“hahaha, you are polite, you are polite! This City Lord actually did nothing. The key is that the child Baihou is talented and competitive!”

Lucky to get one The Earth Spirit Orbs were not enough, and he could get a heavier gift. While trying the City Lord’s modesty, a chrysanthemum bloomed on his face and he was smiling very happily.

The tiger Elders also smile very proudly. They also deliberately laid a red carpet outside of the Killing Formation where Baihou entered, and waited for Baihou to walk out of the battle in a peculiar tiger posture, and be overwhelmed by the world. They also completely treated other Human Race martial artists like ants. Step under your feet. But what surprised the patriarch veterans was that the Killing Formation on the red carpet, not at all a martial artist walked out. On the contrary, it was the other formations. Every martial artist walked out happily, entrusting Baihou to continue striding across the formations and killing the souls of war. This time the martial artists who participated in the trial battle, except for

Individual bad luck, most of them survived and passed the assessment very smoothly. “What’s the matter, why didn’t a martial artist in Baihou’s array come out, but the array where Zhou Zhengyi was located, and that many martial artists would come out!” The old tiger patriarch group changed color, faintly feeling something wrong. . There are even Elder, impatient’s rushing into Killing Formation, looking for Baihou’s


Unfortunately, they didn’t find Baihou, they just found a huge tiger corpse. When the tiger clan Elder carried the tiger corpse with red eyes, the whole city of trials was in an uproar. .

“Oh my God, Baihou died!”

“Not only Baihou, but the martial artist of Killing Formation, all died! Strange, Baihou is not Continuously striding across the formation, is it very arrogant, who can kill him?”


Tens of thousands of eyes, the moment Baihou’s body was discovered, he looked towards Ye at the same time Fei, after all, besides Baihou who can cross the battle, only Ye Fei.

The tiger clan Elder quickly followed his sight and found Ye Fei. Their tiger eyes flashed with an astonishing fierce light, and they were ruthless, “It’s you, you killed Baihou “

“Yes, it’s me!” Ye Fei was nodded indifferently. He wanted to deny it but couldn’t deny it.


The test of City Lord was extremely furious. When he saw Ye Fei and Zhou Qiang walk out of the Killing Formation unharmed, his eyelids jumped, and then he Seeing the huge tiger corpse being carried out, he tried the City Lord and was shocked at the same time, the whole person instantly fell into violent anger. This anger caused the entire city of trials to become unprecedentedly depressed, but soon, a fighting intent soaring to the sky dispelled the haze in the city.

Chapter 1759 Fighting the City Lord

Ye Fei stepped toward the sky, toward the trial City Lord shouted: “You are ashamed to ask why, as the trial City Lord, you are not for me Human Race fights, but you become a dog for the tiger clan, you deliberately adjusted the difficulty of Killing Formation, and even if you want to hurt me, what’s more, you actually allow Baihou to cheat and acquiesce in him with martial arts

Projection, straddling the formation continuously, grabbing the battle spirit order! Let me ask you, are you a human or a dog raised by a tiger?”


In words of Ye Fei, It shocked people’s hearts and shook the entire city of trials. No one thought that when facing the endless anger of the City Lord, Ye Fei dared to stand up and curse that the City Lord is a dog, and even said that countless people did not dare The truth told.

This truth is more shocking and angry than Baihou’s death.

“What, Baihou actually brought Martial God projection into Killing Formation, this is obviously cheating!”

“Tigers, you still have to have no shame, I just said , Baihou is just a half-step evildoer, how can he cross the battle is easier than eating and drinking water, killing the war soul of the same half-step evildoer, and even cutting melons and vegetables, it turned out that this girl cheated!”

Countless martial artists are all angry. No one doubts Ye Fei’s words, it is true that there are too many victims beside Ye Fei, who almost died in the Killing Formation after the City Lord increased the difficulty.

These people also roared at this time.

