He also discovered a very strange point, that is, the War Soul Gorge within the valley, which is actually the barren, and the ground is scorched. In such a place, there will be war souls. Does it exist? Ye Fei couldn’t help but began to doubt, and at the same time there was a little anxiousness, “Although the cranes soared up to the sky for some reason, they were not an enemy of me, but the Martial Emperor of the tiger clan also mastered my whereabouts. With their strength, Surely I can easily enter the Battle Spirit Canyon, when the time comes one against two, if I

don’t have a breakthrough Martial Emperor and simply have no chance of winning, if the tiger clan summons other foreign powerhouses to besiege me, then I have even more mortal danger ……”

Ye Fei was thinking while walking. Gradually, he had taken lightly the evil spirits, bone demons, and some numb and some numbs that appeared around him from time to time.

At this moment, a grieving soul rushed to him nearby, with a hollow look in his eyes, quietly flashing a deep hidden cold light, and then, this grieving soul followed the other ordinary souls, howling, Furiously culled to Ye Fei. Ye Fei also smashed it out with a subconsciously sword, trying to smash all the grievances into fly ashes. Suddenly, Ye Fei felt something was wrong. Just now, as long as the Promise Sword smashed past, the power of the space explosion alone could split up and in pieces of these wronged souls, but this time, one of the wronged souls was not shaken.

Instead, he took the opportunity to speak quickly.

At this time, it opened a big mouth like a black hole, and even with one bite, it bit the Promise Sword. With a fierce force, Ye Fei couldn’t hold it. The feeling of the Promise Sword, the arm numb, the Promise Sword was snatched by the wronged soul.

crack crack!

On the ground, there was a sour sound of chewing, but the Promise Sword was too hard and too heavy. This evil spirit could not bite the Promise Sword and eat it, instead The whole body, biting the Promise Sword, fell into the sky with a thud, and smashed the earth, continuously roaring.

Ye Fei was surprised to discover that the hardness of the battle spirit canyon land is hundreds of times stronger than the outside, even with the weight of the Promise Sword, it is difficult to cause damage to such a ground.

After that, Ye Fei looked towards the stunned soul who still bit the Wuji Sword, “No, this is not the wrong soul, an ordinary Wuji soul, without the strength to snatch the Wuji sword from me, I I see, you are the soul of war!”


It was discovered that the identity was discovered. The illusory shadow biting the Promise Sword suddenly changed from the ordinary soul. It became a more terrifying huge black snake, that black snake, two wings, three legs, and a dragon horn-like flesh crown on its head. There are mysterious and incomparable words on the forehead.

Where is the wrong soul? It is clearly the image of the first Heavenly God demon condensed by Martial God Divine Soul, but because the Martial God body is dead, these condensed first Heavenly God only, Become a Martial God battle soul! Among them is a trace of Law that Martial God had realized before his death!

Chapter 1771 The battle spirit is ferocious

It is not just a battle spirit that appeared in front of Ye Fei’s eyes. With the roar of the battle spirit, the whole earth suddenly became cloudy and windy. , And the three heads are condensed into the battle soul of Heavenly God, with a large group of evil spirits, and bone demons, like a well-trained army, madly rushing to Ye Fei


The war spirit who bit the Promise Sword, dragged the Promise Sword with difficulty at this time, and moved away from him quickly, not giving him a chance to recapture the Promise Sword. Ye Fei couldn’t help being even more surprised. “It’s no wonder that many martial artists in Battle Soul City, including Crane Tower, are reluctant to enter the Battle Soul Canyon easily. It turns out that these battle souls not only have spiritual wisdom, but also know how to form groups. , There are more souls and less bullies! Unfortunately, this little method does not do much to me

Use! Octopus Heavenly Dragon!” Did not give that war soul the opportunity to drag away the Promise Sword, Ye Fei Directly using the strongest martial arts, eight dragons, driving the four Primordial Heavenly Kungfu, destroying the enmity souls and bone demons that surrounded him, at the same time he has already strode the stars, and the black snake fighting spirit instantly appeared in front of him. Grab the Promise Sword



The battle spirit of the black snake fell into a rage, its already huge body, at this time it has become the size of a mountain, with a black hole-like mouth open, and it turned to Ye Fei Swallowed over.

roar! roar! roar!

