He soars to the sky frowned. Although he doesn’t like it, he is patient and prepares to introduce Ye Fei. At this time, Ye Fei extended the hand and stopped Hechong Heavenly Dao: “Brother Crane, no, I have a habit of me, that is, I don鈥檛 like to remember the names of people who are dead. Since you all want to die, this Ye If it doesn鈥檛 do you well, wouldn鈥檛 it be the face of my Human Race! Everyone, please die, the others are not relevant

do it, it鈥檚 better not to move! Octopus Tianlong!”

Ye Fei smiles Simple and polite, but the start is thunderous for nine days, shaking the sky and the earth.

Simply did not give these foreign powerhouses a chance to take action. The howling Octopus Tianlong has formed eight different worlds, suppressing time and space and destroying Exterminating Heaven and Earth.

Followingly, there was another magic power of Heavenly Sage, Nine Heavens of Dragon Town, God of Tianding Town, and God of Asura. Ye Fei drove them up at the same time and attacked the four foreign youth powerhouses who stood up. He Chongtian and the other young Heaven’s Chosen who sat down again, are complexion greatly changed. Some people are even more suddenly ready to fight back, but before they really make a move, many people are shocked to discover that in the Baji Tianlong Under the suppression of Space-Time Force, they don’t even stand up. Just moving

, there is a great horror all around, making them panicked.

Only the crane soared to the sky to react, he roared, and the silver rays of light burst out from his body, barely getting rid of the influence of Ye Fei Octopus Heavenly Dragon, and then, He soared to see an incredible scene .

The entire cloud group, except for the young powerhouse who was sitting still, everyone who stood up, except him, had their bodies broken, and their bodies fell stiff to the ground.

It was the bear youth who died first. Because of his rude words, Ye Fei directly blasted the bear youth into a pile of mud and piled it on the cloud.

Then there was another explosion, and the young man with horns suddenly turned into a multicolored Divine Ox, covered in blood, and fell to the ground.


Suddenly it was another huge tiger head, gu lu lu, which rolled down from in midair until it reached Ye Fei鈥檚 feet, and was again by Ye Fei Kicked out, just kicked into an empty arms. But without waiting for nothing, came back to his senses from the horror, another exclaimed.

But it was another pure white beauty head, which suddenly rolled in the middle of the clouds. After a few laps, it suddenly became a fluffy fox head, stained with blood everywhere.

“Hiss…this Ye Fei, such a cruel hand, even the pure fox Fairy, kill it!”

“The demon, this is the demon! “

“Oh my God, when did Human Race come out such a fierce person, it’s no wonder that the Tiger Clan sent a Martial Emperor to chase him down!”

The sound of the air-conditioning was as strong as a crane soaring into the sky. At this time, there was also a feeling of cold hands and feet. He received a request from the Martial Emperor of the tiger clan, and then brought a large group of foreign powerhouses to wait here to block Ye Fei.

But Crane Chongtian within the body, there is half of the Human Race bloodline flowing through it. Therefore, Crane Chongtian didn’t want to do anything wrong. He only promised to block Ye Fei, but he would not attack Ye Fei.

The banquet just now was to test Ye Fei鈥檚 courage, and also hope that through his introduction, Ye Fei can be calmed and Ye Fei can鈥檛 act blindly without thinking and can only wait for two obediently. The Martial Emperor of the tiger race came. As for when the time comes Ye Fei is life or death, it doesn’t matter whether the crane soars into the sky.

The only thing He Chongtian didn’t expect was that Ye Fei’s methods would be so decisive, so very ruthless, more than 20 foreign powerhouses, not only failed to calm Ye Fei, but Ye Fei. With one shot, four foreign powerhouses were killed instantly.

This method not only made He Gaotian feel frightened, but also the martial artist of the entire Battle Soul City, his heart was shocked, and then the eyes looking towards Ye Fei became awed and terrified. Only Ye Fei, his face was as plain as ever. This time, he took the initiative to pick up the wine jar and toasted to the sky: “Brother Crane, don鈥檛 let these clay chickens and pottery dogs affect you and me. Mood, this Ye, I鈥檓 not talented, toast you! I hope Brother Crane will tell the two Martial Emperors of the tiger clan that if you want to deal with me, they will do it yourself. Don鈥檛 look for some wine skin and rice bags, which will affect my drinking mood!”

