When Ye Fei was able to explode even stronger battle strength despite his injuries, even a Martial Emperor like the City Lord could not help but develop a certain degree of Fear, “Damn junior, you wait for this seat, wait until this seat heals your wounds, and then fight to the death with you! roar!”

With a ruthless word in his mouth, I tried the City Lord’s retreat faster than The lightning was still swift and violent. He was seriously injured, and he didn’t dare to fight Ye Fei again. Instead, he fled back to the City Lord Mansion at the limit of speed.

Ye Fei just wanted to chase, Zhou Qiang below suddenly appeared in horror, “Don’t chase, City Lord Mansion is restricted by Martial God, but dragon’s pool and tiger’s den!”

Ye Fei was shocked, and then realized that the City Lord found that he couldn’t beat him in the trial, and actually wanted to use the right place to frame him!

“That’s all, I will save your life today, and dare to mess with me in the future, I will smash you with the City Lord Mansion!”

Since the trial City Lord chooses I couldn’t get out of it, but I still had to give the warning that should be given. Ye Fei was simply a sword, and moved towards City Lord again.

Boom ka! The howling sword light formed a Heavenspan sword river. The entire City Lord Mansion that was cut was shaken violently. I don’t know how many buildings were turned into ruins under this sword light, but Just when Ye Fei’s sword light was about to enter the Inside the City Lord Mansion department, the entire City Lord Mansion, suddenly the rays of light was released, and it really emerged.

Ye Fei’s attack.

At this time, the City Lord of the Trial had a sullen face, standing above the City Lord Mansion, stunned and staring at Ye Fei in anger, but he did not dare to leave City Lord Mansion for a while. Knowing that once he leaves the City Lord Mansion, Ye Fei will definitely not let go of the opportunity to kill him. So to test the City Lord, you can only choose to forbearance! Silently endured Ye Fei’s destruction of the large buildings of the City Lord Mansion, silently endured the strange glances from the martial artist in the city, but until finally Ye Fei and others left impatiently, tried the City Lord, and did not dare to step out of the City. Lord Mansion one step.

Chapter 1761 Identity Revealed

This scene also immediately caused the martial artists in the city of trials to become uproar, many of which were dumbstruck. They all didn’t expect that Ye Fei and the City Lord’s battle would be the result. The mighty Martial Emperor City Lord was not only crushed and beaten by Ye Fei, but in the end he fled without a fight.

Able to escape into the City Lord Mansion.

“Hiss…this one called Ye Fei is too strong, incredible!”

“It is indeed a rumors of a peerless evildoer, weird, such a god-defying Wicked, how could there be no Ye Fei’s name on the Wind Cloud List?”

“Why not? Could it be that you forgot the title of the Gold List that caused a sensation three years ago, the demon saint, white clothed War God, Pojun, these three names, even the powerhouse of Human Race Xiongguan, were alarmed, and they kept sending people to look for them. Unfortunately, these three never showed up.”

“You said, Ye Fei will Which one of their three people, the demon saint, the white clothed War God, or the broken army?”

The martial artists all over the city are all discussing spiritedly.

Inside the City Lord Mansion, Trial City Lord and Yi patriarch are old, and they are discussing Ye Fei with a gloomy face. “He is impossible to break the army. Breaking the army is only a nomination on the silver list. The talent shown by this child must be a peerless evildoer nominated by the Gold List! He is also impossible to be a white clothed War God. After all, this child has a black hand and said He is a War God, it would be better to say that he is a war demon!” Yi patriarch said with an extremely gloomy analysis

. “That said, he is the demon saint who became famous overnight three years ago! Damn, I knew he was a peerless evildoer, not to mention one Earth Orb, just ten Earth Orbs, this City Lord would not stand with the Tiger Clan. Together!” Tried City Lord both shocked and angry, ashamed and ashamed, never felt so aggrieved, it’s embarrassing.

The dignified Martial Emperor City Lord was beaten by a junior and couldn’t get out and became a coward. Just thinking of this kind of humiliation, the City Lord’s face turned red in the trial, as if he had been slapped fiercely a few times, and then stepped on the ground. Seeing signs of shaking in the trial of the City Lord, Yi Patriarch grumbled in his heart and hurriedly comforted: “City Lord, don’t be impatient, even if this person is a demon saint, but he hasn’t grown up yet. Besides, he killed him. Baihou must have also killed the Tiger God projection in Baihou’s hands. Even if the Tiger God is in the way

has been wrong with him, Heaven Temple will definitely not let Baihou die easily.” /p>

“Yes, behind Baihou, there are not only the tiger clan but also the Heaven Temple! Since this seat cannot deal with this evil, the same is true for Heaven Temple. From now on, this seat will begin to retreat. Outsiders don’t want to see it!”

