The fist is the Asura fist! Two different types of Taikoo Tiangong were displayed in the hands of Ye Fei. They were completely familiar, as instructed by the arm, but the trial City Lord was the powerhouse of Human Race for the rest of his life. This person has extremely rich and old fighting experience. It can also control two Primordial Heaven Kungfu at the same time, one hand is Blood

The Fishy Blade, the other hand is Blood Blade Storm. A denser light net is formed, covering the world and the entire city of trials!

This is the terrifying of the real Martial Emperor. There is absolutely no weak person who can become the City Lord of the trial, but unfortunately, he met Ye Fei.

Discovering the power of City Lord, two simple Taikoo Tiangong cannot win, Ye Fei loudly shouted, and while urging Tai Chi Divine Sword and Asura Divine Fist, his whole body suddenly burst into the sky. Form a mighty dragon of vitality and blood. Suppress for nine days, swallow mountains and rivers with anger!

Nine days in Longzhen!

“Three Taikoo Tiangongs, you can control the three Taikoo Tiangongs, damn, you still have nine Heaven Grade fields!” Trial City Lord complexion greatly changed. You know, it is not difficult to transform into a peerless evildoer, as long as you have Sky Spirit Orbs.

But while transforming into a peerless evildoer, it can also successfully condense the nine Heaven Grade fields. This is what many peerless evildoers cannot necessarily do.

After all, the number of fields that a martial artist can bear is related to the spirit strength of the martial artist, and spirit strength, with the exception of the Witch tribe, cannot be actively improved by other races! But Ye Fei is an exception. He is a man abandoned by the sky. Although abandoned by the sky, he can escape the limitations of Heavenly Dao, any power of cultivation!

This kind of power naturally includes spirit strength!

Trying the City Lord Although he didn’t know this, the battle strength of the monstrous talent level displayed by Ye Fei shocked him. At the same time, he felt unprecedented killing intent and cruelty. meaning.

“Blood Spear!” The Vietnam War became more and more angry. The City Lord finally broke out the strongest battle strength in the trial. He directly burned his bloodline to form a special bloody lance, which penetrated the world and tried Penetrate through Ye Fei’s fleshy body and soul!

Chapter 1760 Become Famous in the First World War

The Trial of City Lord is the Human Race Xiongguan, the Martial Emperor powerhouse that fights with the witch all the year round, the bloody spear, and even the Human Race Martial God The creation of a super powerful Taikoo Tiangong, to practice this Tiangong, you must fight for decades on the battlefield.

Once trained, the formidable power of this bloody spear is also extremely terrifying. Many martial artists only see the terrifying bloody vortex appearing between Heaven and Earth, which is not a real vortex, but The speed of the bloody spear is too fast, causing an illusion for everyone.

In fact, at the moment when City Lord took the shot, the huge spearhead had penetrated Ye Fei’s body and also pierced the surrounding space into nothingness.

The faces of countless martial artists are shocked.

“Dead, or dead, the quasi emperor challenged the Martial Emperor, it is still unrealistic…”

“It’s not that Ye Fei is too weak, but the trial of City Lord It’s too strong. He is the powerhouse of Human Race Xiongguan. He has been fighting with the Wu clan all the year round. Even if he has retired in the past few hundred years, the general Martial Emperor is not the City Lord’s right…”

Bloody Battle! Ignoring everyone’s argument, after the confident stabbing of the bloody spear, City Lord, who thought he had won the trial, suddenly changed his face. The powerhouse’s instinct made him feel the great crisis, and he immediately roared. On his body, he actually moved towards all directions, blasting countless bloody


These rays quickly cut through the sky and the void, and people were shocked to see that, like the bloody spear that tried the City Lord, Ye Fei’s pierced body turned out to be an illusion!

It turns out that when the blood spear of the City Lord stabbed, Ye Fei had already displayed the heavenly demon phantom in the heavenly demon art, and deliberately left a phantom to resist the attack of the city Lord. And Ye Fei’s body took the opportunity to escape into the void, and suddenly appeared behind the trial City Lord.

