you are not an ordinary Heaven Grade Zhundi. What you displayed is definitely not a Martial Emperor’s unique knowledge. Don’t stop me, tiger roaring at mountains and forests! roar!” The moment Fei’s fists enveloped the tiger man who was besieging him, it was another extremely powerful silhouette, like a divine tiger, from a distance, rushing to Ye Fei in one step, the howling true essence was formed at this time. A terrifying matchless claw of a god tiger, teaching the world, slapped violently

Ye Fei.

“It’s Baihou!”

“Oh my god, Baihou did it himself!”

“Kill! Whether you are a white monkey or a black monkey If you provoke me, then you will have to pay the price of blood!” Ye Fei was furious. It was a taboo to interrupt other people’s cultivation. However, this group of tigers still put heavy hands on him, which is even more intolerable.

Ye Fei simply used Asura’s magical fist to its limit, instantly incarnation became an invincible Asura fighting bloody battles. The bright fist, like a star of extinguishing soul, collided with the claws of the god of Baihou Together.


The entire temple centered on two people, and a group of terrifying void shocks broke out. Under this shock, the entire temple shook violently.

The seven or eight tiger men who planned to besie Ye Fei were vomiting blood crazily. They were in mid-air, unable to withstand the breath of Asura’s fist, and fainted on the spot.

Of course, Baihou himself was the most shocked.

Counting this, he has already gone to the trial city of three Human Races. He has also defeated hundreds of Human Race powerhouses without encountering any rivals.

This also made Baihou from the heart, despise Human Race, despise Human Race, this will happen, he is not willing to worship the Human Race temple, but intends to drive everyone away and deal with the matter. Mentality.

What made Baihou absolutely didn’t expect was that he would be here and met Ye Fei. At this time, Ye Fei could block his god tiger’s claws without retreating.

Baihou’s body suddenly burst into an extremely blazing crazy fighting intent. He is like an enraged god tiger, roaring up to the sky, “Roar, so that’s how it is, you are actually from Human Race powerhouse! Very good, you are qualified to fight with me!” “What are you roaring, hurry up and reincarnate!” Ye Fei expression was angry, and suddenly roared like Baihou. He also screamed like a tiger, but with Baihou Ye Fei’s roar is the roar of the White Tiger, and at the same time a boiling intent of killing intent, covering the sky and the sun, so that Baihou and the martial artist around the temple, all Feel a panic and trembling from the soul.

“What a terrifying killing intent, is this kid killing King Human Demon?”

“Oh my God, he actually blocked Baihou’s attack just now, Baihou said, This person can fight him!”

“When did our Human Race have such a young powerhouse?”

I feel that Ye Fei is no less than Bai Hou’s majestic fighting intent and the martial artists around the temple are all stupid. Zhou Qiang is even more confused.

On the one hand, he is still immersed in Ye Fei’s simple and honest smile. Li couldn’t help himself, and always thought that Ye Fei was honest and honest, very easy to bully.

But on the other hand, Ye Fei’s strength, domineering, and self-respectful spirit at this time made Zhou Qiang still unable to associate Ye Fei with honesty.

Similarly, the battle between Ye Fei and Baihou is not at all really unfolding. It is not that Ye Fei does not want to teach these tigers who think they are expert. But here is the God of Human Race temple, which is a solemn place dedicated to worshipping human gods.

Almost when Ye Fei and Baihou started their hands, the temple Elder had already notified the City Lord of the trial as quickly as possible.

The city Lord was naturally shocked when he learned of the situation, and immediately used his Martial Emperor power to cover the entire temple. Under this majestic emperor, all The martial artists, including the temple Elder, all knelt down in fear.

In the field, the only one who can stand is two people, one is Baihou and the other is Ye Fei. At this time, the two are more like angered tigers, staring at each other, if not for the sky The invisible Emperor Wei was too fierce, maybe at this time, the two had already fought.

“Really strong Emperor Wei, the person must be the real Martial Emperor! Also is a living Martial Emperor, not like the Promise Sword God, half dead!” In the end, this is the Human Race God The temple and worship are the ancestors of Human Race. Although Ye Fei was very angry, he did not want to destroy the Temple of Human Race. After feeling the sky’s imperial prestige gradually strengthened, he slowly converged the murderous aura on his body, looked towards sky.

Chapter 1747 Partiality

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