At this time, Xiaocao’s vine whip was also successfully drawn on the body of this black snake war soul, and the huge body of the black snake war soul was trembling unconsciously. For a moment. Before the black snake understood what was going on.

pa pa pa!

Seeing a vine whipping motionless, Xiaocao became angry, and simply continued four or five whips. The black snake’s huge body trembled violently.

roar! The Black Snake Battle Spirit finally couldn’t bear the damage of Divine Beating Whip, and roared in anger, but as the roaring, the Black Snake Battle Spirit found out in horror that its huge mountain body was actually The vine whip of the grass shattered rapidly, and it quickly changed from a mountain to a hill, and from a hill to a large snake several meters high.

Finally, this black snake war spirit can’t even maintain the image of a big snake. She screamed on the spot, trembling all over her body, she had turned into an earthworm-like black illusory shadow, and she convulsed in pain when she fell on the ground. This scene also shocked the other fighting spirits who were about to rush up, and then the gaze looking towards Xiaocao had already unconsciously changed from disdain to deep fear.

Chapter 1772 Law Fragment

Dragon Tortoise, while jumping, watched with sympathy that the war spirit changed from a black snake to a dead snake, and could not help but start thinking about sweetness again In retrospect, it was almost suspected that it was beaten by Xiaocao. It’s really hard to look back, but looking at the powerful soul of war and the soul of doubt that was also beaten by the grass, Dragon Tortoise feels inexplicably happy. So in order to make Xiaocao play a little more smoothly and watch it more enjoyable, Dragon Tortoise jumped harder, and jumped directly from the war soul beaten into a dead snake, fiercely moved towards the most recent The bull’s first battle spirit ran into it, a domineering side, letting me take the other

posture. Ye Fei also seemed to have an illusion, “Weird, it’s Xiaocao that fights the battle spirit. What excitement is this big black? No, these battle spirits are all chances of the breakthrough Martial Emperor. Since we met, then Don’t let them run away easily. Xiaocao, keep hitting, hit hard, turn back to Spirit Stone and eat it!”


The impact of the Spirit Stone was undoubtedly the temptation that Xiaocao could not resist, so Xiaocao became harder. After a rattan whip tied the black snake war spirit, Xiaocao immediately pounced on the other cow head war spirit. Also immediately scared the bull face of the first battle spirit of the bull pale.

The other two battle spirits shivered unconsciously. In the end, even though they are war souls, they are only formed by the mutation of Martial God Divine Soul after death.

In this state, they can greatly ignore the martial arts and domains of martial artists, but facing the Divine Beating Whip who specializes in Divine Soul, let alone the soul of war, it is the Divine Soul of Martial God. , There is no corresponding defensive means, it is only standing and being beaten.

roar! Xiaocao’s vine whip just lashed at the first battle soul of the cow. The first battle soul of the cow had already screamed with extreme pain, and the void flames that had been exhaled had turned into small flames. , And then, before the flame burns, the grass is drawn by a vine whip again. This cow’s first battle spirit is worse than a black snake, but

Two whips passed, he was already convulsed, his mouth and nose spurted a large amount of fire star fell to the ground and softened into a puddle of mud.

This also completely destroyed the other two hesitant war souls and the scared war souls, and immediately before the grass rushed to hit them, these two war souls turned and ran away, Especially that Thousand-legged Battle Soul, ran faster than lightning.

It’s just that these two battle spirits are fast, Ye Fei’s shot is faster. Seeing that in front of Xiaocao’s vine whip, the battle spirit has no power to fight back. With complete peace of mind, Ye Fei also took it. With all his strength, he quickly rushed to the fleeing fighting spirits, and the two sides fought in an instant.


Taking advantage of Ye Fei’s effort to entangle these two war souls, Xiaocao quickly jumped on the Dragon Tortoise, and his little hand waved again, whistling Two real Divine Beating Whip illusory shadows have been formed by the vine whips, with the whistling of the spirit wind, and several whips on the two battle spirits.

Then, it was the miserable and terrifying screams of the two fighting spirits, which crashed to the ground, turning into a group of illusory shadows of different colors. When they fell on the ground, they were tied up with a vine whip by the grass. Up.

Ye Fei also seized this opportunity and immediately urged Zhen Yuan to enter the four battle spirits within the body, and immediately began to refining.

