“Baihou killed that many people is not enough, he even killed the martial artist that our Human Race can cross the line!”

“Tiger race, bully intolerably! “

“It’s over, Baihou is dead. That person shouldn’t have come, let alone step over to our side…”

There are already many martial artists closed. When I closed my eyes, I couldn’t bear to see Ye Fei being torn apart.

roar! At this time, between Heaven and Earth, suddenly resounded through the mighty and boundless horror dragon roar, that dragon roar, like the sound of the beginning of heaven and earth, not only overwhelmed the Baihou God Tiger The roar formed a terrifying sound wave, shaking the heaven and the earth, and even the entire god tiger gathered by Baihou was shattered by the roar


“The god tiger tears the wind!”

Baihou was in danger, and the broken god tiger once again condensed to form a mountain-sized god tiger claw, which was torn at the same time. The sky and the earth, the infinite wind pressure, compressed the air in this valley and exploded. I don’t know how many martial artists, under this terrifying power, vomiting blood and retreating.

Obviously, Baihou’s battle simply means that regardless of the life or death of other people, as long as it can kill Ye Fei, no matter how ruthless it is, Baihou can use it.

“Asura Divine Fist!” Ye Fei’s expression remained unchanged, but the fire of despair on his body, like stars, like scorching sun, burned the entire sky and filled every corner of the sky and earth, and then he started Throwing a punch, like an invincible War God, rushed to the god tiger. The horrible fist instantly shattered the sky and sank the earth.

Also, once again the god tiger who rushed forward The explosion of punches.


In the middle of the explosion, Baihou’s disheveled hair, the arrogance in his eyes was gone, but a deep touch of fear and jealousy appeared, and then, endless anger emerged from Baihou’s body. “Damn Human Race rubbish, you dare to hurt me, don’t you know, our tiger clan will always be superior to you? In front of us, you are all slaves and our livestock!” Baihou was angry like a rainbow. In the end, his whole person was incarnated into a mighty god tiger. On his forehead, a terrifying king character rays of light appeared, with the power to destroy everything, and the world around him Shattered.


But in the shattered between Heaven and Earth, Ye Fei was burning with desperate fire, just a punch, the world is full of dazzling fists, “Asura fist, kill the gods and destroy the demons! You regard our Human Race as a livestock, and in front of me, you, the god tiger, are nothing but ants! die for me!”

Boom ka!

Baihou vs. Human Race Ye Fei’s disdain and arrogance completely angered Ye Fei. He no longer had any hands left. The dazzling fist had already carried Death Aura, and the body of Baihou’s huge god tiger was beaten like rags and rolled in the air. Get up, there are broken flesh and blood along the way, and scarlet blood.

“Oh my God, Baihou was seriously injured by a punch!”

“Who is that person, in our city of trials, when will such a brave man appear? !”

“Not good, he is not going to defeat Baihou, he is going to kill Baihou completely!” When he saw that Ye Fei seriously injured Baihou, it didn’t count, but he still went forward. When Baihou was beheaded, many of the martial artists present were trembling.

Chapter 1757 Martial God projection

When I felt Ye Fei’s undisguised murderous intention, Baihou was arrogant again, and he looked down on Human Race from the bottom of his heart. His mind couldn’t help trembling with fear, “He wants to kill me, this Human Race untouchable, he really dares to kill me? No, I can’t die, I’m the Prince of the Tiger Clan,

My identity is at least ten times more noble than these humble Human Races!”

“Well, Human Race rubbish, this is what you forced me, this is what you forced me, please Tiger god projection, protect me!”

Like the Human Race, the tiger clan also has a temple, which enshrines the Martial God of the tiger clan. It’s just generally speaking. It’s absolutely not allowed to bring it in the trial battle. Martial God projection comes in.

Because this will seriously affect the fairness of the assessment, especially the Martial God projection, and it can also resist the martial might pressure of martial artists across the array.

So when Baihou entered Killing Formation with a scroll with Martial God projection, the martial artists of the entire valley were in an uproar.

“Despicable! Baihou actually cheated openly! Let’s say that Baihou is just a half-step evildoer, how could he have crossed nine consecutive formations, it turns out that there is a Martial God projection hidden in his body!”

“Not good, since Baihou dares to release the Martial God projection, he already has a heart to kill. All of us may be killed by him!”

Many The martial artist’s face suddenly turned pale. It is very disgraceful to cheat in the battle of trials. Even if foreigners can receive preferential treatment in the battle of trials, it will cause an uproar if it spreads out, and the best way is, It is killing people and concealing the facts!

But no one can stop. The scroll that Baihou took out was too fast. When he unfolded the scroll, the Martial God mark that was originally branded on the scroll was instantly activated, and then , A tiger Spiritual God exuding a divine might, stepped out of the scroll.

bang! When he walked out, the heaven and the earth fell into a certain kind of pause, only the boundless divine might, Suppressing the Heavens and Earth, like Spiritual God walking the world, and finally, the tiger god’s pupil light, staring at Ye Fei coldly again, and said in a little surprise: “Heavenly Abandoned Body, you can actually break through Martial Sovereign, and even reach the quasi-emperor level?”

“What, he is a man abandoned by the sky, legendary Martial Dao waste, damn, I Baihou, I was almost defeated by a waste!”

Baihou’s face turned red, as if fiercely. After a slap in the face, his angry hair burned, “Also ask the Tiger God to help me kill him. I want to refine the body of this waste into a puppet, and let him forever, he can only kneel in front of me. !”

Baihou was so angry. He looked down on Human Race at first. If he was defeated by the enchantment of Human Race, he would recognize it, but he was almost defeated by a Martial Dao waste. It made Baihou completely intolerable.

When I heard Baihou’s words, the Tiger God was also sneaked, shook his head slightly and said: “It’s a pity that you can break through to the realm of the quasi emperor with the body of heaven. I shouldn’t offend my tiger clan, and shouldn’t want to kill Baihou!”

“That’s it, that’s it, then you two beasts, you can die together!” Ye Fei surfaced With a sneer, he didn’t speak just now, not because he was afraid of the tiger god, but in a silent adjustment state, when he felt that his fighting state had been elevated to pinnacle.

Without any extra words, Ye Fei made a bold move. Nine Heaven Grade domains emerged all over his body. Soon these domains merged into nine terrifying matchless domain swords, smashing void and slashing. To the front.


“Junior, the god sees you as a courting death!” Seeing that he faced Martial God, Ye Fei dared to take the lead, Baihou and Tiger God were both scared One jump, followed by a thunderous jump. How can Old Hu have a good temper? While the tiger god is angry, between Heaven and Earth, an incomparable gigantic god tiger’s claw has appeared. This world, including the entire Killing Formation, is all

Cover, and then hold on tightly, as if to crush this world. But what shocked the Tiger God was that his tiger claw could crush the heavens and the earth, but could not crush the nine rays of light. Instead, it was the nine rays of light, like nine shining stars with howling. The incomparable sword light penetrated the void and also shattered the Giant Tiger Claw into nine huge holes


“How is it possible, nine Heaven Grade fields, you are actually…” Tiger God’s pupil light became dignified for the first time. “…Why impossible, our Human Race, what we do best is to make impossible possible. You are just a beast projection, not even the blood essence Avatar condensed by the Promise Sword God. Who gives you the courage to make you look down on Human Race, who gave you the courage to make you dare to pretend to be big in front of me

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