Three more roars, from different directions, rushed towards Ye Fei and attacked Ye Fei’s left. It is a battle spirit with the head and the tail of a bull, it breathes out the fire of the void, and it wants to burn Ye Fei instantly. Ye Fei just wanted to avoid it, and suddenly felt stiff all over his body. It was another Heavenly God with a snake-like face. The mysterious rays of light had frozen the world and made foreign objects petrified. Under the irradiation of the mysterious pupil light, half of Ye Fei’s body is actually normal, sinking into a petrified state

. The last worm body thousand-legged war soul, instantly seized this opportunity, roar towards the sky, and the huge worm body suddenly rotated. The thousand long legs on its body flashed with divine glow and became as sharp as jagged, hurricane Rotating like that, to crush Ye Fei’s petrified body


“Kill, the Octopus Dragon!”

Ye Fei Shihua’s face flashed with shock, and then shock turned into anger, a flame of despair, from his within The body burst out fiercely, split up and in pieces all split up and in pieces with a layer of stone covering him, and at the same time, Ye Fei once again displayed the powerful Octopus Heavenly Dragon.

But what shocked him was that the Octopus Dragon, which Lianwu Imperial Capital could seriously injured, didn’t cause them serious injuries except for knocking these four fighting spirits upside down.

The huge body just swayed back for a certain distance. The four war souls had already issued more angry and ferocious roars, and continued to rush towards Ye Fei like a Heavenly God demon.

“These battle spirits are so difficult to fight! No wonder many people have been in the battle spirit space for several decades, hundreds of years, it is difficult to catch a battle spirit! But this is not difficult for me! Xiaocao , Come out to work!” I found that martial arts didn’t have much effect on these battle spirits.

Ye Fei’s heart moved, and soon thought of the Divine Beating Whip, who specializes in Divine Soul in the hands of Xiaocao! Strictly speaking, Martial God battle soul is the result of Martial God’s Divine Soul mutation after death. Since they are all souls, the Divine Beating Whip of the grass should also be possible. It is the right thing to strike these fighting souls. When he heard Ye Fei’s words, Xiaocao immediately took the vine whip and ran out riding Dragon Tortoise, urging Dragon Tortoise to come forward. It’s just that Dragon Tortoise was too fat to eat. Just when it landed on the ground, the fat on the belly has already made the limbs supported by Dragon Tortoise out of reach, let alone running.

“This broken tortoise, if you eat less, you will die!” At the critical moment, the chain dropped, and Ye Fei had the heart to kill the Dragon Tortoise for the stew.

Dragon Tortoise was also taken aback when he felt Ye Fei’s unkind look. You know, it’s almost Chinese New Year recently. If you don’t work hard, you’ll be fattened, but it’s easy to be slaughtered, Dragon. Tortoise doesn’t want to be unfathomable mystery and be put on the table.

Discovering that his limbs can’t reach the ground, Dragon Tortoise simply slammed his heart, took a violent breath, and then used the fat on his belly to touch it. The whole Dragon Tortoise was just like a ball, shooting high. Get up and play on the left and right.

The Ye Fei and Xiaocao who were playing were dumbfounded, and the four fighting spirits who were also playing were dizzying and dazzled, and simply couldn’t grasp the specific position of Dragon Tortoise’s bounce. Ye Fei estimates that even Dragon Tortoise himself doesn’t know where he will bounce next time. There is no way. The fat on the belly of Dragon Tortoise is too thick. But one thing is not bad, that is, no matter how high or fast the Dragon Tortoise bounces, it always maintains the balance of the back, and will not

let the grass fall down, or sway with it.

“This broken tortoise still has a dim look!” Ye Fei looked at him speechlessly.

Seeing a scornful black turtle, dare to jump around in front of him. The four-headed fighting spirit was completely irritated. This anger made them abandon them at the same time. After Ye Fei, roaring, he rushed towards Dragon Tortoise.

“Grass, use Divine Beating Whip!” Ye Fei was taken aback and reminded him quickly.

“Eh!” Seeing four strange things coming to hurt Dragon Tortoise, Xiaocao’s eyes widened, indicating that Xiaocao is also very angry now, and once Xiaocao is angry, the consequences are quite serious. .

Not waiting for the four war souls to rush over, Xiaocao has waved his small hand, dozens of rattan whips, already carrying a layer of colorful spiritual wind, pa pa pa moved towards the four heads The battle spirit fought over.

The four war souls are very disdainful. As the war souls formed after Martial God’s death, they can more or less retain some of Martial God’s Comprehend Laws fragments.

Relying on this kind of Law Fragment, the war spirits can greatly weaken the martial arts damage to them. At this time, for the vine whip that the grass wields, the black snake war spirit is even more impressive. Don’t look at it, just opening a big mouth like a black hole, actually wanting to swallow the grass and Dragon Tortoise in one bite.


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