What else is there to say, copy guys, and beat out this group of irreverent scum! “

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Qiang’s face turned pale. At this time, he not only scared the three souls away, but also scared the urine on the spot, and flowed down the trousers to the ground.

But no one laughed at him at this time, but in awe.

When I saw Zhou Qiang urinating his pants in fright, I could still be so impassioned and upright, which undoubtedly aroused the blood of many people. Can you come to the battlefield of Human Race, which is not the powerhouse of the cream of the crop of their respective continents, they are on their respective continents, aloof and remote.

When they arrived in the city of trials, they were bullied by foreigners like Baihou. On the head, many people have accumulated endless grievances. At this time, seeing someone taking the lead, many martial artists around the temple became angry.

Ye Fei even took the lead in applauding, “Big Brother Zhou, great! “

“Zhou Qiang, that’s great, you said what we feel! “

“The tigers are bully intolerably, blasphemy, this matter is absolutely unbearable! “

“Sure enough, justice is in the hearts of the people. If there are more upright martial artists like Brother Zhou in this city, how can we be bullied by foreigners? “

“Lao Tzu who refuses to accept from now on, just obey Zhou Zhengyi! “

pa pa pa!

With Ye Fei taking the lead, the entire temple and all martial artists applauded Zhou Qiang. From now on, Zhou Qiang has been in the city of trials and one more The nickname is Zhou Zhengyi. At the same time, even if Zhou Qiang was scared to pee his pants, his deeds of insisting on justice and defying power are even more widely circulated.

Just hearing these applauses, Zhou Qiang not only did not A little bit of joy, but the heart with a knife wiped his neck is all there.

The complexion of City Lord’s face turned from iron blue to the color of pig liver, facing the turbulent crowd, even if he is Martial Emperor, if he doesn’t handle it well, his reputation may be completely ruined.

“Baihou, look at your good deeds! This City Lord just asked you to come to the temple to worship, but you indulged your subordinates and came to the temple to use force. Now you don’t have to apologize to the temple! “The City Lord of Trial was suddenly angry and shouted to Bai Hou. Bai Hou was not stupid. He provokes the anger at first glance. He also bowed his head very bachelor and apologized to the temple Elder: “Everyone, Elder, it is our Meng Lang. ! I swear by Baihou that this kind of thing will not happen in the future, and there are many thanks to these two Human Race brothers for pointing out our mistakes, especially

It is Zhou Qiang brother, I Baihou remembers you When we are in the trial battle, we will definitely meet again! “

“Yes, yes, everyone is young, and some misunderstandings are just solved. Now that they have been solved, let’s all go! “

The face of the City Lord of Trial is ugly, and he took a deep look at Zhou Qiang and Ye Fei. Coldly snorted, the whole person has disappeared in the temple and returned to the City Lord Mansion.

Bai Hou also stared at Zhou Qiang fiercely with fierce eyes for several times. Even at this time, Bai Hou’s hatred of Zhou Qiang was still above Ye Fei, and he smiled grimly and turned around with The subordinates who had awakened quickly left the temple.

The martial artists around didn’t see much excitement, they all gradually disappeared, and they were busy with their own affairs. Of course, there were also enthusiastic people who secretly sounded. Transmission Ye Fei and Zhou Qiang, let them be careful,

Everyone is not a fool, and it is natural to understand that with Zhou Qiang and Ye Fei so winning Sin City Lord and Baihou, there must be no good fruit.

Temple Elder, also bluntly said: “Young Master Ye, Zhou Young Master, although you helped our temple save face this time, you have offended City Lord and Bai Hou, especially Zhou Young Master. , You must be careful… Hey, Zhou Young Master, what’s wrong with you…” The temple Elder hadn’t finished speaking yet, but saw Zhou Qiang roll his eyes, foaming at the mouth, and fell back. Finally I was completely scared and fainted.

Chapter 1749 Female Lord

“Don’t worry, Big Brother Zhou, this is a great surprise. I’m a little excited. I will take him back to his residence. Just rest for a few days. “

Ye Fei stayed calm and explained it like this.

The temple Elder didn’t doubt that he had him. After all, he had seen with his own eyes that Zhou Qiang had spared his life in order to help Ye Fei.

