“City Lord!”

Under the emperor, no one dared not kneel!

All Human Race martial artists, all kneel down, except for Ye Fei, they are still like the indestructible Sword Peak, without concealing their edge.

The same is true for Baihou on the other side. He himself is the first young expert of the Tiger Clan, and he has even fought three cities of trials invincible.

The strength has reached the level of Ye Fei and Baihou, even if they are not Martial Emperor, they are no longer afraid of Martial Emperor. At this moment, seeing the appearance of the City Lord of Trial, Bai Hou even turned his eyes, and suddenly moved towards the City Lord of Trial with an angry face, arched his hands and said: “City Lord, you are here just right, my ancestors of the tiger race, for To help you with Human Race against the witch race, tens of thousands of years have been born and died in the Human Race battlefield. I, Baihou, myself, I admire the ancestors of Human Race, and come to the Human Race temple to worship everyone. God, who ever thought, there was someone in the city who blatantly attacked and injured my clansman, please City Lord to give me an account!”

“This happened, Baihou Young Master, don’t worry, this Something, this City Lord will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation!” After trying City Lord hearing this, a wave of anger suddenly appeared on his body.

When facing Baihou, the person calmed down and calmed down. When looking towards Ye Fei, City Lord’s gaze suddenly became grim again, and he sternly reprimanded on the spot: “Baihou Young You have heard what the Master said. You knelt down quickly and apologized to Young Master Baihou and admitted your mistakes?” “Apologize? Admit your mistakes? Dare to ask City Lord, what’s wrong with me? I’m obediently and honestly at the temple. Corner cultivation, I’m getting in the way of someone, and as a result, these tigers will take advantage of my cultivation and attack me. Since they hurt me first, shouldn’t I be allowed to fight back?” Ye Fei was very angry,

He thought that someone who can become Lord of the entire City in the Human Race battlefield should have a big measure, at least it can tell right from wrong, but in fact, he was wrong. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. .

From the attitude of the City Lord, it can be seen that this person is simply biased towards Baihou!

When Ye Fei saw a Martial Emperor like himself, Ye Fei didn’t kneel down, but even dared to talk back, resisting his orders, and the City Lord could not help but become even more angry.

Without warning, a terrifying matchless imperial prestige has turned into an extremely heavy pressure, crunching the entire space of the temple. “Okay, okay, you, a junior who has never even been on the battlefield, dare to defy the order of this City Lord. To tell you the truth, let the temple be cleared and the tigers are allowed to worship the gods alone. That was this City Lord personally. If you don’t execute the order, it’s guilty! You beat the tiger and broke my Human Race

The relationship with the tiger race is even more sinful. With your sin, this City The Lord can directly imprison you in the Heavenly Prison and imprison you for 500 years. You are Believing or Not!”

Trying the City Lord, he looked indifferent, even though he knew that it was Baihou’s fault, but one side was The tiger’s first youth expert, the future tiger patriarch, is just a little-known Human Race junior. He tried the City Lord. Of course he knew what choice he should make. Hearing the threatening words of the City Lord in the trial, Ye Fei couldn’t help but become more and more disappointed in the Human Race battlefield. “Originally, I thought that in the Human Race battlefield, they were all iron-blooded men, didn’t expect. It’s all like you! If you want to be guilty, why don’t you worry, you say I am guilty, that’s good

, dare to ask the City Lord, what a serious crime should I blaspheme sculptures of people and gods?”


“If you dare to blaspheme people and gods, no matter who you are, you will be pursued and killed by all of my Human Race powerhouse!” It is not the trial of the City Lord, but the temple elders, whoever involves the temple Regarding matters, they must all express their views, otherwise it would be dereliction of duty. Ye Fei also waited for this sentence. At this time, he pointed to Divine Idol not far away: “Elder said very well. I remember you said that in the temple, the use of force is prohibited, but I am in the cultivation At that time, I found that these tiger people, who came in and beat people, did not have the heart to fear people and gods, dare to ask Elder,

Is this considered a blasphemy?” “This…” That temple Elder complexion greatly changed, I suddenly regretted it and shouldn’t answer Ye Fei’s question. According to Ye Fei, even if the tiger’s actions are not blasphemy, they are also disrespectful to the temple, but I know this in my heart. That’s it, this temple Elder doesn’t have the guts to say

come out.

The City Lord tried to take a deep breath, and it seemed that he didn’t expect. Ye Fei’s counterattack would be so sharp, and he caught the key in an instant.

But those who can be the City Lord are not stupid. I was only a little surprised to try the City Lord, and he quickly reacted, seemingly shouted in a deep voice: “What you said Can anyone prove it? Baihou Young Master, has anyone seen you use force in the temple?” “No, absolutely no, all martial artists here can testify for us. We did not use force, but very I kindly ask everyone to go out. There is only one person who uses force, this person!” Baihou was not stupid, and soon he knew how to cry out loudly. At the same time, his tiger eyes flashed two golden beams.

Fierce light, staring at everyone present.

