This is also destined. The battle spirit space will not be too peaceful. Every time a battle spirit appears, it may cause a foul wind and bloody rain.

“It seems that there must be the dragon wars, the tiger battles in the battle spirit space!” Ye Fei secretly pondered, and did not refuse the invitation of these people, but joined them to form a temporary Squad, enter the battle spirit space together, so that they can take care of each other.

It was not until Ye Fei crushed the battle spirit order and teleported away. Inside the City Lord Mansion and Trial City Lord did he walk out again with a cold face and ordered the guards in the city: “Come on People, quickly arrest that person called Zhou Qiang, and I will put him to death!”

At the same time.

At the entrance of the battle spirit space, three men with golden tiger stripes all over, waited there with a cold expression, their auras are very powerful, and they are the experts of Martial Emperor Realm.

Originally, Martial Emperor could not enter the battle spirit space, but the three of them are different. Among them, they are not only the royal family in the tiger clan, but also members of the Heaven Temple. Therefore, they can use special means , Secretly enter the battle soul space.

“How about, the kid named Ye Fei, has he come here?”

“Almost coming here, everyone prepare, this person killed Baihou, but he did it to me The tiger鈥檚 greatest provocation, this person is immortal, and my tiger is uneasy!”

“He has come in, do it, and kill directly!”

roar! roar! roar!


Three terrifying tiger howls were emitted from the mouths of the three Martial Emperors of the tiger clan, and then the three of them shot at the same time. The golden palms of the tigers, with the power to smash the heavens and the earth, continuously slap and transmit rays of Where light shines. Ye Fei saw the eye socket cracked, talking and laughing with him a moment ago, looking forward to the breakthrough Martial Emperor鈥檚 four young quasi-emperors. The next moment was already under the sneak attack of the three tiger clan Martial Emperors, their bodies exploded, violent death , They couldn’t believe it until they died, there will be Martial Emperor, sneak attack them here

. In this regard, even Ye Fei didn’t expect. After all, in his opinion, even if the City Lord and the Tiger Clan tried to retaliate against him, it should be done while he was still in the City of Trials, but he didn’t. What I expect is that, behind Baihou, there is the Heaven Temple, and Heaven Temple has special means, so that the Martial Emperor can also enter the battle spirit space,

“Brother Chen, Brother Zhang, Brother Zheng, Brother Liu…”

Ye Fei stared wide-eyed, looking at the four companions who died tragically at that moment. Although everyone has just met, they are undoubtedly Was affected by him.

“Why, you want revenge. It is enough to target me alone, why target other people!” Ye Fei rushed out of the broken space with red eyes, shouting loudly.

The answer to him was the indifferent ridicule of the three Martial Emperors of the tiger race, “A group of Human Race untouchables, they die if they die. Not only are they going to die, but everyone who is disrespectful to the Tiger God and Heaven Temple , All will die!”

“Ye Fei, die!”

“Kill, fight against the wild!”

These three tiger races Martial The Emperor did not start his hands until three months apart, it took time to come from Heaven Temple, and secondly, they needed to investigate the details of Ye Fei. When they learned that Ye Fei might be the demon sage titled by the Gold List, this really shocked them as the Martial Emperor, and then strengthened their determination to kill Ye Fei, as to kill those innocents People are naturally convenient to kill people. Otherwise, if there is the powerhouse of Human Race Xiongguan,

I heard that they killed the peerless evildoers of Human Race without authorization, even the tiger clan is not easy to explain.

“No, with my strength, it’s okay to deal with one Martial Emperor, and to deal with three Martial Emperors at the same time, I will definitely lose in the end! The most important thing for me now is to find a way to capture the battle spirit, breakthrough Martial Emperor! Only through the breakthrough Martial Emperor, I can avenge everyone!”

Ye Fei’s heart was full of anger, but not at all lost his mind, and found that the three tiger Martial Emperors were the ones who shot, and Ye Fei suddenly There is no desire to fight. Instead, he urged the Heavenly Sage Demon Art and created a phantom to rush up, his whole person had already escaped into the void in an instant, and he was about to use the big Void Technique to escape.

“Dead, tiger tooth Star Fragmentation fist!” One of the Martial Emperors suddenly incarnation god tiger, the huge tiger palm clenched into a fist, actually smashing all around the world. Ye Fei was also forced to come out from in the sky, his face was full of horror, and then he woke up again.

