“Unfortunately, using the Octopus Heavenly Dragon, you have to control the four Taikoo Tiangong at the same time, and the real yuan consumed is too terrifying. I just made three moves, and my real yuan has already consumed 90 %!” Ye Fei’s face flashed a touch of astonishment. This is the first time he has managed four Swire Heavenly Kungfu battles.

The horror of the consumption of true essence made Ye Fei secretly startled, knowing that such a method is definitely not something he can support as a quasi emperor, unless he can break through the Martial Emperor, otherwise, he has no way to play the eight poles. The real formidable power of Denon.

Fortunately, the three strokes of the Octopus Heavenly Dragon were enough to withstand the three Martial Emperors of the tiger clan for a period of time. Taking advantage of this time, Ye Fei immediately called out the Dragon Tortoise, “Da Hei, Let’s run!”

After speaking, Ye Fei sat on the dragon turtle’s back, took out a large amount of Spirit Stone, and quickly refining also recovered the true energy he had consumed.

When Ye Fei was facing three real Martial Emperors this time, Dragon Tortoise was so scared that the fat all over his body shivered violently.

In addition to the black wooden token, I once again wrote Ye Fei fiercely’s note. Dragon Tortoise has sold enough strength. Ye Fei hasn’t finished speaking, and Dragon Tortoise has already run away. While fleeing, Dragon Tortoise directly burns the fat all over the body. When the three Martial Emperors of the tiger clan smashed the Tianlong besieging them in rage and planned to hunt and kill Ye Fei, they were shocked to see a big fat black turtle like a black lightning, instantly It disappeared in front of their eyes, the speed, that is, as the Martial Emperor, there is a blushed with shame at this time.

One of the tiger clan Martial Emperors used to rub his eyes without believing in evil, and finally confirmed that he was not mistaken. Ye Fei was indeed sitting on a big black turtle, and he could not run away in the blink of an eye. The shadow is gone.


The second Martial Emperor of the tiger clan, forcibly out of breath.

“Roar, Ye Fei, stop walking, kill, must kill this Human Race, don’t give him a chance to grow up!”

The last Martial Emperor of the tiger race, The angry tiger roared like a mad tiger. In the end, he really became a huge mountain-sized tiger, with a pair of golden-bright and dazzling wings growing on his back, and he ran away to Dragon Tortoise unwillingly. The direction caught up.

The other two also glanced at each other, both seeing the shock and fear in each other’s eyes. You know, Ye Fei is just a Heaven Grade quasi-emperor at this time, and he can control the four Primordial Arts in one breath. The horror of his talent and the majesty of true essence are rare in the world.

“If this child succeeds in the breakthrough Martial Emperor in the battle spirit space, and fully utilizes the formidable power of Taikoo Tiangong, this child must be my tiger scourge, Human Race, and must add a peerless Martial God! “

“Kill, you must kill! We must not make Human Race stronger, let alone make this kid alive to become Martial Emperor! Even if we chase and kill him for ten or a hundred years, we can’t let him go!”


While speaking, the two Martial Emperors of the tiger clan also transformed into huge winged tigers. Not only did their strength increase tremendously, but also their speed at least Doubled, just in the blink of an eye, disappeared into the distant sky, and moved towards Ye Fei to chase down in the direction where he fled.

While feeling the roar of the gods and tigers coming from behind and the coercion of the terrifying matchless Martial Emperor, Dragon Tortoise’s scared black mouth turned white, so he turned his head quickly, and rushed at Ye Fei in panic. Roar.

“Don’t panic in the dark, the sky can’t run, we just run from the underground, aren’t you the best at digging holes, hurry up, I also do a few blindfolds here, hoping to hide the sky and cross the sea.” Ye Fei sighed, although Dragon Tortoise runs faster than the thief, its endurance is not very high. In such a long-lasting chase, Dragon Tortoise must be the first to be exhausted, but fortunately, Ye Fei used the Spirit Stone to recover some true essence. Although these true essences are not enough to support him to release the Octopus Heavenly Dragon again, it is urged. It is still possible to move the heavenly magic power and condense a few Phantom Clone

. While Ye Fei condensed the Phantom Clone and fled for his life, Dragon Tortoise also took Ye Fei and dropped one end to the ground. As soon as the dragon claw was planed, a large pit appeared on the ground. In order to avoid the Martial Emperor being hunted down, he found clues. Dragon Tortoise was digging a hole while swallowing all the mud that was excavated.

Go, Ye Fei and Xiaocao’s eyes lit up, “It’s dark, so you can eat dirt. , Why didn’t you say it earlier?”

Dragon Tortoise, who was still digging a hole, was ashen-faced, and suddenly regretted swallowing all the dirt, but now the regret is useless.

While digging a hole in Dragon Tortoise to eat the soil, Xiaocao has clearly felt three powerful breaths, hiding the sky and covering the earth, covering the surrounding ten thousand meters from a distance. Later, Ye Fei also felt the three terrifying matchless divine sense, not only scanning the sky, but also refusing to let it go underground.

Ye Fei was taken aback and understood that these three tiger race Martial Emperors are also experienced super powerhouses. They just let Dragon Tortoise dig a hole, which may not be able to hide their divine sense.