These roars also made the faces of many Elders of the Tiger Clan look very ugly. The trial of the City Lord was even more complex, and there was some confusion in his heart.

His plan was very good. He first used the Martial Emperor battle spirit to kill Ye Fei and Zhou Qiang, and then allowed Baihou to cheat and snatched all the battle spirit orders. This not only avenged Ye Fei, but also Well, the tiger clan can be said to have both sides, and the spring breeze is proud. The only thing that made City Lord didn’t expect to test is that Ye Fei not only did not die, but actually, in turn, killed Baihou, and in the end, in front of countless people, he exposed the inside story of allowing Baihou to cheat. If this news reaches the Human Race Xiongguan, even if he is a test of the City Lord and has made great contributions in the battlefield

, he will definitely be shot to death by those Human Race Martial Gods.

“Shut up! Nonsense! This City Lord has always been just and unselfish, for Human Race, it was born to death, how can you let this junior, repeatedly humiliate this seat, corrupt this Majesty’s reputation, evil, this seat Today, in front of everyone, I will punish you for the sin of disrespect!”


The trial of the City Lord does not give Ye Fei a chance to continue telling the truth. The whole person has already been murderous intentionally, forming a terrifying bloody blade, cutting the world and killing Ye Fei instantaneously, maintaining His majesty as the City Lord.

“Kill, take revenge for Prince!”

“God slaying Human Race untouchables, you are just the pigs and dogs in our captivity. You dare to deceive my tiger clan and kill My Prince…”

The death of Baihou made the tiger Elders go wild. Under Elder’s rage, they instantly fell into violent violent and became an incomparable gigantic tiger. Just culled to Ye Fei.

This scene. I don’t know how many Human Race martial artists are trembling, secretly holding a cold sweat for Ye Fei, and seeing these killed tigers patriarch, Ye Fei’s face, except for anger, is endless cold.

Then, the Promise Sword has already bloomed with a dazzling starlight, like a dazzling star, smashed out by Ye Fei, and it shattered a huge tiger head on the head, violent death, “just At this point of ability, I dare to look down on my Human Race, you guys, only this!” During the talk, Ye Fei even carried the Promise Sword and broke directly into the middle of these old patriarchs. With one sword and one sword, all these tiger patriarchs were killed on the spot, and the tiger corpses on the ground were all covered.

This scene also made the legs of other foreigners soft. You must know that many Human Race powerhouses, in order to win over their foreigners, do what they can tolerate and let them let go. Like Ye Fei, he didn’t take them seriously. It was the first time I met a fierce person who said he would kill him.

Looking at the tiger corpses all over the ground, the trial of the City Lord pupil light flashes a touch of tyranny and coldness. He deliberately did not take immediate action, but let Ye Fei kill these tiger races and kill them. , And then he took action, beheading Ye Fei, and a dead men tell no tales! In this way, even if the powerhouse of Human Race Xiongguan came to investigate, he could not find his handle, but on the surface, when he saw Ye Fei slaughter the tiger clan and tried the City Lord, his face showed anger and grief. Constantly roaring at Ye Fei: “Silver barrier, little devil of the gods, I won’t kill you today. It’s really unreasonable! Kill, bloodblade storm!”

hong long long!

Just when Ye Fei killed the last tiger patriarch when he was old, he tried the City Lord finally. On his body, the infinite blood-reeking qi, like a rainstorm, like a meteor, finally formed one After another terrifying light, penetrated the Universe Starry Sky and shattered the sky.

“sword dao Heavenspan, the ultimate sword!”

The Ye Fei domain broke out, and the infinite sword light, such as the dazzling Star River, illuminates the entire world, and then condenses into one The Taiji Sword array of the incomparable gigantic, destroying heaven extinguishing earth, also shattered all around the infinite light, and then Ye Fei did not retreat but moved forward.

He has a sword in one hand and punches in the other!

The sword is Tai Chi Divine Sword!

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