The martial artists around the temple are not stupid. Knowing that the truth is told at this time is to completely offend Baihou and even the City Lord. Although many people sympathize with Ye Fei silently, they do not One dare to stand up and tell the truth, even the temple Elder is the same. Seeing this, Ye Fei couldn’t help but feel even more disappointed. Although he didn’t understand, why did City Lord take the wrong medicine in this trial, blindly favoring Baihou, but being framed and not speaking is not his style. Immediately, without waiting to test City Lord and Baihou proud, Ye Fei suddenly pointed to a human in the crowd and said: “Who said I am

There is no witness, Zhou Qiang is the witness!”

bang! Ye Fei’s words were like a thunder, Zhou Qiang was blasted outside and the inside was tender. He hurriedly jumped up to deny loudly, but before Zhou Qiang denied it, Ye Fei suddenly forced the sound into a line, sound transmission to Zhou Qiang: “Big Brother Zhou, don’t be afraid. Although we are honest people, we are not easy to bully! You look at my eyes

, you have to believe in me and believe in justice and freedom!” Ye Fei’s voice, There seemed to be a kind of strange magic power. Hearing this voice, Zhou Qiang’s mind suddenly became confused. Before he could figure out what was going on, he saw that Heavenly Sage Magic Art’s mind control technique was effective, and Ye Fei was even more so. I gathered my energy and slapped Zhou Qiang on the shoulder, full of grief and anger

loudly shouted: “Big Brother Zhou, don’t be afraid, brother, I’m by your side, now you just have to say it bravely The truth!”

“Yes, I want to tell the truth! City Lord, I Zhou Qiang is willing to swear by Divine Soul, Ye Fei said it is true, it was Baihou who brought tiger people in the temple I didn’t care about Elder’s blockade from the temple, and wanted to use military force to drive us out. If I tell a little lie, I won’t be able to survive the Martial Emperor!”

Zhou Qiang didn’t know what happened. When Ye Fei asked him to testify, he actually refused in his heart, but as Ye Fei encouraged him and patted his shoulder hard, Zhou Qiang suddenly felt that his whole body seemed to be beaten with blood, and his whole body was righteous. . At this time, he stood up bravely and boldly issued the Divine Soul vow, which not only strongly proved that what Ye Fei said was true, but also ruthless. Fiercely tried the old face of the City Lord, and also smashed the tiger. Both Human Race and Baihou are offended, or they are offended to death.

Chapter 1748 Zhou Zhengyi

Trial City Lord looked towards Zhou Qiang’s gaze, suddenly flashed a touch of impenetrable shock and coldness, Bai Hou looked towards Zhou Qiang’s tiger eyes, It is enough to describe cannibalism.

“Oh my God, what did I say, what did I go crazy, I actually said something like that…” Zhou Qiang woke up to what he did, his entire face was scared orange. Shrinked into a ball.

At the same time, Zhou Qiang’s words, like a hurricane, swept the entire city of trials, and there were no shortage of people in the city who knew Zhou Qiang, and their faces were full of shock and disbelief.

“Oh my god, isn’t that Zhou Qiang, who specializes in deceiving newcomers, he is just the most common Heaven Grade quasi-emperor, he is so kind, dare to directly offend Baihou, and offend the City Lord! “

When I heard the discussion around, Zhou Qiang’s face was already wrinkled into orange peels, but the whole face was shaken into a ball. When he woke up, Zhou Qiang had already shouted injustice loudly: “City Lord, just now Don’t count, I’m actually…”

“Big Brother Zhou, in fact, you don’t have to be afraid. Although we are all honest people, we are not bullies. If you feel wronged, you should be bold. City Lord said it!” Ye Fei suddenly patted Zhou Qiang on the shoulder again, deepening the influence of Heavenly Sage Magic Art on Zhou Qiang. Zhou Qiang’s whole person suddenly exploded with awe-inspiring aura, and the begging words that rushed to his mouth immediately turned into a righteous scolding, “What City Lord, this person is just the tiger’s running dog that’s all, faint. Incompetent, as my Human Race City Lord, but only partial to foreigners, so servile and humble

, it is really the shame of my Human Race……”



As soon as this remark exited, the surrounding martial artists were no longer shocked, and many of their scared faces turned pale, and the whole body trembled with anger during the trial of City Lord.

He is also the Lord of the entire City at any rate, and even the Martial Emperor who has made warfare on the Human Race battlefield. As a result, Zhou Qiang said that, if he does not say that he is discredited, he will inevitably be criticized.

But what Zhou Qiang said was the truth. He used Divine Soul to swear in public and completely unprepared the City Lord. At this time, if he slap Zhou Qiang to death, it will inevitably cause public outrage. It proves that what Zhou Qiang said is true.

For a while, after trying City Lord looked towards Zhou Qiang, he was able to eat people. Feeling the gaze of City Lord, Zhou Qiang suddenly frightened his hands and feet cold, his limbs were soft, and he almost fell to the ground crying without tears. He was just cheating a newcomer to get some benefits.

What kind of medicine did he take wrong? Even if he took the risk to prove Ye Fei’s testimony, he even reprimanded the City Lord for being incompetent. Don’t want to keep mixing.

Thinking of this, Zhou Qiang’s eyes went dark and there were signs of fainting. But before Zhou Qiang really fainted, Ye Fei slapped Zhou Qiang on the shoulder again. Not only did he send a large amount of true energy to make Zhou Qiang burst into a stronger imposing manner, he also asked casually: “Big Brother Zhou, What you said is very good, and you can see at a glance that the City Lord is favoring foreigners. Then you say, what should we do now?”

The Heavenly Sage Magic Power is activated again. Zhou Qiang was so scared that his legs were weak, but after Ye Fei took a few shots, Zhou Qiang instantly became righteous again, and shouted righteously: “What else can you do, Human Race must not be deceived, and the temple must not be humiliated. , Brothers, since the City Lord is incompetent and unable to uphold justice for us, then we

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