Chapter 1770 Entering the Canyon

I didn’t care about the shocking, terrifying and complex expression of other foreign powerhouses, and offered a cup to the sky, thanking this person for his hospitality, Ye Fei turned and left.

This time, no foreign powerhouse dared to stop it. Even the emptiness who couldn鈥檛 afford to look at Human Race before, couldn鈥檛 help beating when he saw the bloody tiger head in his hand. A chill.

As for why not, Ye Fei is purely looking at the face of He Chongtian entertaining him.

“Who said that Human Race is weak! Among our Human Race, there are still powerful Martial Gods fighting bloody battles, as well as these young evildoers showing off talent!”

” I just don鈥檛 know who this person is, so many foreign experts and the Martial Emperor of the tiger race have all come to chase him!”

“Yes, this Young Master is more powerful, chase him down! His, but the real Martial Emperor, I hope he can escape his life under the chasing of the tiger clan.”

Ye Fei’s move to kill the yellow tiger and the others is a great pleasure. However, Ye Fei’s move was too cruel to offend the foreigners, and many people could not help but secretly worry about Ye Fei. After all, this is not the land, but the Human Race battlefield where powerhouses gather.

Here, no matter how talented martial artist does not become a Martial Emperor, he is just a stronger ant after all. If you want to become a Martial Emperor, even in the battle spirit space, it is extremely difficult. In the end, those Martial Emperor battle souls would not willingly be caught by others.

When Ye Fei stepped into the Battle Soul Canyon, there were no less than dozens of terrifying silhouettes in the entire gorge within the valley. With roars and howlings, they madly killed Ye Fei.

These silhouettes include men and women, Human Race powerhouse, and foreign powerhouse. They all entered the canyon but were killed by the spirit of war and became martial artists of the evil spirits and bone demons.

Furthermore, the accumulation of grievances over the years has also given birth to spiritual wisdom and cultivation to these evil spirits and bone demons, and many retain the Martial Cultivation Art from before their lives.

For example, the rotten soul who rushed to the front, displayed a mysterious and unpredictable posture, constantly blinking and approaching Ye Fei.


There was another spooky roar. The soil behind Ye Fei suddenly burst, and from inside, a rotten god tiger bone frame jumped out and opened. Ye Fei was about to bite to death with his bones.

Ye Fei’s face couldn’t help but change color, “This Battle Soul Canyon is not an ordinary danger. Even the tiger clan has an expert and died here, but this thing can’t stop it. My footsteps! Tai Chi Four Phase Sword, White Tiger, Azure Dragon, Vermilion Bird, Black Tortoise!”

Even the Baji Tianlong is lazy, Ye Fei directly displays Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, Black Tortoise Four Big Divine Sword. , Formed the light of the Divine Sword like four long rainbow threads, cut to all directions, and quickly killed the evil spirits, bone demons that rushed up.

But the strange thing is that these evil spirits and bone demons were not at all killed, but all turned into streamers and entered a strange world. In that life within the realm, Ye Fei also saw countless The broken bone demon, the unjust soul, sleeps inside, repairing itself.

“so that’s how it is, these bone demons and souls in the Battle Soul Canyon are unkillable. As for why this is the case, it should be the powerhouse of Human Race Xiongguan, a test left deliberately!”

In the end, the number of Martial God battle souls is limited, and there are thousands of martial artists who want to break through the Martial Emperor, but there are thousands of them absolutely. Even if all the battle souls in the battle soul space are captured, they cannot satisfy everyone. Demand.

Rather than let everyone rob or even kill each other, it is better to leave these evil spirits and bone demons as a test. After all, if even these weak spirits and bone demons cannot resist, then even more don鈥檛 I want to capture the battle spirit formed after the death of Martial Emperor.

“Unfortunately, although the number of these evil spirits and bone demons is large enough, the basic strength is still too weak with my current battle strength.”

Finally, Ye Fei even more He didn’t even use the domain, and leaned directly on the weight of the Promise Sword, smashing it all the way, basically bumping into his unjust soul and bone demon, either being crushed to death or smashed.

“Strange, I have walked so far, how come all the souls and bone demons I meet, are the souls of war, are they too scarce or hidden too deep?” Ye Fei walked away The more puzzled.

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