Tail wolf, I think you are tired of living! “


sword dao Heavenspan!

Ye Fei sword energy rushes straight to Nine Layers Heaven, the terrifying sword light, at this time it is condensed into a terrifying Star River , And then the Star River changed again, and suddenly formed an incomparable gigantic Taiji Sword formation, destroying Exterminating Heaven and Earth, no stronghold one cannot overcome!

This is Ye Fei’s sword at this time!

Sword, no stronghold one cannot overcome!

Sword, invincible and indestructible!

When the sword is out, blood will splash for ten steps, and the blood will drift! When the tiger god felt Ye Fei sword light terrifying, his tiger eyes suddenly burst out with a terrifying war spirit, “What a peerless evildoer, what a sword array, but unfortunately you haven’t breakthrough Martial God yet, you will never know The terrifying of Martial God, even if this is just one of my projections, kill, fight against the wilds

! “

Boom ka! The world is broken again, and in the end, even this terrifying Killing Formation, under the attack of the Tiger God, collapsed almost on the spot, and all the martial artists within the valley were killed. Formation strangling to pieces. Obviously, after perceiving Ye Fei’s amazing talent, Tiger God has completely moved to kill, even if the entire Killing Formation is destroyed, Ye Fei must be killed.


Seeing this, Ye Fei just roared loudly, and then his roar turned into a terrifying dragon roar in the beginning of the world, an eight-pole dragon, which exploded in an all-round way, forming eight different hexagrams, just like eight terrifying matchless The world, suppressing time and space, and completely suppressing this world.

The eyes of the Tiger God only saw eight different worlds in amazement, and squeezed him crazy, his entire Martial God projection , Has been shattered by these eight worlds.

“Roar, don’t let me meet you in the Human Race Xiongguan, otherwise…” In the end of the sky, the tiger god came to the extreme. His roar, helpless, his Martial God projection too weak, which is equivalent to Martial Emperor Realm, is just that, such a realm allows him to crush half-step evildoers, but in the face of peerless evildoers like Ye Fei, there are terrifying matchless ones. Octopus Tianlong, then

Being a projection of Martial God, you can only drink hate on the spot.

“Oh my God, him, him. He actually broke the Martial God projection, he is actually the kind of legendary inverse Celestial Demon! “Suddenly, Baihou’s heart was filled with deep regret and deep fear. At this time, his guts were almost frightened, but he saw Ye Fei walking by like a purple-golden War God. At that time, Baihou鈥檚 scared voice trembled unconsciously, and hurriedly to please said with a smile: “brother Ye, no

, Young Master Ye, I am the Prince of the tiger clan, as long as you don鈥檛 Kill me, we can discuss everything! “

“Discuss a fart! “When Baihou killed those Human Race martial artists, did he have half a word of discussion? Being threatened by the tiger divine might, Ye Fei was upset when he saw those Human Race martial artists beheaded by Baihou and the tiger god, Ye Fei It was even more angry from the heart, and directly with a Promise Sword, he slashed towards Baihou.

Chapter 1758, the City Lord asks sin

Sword God was angry and splashed five steps with blood. Ye Fei was angry, and the blood drifted!

Baihou just saw a brilliant sword light, cut through his body, and then Baihou knew nothing, between Heaven and Earth, Only a huge tiger carcass remained, kneeling in front of Ye Fei.

Ding Ding Dong!

Another nine black tokens rolled out of the tiger carcass. , These are the battle spirit orders that Baihou obtained by cheating using Martial God projection.