“It must be a trial of the City Lord, the old yin dog, he couldn’t beat me by himself, so he deliberately sold all the martial arts I know to these tiger Martial Emperors!” Ye Fei Angrily, in a hurry, he hurriedly punched the Asura divine fist and bumped into the Star Fragmentation fist of the Tiger Martial Emperor.

But the Martial Emperor present was not just one. Seeing Ye Fei being shaken out of the void, there were two more roars, killing Ye Fei from the left and right.

The god of Tianding!

Ye Fei was in danger, and suddenly roared fiercely. The true essence of his body was condensed into a simple and simple war tripod with square and three ears, suppressing the gods and demons. Also resisted the sneak attack of these two Martial Emperors.

The three tiger clan Imperial Capital was shocked, “Tianding Zhenshen! Damn, he is young and has less than a hundred years of cultivation. How could he have mastered so many ancient skills? !”

“Can鈥檛 hesitate anymore, let鈥檚 join hands to kill him instantly! Bloody Spear! Kill! Kill! Kill!” The three Martial Emperors of the tiger clan suddenly connected, forming a wonderful one. Combined Assault Array, shaking the void, the emperor is the world.

Between Heaven and Earth, at this time, a terrifying blood spear that is ten times larger than the trial City Lord appeared. It pierced Ye Fei’s war cauldron at once, and it was lightning-like, facing Ye Fei鈥檚 The body was assassinated.

Ye Fei’s face suddenly flashed pale, and he understood that at this time, with his battle strength, against the three Martial Emperors, it would be mantis trying to stop a chariot, and he would kill himself. Fortunately, he is not without the possibility of escape.

“The Octopus Heavenly Dragon, kill me!” Ye Fei yelled, a critical moment. He didn’t care about hiding it. He immediately mobilized the strongest Octopus Heavenly Dragon, and at the same time controlled the heavenly magic power. In the Nine Heavens of Longzhen, Taiji Sword Dao, as well as the four Primordial Art of Asura Fist, blasted towards the 3 Martial Emperor together.

Chapter 1764 Pretend to be dead

The eight-pole dragon itself is an excellent martial arts. With the four ancient arts of the ancient times, the formidable power is even higher. Unbelievable degree.

The three Martial Emperors of the tiger clan saw eight huge worlds, moved towards them and roared, not only shattered the bloody spears they had joined together, but also moved towards them.

“Oh my god, what kind of ancient heavenly power is this, it can actually block our joint attack!”

“No, this is definitely not the ancient heavenly power, have you seen it, his This martial arts itself contains four Taikoo Tiangong, which may be the supreme cultivation technique!”

“What, supreme, he is a Human Race untouchable, he has what skills and abilities, unexpectedly We have the supreme martial arts that Imperial Capital did not have!”


The three Martial Emperors roared in anger, but in their anger, their eyes looked , And full of deep shock and deep greed. Originally, they just decided to avenge Baihou, by the way, strangling a peerless evildoer of Human Race.

No one didn鈥檛 expect that Ye Fei鈥檚 battle strength would be so amazing. Not only could he control multiple Swire Heavenly Kungfu, but also be able to control multiple Swire Heavenly Kungfu at the same time. This mastery and control are also at two different levels, but As long as the Martial Emperor is willing to spend time, he can master a few primordial arts.

But if you want to master these ancient powers at the same time, then it is extremely difficult. Without the cultivation technique above the earthly statue, it is simply impossible to do it! Ye Fei鈥檚 selfishness does not want to expose the Octopus Heavenly Dragon. That will not only attract the attention of Human Race powerhouse, but more likely, there will be Human Race powerhouse, which will force him to surrender this Heavenly Venerate cultivation under the banner of protecting Human Race. technique, so before there was no breakthrough Martial Emperor, Ye Fei always concealed no exposure.

Until this time facing the sneak attack of the three Martial Emperors of the tiger clan, life and death were a matter of life and death. Ye Fei could not continue to hide. He could only play three consecutive strokes of the Octopus Dragon in one breath, and even more at the same time. Having mastered the four Taikoo Heavenly Arts, this was the fatal blow that could block the three Martial Emperors of the tiger clan.

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