Detecting the crisis, Dragon Tortoise suddenly couldn’t take care of hiding his own privates. He hurriedly sprayed out the soil he had eaten, forming a torrent of mud, and instantly blocked the digging hole. . Then Dragon Tortoise rolled his eyes and lay on the ground with his legs upside down, completely losing his breath.

Xiao Cao didn’t hesitate when he saw it, and suddenly fell to the ground from Ye Fei’s shoulder, and fell to the ground without any breath. After seeing Ye Fei, Xiao Cao still secretly didn’t react. He stabbed Ye Fei. Ye Fei couldn’t help being tangled, but after feeling that the divine sense of the Martial Emperor of the tiger race was getting closer, Ye Fei was still heartbroken, his face turned blue, his tongue spit out, and he fell straight to the ground. The death state is more than Dragon Tortoise. He Xiaocao is more than ten times more miserable.

Chapter 1765 Shots

The speed of the three Martial Emperors of the tiger clan is very fast. Almost when Dragon Tortoise blocked the cave, the three extremely powerful divine senses have already hiding the sky and covering the earth moved towards all around.

Thanks to the phantom created by the Heavenly Sage Magic Technique, the divine senses of the two Martial Emperors of the tiger race rushed to those phantoms that flee from all directions, trying to distinguish whether there is Ye Fei’s true body.

But the last Martial Emperor of the tiger clan was very cunning. He not only searched the sky, but also dived the divine sense directly into the ground, searching almost every inch of land and every inch of Ye Fei for anything hidden. Clues.

Under such circumstances, simply pretending to be dead is definitely not enough to hide from Martial Emperor powerhouse, but Ye Fei believes even more. Since Dragon Tortoise dared to pretend to die like this, there must be a way he doesn’t know. , Can hide from the sky.

This is indeed the case. Just when the Martial Emperor’s divine sense was about to explore this area, the Dragon Tortoise fell on the ground and played dead. On the tortoise shell, a bright layer suddenly bloomed The demon light, and then this demon light, enveloped the entire underground cave.

Ye Fei was suddenly surprised to find that he actually lost his sense of Martial Emperor divine sense, “Monster Qi can actually be used like this? It can not only isolate the breath, but also isolate the divine sense.”


Morning that the White Dragon turtle has a good way of pretending to be dead, Ye Fei also relaxed, just with Xiaocao, trying to hide his breath.

Soon, the divine sense of the Martial Emperor of the tiger race also probed the ground where Ye Fei was located, but due to the isolation of the Dragon Tortoise demon light, Ye Fei and Xiaocao tried their best to restrain aura.

If you don’t use naked eye, but just use divine sense to sense it, it’s very easy, causing the Tiger Martial Emperor to make a wrong judgment, thinking that blocking his divine sense might be something like a stone , Without feeling a trace of Life Aura.

“How about it, the third child, did you find which way that kid escaped from?” At this time, the other two Martial Emperors of the tiger clan, also never far away, killed Ye Fei and released it. The phantoms landed on the ground at the same time. Because of their huge size, the entire ground was sinking a lot. But the hole that Dragon Tortoise dug was very clever. It happened to be at the edge of where the 3 Martial Emperor stood. Even if the ground sank, the tiger Martial Emperor who was responsible for searching the ground did not find any abnormalities. In the end, he could only take back the divine unwillingly. Sense said: “I didn’t find it here either. Either the kid hidden

Hidden very good, or the big black tortoise can run too much!” “hmph, run, he can run Where to go, the battle spirit space is so big, the most important of which is the battle spirit city. I think no matter where this kid must flee, we should all go to the battle spirit city. If he wants to capture the battle spirit, I can only go there.” The tiger clan boss said in a deep voice.

His words were approved by the second child.

The third child is a bit cunning, “big brother, I agree with your analysis, but we also have to guard against it. Ye Fei is afraid of our pursuit and may go the other way and take the opportunity to escape from the war. Soul space!”

“Yes, it is possible. I think so, let’s go back to the entrance just now, first completely destroy the Teleportation Formation Platform there, and then rush to War Soul City , Find that kid to settle the account!” The tiger clan’s second child opened the mouth and said gloomily.

The tiger clan’s third child immediately shook his head and said: “No, I’m going to you. I was accidentally injured just now by that kid’s Tianlong. Now I need to heal.”

” The third child, this is no good. The kid called Ye Fei calls himself a demon. He must be the kind of black-hearted and cunning little demon! What if he sneaks an attack while you are alone?” Tiger Clan The boss worried. Hearing this, the tiger clan’s third child couldn’t help laughing, “hahaha, big brother, second brother, you too overestimate that Human Race pariah. He is now a scared witless bird, scared witless. , Where is the courage to come back and trouble us! Besides, I am not unprepared. After you leave, I will arrange a Killing Formation on the ground, even if the kid is cunning like a fox , If he dares to come in, I can trap him too!”

Speaking, the tiger clan’s third child was confident and set up a large-scale Killing Formation on the ground to ensure a mosquito Flying in, there will be no scum left to be strangled.

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