Seeing the preparations of the third child, the boss and the second child of the tiger clan set off, moved towards the entrance of the battle soul space, planning to destroy the Teleportation Formation Platform there, and also cut off Ye The possibility of Fei’s escape from the battle spirit space.

The youngest of the tiger clan who was left behind, directly activated Killing Formation, covering the surrounding area of ​​several tens of thousands of li. This is where he found a safe place, sat down cross-legged, and started to recover from his injuries. .

Ye Fei was also very depressed to find that the ground on which this tiger race Martial Emperor was sitting crosswise happened to be above the cave where Dragon Tortoise dug out. At this time, if he continues to pretend to be dead, he only needs to support this tiger race Martial. After the Emperor had finished healing, he took the initiative to leave, and he was safe. “But if this person is allowed to heal his wounds, and then merge with the other two Martial Emperors to fight one by three, unless I break through the Martial Emperor, I will simply not be the opponent of the Tiger Clan! If I can take advantage of this Tiger Clan Martial Emperor’s injury, Kill one secretly and hit one by two. Even if they can’t beat them, they don’t think about chasing me so easily!”

Weighing it over and over again, Ye Fei feels that the risk is worth it. He’s going to risk it! If he doesn’t take advantage of the opportunity of the Tiger Martial Emperor to take the first shot, he will have to be chased by the Tiger Martial Emperor, and there will be no way to go to the earth.

“Da Hei, you go up first to attract the other party’s attention and give me a chance to make a shot!” Waited about 30 minutes.

It is estimated that the other two Martial Emperors have completely left, and Ye Fei ordered Dragon Tortoise, who is still pretending to be dead, to crawl out quickly.

After hearing Ye Fei’s order, Dragon Tortoise finally found the best reason not to be slaughtered for the stew during the Chinese New Year, so he worked very hard and immediately lifted the dragon claw and followed the ground. Dig upward.

“What’s the matter, why is this ground sinking fast?” On the ground, the Tiger Martial Emperor is taking out a large number of Spirit Stones, refining and healing his wounds, but his body is actually fast. Sink to the ground.

This kind of weird change made the Tiger Clan’s third child a big shock. His fighting instinct made him jump into the air instantly. Another tiger claw grabbed all the dirt on the ground and exposed it. The back of a big black turtle digging holes underneath.

“How is it possible, I just checked with divine sense, there is no life here, why did such a fat turtle emerge from the ground? No, it, it is…”


The earth is surging, sword light is soaring!

Just when the tiger clan’s third child recognized the identity of Dragon Tortoise, Ye Fei had already carried the Promise Sword under Dragon Tortoise, slammed out of the ground, and slashed to the sky.

“It’s you, damn it, you are hiding in the ground, and you have concealed my divine sense, I will kill you! roar!” The Tiger Martial Emperor roared in rage, but did not He attacked Ye Fei, but wanted to tear the sky apart and fled to the distance. Obviously he knew it well, but he was alone. It’s definitely not a peerless opponent like Ye Fei.

Chapter 1766 Battle Soul City

The tiger clan’s third child is indeed the most cunning one. He said he wanted to kill Ye Fei. In fact, he escaped faster than anyone else. , Secretly, he also took out the sound transmission mirror, trying to contact the tiger clan boss and cock, hoping that they can come to support

“Da Hei, do it! Start Killing Formation!” Ye Fei looked cold, he Since he decided to do it, of course he would not give the tiger clan youngest any chance to escape.

Just as he killed off and disrupted the opponent’s position, Dragon Tortoise rushed to the formation eye where the Tiger Clan’s third child arranged Killing Formation, lifted the dragon claw directly, and pressed it towards the formation eye. .

“Don’t…” The tiger clan’s face changed drastically. Then I remembered that in order to prevent Ye Fei sneak attack, he insidiously arranged a Killing Formation around in advance. Normally, if Ye Fei Sneak attack him from the outside, this Killing Formation will definitely start immediately, making Ye Fei immortal and peeling.

But what made the tiger clan’s third child suffocate and vomit blood, Ye Fei did not come in from the outside, but from the ground inside the Killing Formation.

In this way, the Killing Formation he arranged, not only could not trap Ye Fei, but his move to the sky, but completely fell into the attack range of Killing Formation.

hong long long!

As Dragon Tortoise activates the Killing Formation, numerous blade light and sword shadows suddenly appear in the sky, as well as countless souls, screaming and biting wildly at the tiger clan’s third child In the past, these grievances did not matter who established this Killing Formation.