The dazzling sword light and Supreme power with the ultimate sword shattered the sky, shaking the heavens and the earth, but Ye Fei regretted that this trial City Lord was really too strong.

“This person deserves to be the powerhouse of Human Race Xiongguan, and also the Martial Emperor. Wuji Sword God is at least ten blocks away! However, I will not lose! Sword Dao Heavenspan, kill!”


Ye Fei roared again, igniting the immortal Sword Soul, and completely ignited the Divine Item of Promise Sword. The world is all over the world. At this time, the rays of light are lost, only Ye Fei’s sword light, like a raging fire, like a star, blooming with the dazzling light of Divine Sword.

Boom ka!

When Ye Fei lifted the Promise Sword and smashed it out, the entire sky of the city of trial was smashed and exploded on the spot, despite the trial of City Lord It reacted quickly and defended in time, but the total eruption of the Promise Sword, its terrifying matchless weight, was definitely difficult for the Martial Emperor to bear. Just persisted for ten breaths. Under the madness of the Promise Sword, the Bloody Battle All Directions of the City Lord trial had been smashed by Ye Fei’s chaotic sword. But Ye Fei not at all stopped attacking because of this, but smashed more madly and smashed harder. In the eyes of everyone, what Ye Fei waved was no longer a sword, but a terrifying matchless star.

At this time, this star, with an infinite starlight, shattered the sky, shattered nothingness, and the same shattered, as well as the Body Protection True Origin who tried the City Lord,

“Blood flowing into a river!” After the trial of City Lord, the whole person suddenly became furious. Facing Ye Fei’s suppression, he did not retreat, but took out the experience of fighting in the Human Race Xiongguan. He carried the tragedy with determination. , There is also a trace of madness and ferociousness. It is actually bracing the infinite sword light, trying to move closer to Ye Fei and fight Ye Fei in close combat


“Dare to fight me close? Well, I will fulfill you, fight the demonic path, the wrath of Azure Dragon!”

Ye Fei suddenly burst into blazing golden magic light, and then Behind him, there appeared Vermilion Bird, his body, the Black Tortoise armor emerged, and his hands became dragon claw and tiger claw!

Azure Dragon Town Hell! White Tiger is out of prison!

hong long long!

Ye Fei roared loudly, like the fury of Azure Dragon, like the fury of White Tiger, brazenly did not retreat and advance, from the front, fight with the trial City Lord.

Many of the City Lord Mansion guards who came to help after hearing the news were shattered with fright on the spot.

“Oh my god, who is that person, doesn’t he know that the strongest thing in City Lord is close combat, he actually dares to fight close to the City Lord?”

” It’s more than melee combat. Did you find out? So far, Ye Fei has performed at least five primordial powers!”

“He also has nine Heaven Grade fields, which are only the strongest in the legend. The enchanting evildoer can reach the limit field…”

“Not good, the City Lord is going to be defeated!”

Suddenly, I don’t know who shouted, the two fierce fighting in the sky The group silhouette suddenly separated quickly from the middle. Ye Fei was covered in blood, and all split up and in pieces where the war demon golden body and the Black Tortoise armor were beaten at the same time. Even the Vermilion Bird wings on the back were torn by the City Lord with bare hands. Lost half.

But this kind of injury did not deter Ye Fei. The injured wild beast was the most terrifying. The more injured, the stronger the fighting intent on Ye Fei’s body. Finally, this strong fighting intent suddenly formed Supreme’s magic fist, with extremely bright rays of light, slammed forward.

Asura extinguishing soul! Ye Fei roared, he was like a mad war demon, but he wielded an invincible fist that could kill the gods and devils. Under the cover of such fists, he tried the City Lord, and his face flushed, suddenly opened his mouth and spouted A mouthful of blood, and then his body continuously burst with dozens of blood holes and wounds. The injuries were severe, several times heavier than Ye Fei.

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