“hmph, as expected, the movement of my breakthrough Martial Emperor was too great. These two tiger race Martial Emperors not only wanted to disturb my mind, but also wanted to prevent me from entering the Martial Emperor. It’s just a pity that you are late. I lack everything. The last thing I lack is Law Fragment! Martial Dao barrier, give me a breakthrough!”

I didn’t care about the Martial Emperor of the tiger race who was killed from the City of Souls, refining After finishing the ninth Law Fragment, Ye Fei quickly took out the tenth Law Fragment and frantically refining.

hong long long! With Ye Fei’s refining, a more violent divine light broke out from the nine scorching sun-like domains. If Ye Fei only lights up the domain at the beginning, then when he is refining the tenth Law Fragment, he It is no longer to light up the realm, but to completely let the nine realms burn up like stars. Many martial artists in Battle Soul City don’t need to get close, just lift their eyes, and they can see the sky above the Battle Soul Canyon, the already fiery nine realms, instantly turning into nine incomparable realm stars, with howling stars. Yu Shenguang, crashed, fell on Ye Fei’s body, and rushed to Ye Fei

within the body, the invisible Martial Dao barrier that existed in the dark.

“no! Damn it, stop him soon” The tiger clan boss’s angry eyes burst.

“Trifling Human Race, who gave you the courage to breakthrough Martial Emperor. What qualifications do you have, breakthrough Martial Emperor!” The tiger eye of the tiger cock also flashed with amazing murderous intention.

The two Martial Emperors of the tiger race are still a step late.

When they rushed to Ye Fei’s retreat, those nine domains had already formed dazzling divine light stars, merged into Ye Fei within the body, and began to impact the Martial Dao barrier. This also immediately plunged them into incomparable anger.

“The tiger roars the mountains and rivers!” The two Martial Emperors roared at the same time, displaying the strongest Taikoo Tiangong, the huge tiger palms, forming two huge peaks, breaking the mountains and rivers, shaking the wastes. The mighty emperor’s prestige envelops the entire battle spirit canyon. I don’t know how many evil spirits and bone demons, under this terrifying matchless emperor, are broken to pieces and disappeared.

This is the terrifying of the Martial Emperor powerhouse. If it is not a Martial Emperor, it is simply incomprehensible. The power and horror of the Martial Emperor’s control over the mountains and rivers and covering the Exterminating Heaven and Earth.

The imperial prestige under the anger of the two tiger Martial Emperors alone caused many martial artists who released the divine sense. The divine sense was hit hard and the holding head screamed.

“Oh my God, the Tiger Martial Emperor is too powerful, they are really angry!”

“It’s over, Ye Fei is completely over, even if he is a peerless evildoer, face For the two Martial Emperors, I am afraid that he will be killed by the Martial Emperor before he can save the calamity!”

“Look, Ye Fei moved, my God, he directly inspired the Martial Emperor! Jie, he is crazy!”

Top of the mountains.

Faced the full strength attack of the two tiger race Martial Emperors. Ye Fei didn’t make a move, but fiercely borrowed the divine force generated by the domain. Resolutely, he broke through the invisible Martial Dao barrier within the body and instantly stepped into the realm of the Martial Emperor.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth shook, and the entire Battle Soul Canyon was shaken.

At the end of the void, Heavenly Dao feels it, and at this moment, opened a mysterious eye, that is the eye of Heavenly Dao!

Only the martial artist breakthrough Martial Emperor can attract Heavenly Dao’s gaze, and when he sees Dujie, it is Ye Fei, the abandoned man. Even though Heavenly Dao is ruthless, all the martial artists present seemed to be able to feel the implied extreme anger in Heavenly Dao’s roar. ,

After that, there was an endless sea of ​​thunder, which instantly covered the entire sky and land. Except for the battle spirit city, a layer of Martial God bans suddenly broke out, protecting the battle spirit city from Heavenly Tribulation. , The entire outside of Battle Soul City has become a sea of ​​thunderbolt. In this ocean, the primordial powers of the two Martial Emperors of the tiger clan seemed so insignificant that they had only time to set off a 1000-meter-high Thunderbolt wave, and then they saw their scalp numb. What gradually condenses in the vortex of the Eye of Heavenly Tribulation, it is not the perennial thunderbolt light

pillar of the Martial Emperor, but clearly the incomparable gigantic thunderbolt mountain!