But if you want to enter the battle spirit space, only two battle spirit orders are enough, but Baihou does not hesitate to cross the nine formations. , Robbed all the battle spirit orders, this made Ye Fei very puzzled, “There must be secrets I don’t know! “

“Unfortunately, I knew it a long time ago. I should first ask questions before killing Baihou, but the old Hu is only mature, and I dare to piss and piss on our Human Race. Tigers, do you really think I鈥檓 no one in Human Race? “Ye Fei put away the nine tokens, turned his head and left without looking at Baihou’s corpse. On the contrary, Dragon Tortoise was very curious about the dead old Hu, and sneakily wanted to crawl out of the beast seal space, and taste Taste the taste of Old Hu meat. Of course, this falls in the eyes of Xiaocao, that is, Dragon Tortoise wants to be lazy again and does not exercise, so Xiaocao quickly drew a whip over, smoked Dragon Tortoise and foamed at the mouth

I was very honest right away, turning into a ball again, holding back tears, and letting the grass grab it in his hand and pat it.

Then Dragon Tortoise made up his mind, and this time must begin. After losing weight, Ye Fei stepped forward again and returned to the Killing Formation where he was.

His appearance caused the entire Killing Formation martial artist to be in an uproar, especially when Ye Fei stepped forward. Then, the pressure of the martial might that was close to a hundred times stronger, the entire Killing Formation was shaken violently, and many of the martial artists present were trembling from the soul.

“Heaven Ah, how much Killing Formation he has crossed, and his body can produce such a terrifying divine might pressure! “

“haha, very good, our city of trials, we finally figured out an invincible genius who can match Baihou! “


Ye Fei slightly smiled, not at all. I care too much about these people’s arguments. He landed on the ground and sat cross-legged and called Zhou Qiang to come. “Zhou Qiang, I ask you, if I cross over ten formations and kill all the souls of war, is there any special reward? “

“What, Young Master Ye, you killed all the battle spirits, then you have ten pieces of battle spirit order fragments…” Although Zhou Qiang knew that Ye Fei was very strong, he didn’t expect Ye Fei was so perverted that he was so frightened that he had the urge to faint. Because Ye Fei had returned to his Killing Formation and no longer crossed the line, all the Martial God pressure that surrounded him all around disappeared. Zhou Qiang This is the courage to approach Ye Fei and secretly say a few words in sound transmission. These few words also make Ye Fei startled, “What, the battle spirit order obtained in Killing Formation,

not only can You can use it yourself or give it to others. No wonder Baihou would rather cheat and collect all the battle spirit orders! “You must know that the battle spirit space has the real Martial God battle spirit. Once obtained, there is a possibility of breaking through the Martial Emperor. If the tiger race obtains all the battle spirit orders, then besides Baihou, four more The tiger clan expert also followed into the battle soul space, captured the battle soul, and obtained the breakthrough Martial Emperor’s chance!

“The tiger clan is a good abacus, but secretly indulges the tiger clan City Lord鈥檚 trial, his heart is really punishable! “

Ye Fei shook his head, stopped talking, just silently cultivation, waiting for the end of the trial battle.

In the cultivation, time always flies very fast, ten days The deadline is coming soon.

Any martial artists who are still alive can鈥檛 help but cheer, even Zhou Qiang. For these ordinary martial artists, as long as these ten days have passed In time, they will be able to leave the City of Trials and have the qualifications to enter the Human Race battlefield. Also cheering, there are other martial artists in the City of Trials, although these martial artists have no strength or courage to participate in the battle of trials, But this does not prevent them. They sincerely cheer for those martial artists who have passed the battle of trials. The more powerhouses that can enter the battlefield of Human Race, the more they can withstand the attacks of the Wu clan


“Long live the City Lord! “

“Long live the tiger clan! “

I don鈥檛 know who is taking the lead. Before the martial artist of the trial came out, he began to cheer loudly. Not only did he praise the City Lord of the trial, but also for the tiger clan and Baihou by the way. Create momentum.

Several tiger patriarchs clung their hands to the trial City Lord with excitement: “City Lord, thanks to you this time, otherwise how could Baihou easily obtain all the battle spirits? make! “

“After you become the lord, you will be the most sincere friend of our tiger clan. When Baihou and my tiger clan expert enter the war soul space, after the breakthrough Martial Emperor, my tiger clan will prepare a A great gift, thank you City Lord! “Youhu patriarch said in old days.

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