When he saw Ye Fei helping Zhou Qiang out of the temple, the Elder also sighed: “This Young Master Zhou is a good person. He used to bring newcomers to receive rewards. I couldn’t think of his heart. He is such a strong man with a sense of justice. Zhou Zhengyi’s name is not in vain! “

Thanks to Zhou Qiang’s righteous name, even though Zhou Qiang not at all told Ye Fei his specific residence, there were still quite a few enthusiastic people who helped to show the way and let Ye Fei find it smoothly. I went to Zhou Qiang’s residence.

To Ye Fei’s surprise, Zhou Qiang seemed to be doing well in the City of Trials, and he actually lived in a three-in, three-out compound.

There is a quiet room for cultivation behind, but I don’t know how many newcomers this person had deceived before him, stealing others’ treasures secretly, and being able to mix in such a large house in the city of trials is not uncommon. .

“It’s just a pity, Zhou Qiang, you shouldn’t make my mind. I’m an honest person, but I’m not a bully. Let’s talk about it. How did you know Heavenly Martial Continent! “Ye Fei walked into the courtyard, opened the forbidden method, and then threw Zhou Qiang to the ground.

At any rate, he was also a Heaven Grade Zhundi. Although Zhou Qiang fainted, he was helped out of the temple. He was already awake, but Zhou Qiang could not bear it until Ye Fei sent him back to his residence. Without outsiders, Zhou Qiang stood up suddenly, sent an angry roar to the sky, and killed Ye Fei.

” Ye Fei, Ye Devil, you have done me so miserable. Today, I will not kill you, Zhou Qiang, I promise not to be a man! “

“Big Brother Zhou, don’t talk nonsense, I am obviously an honest person, how could I harm people, you are almost the same. “Ye Fei said with astonishment. Unexpectedly, when he heard this, Zhou Qiang’s face not only turned black, but also showed signs of enchantment, and roared out infinite magic flames: “Shut up! Damn honest people, after doing it for a long time, you will be the most deceptive. You said that you are only Heaven Grade. You said that your strongest is Martial Emperor. You must be a fool.

No ! Later, you used the evil cultivation technique to affect my mind. I’m so stupid, how could I believe that you will be an honest person, roar……”

The more you talk, the more excited you are, and finally Zhou Qiang said It was no longer a human voice, but a purely demonic roar, which immediately shocked Ye Fei. He didn’t do anything. He just taught Zhou Qiang a little bit, and Zhou Qiang couldn’t help but excite. You are actually in a demon.

“But it doesn’t matter if you are in a demon. My heavenly sacred magic power, but a sacred demon, even if you are a devil, I can make you a good person. Is an honest man! It’s just that I, an honest person, won’t suffer! “

Ye Fei is still in the mood, and I emphasized it again.

And hearing this honest man also stimulated Zhou Qiang with an incomparable gigantic, which made Zhou Qiang his whole person. , All fell into a madness. At this time, it was even roar, and he killed Ye Fei.

Ye Fei was also taken aback. He found that Zhou Qiang’s talent was not very strong, but Zhenyuan was very strong. , Faintly with divine fluctuations. “so that’s how it is, it’s no wonder that you are going to lie to newcomers. It turns out that you have a way to refining the divinity in Martial God blood essence to improve your attack power. Unfortunately, others’ After all, it’s someone else’s. No matter how much your refining divinity is, it will eventually be an external force, which will make it easier for you to cultivation deviation! Of the realm

Sword, give me suppression! “

Boom ka!

With Ye Fei’s thoughts, nine rays of light burst out of his Divine Soul suddenly. This is Ye Fei’s Nine Heaven Grade domains! They are also the quasi-emperor realm, the most condensed limit!

When Ye Fei released these nine domains together, Zhou Qiang, who was trapped in a madness, was suddenly horrified by the nine realms. The light of Divine Sword, oppressively lying on the ground unable to move even a little bit. Even Heart Demon, who influenced Zhou Qiang, was also suppressed under these nine Divine Swords, and disappeared. The craziness in Zhou Qiang’s eyes gradually receded. Seeing the Heaven Grade field floating behind Ye Fei, like nine scorching suns, he was trembling all over, and tears of grief and anger flowed out, “Oh my god, how stupid I am

I will believe that he is an honest man. Nine domains, this is the ultimate domain that those peerless evildoers can train into! “Especially when he thought about it, he actually regarded a peerless evildoer as an honest and good bully, and planned to deceive Ye Fei’s Martial God blood essence. At this time, Zhou Qiang couldn’t help being shiver coldly. Then he Without saying a word, he began to beg for mercy: “Young Master Ye, please be forgiving, I have no eyes

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