The tiger clan boss looked at the spot with bloodshot eyes, “Thunderbolt Mountain is actually Thunderbolt Mountain! How much sin did this kid do to attract such a terrifying Martial Emperor robbery!”

“Big brother, kill him quickly, must kill him! Otherwise we will all be in danger!” The second tiger clan saw the slowly condensing Thunderbolt mountain, even if it was the Martial Emperor, he was scared The legs and feet are soft, it is the formidable power of Ye Fei’s Martial Emperor that is too exaggerated.

For other Martial Emperors, the condensed thunder and lightning beams are at most the thickness of the water tank, and the condensed beams at the end of the void are no longer called the thunderbolt beams. They are clearly a terrifying mountain composed of infinite thunderbolts. !

And such a terrifying Heavenly Tribulation, generally only Martial God, can encounter it again during the tribulation. When you see the eye of Heavenly Tribulation, which slowly condenses but locks itself firmly, Ye Fei’s mouth also began to bitter, and there was an urge to point and curse.

“Damn Heavenly Dao, even if I am a man who is abandoned by the sky, you don’t have to make such a terrifying Heavenly Tribulation, right? It’s not a disaster, it’s clearly killing me. Ah!”

Ye Fei’s face was full of anger, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. Even if the two Martial Emperors of the tiger race chased him down, even Heavenly Dao had to deliberately punish him and bring down such terrifying Heavenly Tribulation.


Ye Fei’s heart was stunned, and he didn’t even bother to care about the Heavenly Tribulation’s slowly condensed mountain of thunderbolt, just riding the wind and waves against the endless sea of ​​thunder , Madly killed Xianghu boss.

“Boy, I think you are courting death!” The tiger boss was furious. He was Martial Emperor powerhouse. Although he shocked Ye Fei Heavenly Tribulation, he still chose to rush forward immediately. Fight with Ye Fei.


Seeing the boss’s hands, the tiger clan’s second child also roared and became a gorgeous tiger again. Obviously, compared to letting Ye Fei be hacked to death by Heavenly Tribulation, They are more willing to enjoy the feeling of tearing Ye Fei with their hands.

“hmph, who is courting death, it is still two to say! Receive my move, Octopus Dragon! Kill!” Ye Fei did not care about the tiger cock’s attack, but directly burned the bloodline god armor. Rushed directly to the tiger clan boss.

“Tiger Roar!” The tiger clan boss has a solemn face. He has seen the power of Ye Fei Octopus Heavenly Dragon. He immediately exploded with all his power, and even burned his own Martial Emperor blood essence to hit the best The strong blow, the howling true essence, is at this moment, it condenses into an incomparable gigantic god of heaven and earth, shattering the sky and also the earth. It is really broken mountains and rivers, destroying heaven extinguishing earth.

Chapter 1775 Heavenly Might is out of the world

“The tiger fights the eight wilderness!”

It was another roar. From the mouth of the second child of the tiger clan, he waved a huge tiger palm to control the universe, and even more attracted the power of heaven and earth.

The infinite sea of ​​thunder is completely tossing up at this moment, forming countless thunderbolt waves, and then these waves become golden lightning swords, which are controlled by the tiger clan’s second child, whistling, from All directions, killing Ye Fei, even more instantly, smashed Ye Fei’s bloodline armor.

However, the bloodline god armor resisted the attack of the tiger clan’s second child before it was broken. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Fei successfully rushed to the tiger clan’s boss.

The Octo-Pole Heavenly Dragon, instantly shot out, forming eight different hexagrams, like eight dazzling worlds, suppressing time and space, and also shattering the tiger clan’s boss.

“How is it possible that you can control the five types of Primordial Art at the same time!” The tiger clan boss showed horror. He had already overestimated Ye Fei, but when Ye Fei really displayed eight When the Extreme Sky Dragon, this person still had a great fear in his heart.

It is indeed Ye Fei stepping into the Martial Emperor Realm. The Octopus Heavenly Dragon has become even more terrifying. The formidable power has changed from being able to control only four Taikoo Tiangong to five Taikoo Tiangong.

hong long long! With the attack of the Octopus Heavenly Dragon, Heavenly Sage Magic Skill, Asura Divine Fist, Dragon Town Nine Heavens, Tianding Town God, and Taiji Sword Dao that Ye Fei understood, they all shot out at the same time. Although the tiger clan boss desperately resisted, the huge tiger body was also beaten to blood and blood, and he couldn’t help sending out a miserable horror

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