When the refining is complete, what appears in front of Ye Fei’s eyes is not the war spirits that preceded the Heavenly God demon image, but four strange crystals of different colors.

Ye Fei knows that these four crystals should be the Law Fragment left by Martial God after his death. As long as he absorbs one of the Law Fragment, he will be able to obtain the opportunity of the breakthrough Martial Emperor.

And seeing that Ye Fei actually turned the battle soul into brilliant crystals, Xiaocao’s eyes suddenly lit up, and suddenly he was about to pass a Law Fragment, Xiaocao hesitated again, biting his fingers. , “Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Xiaocao is nodded, indicating that there is definitely nothing wrong with my feelings. These shining stones and grass should also be edible. After the gesture, the grass elated holding the Law Fragment and biting hard. After a mouthful, Xiaocao’s face suddenly became ugly.

Slap, and then spit out the Law Fragment I had bitten, and told Ye Fei very aggrieved that these stones did not have Spiritual Qi, but a strange power that was unpalatable and powerful.

Ye Fei speculates that what Xiaocao feels unpalatable should be the divine force, which is a power that only Martial God can possess, and is more advanced than true essence. Only Dragon Tortoise was still unwilling to give up. Hearing the grass said it was unpalatable, a black mouth immediately stretched out with great precision, biting the Law Fragment and swallowing it, but just after eating half of it, Dragon Tortoise was completely It was pitch black and turned into a green color, so I hurriedly spit out this piece of Law Fragment


Ye Fei’s face suddenly twitched fiercely, but his heart quietly relaxed. After all, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise eat Spirit Stone, he can afford it. If Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise suddenly switch to Law Fragment, then he You can’t afford it even by selling iron.

“But this piece of Law Fragment that was gnawed by Dragon Tortoise, that means nothing can be absorbed, I can only find a way and sell it to others! By the way, how can I not expect, since Battle Soul Order. You can sell three hundred spirit veins, and the Law Fragment that can break through the Martial Emperor will only be more valuable!”

The more you think, the more possible, the more you think, the more excited.

Looking at this ghastly war spirit canyon. Ye Fei suddenly felt. This canyon is so kind and so charming. “That’s it. Dragon Tortoise. Xiaocao. From now on, we must have a small goal, which is to hit all the souls of this canyon. We would rather hit a hundred by mistake than let go of one! If we can Finished, we don’t eat Spirit Stone anymore, we just eat spirit vein!” Ye Fei said hesitantly

When I heard that I didn’t eat the Spirit Stone, I could eat the spirit vein directly. Xiaocao’s eyes widened suddenly, and he hugged Dragon Tortoise and rolled happily on the ground.

Dragon Tortoise burst into tears with excitement. It steals the spirit vein in the Ju Ling Pagoda. It has not been a day or two, and it is afraid of being discovered by Ye Fei. It’s good now, and finally you can just and honourable eat the spirit vein.

Dragon Tortoise was immediately more excited than Ye Fei and Xiaocao. Without a word, he took the grass and rushed into the distance like a strong wind. Not long after, a few more war spirits wandering in the canyon were startled and roared directly, killing Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise.

Then, Ye Fei sat cross-legged in front of these war souls who were beaten into dead dogs, easily refining the war souls, and obtained pieces of Law Fragment.

At the same time, these war souls refining by Ye Fei, not at all, really died, but just like those souls and bone demons, they re-entered that strange space and recovered extremely slowly.

Discovering this point, Ye Fei was completely relaxed, knowing that even if the battle spirits here are exhausted, the battle spirits will still appear in the future. If this is the case, then what is there to be afraid of! On the spot, Ye Fei rolled up his sleeves, started to take Dragon Tortoise and Xiaocao, and started a sweep of the Battle Soul Canyon. Only the three of them passed by, it was really barren, and the armor did not remain. Even if the battle spirit is hidden in a crack in the ground, Ye Fei can pull the battle spirit out of the crack on the spot by relying on Xiaocao’s special induction of Law Fragment, and he is half-dead on the spot.

Chapter 1773 Breakthrough Martial Emperor

The battle spirit space is not too small, but it is not too big. At most, it is equivalent to the scope of an empire, such a scope. For many mortals, it’s difficult to go out in their lifetime, but for a powerful martial artist like Ye Fei, it only took two days. He has already taken the entire battle spirit into the canyon.

Clean it up again.

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