After the trial of the City Lord, a mouthful of blood was sprayed out, and his eyes were shocked and fearful.

pu! Returning to Zhou Qiang’s residence, Ye Fei couldn’t stand it anymore, and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the ground. This immediately frightened Zhou Qiang, “Young Master, are you okay? I, we are now grasshoppers on a rope. If something happens to you, City Lord can kill me with a single hair!

“Look at you Click the breath… But there is no weak person who can be the trial City Lord. The ordinary Martial Emperor can be killed at will with my battle strength. Facing the trial City Lord, I was seriously injured. !” Ye Fei sighed his head. “Eat!” Seeing Ye Fei’s body covered in blood, Xiaocao had already run out with Dragon Tortoise in tears. Suddenly Xiaocao remembered something, and suddenly moved towards Dragon Tortoise. He drew it from the carapace, and a big mouthful of black pot had already been taken. Xiaocao found it, and in the black pot, there are all the colossal ambergris, which is enough for Ye Fei to jump in and take a bath.

Ambergris has another effect, which is the healing effect. Compared with Thunder Tribulation liquid, it is not inferior at all. Ye Fei eyes immediately lit up, without saying anything, already jumped into it. Scapegoat.


Feeling the amazing energy of Ambergris, Immortal Sword Soul is also unceremonious, and quickly absorbed the Ambergris energy in the black pot thoroughly.

Xiao Cao was still worried, and stretched out his little hand, and took a tortoise shell on the other side of Dragon Tortoise. Another big black tank full of ambergris was pulled out by Xiao Cao.

Dragon Tortoise’s shocked black mouth is white. You know, this black pot and black cylinder are both Dragon Tortoise’s deep secrets. Even Ye Fei doesn’t know it, but Xiaocao can easily To find out.

In this scene, Dragon Tortoise, who was also frightened, quickly retracted his tail, and quickly moved the part of the Spirit Stone he had hidden from the gap in the tortoise shell to the fat on his abdomen.

Just in this way, Dragon Tortoise has become more bloated. Xiaocao just waved the spirit wind with his small hand, and Dragon Tortoise bounced like a ball.

“Oh my god, this turtle…” Zhou Qiang was completely stunned.

Seeing the Dragon Tortoise bounce up, and the large number of Spirit Stones rolling out from the gaps in the tortoise shell, Ye Fei was even more distressed. “I said, how can Spirit Stone consume so fast? After a long time, in addition to black mouth, you have black claws! Xiaocao, drag out and fight!”

“roar roar!”

Dragon Tortoise’s scared face It’s white. Without waiting for the grass to start, Dragon Tortoise has raised a small wooden token of weeping bitter tears, which means that it will definitely change its past and work hard in the future. Ye Fei just forgave Dragon Tortoise because of its good healing effect.

Relying on the amazing effect of Dragon’s mouth, Ye Fei quickly recovered from his injury. Just when he was going to ask Zhou Qiang how to enter the battle spirit space, Zhou Qiang went away excitedly from the outside. Come in, “Young Master Ye, big business is here, we are going to make a fortune.”

“Big business? Zhou Qiang, are you going out to lie again?” Ye Fei was startled. Put away the grass and Dragon Tortoise quickly.

Zhou Qiang explained: “Young Master Ye, don’t you have extra war spirit tokens on your body? You can’t use these tokens alone. Keeping them is a waste. Now there are many martial artists in the city. But everyone is waiting eagerly for you to sell it.” “War Soul Order? This thing can actually be bought and sold…” Ye Fei looked weird, but soon thought that since Baihou could use the extra War Soul Order to take the tiger Other experts of the clan bring them into the battle spirit space, and in the same way, he can also sell these battle spirit orders so that more Human Race experts can enter the battle spirit space and obtain breakthrough Martial. The chance of the Emperor.

“I just don’t know how many Spirit Stones can be sold for a battle spirit order?” Ye Fei pondered, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise also quietly pricked their ears and began to eavesdrop.

“Young Master Ye, I can’t sell Spirit Stone. Thanks, at least I have to start with the spirit vein. The battle spirit order 10 years ago has sold a full 300 spirit veins. Ah!” Zhou Qiang excitedly said.

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