After all, the principle of Formation is that whoever activates the formation eye will control the Formation. Since Dragon Tortoise started the formation eye at this time, this Killing Formation is naturally controlled by Dragon Tortoise. “I hate this seat… Hell, black tortoise, you must not die!” In the sky, there was a roar of anger and suffocation from the third member of the tiger clan. But he still didn’t look back, and there was no pause. Instead, relying on his understanding of Killing Formation, he kept avoiding the blade light and sword shadows and the evil spirits that pounced on, actually

is rather willing If you are injured by Killing Formation, you must escape the attack range of Killing Formation as soon as possible.

I have to say that this tiger clan’s third child is indeed a human being, and none of them can break through the Martial Emperor.

“It’s just a pity that you met me and you ambush me. I don’t blame you, but you shouldn’t kill those innocent people!” Thinking of those four companions who died because of him, Ye Fei Suddenly, a terrifying matchless murderous intention erupted from his body. Then, carrying the Promise Sword, he suddenly rushed into the Killing Formation, the strong sword light, carrying the weight of the Promise Sword, like a bright star. , Rushing to the tiger continuously

The youngest member of the clan slams over.

“Roar, Ye Devil, I’m fighting with you!”

I found that Ye Fei was so crazy that he rushed into the Killing Formation and wanted to hunt him down, the third of the tiger clan He also became completely crazy. He changed his body and directly revealed the huge form of the god tiger, collapsed the Killing Formation’s attack, and violently grabbed Ye Fei’s Promise Sword.

In the eyes of the third member of the tiger clan, Ye Fei relies on the Divine Item in his hand. As long as Ye Fei’s Divine Item is taken away, Ye Fei will have nothing to terrifying.

It’s just that Tiger Clan’s third plan is very good, but it ignores one point, that is, the amazing weight of the Promise Sword. After all, this Promise Sword, but the Promise Sword God of the year, destroyed several Refining from the stars is an opportunity for his breakthrough Martial God.

Later, this Promise Sword was re-refined by Hono. The formidable power became even more terrifying. When Ye Fei swung the Promise Sword with all his strength, the rays of light bloomed, really Like a bright star, shattering the world and smashing the void.

Even if the tiger body of the Martial Emperor of the tiger clan is strong, it is impossible to reach the level of Divine Item. When Ye Fei’s sword fell down, only the sound of ka-cha bone breaking was heard. The entire tiger palm of the tiger clan’s third child was smashed by the Promise Sword, and a deep blood hole appeared. The severe pain caused him to fall into a violent violent on the spot. It turned out to be ignoring the severe injury of the tiger palm and forbearing the severe pain. A tiger tail, like a pair of scissors, fiercely swept across Ye Fei’s body, actually planning to fight

injury, but also cut Ye Fei into two pieces.

“Tianding Town God!” Ye Fei yelled, and didn’t even look at the tiger’s tail swept over by the tiger clan’s third child. When he swung his sword wildly, all his true essence was already Suddenly erupted, forming a peculiar Zhenyuan war cauldron, protecting him, and at the same time Ye Fei swung the Promise Sword again, another sword on the spot, smashing the huge

God Tiger into a bloody pit hole. “Roar, I am dead, and I have to be perish together with you!” The pain made the tiger clan third party even more violent. He completely turned into a crazy tiger. At this time, he burned his Martial Emperor essence blood. The terrifying tiger’s tail immediately bloomed with a dazzling blood light, like a steel whip of blood, with a bang, which has smashed the war cauldron protected by Ye Fei. But just as the tiger clan’s third child was planning to get angry, desperately wounding, and to kill Ye Fei, Ye Fei roared again, and his body was also ignited with blood flames and a layer of scarlet bloodline armor. , Once again protected him, even though the tiger tail of the tiger clan’s third child quickly smashed this

layer god armor.

But Ye Fei roared again, and his whole body was bursting out with dazzling golden light, the golden body of the war demon, and it was launched again. Suddenly, every cell, every piece of his flesh and blood, like a star So dazzling, the terrifying golden magic light, hiding the sky and covering the earth, the power of the war demon, shaking the world.

Finally, accompanied by a terrifying roar, Ye Fei’s Promise Sword, at this time, completely smashed the tiger clan’s youngest fleshy body defense, and then it was a star Divine Sword. The strength of the match, instantly, penetrated the head of the god tiger!

“You… actually have that many defenses…” The tiger clan’s eldest third widened his eyes in anger. Originally, with his strength, even if he died, he could hold Ye Fei perish together. But the tiger clan’s third child felt extremely aggrieved and extremely annoyed that Ye Fei’s defense was too exaggerated.

It doesn’t count if there is a war cauldron, but there is actually a bloodline god armor, which’s all, Ye Fei finally has a war demon golden body!

This layer of defense is like a tortoise shell that can never be pierced. Therefore, the third member of the tiger clan can only hold hate and watch his body penetrated and then be all around boundless. Killing Formation, torn to shatter.

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